防止异物污染 Foreign Bodies Prevention,异物来源 Foreign bodies sources,People Personal hygieneProcess Machine equipmentPests Pest controlPractice NGMP,人 个人卫 生加 工 机械设备虫害 虫害控制实践 雀巢良好 活动 生产规范,异物类型 Type of foreign bodies,A-MetalB-GlassC-Plastic D-Paper/cardboardE-Mineral F-Biological-animal G-Biological-vegetable H-Miscellaneous,A-金属B-玻璃C-塑料D-纸/纸板E-矿物质F-生物学的-动物G-生物学的-植物H-其它,来源于人 Person as a source,Hair and beardJewelleryExposed cutsSafety glassPersonal belongingsClothes and shoes,头发和胡子装饰品暴露的伤口防护眼镜私人物品工作服和鞋,人是预防异物最重要的因素Person is the most important factor in the chain of prevention of foreign bodies,头发和胡子 Hair and beard,一个成年人每天大约脱落20-100根头发(包括折断的)An adult person may lose(by falling out or breaking)about 20-100 hairs daily,装饰品 Jewellery,无装饰品No jewellery in production area,暴露的伤口 Exposed cuts,不得在产品敏感区和/或暴露区工作Should not work in sensitive and/or exposed product areas,玻璃制品 Glass,任何玻璃制品都不能带进车间 Glass never to be brought into production area,私人物品 Personal belongings,任何私人物品都不能带进车间 Personal belongings never to be brought into production area,工作服和鞋 Clothes and shoes,整洁无钮扣无口袋Tidy and cleanNo buttons No pockets,In-line sieves,filters Hollow bodies Working parts/motors over Open product lines Glass parts of equipment Unwanted objects like threads/tapes Obsolete machinery Chipping form equipment,welding parts,在线的过滤筛、网 空心体 零部件/电动机部件 开放的生产线 设备的玻璃部件 没有用的东西如细线、胶带 陈腐的设施 设备上的细屑、焊接部分,来源于设备 Equipment as a Source,维修工具 Tools for maintenance,维修后立即将工具带离生产线Remove such tools from the line just after the maintenance job,刀和类似的工具 Knives and similar materials,控制生产线上的刀和类似物Control the knives and similar materials in production areas,书写工具 Writing implements,生产区的书写工具应加以控制Writing implements in production areas should to be control,无笔帽No cap,大型维修 A major maintenance,设立合适的屏障来和生产区隔开Screen off production areas during major M&R,临时维修 Temporary repair,生产中断、维修Line Stoppages,Maintenance,Well established procedureTraining to personnelSupervision during breakdownDocumentation/information of incident to all concernedMake a checklist routine maintenance partsPlant release to be done by a team of Prod./Eng.&Q.A.after major M&R,建立好的控制程序员工的培训生产中断期间的监控关心事故的全过程制订维修零部件的常规检查表大修后应由生产部、工程部和质量保证部组成的放行小组放行后再生产,