Land of Long White Clouds,Land of Long White Clouds,National Capital:Wellington 惠灵顿,National Day:February 6th,On Feb 6th,1840,the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by Maori people and British settlers.,National Flag of New Zealand,National Flag of Australia,Silver Fern 银蕨,Kiwi几维鸟,God Defend New Zealand,Maori VersionE Ihowa Atua,(Ihoa)O ng iwi mtou r,ta whakarongona;Me aroha noa.Kia hua ko te pai;Kia tau t atawhai;Manaakitia mai Aotearoa.,English VersionGod of Nations,at thy feet.In the bonds of love we meet.Hear our voices,we entreat,God Defend our free land.Guard Pacifics triple star,From the shafts of strife and war.Make her praises heard afar,God defend New Zealand.,New Zealand,The First Country to Get a New Day in the World,Topography,Three fourth of New Zealand is more than 200 meters above sea level.,Volcanic Mountains in North Islands,Dormant Volcano,Active Volcano,Geothermal Resources,Rivers in New Zealand are not very long but they run swiftly.,The Longest River in NZThe Waikato River 怀卡托河,The Largest Lake Lake Taupo 陶波湖,Potential Natural Disasters,Volcano,Earthquake,Major Cities in New Zealand,Auckland 奥克兰Wellington 惠灵顿Christchurch 基督城Dunedin 达尼丁Hamilton 汉密尔顿,The Worlds Biggest Farm,Helen Clark,leader of the Labor Party,came into office in 1999.,New Zealand is the first country in the world to give women the right to vote.(1893),History of New Zealand,There are two histories in New Zealand.The Maori HistoryThe European History,毛利文化村,罗托鲁瓦市中心附近,有名叫奥希内穆图的毛利村,内有毛利人的会议厅,柱子上雕有记述阿拉瓦部族历史的精美图案。1963年市西南角的娃卡丽娃丽娃毛利寨辟为公园,内有会议厅、住房和贮藏室等早期建筑。早期毛利人的住房,用蒲草和棕榈树枝搭成,简陋低矮,不能直腰。.,Maori Creation Story,Tools and Weapons,Clothes,HangiMaori Traditional Cooking,Tattoo,Tattoo,Hongi碰鼻礼,Marae Meeting Place,Maori peoples demonstration in Wellington,奥克兰,奥克兰位于新西兰北岛,依海而建,景色优美,是新西兰第一大城市,人口约11万。奥克兰四周被海洋和火山环抱,有美丽的港湾和壮观的大桥,这里吸引了世界各国的帆船爱好者,奥克兰是全世界拥有私人船只比率最高的城市,有“帆船之都”的美誉(每年1月的帆船竞赛场面十.,