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    助动词,协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助 动词(Auxiliary Verb)。被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb)。助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用。如:He doesnt like English.他不喜欢英语。(doesnt是助动词,无词义;like是主要动词,有词义),什么是助动词?,分类及简介助动词分为:基本助动词,情态助动词,半助动词。基本助动词:be,do,have情态助动词:shall,will,should,would,could半助动词:以be为中心成分,以have为中心成分,以seem为中心成分。,助动词be的用法:1)be+现在分词,构成进行时态。如:They are having a meeting.English is becoming more and more important.2)be+过去分词,构成被动语态。如:The window was broken by Tom.English is taught throughout the world.3)be+动词不定式,可表示最近、未来的计划或安排。如:He is to go to New York next week.We are to teach the fresh persons.,一、基本助动词,助动词have的用法:1)have+过去分词,构成完成时态。如:He has left for London.By the end of last month,they had finished half of their work.2)have+been+现在分词,构成完成进行时。如:I have been studying English for ten years.3)have+been+过去分词,构成完成式被动语态。如:English has been taught in China for many years.,助动词do 的用法:1)构成一般疑问句。如:Do you want to pass the CET?2)do+not 构成否定句。如:He doesnt like to study.In the past,many students did not know the importance of English.3)构成否定祈使句。如:Dont be so absent-minded.说明:构成否定祈使句只用do,不用did和does。,4)放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气。如:Do come to my birthday party.I did go there.5)用于倒装句,例如:Never did I hear of such a thing.Only when we begin our college life do we realize the importance of English.只有在开始大学生活时我们才认识到英语的重要性。,说明:引导此类倒装句的副词有never,seldom,rarely,little,only,so,well等。,6)用作代动词,例如:Do you like Beijing?Yes,I do.(do用作代动词,代替like Beijing.)He knows how to drive a car,doesnt he?他知道如何开车,对吧?,二、情态助动词,1 can/could(1)指主观能力。Can指现在和将来。指过去的能力一般用was/were able toHow long can you hold your breath under water?That is easy.I can do that tomorrow.could have done 用于虚拟语气指“过去本来能够却没有”she should have explained the mystery.她本可以解释这个秘密的。(2)表可能。Can 表可能时常用于疑问句和否定句,指某事是否事实。Can it be true?We cant change a law.He said he couldnt agree more.,(3)表允许用于非正式场合。Can在肯定疑问句中表要求在否定句中表禁止。You can smoke in the entrance hall.Can you lend me 2yuan?Could 用于这个意义时只用于疑问句,语气更加委婉。Could you please fetch us a few cups?(4)表感情色彩。表某种情绪。What can satisfied her?(不满)What else can you say?(不耐烦)How can I do such a thing?(难办),注意Can与could 的区别与联系(1)Could是can的过去式,除具can的各种功能外,还用来表示语气委婉。(2)Can和could还可以表示某人或某物一时的特点指“有可能有时会”It can be very misty in this area.这里有时会大雾弥漫。He could be very proud.他有时会很骄傲,2、may与might,(1)表示可以做或可能发生的事He may come soon.You may order a taxi by telephone.Might用于间接引语;也表客观未实现的动作He said he might order a taxi by telephone.他说他可以用电话定出租车。He might have fallen ill if he hadnt take the medicine.他如果没服药可能就病倒了(2)表允许,多用于肯定句和疑问句,正式场合You may take the book home。.你可以把这本书带回家。May I borrow your bicycle?我可以借你的自行车吗?Might 表允许时比may更有礼貌。Might I have a little brandy?我可以喝一点白兰地吗?,(3)表祝愿通常用may此时句子用倒转语序。May our friendship live long.Happy may your birthday be.May god bless you.(4)might可用于虚拟语气If you didnt mind,I might go there.如果你不反对的话,我可能就去那里。Why on earth didnt he send to say that he was ill?We might have helped him.究竟为什么他不捎信来说他生病了?我们帮助他的。(5)may might用于某些从句。However cold it may be,we will go skiing.不管天多冷,我们都要去滑雪。