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    Realism in the 19th century,Realism,A movement in art and literature;It developed in Europe and the US;In the second half of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century;It centered集中 in the novel;It emphasizes fidelity 忠实 to reality and actual experience实际经验.,It aims at a truthful representation陈述 of human behavior and surroundings or figures and objects客观事物 exactly as they act or appear in life.Attempts at realism have been made several times throughout history in all the arts,but the term词汇 is generally restricted限定约束 to a movement that began in the mid-19th century,in reaction to the highly subjective主观 approach of Romanticism.,It was in opposition to Romanticisms emphasis on feelings and imaginations,which was believed as an escape from reality by the writers of Realism.The world reflected in Romantic writers works was false错误的 and the romantic works were considered too sentimental伤感的感情脆弱的 by the realists.,It began in France in the novels of Flaubert and the short stories of Maupassant.Central to the idea核心思想 of Realism is the belief that literature is the mirror镜子 of real life.Writers of Realism use everyday scenes and occurences as their subject主题.Method:observational and objective representation,The realists regard characterization 人物塑造 rather than the plot 情节 the center of the novel.The realists have more interest in social problems and tend to talk about ethical 伦理 issues.Its language is usually simple,clear and direct.Its tone is usually comic and sometimes satirical讽刺性的.,The realists concentrate on middle-class life and preoccupations 想法,avoiding larger,more dramatic issues.For the realists,it is important to reflect the world as it is from the personal experience of it.,Representative figures,FranceStendhal Balzac巴尔扎克Flaubert Zola左拉 MaupassantEnglandDickens 狄更斯-George Eliot-the Bronte sistersThackeray-Thomas HardyRussiaAnton Chekhov-TurgenevDostoyevsky-TolstoyNorthern EuropeHenry Ibsen,natualism,French Literature,Stendhal,one of the leading Realist French novelists of the 1800sMajor works:The Red and the Black(1830)红与黑The Charterhouse of Parma(1839)巴马修道院,Charateristics of his works,He has an acute 敏锐的 analysis of the characters psychology心理.His use of character analysis marks him as one of the first realists in 19th-century literatureHis works are also noted for the use of irony讽刺反语,ambiguity模棱两可模糊,and narrative complexity复杂的.His narrative point of view restricts限制 the readers vision to that of the characters,so it gives readers an objective picture from the characters perspective透视图.,For example,Fabrice del Dongo in La chartreuse de Parme goes to the battle of Waterloo,but both he and the reader are uncertain afterward后来以后 if he has witnessed it.This ambiguity is a kind of psychological心里上的 realism.Similarly,Stendhals heroes and heroines cannot be completely known,either by the reader or by themselves.The narrator 叙述者 constantly不断的 undercuts 削弱 the readers assumptions假想 about the characters with irony,indicating表明 sometimes how naive天真 or mistaken the characters are,while sometimes expressing surprise at what they do or say.,Honor de Balzac(1799-1850),a French novelist and playwright The Human Comedy(1842-1848)人间喜剧 Le Pre Goriot(Father Goriot or Old Goriot)1835 高老头,Characteristics of his writings,Balzac achieved sublime令人崇敬的 realism in his novels through his attention to details and his intensely强烈的紧张的 portrayed描绘 characters.Balzac extensively uses detail,especially the detail of objects,to illustrate阐明 the lives of his characters.,“The author firmly坚决的 believes that details alone will henceforth determine the merit价值 of works.”自此以后,characterization,His characters are multi多-faceted有小面的;even his lesser较小的 characters are complex,morally ambiguous and fully human.He sought to present his characters as real people,neither fully good nor fully evil,but fully human.The characters represent a particular range范围幅度 of social types.Objects are also imbued 充满 with character;Paris,a setting for much of his writing,takes on many human qualities.,The Human Comedy,It is inspired by Dantes The Divine Comedy.It is a set of about 90 works that explore the influence of society on the individual.It is a book left unfinished at the time of his death.His goal was to depict描绘 the human species in France with its many character types and associated关联 behaviors.It gave a comprehensive广泛的综合的 view of the French society of his time,and nearly all social classes have been depicted.,Gustave Flaubert福楼拜(1821-1880),Often called the first French realist Considered by many to be the father of realistic fictionMasterpiece:Madame Bovary(1857)包法利夫人,Characteristics of his works,His works influenced the development of the modern novel,most notably显著的 in theirdetailed,objective observation of everyday lifetheir concern for form,He attempts to hide all traces of the author.The exact thoughts of a character are reported by an objective narrator,who makes no comment on the character at all,revolutionized改革 modern