基本词汇的复习和识记写作(书面表达)能力的 培养,一、基本词汇的复习和识记(语音、单词、短语),总体要求:要想方设法增强对基础词汇记忆的准确程度和运用的熟练程度。在记忆单词时,力求结合句子,结合一定语境,逐步建立牢固的上下文情景意识。因为,单词的确切含义是由语境决定的,“辞典意义”只是参考。基础知识(词汇、语法)的复习重在“质”,而不在“量”。,哪些单词是重要的单词?,高考考试大纲规定的基本词汇(熟练、准确、应用),与学生学习、生活密切相关的词语,与在大学继续学习密切相关的词语,与人们日常生活密切相关的词语,实词(名、动、形容词和副词),特别是动词;连接词。,分散识记:根据单词特点和特征记忆,复习和记忆单词的方法:,集中识记:车轮战术,词性特点(词性、词义转换)词组和特殊结构单词构成特点(构词法)前缀、词根、后缀、合成词,构词法1)合成法 blackboard,man-made,overthrow,however,everyone2)转换法 hand(n.)hand(v.),break(v.)break(n.)empty(adj.)-empty(v.)3)派生法(1)加前缀:dis-,in-,re-,un-,non-(2)加后缀:-able,-al,-an,-ful,-ive,-er,-ese,-st,-ment,-ness,-tion,-fy,-ian,-ing,-is(z)e,-ly,-teen,-ty,-th,-y,利用阅读语境猜测词义。,如何对待阅读中出现的生词?1)克服心理障碍,理性对待生词 2)忽略、跳过“路障”;只理解能够理解的部分(认识单词)3)猜测词义(已知未知)语境,感情色彩、相似句式、转折、对比、反义词等,2008年全国卷(不含听力)“阅读理解”B,The Queens English is now sounding less upper-class,a scientific study of the Queens Christmas broadcasts had found.Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the noble Upper Received to the Standard Received.(45),Jonathan Harrington,a professor at Germanys University of Munich,wanted to discover whether accent(口音)changes recorded over the past half century would take place within one person.“As far as I know,there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast records,”he said.,He said the noble way of pronouncing vowels(元音)had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years.“Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago.But these are very,very small and slow changes that we dont notice from year to year.”,“We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,”he told The Daily Telegraph,a British newspaper.“In 1952 she would have been hears saying thet men in the bleck het.Now it would be that man in the black hat.Similarly,she would have spoken of the citay and dutay,rather than citee and dutee,and hame rather than home.In the 1950s she would have been lorst,but by the 1970s lost.”(相同、相似句式),46.Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in English?(细节)A.“dutay”*B.“citee”C.“hame”D.“lorst”,The Queens broadcast is a personal message to the Commonwealth countries.Each Christmas,the 10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch.(传统火鸡午餐).,The results were published(发表)in the Journal of Phonetics.,45.The Queens broadcasts were chosen for the study mainly because_.A.she has been Queen for many years B.she has a less upper-class accent now C.her speeches are familiar to many people*D.her speeches have been recorded for 50 years,46.Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in English?(细节)A.“dutay”*B.“citee”C.“hame”D.“lorst”,47.We may infer from the text that the Journal of Phonetics is a magazine on _.(概括推测)*A.speech sounds B.Christmas customsC.TV broadcasting D.personal messages,48.What is the text mainly about?A.The relationship between accents and social classes.B.The Queens Christmas speeches on TV.*C.The changes in a persons accent.D.The recent development of the English language.,“英语写作能力”就是学生综合运用英语进行书面交际的一种能力。,英语“书面表达”包含两方面内容:一是“书面”;二是“表达”。书面是指字母、单词、句子、段落及文章的书写规范(字母写法,占格位置,倾斜度、大小比例,字间距等);“表达”是指文章语言表达的正确、得当和规范、内容及结构的完整性。,二、写作(书面表达)能力的培养,如何培养学生英语写作能力 1.在教材单元教学中 2.结合高考“书面表达”题型 3.读写结合,【非课改】根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,参照教育部2000年颁布的全日制高级中学英语教学大纲(试验修订版)写作要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能:(1)准确使用语法和词汇;(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。【题型】短文改错书面表达 词数80-120,高考考试大纲对高中生英语写作能力的具体要求,【新课标】按普通高中英语课程标准(实验)规定的八级要求命题。写 要求考生根据题示进行书面表达,例如根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要,根据文字或图表信息写短文或报告,根据提示叙述事情、表达观点和态度等。考生的表达应该:内容清楚、连贯;结构完整;逻辑性强;主题突出;用词及文体恰当。【题型】书面表达第一节 阅读表达,5个小题,每小题3分,共15分。要求 考生阅读所给的一篇短文(总阅读量不少于200词),并根据文章后的题目要求进行简答。第二节 写 作,满分30分。