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    Revision of Lesson 1-36,英语国际音标表(48个),辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/轻辅音/h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/r/dz/d/dr/鼻音/m/n/半元音/j/w/边音/,1)一般情况加 s:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars 清辅音后读/s/浊辅音和元音后读/z/2)以s,sh,ch,x结尾加 es,读/iz/bus-buses watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y 为i再加es,读/z/baby-babies city-cities country-countries,4)以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时,去f,fe 加vesknife-knivesleaf-leaveswolf-wolves wife-wiveslife-livesthief-thieves;5)以o结尾的名词,变复数时,a.加s,如zoos,photo-photos piano-pianos b.加es,如potatoes tomatoes2、名词复数的不规则变化1)child-childrenfoot-feettooth-teeth mouse-miceman-menwoman-women,2)单复同形如deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese,li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin等。但除人民币的元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar,two dollars;a meter,two meters。3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman,a head of cattle.,提问方式1.Where are you from?2.Whats your nationality?3.Where do you come from?(补充),主要国家国籍对应,国家,用法,人称代词汇总表格,一、不定冠词a(用于辅音为首的单词前)和an(用于元音为首的单词前)二、定冠词 the三、零冠词用法汇总C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面冠词.ppt,现在时的三种形式am is aream用于第一人称I之后is 用于单数名词后are用于复数名词后,课堂上学过的重点介词oninof(表示物的所属)with(和,用某种工具,以某种方式)over,near,behind,in front of,in the front of,after,for,etc一些重要的方位,在中间in the middle of在左边,on the left,在右边,on the right,L3-4,这是您的伞和大衣Heres your umbrella and your coat.这把伞是您的吗?Is this your umbrella?是的,它是!Yes,it is.不,不是!No,it isnt.,L7-8,你是法国人吗?Are you French?你是哪国人?What nationality are you?我是意大利人。Im Italian.你是做什么工作的?Whats your job?罗伯特:我是工程师。Im an engineer.,Whats your job?Im a teacher engineer keyboard operator policemanPolicewoman taxi driver air hostess postman nurse mechanic hairdresser housewife milkman,L 11-12,那是谁的衬衫?Whose shirt is this?这件衬衫是蒂姆的吗?Is this shirt Tims?,名词所有格:名词所有格与名词有关(与所有格形容词和所有格代词有关),名词+s:表示的,如:Tims、Jones、bosss。名词所有格有两种属性:形容词性、名词性This is Tims shirt.(形容词性)This shirt is Tims.(名词性)三种不同形式的名词所有格:1.在名词词尾+s Tims my brothers2.以s结尾的复数+Jones 3.特殊名词复数+s mens womens childrens,L 13-14,你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?What colours your new dress?到楼上来看看吧。Come upstairs and see it.是一样的颜色。Its the same colour.真是一顶可爱的帽子!Thats a lovely hat!,L 15-16,你们是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?你们的朋友也是游客吗?Are your friends tourists too?,Exercise:将下列句子变为复数形式,This is my pen.These are our pensWhat colour is this?What colour are these?Is this your case?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these your cases?Yes,they are./No,they are not.,L 17-18,那些姑娘很勤快。Those women are very hard-working.她们是做什么工作的?What are their jobs?她们是电脑录入员。Theyre keyboard operators.,人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前,宾格一般位于动词或介词之后。物主代词形容词性和名词性的区别:形容词性用时后面一般要带上名词,名词性则单独使用,后面不带名词。,Exercise:用所给词的正确形式填空,Please tell _ a story.(we)This is _ room(you)._ is next one.(she)Whats job?a nurse.(she)We like _ friends.(We)That is not kite.That kite is very small,but is very big.(I)Arethese_(you)pencils?Yes,theyare_(our).Is this watch?(you)No,its not(I)is my brother.name is Jack.(he)_ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_.(she)Are these tickets.No,are not.(they)Jane is a little girl._ mother is a nurse.My father and mother are teachers._ are busy.,L 19-20,怎么啦?Whats the matter?=whats wrong?瞧!有个卖冰淇淋的。Look!Theres an ice cream man你们现在好些了吗?Are you all right now?.,There be 句型there be 句型:表示某处有某物there is+可数名词的单数/不可数名词There is a pen.there are+可数名词的复数形式There are some students in the classroom.,地点状语 介词短语,物品,There be,Exercise:翻译以下句子,地上有一个盒子。书架上有一本书。房间里有一个电视机。电视机上有几本杂志。桌子上有几张报纸。There is a box on the floor.There is a book on the shelf.There is a television in the room.There are some magazines on the television.There is a table in the room.,L 21-24,请拿本书给我。Give me a book please.