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    Module 6,Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,肇源县古恰镇中学 付玉梅,bank,museum,underground,guide,银行 n.,bank,博物馆 n.,museum,沿着 prep.,across,越过 prep.,opposite,穿过 v.,along,在 对面 prep.,cross,Words and expressions,tourist,游客 n.,原谅,谅解 v.,excuse,劳驾,对不起,excuse me,街道 n.,turn,换方向 v.,guidebook,第三 num.,street,导游手册 n.,third,bookshop,书店 n.,好了;是的,right,为什么不 呢?,why not?,可以,能 v.aux.,underground,地铁 n.,搭乘,乘坐,把(某人)带往 v.,could,take,Match the words from the box with the pictures.,bankmuseumrestaurantstation,Listening and vocabulary,b,c,a,d,bankmuseumrestaurantstation,b,c,a,d,Now listen and number the places as you hear them.,3,2,1,4,Watch and read,Everyday English,Excuse me!Can you tell me the way to?Youre welcome.Could you tell me how to?Have a nice day!,How will the tourist get to Wangfujing Dajie from Tiananmen Square?Where is the bookshop?Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National Statium?,Now answer the questions.,Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.,The bookshop is just along Xi Changan Jie,on the right,opposite the bank.,A policeman.,Read it again and complete the table(Activity6):,Ask,Answer,1.Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?,1.Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.There you are.,2.Is there a bookshop near here?,2.Yes,there is a big bookshop over there?,3.How can I get there?,3.Just along Xi Changan Jie,on the right,opposite the bank.,4.Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,4.Sure!Go along the street and youll see an underground station.Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre,or you can take a bus or a taxi.,(Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tiananmen Square.)Tourist:Excuse me!Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?Betty:Certainly.Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.Its near here,so you can walk there.Tourist:Great.And Id like to buy a guidebook about Beijing.Is there a bookshop near here?Lingling:Yes,there is a big bookshop over there,just along Xi Changan Jie,on the right,opposite the bank.Tourist:Right,OK!I also want to visit the National Stadium.How can I get there?,Listen again and read.,Lingling:Sorry,Im not sure.Why not ask the policeman over there?Tourist:Thank you.Betty and Lingling:Youre welcome.Tourist:Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?Policeman:Sure!Go along the street and youll see an underground station.Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre,or you can take a bus or a taxi.Tourist:Thanks a lot.Policeman:Youre welcome.Have a nice day!,一、翻译下列词组,1、到达,2、在左边,3、在的前面,4、在这附近,5、去的路,6、在那里,7、向左转,8、乘地铁,get to,on the left,in front of,near here,the way to,over there,turn left,take the underground,1.Excuse me!Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?Is there a bookshop near here?How can I get to the National Statium?Could you tell me how to get to the National Statium?以上都是问路的常用表达方式,总结如下:Where is?什么在地方?How can I get/go to?到怎么走?Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to?劳驾,到怎么走?Can you show me the way to?能告诉我到 怎么走?Is it far from to?从教堂到车站有多远?,Language points,指路的常用表达方式,总结如下:,Take the No.22 bus/this street.Go along the street Follow this road Turn left/right Turn left into Its a ten-minute walk.Take the first/second road/acrossing on the left/right Go straight on until you come to It takes about ten minutes by bus.You cant miss it.,2.Go across Dong Changan Jie 此处的 go across=cross,表示“穿过”,前者across是介词,而后面的cross是动词。【辨析】across和throughacross和through都可表示“从(一定范围的)一边到另一边”,其区别在于across表示某一范围的表面进行某一动作。through表示在某一范围的内部空间进行某一动作。