fiction.He was a perfectionist完美主义者至善主义者 about his writing and was always searching for the right word.,Madame Bovary,Charles Bovary is a kindhearted doctor without much ability or ambition野心报复.He meets one of his clients顾客委托人 daughter,Emma艾玛,a beautiful,daintily-dressed讲究的 young woman who has received a good education and has a powerful yearning渴望 for luxury奢侈 and romance that she learnt from the popular novels.Charles is immediately attracted to her.When his wife dies,they are married.Charles means well,but is boring and clumsy笨拙的,and Emma grows disillusioned 幻想破灭的with married life.Charles decides that she needs a change of scenery,and moves from the village into a market town.,Emma gives birth to a daughter,however,motherhood proves disappointing.She then develops an affair with a young law student,Lon,who is considered by her the finer things in life.Out of fear and shame,however,Emma hides her love for Lon and her contempt轻蔑 for Charles,and plays the role of the devoted wife and mother,all the while consoling安慰 herself with thoughts and self-congratulations of her own virtue美德.Finally,in despair绝望 of ever gaining Emmas affection,Lon departs 离开to study in Paris.,A three-year affair between Emma and a landowner follows.Full of romantic fantasy幻想,Emma insists on eloping 私奔 with him.The man,however,has no such intention and ends the relationship.The shock is so great that Emma falls deathly ill,and briefly turns to religion.,When Emma is nearly fully recovered,she and Charles attend the opera,which reawakens重新唤起 Emmas passions,and she meets Lon again.They begin an affair.While Charles believes that she is taking piano lessons,Emma travels to the city each week to meet Lon,always in the same room of the same hotel,which they call it their home.Later,Lon grows bored with Emmas emotional excesses过度,and Emma feels him unsatisfactory.Meanwhile,Emma,out of vanity虚荣心,purchases increasing amounts of luxury items on credit and her debts mount quickly.,When it is time to pay debt,Emma pleads恳求 for money from several people but is turned down.In despair,she swallows吞下 poison毒药 and dies.Charles is in deep grief悲痛 and preserves保存 Emmas room as if it is a shrine圣地,and in an attempt to keep her memory alive,adopts several of her attitudes and tastes.In his last months,he stops working and lives off the sale of his possessions.When he accidentally comes across the landlords love letters one day,he still tries to understand and forgive.Soon after,he dies a poor man,leaving his young daughter to live with distant遥远的 relatives and eventually sent to work at a cotton mill磨坊.,criticism批评,It is a penetrating尖锐的 psychological study of its heroine女英雄,Emma Bovary,who struggles to find fulfillment through a realization of her romantic fantasies of love and wealth.,The book could be viewed as an expose暴露揭发 of the situation of women in the 19th century:women had not yet been emancipated解放 and were expected to obey their husbands,to stay in their homes while the men went to work or to fight in wars.Emma also serves as a voice for Flaubert,who patterned模仿 the characters personality品格 after his own.Emma Bovarys rebellious反抗 attitude against the accepted ideas of the day,reflects Flauberts views of the bourgeoisie.,Naturalism,In literature,the theory that literary composition should be based on an objective,empirical经验主义 presentation of human beings.It differs from realism in its amoral与道德无关的 attitude to the objective presentation of life.Naturalistic writers regard human behavior as controlled by instinct本能,emotion,or social and economic conditions.,They adopt the biological determinism 决定论生物进化论of Charles Darwin and the economic determinism of Karl Marx.They emphasize the importance of heredity遗传.They emphasize the importance of environment and the theory of“the survival of the fittest”,Unlike the realists,the naturalists not only record men and manners,they observe like scientists and biologists,and draw a theory of human conduct行为 based on their observation.They do not allow any invention虚构 and adhere坚持 to strict observation.The chief figures in France:Zola and Maupassant.,Maupassant莫泊桑,French short story writer and novelistA naturalist/realist In addition to his more than 200 short stories,Maupassant also wrote travel sketches素描梗概 and six novels.His works are characterized by simplicity朴素简易天真 and irony.Famous works:The Necklace项链“Boule de suif”(Ball-of-Fat)羊脂球,His works reflect a grim冷酷的 and pessimistic悲观的 world in which human activity is futile无用的 and ultimately最后的 meaningless in a universe devoid全无的缺乏的 of evidence of a merciful仁慈的 God.While he admired the courage and generosity慷慨的大方的 of spirit of certain individuals,although they almost never belonged to the middle or upper classes,he usually depicted the human spirit as defeated by darker instincts直觉本能.E.g.