,(6)固定词组 May well+do意为“理应有足够的理由”May/might as well+do 用来建议或劝说某人采取是某种行动。意为“还不如,不妨”He may well be proud of his son.他大可以以他的儿子为荣。He might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.借钱给他还不如把钱扔到海里。注意:(1)may/might比较表推测时,might比may更不确定。表允许时,might比may更有礼貌。,(2)might may can could比较may和can表可观可能和允许时意义相同,但是也不能随意互换。表可观可能时,may仅用于肯定句而can可用于各种句式。He may find the book at the library.Can he find the book at the loibrary?He cant find the book at the library.might 和could 后跟不定时完成时表示过去未实现的动作。He might have found the book at the library.他可以在图书馆找到这本书就好了(实际未找到)。He could have found the book at the library.他能够在图书馆找到这本书就好了(实际未找到),may较正式,而can口语化。May(might)I speak to you for a moment,professor?Can(could)I have a cup of tea,mom?could 有时也可表示推测,因此三者可以互换。He may/might/could br at the conference.may not 表示不可能时,重音落在may上。May not表示不许可时,重音落在否定词上。因此在书面语中,为防止歧义,表示不可能用cant,3 will/would,will would 表请求,指将来,用于疑问句。此时would更委婉would you mind closing he door?Will you give her the letter?Will would 表习惯反复动作,用于肯定句。You will have your own way.你总是想怎样就怎样。Will would 表料想推测,指没现在或将来,用于二三人称。可用进行时指现在,完成式指过去。Hurry up.They will be waiting.快点,他们一定在等我们。He will have got home by now.他该到家了。推测程度由高到低为 mustwillwouldought toshouldcancouldmay-might,Will would 表意愿,用于第一人称。Will指将来,would用于间接引语指过去的将来 I wont argue with you.I said I would do anything for him.Will would 用于非人称主语,表示固有的性质倾向,通常用于否定句。The window wont open.窗户打不开。The door wont shut.门关不上Will would 表拒绝用于否定句即wont I wont marry a man I dont love.I wont listen to your nonsenses.Would 用于虚拟语气I wish the rain would stop for a moment.You would answer much better if you were more attentive.,注意:比较would与used to二者均可表示习惯不同之处在于,used to有现在已无此习惯的意思,并可表示一次性动作。I dont swim so often as I used to.我不想过去那样长游泳了。,4.shall与should,shall的用法Shall除在一般将来时中用于第一人称外,还有以下用法:1.表义务,用于第二三人称。如:You shall do as you see me do.你照我做的样子做。He shall be punished if she disobeys.如果他不服从就要受到处罚。在当代英语中,shall多用于正式法律文字。如:This law shall have effect in Scotland.2.表许诺,用于第二三人称的肯定句和否定句。如:(1)you shall have my answer tomorrow?你明天可以得到我的答复。(2)she shall get her share.我可以得到她的一份。3.表征询意见,用于第一三人称的疑问句。如:(1)What shall he do next?下一步他要干什么呢?(2)Lets start tomorrow,shall we?我们明天动身,好吗?,4 表义务,可用于各种句式,通常指将来。如:(1)If you see something unusual you should call the police.如果你看到什么不寻常的事,你应该喊警察。(肯定句)(2)You shouldnt come to such a decision hastily.你不应该匆忙做出这种决定。(否定句)What should she do?她该怎么办呢?(疑问句)5.Should 后跟不定式完成式,用于肯定句表应完成但未完成的动作。如:He should have told me.他本该告诉我。用于否定句则表不应完成但已完成的动作。如:They shouldnt have concealed it from us.他们本不应该对我们隐瞒那件事。6。感情色彩,常用在以why,how 开头的疑问句中。如:(1)Why shouldnt you invite him?为什么你不邀请他?(2)How should I know?我怎么知道?在一些that 引导的从句中,should 也可以表感情色彩。如:,Im sorry that you should think so badly of me.你竟把我想得这样坏,我感到遗憾。Three weeks should suffice.三个星期可能足够了。7.用于虚拟语气表推测,暗含很大的可能。如:I suggest that you should stay here as if nothing had happened.我建议你待在这儿,就好像什么事也没有发生。,must 的用法,1.must表义务,后跟不定式一般式,可用于肯定句和疑问句。如:Children must forma good habit in their everyday life.儿童必须在他们的日常生活中养成良好的习惯。Must he do it himself?他必须亲自做那件事吗?2.must的否定形式表不许,后跟不定式一般式。如:Journalists must not make mistakes in their newspaper reports.记者不允许在新闻报道中出错。3.must表推测,暗含很大的可能,只用于肯定句。如:(1)I dont understand what they are saying.They must be foreign.我听不懂他们在说什么。他们一定是外国来的。