第78讲,旅游翻译,2,Archimedes:Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.To all translation learners:Give me a place to sit and with a dictionary I will translate the whole world.,3,Warm-up:太平山顶,4,太平山顶,香港首屈一指的旅遊名胜,不仅拥有壮丽景致、满载购物和饮食乐趣,还具备多个独一无二的必遊景点,为您带来多元化的旅遊体验,让您悠然感受香港的生活文化。要登上太平山顶,乘搭世界上其中一个最古老及最负盛名的山顶缆车绝对是一趟难忘的体验!整条铁路以钢索拖行,列车依山坡斜斜从海拔28米攀升至396米(约1,300呎),乘客沿途可俯瞰维多利亚港景致。坐在车厢内,身子不由得向后倾,部分路段斜坡度介乎4至27度!高楼巨厦、茂密丛木看来好像都倒往一旁了,感觉实在奇妙!,尽情投入山顶体验:概览,5,The Peak,Hong Kongs most popular attraction is more than just stunning vistas or great shopping and dining.Its an amazing collection of unique must-visit attractions,providing you with a diverse fun-filled experience of Hong Kongs living culture.Getting to the Peak by the Peak Tram is an unforgettable experience.One of the worlds oldest and most famous funicular railways,the tram rises to 396 metres(about 1,300 feet)above sea level.It is so steep that the buildings you pass look like they are leaning a gradient of between 4 to 27 degrees!Whether you are going up or coming down,you will love this trip.,The Ultimate Peak Experience:Overview,6,1.1 旅游文本的功能:1.2 旅游文本的文体特点:,1.旅游文本的功能和文体特点,7,传递信息诱导行动,1.1 旅游文本的功能:,8,行文习惯不同英语:风格简约,结构严谨而不复杂,行文用字简洁明了,表达直观通俗,注重信息的准确性和语言的实用性。如书中231-232的例句。汉语:讲究四言八句,言辞华美,充满诗情画意。如书中233页的例6,7,8。,1.2 旅游文本的文体特点:,9,又如:黄鹤楼官网简介冲决巴山群峰,接纳潇湘云水,浩荡长江在三楚腹地与其最长支流汉水交汇,造就了武汉隔两江而三镇互峙的伟姿。这里地处江汉平原东缘,鄂东南丘陵余脉起伏于平野湖沼之间,龟蛇两山相夹,江上舟辑如织黄鹤楼天造地设于斯。黄鹤楼是古典与现代熔铸、诗化与美意构筑的精品。她处在山川灵气动荡吐钠的交点,正好映和中华民族喜好登高的民风民俗、亲近自然的空间意识、崇尚宇宙的哲学观念。登黄鹤楼,不仅仅获得愉快,更能使心灵与宇宙意象互渗互融,从而使心灵净化。这大约就是黄鹤楼美的魅力经风雨而不衰,与日月共长存原因之所在,1.2 旅游文本的文体特点:,10,文化渊源不一英语:主客分离,强调模仿和再现,语言表达客观实在,景物刻画直观明了。汉语:情景相融,虚实相生,意境和谐,主客观合二为一。,1.2 旅游文本的文体特点:,11,例如:春望【唐】杜甫国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。春夜喜雨【唐】杜甫好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。夜径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。,1.2 旅游文本的文体特点:,12,1 Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace.Hunks of coral reef,coconut palms and fine white sand.,Examples,13,2 Rough,black rocks of lava just out of the water along parts of the coastline.In some places,cliffs rise almost straight from the waters edge.Along the gentle sloping land areas to the southeast are beaches of yellow,white and black sands.,Examples,14,3The youngest of the Rocky Mountains,the Teton Range is a spectacular sight.Enhanced by glaciers,deep canyons,snowfields,and lakes,the range shoots up suddenly,with no foothills around it.,Examples,15,4 The fanciful names at Arches National Park Fiery Furnace,Three Gossips,Marching Men,Dark Angel,etc.do justice to the otherworldly rock formations they denote.Towers,domes,balanced rocks,and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion,and the process continues,constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden.,Examples,16,5 Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders:geysers,hot springs,fumaroles,canyons,waterfalls,Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary.Protected here are bison,elk,bears,moose,mountain lions,eagles,trumpeter swans,and a host of other animals.The worlds first national park,Yellowstone covers more than two millions acres(810,000 hectares)and draws thousands of visitors a year.,Examples,17,6 On one of those sober and rather melancholy days,in the later part of Autumn,when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile;and,as I passed its threshold,seemed like steeping back into the regions of antiquity,and losing myself among the shades of former ages.,Examples,18,The fabulous vista has been further enhanced by the 2006 revitalisation of one of Hong Kongs most striking landmarks,the Peak Tower.The Peak Tower,with its iconic wok-like top,offers a dazzling array of shops and sure to make for many happy hours of great dining with a view experience,leisurely shopping and souvenir hunting.Even more than before,its a destination in its own right.,E-C Practice,19,山顶凌霄阁由著名英国建筑师特果法雷尔(Terry Farrel)设计,外形呈十分独特的碗形,是集观光、娱乐、购物于一身的香港必遊地点。