小学英语教师课堂教学语言技能探讨,太原师范学院 胡明珠2007.08,课堂教学语言的含义,课堂教学语言是指英语教师在课堂上组织教学所用的语言。它是一种以口头形式为主,书面语与形体语等配合和综合运用的语言系统。教师既通过它来叙述、讲解知识,组织指挥教学活动,又用它来开发智力、感染情绪,对学生进行思想教育。它既是一种工作手段,也是对学生进行听力和口语训练的内容和方法。,课堂教学语言的原则,1、尽量多用英语组织教学;2、尽量用浅显、明白、学生能听懂的英语;3、注意课堂用语表达的规范性;4、注意观察学生表情,调整语速、重复重 点与难点;5、配合与眼神、表情和形体语言,形象生动地描述和讲解;6、对于讲解中的生词、难点、重点,应配合与板书;,7、与其他教学手段如直观教具、简笔画、电教等密切结合;8、注意语言的启发性,激发学生的学习兴趣、求知欲和应答主动性;9、注意语言的韵律和节奏感,快、慢、高、低符合教学内容需要;10、注意发音用嗓的技巧,音量以后排学生听清为度,音质优美、圆润、悦耳,具有穿透力。,课堂教学语言基本要求,1.语音清楚规范 在学生学习初级阶段讲英语时,要注意每个字母、每个音节、每个意群、每个句子都应该读清楚、正确。,对于音标的理解,辅音(Consonants):发音时气流受阻发音位置(places of articulation)Bilabial(双唇音):/p/b/m/w/Labiodental(唇齿音):/f/v/Dental(齿音):/Alveolar(齿龈音):/t/d/n/l/s/z/Palato-alveolar:(颚齿龈音)/,Retroflex(卷舌音):/r/Palatal(颚音):/j/Velar(软颚音):/k/g/Glottal:(喉音)/h/,发音方式(manners of articulation)Stops(爆破音):/p/b/t/d/k/g/Nasals(鼻音):/m/n/Fricatives(摩擦音):/f/v/s/z/h/Affricates(破擦音):/Approximants(近似音):/w/j/r/l/,Bob goes home at five every day.and brings his wife a rose.His wife is happy washing clothes and cooking for him,but she has a headache about their son.She tells him that Jimmy sings songs beautifully and does not like learning English and often fails in the examinations.The teacher complains about Jimmy many times.,元音(Vowels):发音时气流不受阻。基本元音:/i/e/a/o/u/从舌的前后位置判断:前元音(front):/i:/i/e/中元音(central):/:/后元音(back):/:/:/u:/u/,从舌的高低位置判断:高元音(High):/i:/i/u:/u/中元音(Mid):/e/:/:/低元音(Low):/:/从唇的形状判断:圆唇音(Rounded):/:/u:/u/不圆唇音(Unrounded):/i:/i/e/:/:/,Compare:sheep-ship leave-live teach-tickbed-bad guess-gas head-handbath-bus heart-hut part-butport-pot door-dot short-shotcook good look wood book woolgoose school room noodle food,双元音(Diphthong/glide),Closing:/ai/au/ei/i/u/Centering:/i/e/u/kite light bikehouse now cloud loud soundmake lake boy toy oil coincoat boat ear air poor,STRESS(重读),Stress refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable.It is a feature for which the smallest unit of application is the syllable.The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning.Word stress(词重读)Sentence stress(句重读),General rules for word stress,Monosyllabic words are considered as stressed syllables cut,good,etc.The stress of two-syllabic words usually fall on the roots mistake,translate,teacher,childlike,etc.The stress of polysyllabic words is usually on the third syllable from the bottom family,economy,synonymy,etc.,Word Stress,General rules for word stress:Monosyllabic words are considered as stressed syllables cut,good,etc.The stress of two-syllabic words usually fall on the roots mistake,translate,teacher,childlike,etc.The stress of polysyllabic words is usually on the third syllable from the bottom family,economy,synonymy,etc.,Sentence Stress(句重读),Sentence stress refers to the relative force given to the components of a sentence.Sentence stress differs from the word stress in two ways:(1)Monosyllabic words may take sentence stress;(2)Polysyllabic words may have the stress on a different syllable from where it is,or they may lose it completely.,General rules for sentence stress,The relatively important words should be stressed,such as nouns,adjectives,main verbs,and adverbs in English.Theres nothing we can do now.Rhythmic considerations influence the placement of stress.She is fifteen years old.She is only fifteen.The syntactic structure of a sentence has a bearing on the stress pattern.How do you do,Mr.Smith?,Stress may fall on any word or syllable in a sentence to distinguish meaning:I cant speak English.(Not willing to speak.)I cant speak English.(Maybe the others can.)I cant speak English.(Maybe I can write.)I cant speak English.(Maybe I can speak French.)Up stairs,not down stairs.,连读和失去爆破,At four o clock.There is a pair of shoes.Have a look at it.Sit down,please.,2.语调正确:根据教学内容的不同运用不同的语调。When stress,pitch,and length variations are tied to the sentence rather than to the word,they are collectively known as intonation.Intonation plays an important role in conveying meaning in almost every language.English has four basic types of intonation,known as four tones:falling,rising,fall-rise,and rise-fall.When spoken in different tones,the same sentence may have different meanings.,Distinctive functions of intonation(语调的功能),(1)It may indicate different sentence types by pitch direction.Statement falling tone Question rising tone(2)Sometimes it may indicate connotative meaning.I cant eat anything.I cant eat anything.,(3)It may impose different structures on the sentence by dividing it into different intonation units.Those who bought quickly made a profit.Those who bought quickly made a profit.(4)It may bring part of a sentence into prominence by placing the nucleus on the syllable concerned to emphasize that part.I thought perhaps you might help me,3.语速适当:课堂教学语言的语速一般要比生活用语慢,待学生完全理解和掌握教师所讲解内容时,才可以用正常的语速。讲解过程中还应该有适当的停顿和重复。,意群和停顿,朗读较长句子时,教师应该按意群读,使意义表达清晰。适当的位置要有停顿。The box is so heavy that he cant carry it.He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.I dont understand,Sam.Seven plus two times two equals eighteen.Seven plus two times two equals eleven.,4.音量悦耳:使每个位置上的学生都毫不费力地听清楚教师的每句话和每个音节。音量过高,对学生太刺激,影响学生思维,产生疲劳的感觉;音量过低,学生听不清,容易分散注意力,产生昏昏欲睡的感觉。声带的保护和鼻腔的共鸣作用很重要。,5.与书面语、形体语相互配合:书面语在这里主要指板书,形体语言主要是指教态。教师只有根据教学内容和学生交际能力的实际情况,恰当地使用书面语和形体语,才能使课堂教学语言生动、形象、有声有色。表演式的语言给学生的印象才深刻。,课堂用语示例,Come here,please.Come to the front.Be quiet,please.Dont call out the answer,wait until I ask you.Now,pay attention,everybody.Now practice the dialogue in pairs.Read the text silently.,When you have finished,raise your hand.Now listen.Im going to read the text to you.Please read after me.Now listen to the tape carefully.Do exercise 2 for homework,please.Ok,lets play a game.,There goes the bell.Now class begins.Now its time for us to have class.Lets get down to some work.We are going to take up a new lesson today.To begin with,I want you to look at the dialogue on Page 7.We will have a short quiz.,Can you spell the word?What does the word“”mean?Please make a sentence with the phrase.Could you give the Chinese equivalent of the word/phrase?Now we will have a discussion.Please speak a bit louder.Copy them into your exercise books.Attention,please.Lets have a break.,谢谢大家欢迎讨论,