要求考生根据题目的提示(包括情景、图画、图表、提纲等)和要求,用英语写一篇120150个单词的短文。,“单元话题”写作训练要点,围绕单元话题,用 Writing 或speaking等部分内容作素材。尽量在文章中使用本单元所学语言知识(词组、句子等稍作改写),选择语言表达方式的原则是“学以致用”。书写规范、语法正确、语言通顺、内容完整。,指导学生写作方法提出具体写作要求(尽可能具有可操作性)教师(或学生)口头示范(开头、中间、结尾等)学生构思、列出提纲或要点、分别组织句子,形成初稿(草稿)。展示学生写作的成果(多媒体、黑板书写)。教师和学生一起讨论文章优缺点,一起修改,直到句子语法正确,上下文连接自然通顺,文章中心突出。定稿:学生利用剩余时间,改正自己文中错误,通过“变通”,避开自己不熟悉的表达方式,使文章符合基本要求,又具有个性特点。,训练步骤,【示例1】高二英语(上)(Page 48)Unit 6 Life in the futureWritingImagine that you have come back from a trip to the future.You visited the year 4367 and saw a wonderful invention called a Mogray.Write a paragraph in which you explain what a Mogray is.Step 1:Work with your partner and decide what a Mogray is.You know that it is a thing or a machine,but you have to think of what it looks like,how it works and what it can be used for.Step 2:Complete the chart below and use it to write your paragraph.,1、审题:要求写一篇简单的说明文,介绍一 种名为Mogray的机器,教师介绍说明文的特点(分层次、方面介绍事物的特点)及一般的写作方法。2、帮助学生列出提纲和要点(四个方面、部分、段落)What is a Mogray?(基本概念)What does it look like?(外形)How does it work?(工作原理)What can it be used for?(主要用途),3.提出具体要求:包含内容要点(四个方面);字数100左右4.教师口头示范:Ive just returned from a trip to the year of 4357 by means of Time Machine,where I saw a wonderful machine called Mogray.I first took it for a man.But then it turned out to be a robot with human intelligence.When I came out of the Time Machine at the airport.Mogray met me and led me to a hotel.Mogray looked like a man.The sunshine provided solar energy for Mogray and many robots like Mogray served in the hotel.It seems that there were more Mograys than human being.,5.学生构思、列出提纲或要点、分别组织句 子,形成初稿(草稿)。(10分钟左右)(每个要点约3个句子)6.随即把1-2个同学的习作展示出来(多媒体实物投影、黑板),讨论,修改,指出优点、不足,改进意见,学生遇到的表达困难、语言知识存在的问题等。7.学生再次修改,成稿,要求“书写规范、语法正确、语言通顺、内容完整”。,Unit 9 Saving the earthWrite a paragraph to tell the reader what you think the most serious environmental problem is.Explain why you think the problem is serious,and what you think should be done to solve it.Write a sentence giving your opinion,for example,“I think that _ is the most serious environmental problem because _.”List as many reasons as possible and then use the sentence to organize your paragraph.,【示例2】高二英语(上)(Page 71),3,2,1,The following words and phrases may help you.,【写作特点】议论文【一般方法】论点、论据、论证过程【提纲、要点】What is the problem?Why?Measures(steps)示范:I think that air pollution is the most serious environmental problem.With the rapid development of industry,more and more waste and even poisonous gasses are being sent into the air by some factories.The air in my are used to be very clean and the sky looked blue.We could see the mountains in the distance at sun set.But now most of the time,the sky looks foggy and cloudy.More people are suffering coughs caused by the polluted air.So I recommend that measures be taken as soon as possible by all of us to prevent the matter from getting worse before it is too late.We can make a big difference if every one of us does his best.We need action!(126),2.结合高考“书面表达”题型,训练学生英语写作能力,书面表达,题目特点:考生应能:(1)准确使用语法和词汇;(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。密切结合学生实际,适合学生水平,给学生一定的自由发挥空间;要求学生灵活使用学过的英语表达方式。,命题方式:文字提纲 图表意(多)表格文体:记叙文说明文、议论(应用)格式:书信内容:学生集体或个人活动,贴近学生实际 生活。,内容完整语法正确书写规范,写作教学总体要求,指导“书面表达”的审题和解题方法及解题步骤。重点在“学以致用”,关键在坚持“实践”。强调学生必须动手实践,注重基本功训练(书写、书面)。要求学生将写出的东西,主动找老师当面批改,征求老师意见,并根据意见,重写,以求改进。对于典型或共性问题,老师应给全班示范并讲解,并作针对性训练。,学生解题建议,1.认真审题(视图),明确写作目的和文体要求。2.理清内容要点,确定写作顺序。3.依据要点,写出提纲。4.选择熟悉句型和用语组织(10-12个)句子,表达意思为准,切忌直译,完成草稿。5.校对细节,检查语句和措辞,在草稿纸上完成所有改动。6.将定稿誊写到在试卷上,不再作任何改动。,写作过程:构思(题目)提纲(文章结构)草稿(100-120词)改错(校正)定稿(誊写),对策提示:要求学生要养成借用所学句子表达自己意思(思想)的习惯,学以致用地写出的英语,才是高级的语言表达形式,不要自己生造汉语式的英语,这样学生使用的英语才更地道,文章才会增色和出彩,才能提高“书面表达”的得分档次,成绩才能提高。,3.引导学生利用课余时间,“读写结合”,自主培养英语阅读理解和写作能力,Thank you!,