其外貌广被全球数以百万计的明信片及照片取用。,Reference,20,Offering a stunning 360-degree panoramic view across Hong Kong,the Sky Terrace 428 standing at 428 metres above sea level,is a scenic spot that visitors could not miss.An added attraction on the terrace is The Sky Gallery,which showcases the works of the citys talented artists.,E-C Practice,21,莅临香港最高360度观景台凌霄阁摩天台428,尽是目不暇给的视觉体验,让您站于海拔428米的无敌观景台之上,在全港最优越的地理位置,饱览醉人都会景致,大有君临天下之感。另外,凌霄阁更设有凌霄展廊,巨型展板展出香港早期的珍贵照片,与市民重返昔日,体会香港百年变化。,Reference,22,2.1 理解原文实质2.2 弄清原文内涵2.3 发挥译语优势,2.旅游文本的翻译过程和策略,23,1这里三千座奇峰拔地而起,形态各异,有的似玉柱神鞭,立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透 神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺术创造,令人叹为观止。,2.1 理解原文实质,24,2对于久居在城市的人,放下经年循环往复 的工作,带上家人,或约三两好友,到百里千里之外的地方走走看看,总是最有吸 引力的选择。况且,又逢秋高气爽的季节,每年国庆长假让人心驰神往的,就是去外地,游山水。不过在这样的旅游旺季 出门难免会碰到诸如车票、机票难买、住 宿紧张或票价上涨、热门景点人山人海等 问题,让你有遭遇“人灾”的烦恼。所以,选定方向和地点,提前做好各种准备,是保证出游好心情的关键。,2.1 理解原文实质,25,1 ThehubofpubliclifeisthePiazzaSanMarco(St.Marks Square)where tourists and citizens sit ontheterracesofthefamous Florian and Quadri cafes to listen tothemusic,dream and seethemosaicsofSt.Marks glow undertheraysofthesetting sun.TheQuadriismore popular buttheFlorianisthebest-known cafe:founded in 1720,it has received Byron,Goeth,Musset and Wagner within its mirrored and allegory-painted walls.,2.2 弄清原文内涵,26,2 Ontheroadleading fromcentralEurope totheAdriatic coast lies a small Slovenian town of Postojna.Its subterranean world holds some of Europes most magnificent underground galleries.Time loses all meanings intheformation of these underground wonders.Drip stones,stalactites,in different shapes columns,pillars and translucent curtains,conjure up unforgettable images.,2.2 弄清原文内涵,27,1 The youngestoftheRockyMountains,theTetonRangeis a spectacular sight Enhanced by glaciers,deep canyons,snowfields,and lakesTherangeshoots up suddenly,with no foothills around itGrandTetonNational Park,National Geographic,2.3 发挥译语优势,28,2 峨嵋山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156公里,走高速公路需1.5小时。主峰金顶绝壁凌空高插云霄,巍然屹立。登临其间,可西眺皑皑雪峰,东瞰莽莽平川,气势雄而景观奇,有云海、日出、佛光、圣灯四大奇观。中部群山峰峦叠嶂,含烟凝翠,飞瀑流泉,鸟语花香,草木茂而风光秀。它是我国著名的游览胜地,1996年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然与文化遗产”。,2.3 发挥译语优势,29,3 Afascinatingcitybetweenseaandsky,like Venusrising from the waves,Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her waterandpellucid light,free from all dustandcooled by theseabreeze.She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of Eastandwest.,2.3 发挥译语优势,30,Washington Monument travel guide Pay attention to the features of English tourist texts.,Watch a video:,31,1.修辞性增译2.注释性增译3.修辞性省译4.选词用字5.结构拆译与组合6.篇章整合与改写,3.常用翻译技巧,32,1 Towers,domes,balanced rocks,and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion,and the process continues,constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden.,1.修辞性增译,33,2 The narrow streets,with their historic names,are paved with flagstones but have no footpaths.They are lined with flower decked balconies,Madonnas,shop signs and lanterns.Artisans stalls and palaces stand side by side.,1.修辞性增译,34,三亚地处中国海南岛的南端,因地处偏远交通不便,成了“天涯海角”的具体象征,成为人们心中向往的圣地。古人在三亚西南一处海滨的两块相邻的雄伟巨石上题刻了“天涯”与“海角”几个字,并发展成为今天闻名海内外的面积达16.4平方公里的“天涯海角风景区”。,2.