托业桥听力答题技巧,By Wendy,Part 1 图片题,1.1 确定图片所指内容。当拿到题目后,迅速确定图片中的重要因素,即图片指人、指物或指场景。,1.1如果指人,则围绕以下几方面进行思考,a)What are the people doing?b)Where are they?c)Who are they?d)What distinguishes them?(such as a hat,a tie,a pair of glasses,etc.)e)What do the peoples expressions tell you?(Do they look happy?Upset?,1.1如果是指物,则要围绕以下几方面进行思考,a)What is it?b)What is it made of?c)What-if anything-is it doing/d)Where is it?,1.1如果是指场所,则要注意以下几方面,a)What is in the foreground(the front of the pictures)?b)What-if anything-is happening?c)What is in the background?,Part 1 图片题,1.2 区别单词的读音。在图片题中,出题者喜欢考查考生区别单词的读音,因为有一些单词有着相似的发音,如:food 和foot;pile 和file;car 和card 等。,Example A.All of the men are drinking from cups.B.The three men are wearing caps.,这里cups 与caps 的读音相似,考生要特别注意结合图片所描述的场景、人物进行确定。,Part 1 图片题,1.3 区别语义。语义问题是最常考的题型,考生要特别注意根据图片,对比录音材料。如:图片中显示一个人在病床上吃东西,但有些错误选项读成:Hes eating at a restaurant(他在餐厅吃东西。)再如,图片中显示一辆小汽车停在樊篱外,但有些错误选项读成:The car is in front of the fence.(小汽车在樊篱前。),Part 1 图片题,1.4 不用过快做出选项。图片题中有A B C D 四个选项,但没有题本(script)。这样,在听的时候,切忌听到类似正确B 时就匆匆涂题。做题时,考生一定要听完四个选项后才能做出选择,否则,考生很容易失分。,如场景一:通告栏上有些通知A.The letter is in his hands.B.Hes sawing a board.C.Hes marking an announcement.D.Some notices are on the board.,当然,如果你基本确定答案是B 时,你可以将铅笔停在“B”上。,Part 2问题与回答答题技巧,2.1 确定问题的种类。英语存在着信息问题(information question)、Yes 和No 问题(Yes and no questions)和选择问题(alternative question)等。不同种类的问题其回答的方法不同。,信息问题主要指5w 和1h,但要注意题目的侧重点。考生要根据题目的侧重点进行回答。,Sample 1:What color is your new car?A.I bought a sports carB.New cars are expensiveC.Its bright blue.根据题意的侧重点“颜色”(color),所以应选择“C”。,color,Sample 2:Tell me,whats in that suitcase?A.No,its my handbag.B.Because Im traveling.C.Just a few clothes.同样,答案应选择“C”。,对于Yes 和No 问题(主要指一般疑问题),则需有Yes 或No出现,Sample 1:Do you play golf?A.Yes,when I get a chanceB.I dont think I know himC.No,Im busy then.,对于Yes 和No 问题(主要指一般疑问题),则需有Yes 或No出现,Sample2:Did you finish that project?A.It was a difficult one.B.Yes,finally,a week ago.C.No,theres only one.,对于选择问题(alternative question)则需要做出一种选择,Sample 3:Are they buying a car or van?A.It depends on the cost.B.Yes,they like the new model.C.No,the engine is broken.另外,还有一些其他类型的问题,如反意疑问句和混合疑问句也要格外小心。,Part 2问题与回答答题技巧,2.2 注意时态。这类型较难,学生要认真听问题中的时态,确定应用哪种时态回答。如:How long did you spend in Lisbon?A.Ill be there for four days.B.I stayed for one day.C.I will go there.,How long,Part 3简短对话或简短讲话,这部分听力题是考生常遇到的题目,它与前面的图片题和问题与回答题相比,信息量较大,篇幅也较长。做此类题目,要注重区别不同种类问题。,3.1 全局问题,这类题目要求学生要从整体上理解对话。如:a)Where is the man/women?b)What is the mans job?c)What is going to happen?,3.2 细节问题,这类题需要注重对话中的细节,如数字、时间等如:a)How many employees will be transferred?b)When will the man leave the company?c)When will the woman meet a client?,3.3 推断题。,这类题没有直接的答案,而需要进行推测。a)What was the man/women imply?b)What is the man/women saying about?c)What can be said about?d)What is known about?e)What can be inferred youre from the conversation?,