e.g.:Be careful when you go across the street.It took us two hours to walk through the forest.,go through the forest/park,through,Center Street,across,go across the street,across:表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,动作在物体 表面进行。through:从中间穿过,动作在内部进行。,3.opposite the bank.此处的opposite用作介词,相当于across from在的对面,其还有 adj.对面的,adv.在对面,n.对立面e.g.:Black is the opposite of white.opposite用作形容词,常用于be opposite to和 相对,e.g.:Her house is opposite to mine.opposite用作副词,e.g.:He stood opposite.opposite用作名词,常用于the opposite of.的反义词/对立面,4.turn left/right 向左/右转e.g.:Turn left,and youll find the hospital.【拓展】常见left/right搭配:turn left/turn right向左/右转;on the left/on the right of.在的左边/右边;2)常见turn搭配:turn to.翻到(页);turn over 翻身;turn on 打开;turn off 关上;turn up 调高;turn down 关小,调低,_ me,is Wangfujing Dajie far from Tiananmen Square?Theres a bookshop neat here.Whats the name of the _?Can a _ ask a _ the way to get to places in Beijing?_ you tell me how to get to the National Statium?Wheres the _ station?,Complete the questions with the correct from of the words from the box.,could excuse policeman street tourist underground,Excuse,street,tourist,policeman,Could,underground,Listen and repeat.,1Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?2Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left.3Is there a bookshop near here?4Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?5Go along the street and youll see an underground station.,Pronunciation and vocabulary,Read activity 3 again and complete the table.,Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?,1.Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.,2.Is there a bookshop near here?,2.Yes,there is a big bookshop over there.,3.Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,3.Go along the street and youll see an underground station.Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre,or you can take a bus or a taxi.,Work in pairs.Draw a map of where you live.,-Where is the market?-Its on-How do I get there?-Go along,go straight,turn right,turn left,on the left,on the right,“交通标志知多少”,Dont turn right.,Walking forbidden.,Exercises,补全下列单词1.b_n_ 2.a_o_g3.mu_ _um 4.a_ _oss5.opp_s_te 6.t_u_i_t7.str_ _t 8.unde_gr_ _nd,a k,l n,s e,c r,o i,o r s,e e,r o u,1.麻烦您/请问2.直着走然后左转3.在左边4.隔壁5.不用谢。6.沿着这条街下去在街的右边。,Excuse me.,go straight and turn left,on the left,next to,You are welcome.,It is down this street on the right.,翻译短语。,填空1.I can get to the library by bus.(就划线部分提问)_ _ I get to the library?2.He does well in English.(同义句)He _ _ _English.3.The bookstore is across from the bank.(同义句)The bookstore is _ the bank.4.Can you tell me how _(get)there?.5._(walk)in the park is good for you.6.Why _(not)you come with us?.,How can,is good at,to get,opposite,walking,dont,Asking for directions.,1.请问,去车站怎么走?2.请问,去警察局怎么走?3.请问,去动物园我该走哪条路?,Excuse me.Could/Can you tell me the way to the station?,Excuse me.Which is the way to the police station?,Excuse me.Which way shall I take to the zoo?,4.劳驾,最近的邮局在哪儿?5.请问,你能帮我找到那家水果店吗?6.劳驾,往第十四中学怎么走?,Excuse me.Could/Can you help me find the fruit shop?,Excuse me.How can I get to No.14 Middle School?,Excuse me.Where is the nearest post office?,7.劳驾,附近有医院吗?8.劳驾,去书店怎么走?,Excuse me.Is there a hospital near here?,Excuse me.Could/Can you tell me how to get to the bookshop?=Excuse me.Could/Can you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?,选择题1._,how can I go to the bank?You can take the No.17 bus.A.Excuse me B.You are welcomeC.Thanks a lot D.Never mind2.Could you tell me how to _ the National Stadium?A.go B.get C.be D.get to,3.Go _the street,you will see a shop.A.to B.crossC.on D.across4.Mary is sitting next_me.We are good friends.A.on B.ofC.to D.in5.Its down the street _ the left?A.on B.inC.to D.from6.The post office is across _ the park.A.to B.fromC.on D.near,Good bye!,


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