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    剑桥新标准unit 1 The way we are.ppt

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    剑桥新标准unit 1 The way we are.ppt

    Unit 1 The way we are,In this unit,you learn how to Use manner adverbs and adjectives to talk about peoples behaviour and personality.Use adverbs like extremely to make adjectives and adverbs stronger.Add prefixes to adjectives to make opposites.Use always with a continuous verb to describe individual habits.Use at least to point out the positive side of a situation.,Objectives,Quote of the day,Lifes battles dont always go to the stronger or faster man.Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.Vince Lombardi,Lead-in,I would like to meet.,because she/he is,outgoing,shy,conservative,stylish.,Lesson A People in a hurry,1.Getting started,A.He or they?Listen and take the quiz.,C.How a person might eat How a person gets/feels Circle the correct words.Tell a partner about yourself.,ly,quick,slow,ly,impatient,Language point:adjectivebe,get,look,seem,appear,smell,taste+adjective,ly,Hes a reckless driver.recklesslyHes a bad driver.badlyWhen I have to wait for a long time,I get,impatient,mad,stressed,Verb+manner adverb:I wait patiently in lines.Adjective+noun:Im a patient person.Be,feel,get,etc.+adjective:Im patient.,Regular ly adverbs:patient patiently careful carefullyIrregular adverbs:good well late late fast fast hard hard,A.Alternative=another choice Are you usually on time for class?Or do you often arrive late?B.Listen and repeat the questions(p.3).,A.Who is someone you really like or admire?Why?I like/admire.He/She is kind/funny/smart/easygoing He/She likes to do things for people.Who is someone you really admire?More adjectives for personalities,Fun moment,incredibly,extremely,very,really,so,pretty,fairly+adjectives or adverbs absolutely,really+adjectives adjectives,adverbs+at all completely,totally+adjectives,Examples:We get along really well.Shes not selfish at all.,Adjective prefixes:im-,in-,un-,dis-+adjectives:not,Listen to the interviews and complete the chart.B.Pair work.a.Whats your best friend like?b.She has a great sense of humor,and,A.Who is describing a habit,Kate or Jenny?Kate:My brother is always borrowing my car,and its so annoying.Jenny:Sometimes my brother borrows my car,but thats OK.Now listen.Whats Jacobs roommate like?C.Pair work What about you,your family or friends?,at least:its used to point out the positive side of a situation.Its one of the top 500 words and expressions.My brother is always getting good grades.Its impossible to keep up with him.Yeah,but youre doing your best,right?A.Thats true.And I enjoy my classes.,Most people dont know that I Most people dont know that I love playing PC games.I play RPG games,strategy games,and online games.,A.Do you know an interesting fact about a famous person?What celebrities or famous people do you often hear about?Are you a big fan of a particular celebrity?What do you know about him/her?,I often hear and read about in the news.Im a big fan of Most people dont know that he/she.,B.Which fact do you think is most interesting about each person?,Alicia Keys,Alex Rodriguez,Matt Damon,Lucy Liu,Now,its time to slow down and take a break,


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