“Boule de suif”,English Literature,Victorian Era(18371901)维多利亚时代,Queen Victorias reign统治 is known as the Victorian Age and was marked by the rise of the middle class and a deeply conservative 扒开保守的 morality.This era was represented by such 19th-century ideals as devotion to family life,public and private responsibility,and obedience顺从 to the law.,Under Victoria,the British Empire expanded,and Britain became an increasingly powerful nation and grew into an industrialized工业化的 nation.This period is the prime time of English Realism.,Charles Dickens(1812-1870),probably the best-known and the greatest English novelist of the 19th century.Dickens crafted精巧的 complex plots and striking显著的 characters that capture the panorama全景 of English society.He is the outstanding representative of English critical realism.After his death,his body was laid in the Poets Corner at Westminster Abbey大修道院大寺院.,significance,He established the method of first publishing novels in serial installments 连载 in monthly magazines.His novels criticize the injustices of his time,esp.the brutal残忍的 treatment of the poor in a society sharply divided by differences of wealth.His novels are noted著名的for their psychological realism and depth深度 in characterization.,Major Works,The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club(1836-1837;1837)The Adventures of Oliver Twist(1837-1839;1838)The Old Curiosity Shop(1840-1841;1841)Dombey and Son(1846-1848;1848)The Personal History of David Copperfield(1849-1850;1850)Hard Times(1854);A Tale of Two Cities(1859)Great Expectations(1860-1861;1861),The Bronte Sisters勃朗特,Charlotte Bront(1816-1855)Jane Eyre简爱Shirley雪莉Emily埃米莉(Jane)Bront(1818-1848)Wuthering Heights Anne 安妮Bront(1820-1849)Agnes艾格尼斯 Grey灰色的,Can you tell the story of Jane Eyre?Do you happen to know its significance in literary history?,George Eliot 艾略特,A female writer who assumed假装 a male name in publication出版 Major works:Adam Bede(1859)The Mill on the Floss(1860)弗洛斯河上的磨坊,William Thackeray(1811-63),one of the foremost最先的 19th-century realistic novelists in England Thackeray is particularly noted for his exquisitely 精巧的humorous and ironic portrayals描写 of the middle and upper classes of his time.the most famous work:Vanity虚荣心 Fair,Vanity Fair is an elaborate精心制作的 study of social relationships in early 19th-century England.Becky Sharp is one of the most vividly portrayed characters in world literature.,Thomas Hardy(1840-1928),He was the last of the great Victorian novelists,the last decade十年 of the 19th century was dominated受支配的 by him.He stood between Victorian novelists and modernists.,most popular novels,Far From the Madding Crowd(1874)The Return of the Native(1878)The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886)Tess of the DUrbervilles(1891)Jude the Obscure(1895),Characteristics of his works,The area,Wessex,and the city of Dorchester became the setting for his novels.Therefore,his works are often called“Wessex Novels”.His best works are called“novels of character and enviroment”.,Fatalism宿命论/determinism plays a great part in his novels.Therefore,his works share a pessimistic悲观的 view of the human condition.Nature is indifferent漠不关心的 to a persons desires and efforts.Bad luck is as important as individual character in determining ones fate.,What do you know about Tess of the DUrbervilles?Can you explain Hardys idea of fatalism with some examples from the novel?,Russian Literature,Gogol(1809-1852)果戈理,The first master of fiction in Russian He laid the foundation for Russian critical realism.Major worksThe Inspector General 钦差大臣 Dead Souls 死魂灵,Turgenev(1818-1883)屠格涅夫,He was the first recognized Russian writers in the west.Major works:A Hunters Sketches 猎人笔记Rudin 罗亭A Nest of Gentlefolk 贵族之家 Fathers and Sons(1862)父与子,A Hunters Sketches描绘 describes the miseries痛苦悲惨 of peasants under serfdom农奴.Its effect on the abolition废除 of serfdom农奴制 in Russia equaled Harriet Beecher Stows Uncle Toms Cabin小屋 on the abolition of slavery in the US.,Dostoyevsky(1821-1881),Russian thinker and one of the worlds greatest novelists,whose works dramatize使戏剧化 religious,moral,political,and psychological issues.He believes love,not punishment can redeem赎回补偿 Russia and the world.,Major works,The House of the Dead 死屋日记The Insulted and Humiliated(1861)被侮辱与被损害的 Crime and Punishment(1866)罪与罚The Brothers Karamazov(1879-1880)卡亚马佐夫兄弟The Idiot(1868-1869)白痴,Tolstoy托尔斯泰(1828-1910),Realism reached its peak顶峰 in Tolstoys novels.His writings profoundly influenced much of 20th-century literature with their psychological realistm.Together with Dostoyevsky,he made Russian realist novels the gist主旨 of world literature.,Major works,War and Peace 战争与和平Anna Karenina安娜卡列尼娜Resurrection 复活,Anton Chekhov契诃夫(1860-1904),a Russian short story writer and playwrightone of the greatest short-story writers in world literature,He brought both the short story and the drama to new prominence突出 in Russia and eventually in the Western world.Taking a cool,objective stance 立场toward his characters,Chekhov conveys传达 their inner lives and feelings indirectly,by suggestion rather than statement.,His plots are usually simple,and the endings of both his stories and his plays tend toward openness公开的 rather than finality终结.Chekhovs works cre


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