请拿给我几只玻璃杯.Give me some glasses please.,动词的双宾语:buy me a book=buy a book for meGive me a book.=Give a book to me.双宾语中通常物是直接宾语,人是间接宾语,L 25-26,厨房里有个电冰箱。There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.它位于房间右侧。It is on the right.房间的中央有张桌子。There is a table in the middle of the room.桌子上有个瓶子。There is a bottle on the table.,常见方位介词:in:在里面,物体里面on:在上面,接触物体表面over:越过,垂直上方,不接触表面under 在 下面near:在附近between:在两者之间in front of 在前面behind 在后面in the middle of在中间beside 在旁边on the right 在右边on the left 在左边,L 27-28,客厅里有台立体声音响。There is a stereo in the room.音响靠近门。The stereo is near the door.音响上面有几本书。There are some books on the stereo.客厅里有几幅画。There are some pictures in the room.画挂在墙上。The pictures are on the wall.,some和any的用法(1)some通常用于肯定句中。There is some water in the glass.There are some cigarettes in the box.(2)any 通常用在否定句中,或者的疑问句中。There are not any spoons in the cupboard.Are there any spoons in the cupboard?但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。Would you like some coffee?,Exercise:Fill the blanks with some or any:,1)Ann has_ candies.2)Bill doesnt have_ money.3)Would you like _ bread?.4)There is_ milk in the fridge.5)There isnt_ beer.,L 29-30,这卧室太不整洁了。The bedrooms very untidy.我应该做些什么呢?What must I do?打开窗子,给房间通通风。open the window and air the room把这些衣服放进衣橱里去 put the clothes in the wardrobe把床整理一下 make the bed扫扫地 sweep the floor.,祈使句 祈使句是用来表示命令,请求或建议等意义的句子。祈使句的主语you通常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末用惊叹号,朗读时一般用降调。Come here,please.请来这里。Please open the window.请打开窗子。,Exercise:Translate the following sentences.,来这里!请坐!给我一本书!到楼上来看看吧!咱们一起玩吧!请不要迟到.回答这个问题.,Come here!Sit down!Give me a book!Come upstairs and see it!Let s play!Dont be late!Answer this question!,L 31-32,她在干什么?她正在树荫下坐着。他正在爬树.它在追一只猫。what is she doing?she is sitting under the tree.he is climbing the tree.its running after a cat.,现在进行时:1、概念 此时引刻 表示现在正在进行或者发生的动作或事情 I am reading an English book.We are having English class now.现阶段 表示现阶段正在进行或发生,但说话的此刻动作不一定进行 I am writing a book.我最近正在写一本书。He is waiting for the visa.他最近正在等签证。接近的未来 表示即将发生的动作瞬间动词:go、come、return、move、die、leave He is dying.他奄奄一息,快要不行了。I am leaving.我要走了。Coming.=Im coming.有人敲门时,屋内的人常回应Im coming,意思是马上去开门,请稍等。,2、结构:be doing以work为例I am working.I am not working.Are you working?Yes,I am.No,Im not.3、动词变化:直接在动词后+ing.read reading 以“e”结尾的动词去“e”+ing.make making 以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写该辅音字母+ing.shut shutting run running,L 33-34,今天天气很好。天空有很多云。琼斯先生和他的家人在一起。他们正在过桥。Tim正在看一架飞机。Its a fine day today.There are some clouds in the sky.Mr.Jones is with his family.They are waling over the bridge.Tim is looking at an aeroplane.,短语动词:短语动词通常是指后面常跟一个介词或副词短语的动词,即动词+介词或副词。最常见的短语动词是由英语中最短小和最简单的动词构成的,这些动词常与表示位置或方向的词组合,如along,down,in,off,on,out,over,under等。而且一个短语本身也可能有几种不同的意义。,turn on/off put on take offrun across run afterwalk along swim acrosscome out of go into,L 35-36,这是我们村庄的另一张照片。它靠近一条小河。我和我妻子正沿着河岸走着。一些孩子正从楼里出来。他们中有几个正走进公园。Here is another photograph of the village.It is on a river.My wife and I are waling along the banks of the river.Some children are coming out of the building.Some of them are going into the park.,1)Excuse me!用于你要打扰别人,或者要引起别人的注意,向陌生人提问,借东西,要从别人身边挤过,要中途离开2)Pardon?能再说一遍吗?用于听不清楚对方讲话3)Nice to meet you.(这里you是宾格)用于双方第一次见面打招呼。,4)What make is it?用于询问某物的牌子。5)询问别人的工作?Whats your job?What is sb?6)询问别人的身体状况?How are you?How is she/he/单数名词?How are they/复数名词?,回答通常用?Fine,thank you/thanks,and you?7)这是谁的?Whose sth.is this/that?Whose is this/that?所属关系:1.代词用“形容词物主代词+名词”构成2.人称用s 如,母亲的,就是mothers8)把东西给某人?Here you are.使用了倒装结构,9)问某物什么颜色?What colour is/are?10)向某人展示某物?Here it is.(单数)Here they are.(复数)11)您好。用于第一次见面是。How do you do?回答?相同,12)怎么啦?Whats the matter?Whats wrong?13)哪一?Which?14)There be 句型询问某物在哪里?Where is/are?,15)我应该做些什么?What must I do?现在进行时16)be(正确形式)doing就近原则Hes climbing the tree.1 2对划线部分提问。Whos climbing the tree?/Is he?whats he doing?,17)询问物体的数量?How many are there+(地点状语)?举例,教室里有几个学生?How many students are there in the classroom?,谢谢欣赏,


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