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    Lesson 4,The double life of Alfred Bloggs,manual adj.体力的 collar n.衣领sacrifice v.牺牲privilege n.好处dustman n.清洁工corporation n.公司overalls n.工作服shower n.淋浴secret n.秘密status n.地位simple adj.简单的curious adj.奇怪的,好奇的,奇妙的embarrassed adj.尴尬的worth adj.值得的,New Words,far more money 多许多钱 far=much 副词,起加强语气的作用例句:The book is far more interesting than that one.manualadj.体力的physicalmanual work:体力工作mental work:脑力工作,1.Thesedays,peoplewhodomanualworkoftenreceivefarmoremoneythanpeoplewhoworkinoffices.,refer to.as=regard.as 把.看作/称作为例句:I always refer to him as a bookworm.其他意思:提到、说起;The boss refers this year as the most satisfactory year.2)参考,查看,查阅;Refer to the dictionary.for the simple reason=for 引导原因状语从句for the reason that 比because 正式,because 多用在口语中,2.Peoplewhoworkinofficesarefrequentlyreferredtoaswhite-collar workers for the simple reason that they wear a collar and tie to go to work.,这里的such.that.结构中,such是主语,而that引导同位语从句来解释such的内涵。其实变形前的句子是这样的:Human nature is such that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.例句:His kindness is such that we will never forget him.变形后:Such is his kindness that we will never forget him.be willing to do sth=be ready to do sth 心甘情愿做某事例句:Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.,3.Such is human nature,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.,sacrifice v.牺牲,献出 例子:sacrifice ones life for the countrysacrifice timen.牺牲 例子:make many sacrificesprivilege n.好处=advantage 或特权(special right)例子:I have the privilege of meeting the queen.牺牲掉自己的好处:sacrifice ones advantage/privilege特许某人做某事:give sb.the privilege of doing sth.,give rise to:引起,导致=lead to例子:The bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crimes.延伸:get/take a rise out of someone(有意)招惹某人,故意激怒某人Eg:you can always get/take rise out of Tom by making jokes of his legs.in the case of 至于,对.而言in case of 假设,万一例句:Stealing is no shame in the case of him.In case of rain,they cannot go.,4.This can give rise to curious situations,as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.,too.to 太.以至于不能(含否定含义)例子:He is too young to dress himself.=He is so young that he cannot dress himeslf.embarrasse v.使.尴尬例子:His bad table manners embarrassed her.他的不雅的吃相使她很尴尬。embarrassed adj.尴尬的,5.When he got married,Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.,1)Dress“穿,打扮”强调动作。(1)例句:The boy is too young to dress himself.这孩子太小,不能自己穿衣服。(2)dress up意思是“化妆:He is going to dress up and pretend to be a king.他准备化妆成国王。(这里强调动作)(3)Be/get dressed in 意思是“穿着”。He was/got dressed in a white/a red coat.他穿着一件白色衣服/红色外套。(这里强调穿衣服的状态,后面可跟表示衣服颜色的名词或具体衣服的名词。),6.Every morning,he left home dressed in a smart black suit.,英语中表示“穿”的词语:2)Put on 穿,强调动作;其反义词组委put off或take off.例句:It is raining,you must put on a raincoat.3)、wear,穿着,带着,强调状态,可用于进行时态。例句:He is wearing glasses because his sight is weak 4)、Have on 意思是“穿着”,强调状态,但不能用于进行时。例句:He has a new coat on.他穿着一件新外套。5)、Be in 意思是“穿着(某种颜色的衣服)”,后面通常跟表示颜色的名词。例句:The lady who is in white is my English teacher.穿白色衣服的女士是我英语老师。,7.Before returning home at night,he took a shower and changed back into his suit.,原来的形式应该为:Before he reuturned home at night,he took a shower and changed back into his suit.注意:如果运用动名词形式,则逻辑主语必须相同例句:After getting home,he had a good rest.,half as much as half/a quarter/twice/three times+as.as.表示倍数-We got three times as many people as we expected.-This room is about three times as large as that one.是.的几倍:.as+形容词或副词原形+as.比.多几倍:.times+形容词或副词比较级+than例句:This road is four times longer than that one.=This road is five times as long as that one.worth adj.值得的例句:The stamp is not worth collecting.,8.He will be earning only half as much as he used to,but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.,manual work 体力劳动white-collar worker 白领human nature 人性be willing to do sth 心甘情愿做某事give rise to 引起too.to 太.而不能dress in 穿着change into 换上keep ones secret 替.保密from now on 从现在开始,Expressions,


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