注释性增译,35,1 巫峡两岸,群山相拥,云遮雾绕,奇峰异岭隐没其间,宛如仙境。景色最妙处要数巫山十二峰,而尤以神女峰独具神韵。巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊,美不胜收。,3.修辞性省译,36,2黄鹤楼简介冲决巴山群峰,接纳潇湘云水,浩荡长江在三楚腹地与其最长支流汉水交汇,造就了武汉隔两江而三镇互峙的伟姿。这里地处江汉平原东缘,鄂东南丘陵余脉起伏于平野湖沼之间,龟蛇两山相夹,江上舟辑如织,黄鹤楼天造地设于斯。,3.修辞性省译,37,1 Whichever way you choose to visit Zhengzhou,you will reach here quickly and enjoy a comfortable stay,because Zhengzhou has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes,4.选词用字,38,2 Austria is wedged between seven other countries.Liechtenstein,Switzerland,and the federal Republic Germany are to the west.Czechoslovakia is to the north.Hungary is to the east.To the south are Italy and Yugoslavia.Question:How to introduce the location of China?,4.选词用字,39,1 Although the state(Hawaii)is located in the tropical zone,its climate is comfortable because of the ocean currents that pass its shores and winds that blow across the land from the northeast.The temperature usually remains close to the annual average of 24 degrees Centigrade.,5.结构拆译与组合,40,2 洞庭湖“衔远山,吞长江,浩浩荡荡,横无际涯。朝晖夕阴,气象万千。”,5.结构拆译与组合,41,迪庆藏族自治州位于云南省西北部滇、川、藏三省区交界处,这里有冰山雪川、江河峡谷、湖泊草甸,美丽而宁静。州内以藏族居民为主,还居住着傈僳族、纳西族等20多个民族,长期以来,这里各民族和谐相处,创造了独特而灿烂的文化山川秀美、民风淳朴、历史悠久、文化丰富,与詹姆斯希尔顿笔下的香格里拉极其相似。,6.篇章整合与改写,42,Practice:C-E,43,迪士尼主题乐园家喻户晓的快乐体验迪士尼主题乐园带您进入梦幻的国度,和摰亲好友一起共度欢乐时光。华特迪士尼是华特迪士尼公司的创办人,他有一个宏大的梦想,就是打破一般主题乐园的界限,全力打造一个可以给人们带来崭新刺激的主题乐园:“这个构思在我两个女儿很小的时候便已在我的脑海浮现,那时候每个星期六都是我们父女单独相处的日子,我会带她们去玩旋转木马,到不同的地方游玩。看着她们在旋转木马上快乐的样子,我觉得应该要兴建一个场所,让父母和小孩都能同乐,这个想法发展到最后,便成为您们今时今日所看到的迪士尼乐园。其实一切都只是源自一个爸爸异想天开的想法:我还可以带两个女儿去哪里游玩,而我自己也可以乐在其中呢?”,迪士尼主题乐园,44,迪士尼主题乐园因此而诞生,时至今日已将近60年,为无数人带来天真的欢笑和共同的难忘回忆。香港迪士尼乐园既继承了迪士尼的传统,也设计了不少独特创新的景点,包括让来自世界各地的奇珍异品在宾客眼前活灵活现的神秘博物馆“迷离庄园”以及“幻想世界”、“反斗奇兵大本营”等主题园区,让宾客体验前所未有的奇妙乐趣!香港迪士尼乐园度假区活现了华特迪士尼公司的传统,为不同年龄的宾客呈现多元的文化和独特的迪士尼体验,呈献一个有别於世界上各个遊乐设施的主题公园,并秉承华特的理念,创造一个“成人和小朋友都能畅快共聚的家庭乐园”!迪士尼的快乐体验就在这里等着您!,迪士尼主题乐园,45,The Disney Theme Park A Tradition of Fun for EveryoneDiscover a magical place where families and friends of all ages are invited to have fun together.Walt Disney,the founder of the Walt Disney Company,had a dream about something much more exciting than a standard amusement park:“It came about when my daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddys day.So Id take them to the merry-go-round and different places and as Id sit while they rode the merry-go-round,I felt that there should be something built where parents and children could have fun together.And eventually it evolved into what you see today at Disneyland.But it all started from a daddy with 2 daughters wondering where he could take them where he could have a little fun with them,too.”,The Disney Theme Park,46,And so,the Disney theme parks were born nearly 60 years ago,evoking happiness,innocence and the sharing of memory-making experiences.And Hong Kong Disneyland Resort continues the tradition in new and unique ways,through immersive attractions likeMystic Manorwhere exotic museum artifacts spring to life before your eyesand themed areas like Fantasyland and Toy Story Land,providing a world of experiences unlike anything else in the world.The heritage of the Walt Disney Company is alive and vital at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.Different than any other Disney property on the planet,Hong Kong Disneyland Resort prides itself on offering a diverse and culturally distinctive Disney experience for Guests of every age.And it all started with Walts idea,creating“a family park where parents and children could have fun together.”The fun for everyone is waiting for you now!,The Disney Theme Park,47,P261 练习二:庐山,Homework,