(2)Lets have something to eat.You must be starving.我们吃些东西吧。你一定饿了。,need 的用法,用作情态助动词时,它只有一种形式,没有人称和数的变化,后跟不带to的不定式,主要用于否定句和疑问句。否定式为neednt.Need have+过去分词,可用于比较结构中。(1)She was more careful than she need have been.她不必那么小心的。(2)He drove faster than he need have done.他没有必要把车开那么快。Need not have+过去分词,还可表示“不必做某事,但却做了”。(1)You need not have asked her about it.你本不必问那件事的。(但却问了)(2)She neednt have come.她本来不必来的。(但却来了=But she did.),dare-dared的用法,dare 意为“敢于”,既可用作助动词,又可用作行为动词。作助动词用时,dare通用于所有人称,否定式为dare not,后接动词原形;作行为动词用时,dare 的否定式是dont(doesnt,didnt)dare,现在完成式是have dared,后接带to 的动词不定式。如表:,1.dare 作为情态助动词表示“胆敢”,dare 通常只用于陈述否定句和疑问句。如:I dare not go there.How dare he say such rude things about me?(1)dare 作为情态助动词多用现在时形式,但它既可指现在时间,也可指过去时间。如:The president was so hot-tempered that no one dare tell him the bad news.(2)dare 的否定形式(darent)也可指过去时间。如:Tom wanted to come,but he darent.2.dare 还可用作主动词。作为主动词,dare也通常用于否定句和疑问句,随后的不定式可带to,也可不带to.如:She didnt dare(to)say anything about it.He does not dare(to)answer.Does she dare(to)go there along?,3.dare的过去时形式dared 通常只用于文学语言等正式语体,也还是用于否定意义。如:Nobody dared lift their eyes from the ground.They hardly dared breathe as somebody walked past the door.,ought to的用法,1.ought 没有词形变化,通用于所有人称,否定式为ought not(oughtnt)to(1)表示理应做的事,应该做的事,意为“应该,应当”You ought to study hard.你应该努力学习。(=Its your duty to study hard.)(2)表推测,译为“应是,应该,会是”It is already twelve oclock.Lunch ought to be ready.现在已经是12点了,午饭应该好了。2.ought to have+过去分词常表示一个与过去事实相反的情况,肯定式表示“应该做某事而没有做”,否定式表示“不应该做某事但却做了”It is too late.You ought to have taken the chance then.现在太晚了你本该当时就抓住机会的。(But you didnt.)His wife is vain and selfish.He oughtnt to have married her.他妻子虚荣自私,他本不该娶她的。,Used to的用法,1.情态动词used to 只有一种形式,它后跟不定式一般式,可以表过去存在的习惯或状态。如:(1)In the past,people used to offer friends cigarettes when they met.过去,人民见面时经常给朋友递烟。(2)Nowadays he gives fewer concerts than he used to.如今他举办音乐会比从前少了。2.used to 的否定结构却有两种形式。如:(1)He used not to/usednt to smoke.他过去不吸烟。(2)He didnt use to smoke.他过去不吸烟。3.used to 的疑问结构常用do 的形式。如:(1)Did he use to smoke?他过去吸烟吗?(2)He used to smoke,didnt he?他过去吸烟,对吗?,Be used to 结构和情态动词used to 的区别:1.在be used to 结构中,be 昰连系动词,used 是形容词,to 是介词,因此只后跟名词短语或动名词。如:Heavy smokers cannot stop smoking because they are used to nicotine.吸烟多的人不能不吸烟,因为他们对尼古丁已经上瘾了。情态动词used to 前面没有be,后跟不带to 的动词不定式。如:I used to get along very well with my cousin and we used to be very good friends.我过去同我的表弟相处得很好,我们曾经是好朋友。,注意:,半助动词,定义:半助动词是指在功能上介乎主动词和助动词之间,本身带有词义的一类结构。类型(3类)分别以be,have,seem为中心成分。半助动词既能协助主动词构成限定动词词组,也可以与基本助动词或情态动词搭配而充当主动词。半助动词既能是限定形式体现实体特征,也能是非限定形式,即采取不定式或-ing分词形式。半助动词后的主动词用不带to的不定式。可以是一般形式也可以是进行体或完成体。(1)Why are you driving so fast in this area?you are supposed to know the speed limite.(2)Mother is still not quiet well.She is not supposed to be working so hard.(3)Why havent you finished your paper yet?You are supposed to have finished it by Friday evening.,半助动词与itthat 句型转换,It appears that he has many friends.1He appears to have many friends.2 句型2 中的不定式是采取一般形式,进行体还是完成体,是主动还是被动,取决于句型1中that分句的限定动词词组形式。It seems that he is enjoyinghimself.He seems to be enjoying himself.,助动词的缩略形式,英语中有以下24个助动词有缩略形式。其中23个有否定缩略形式,10个有肯定缩略形式。,注意:1.I am not 的疑问形式需用 arent(I)替代,如:Im late,arent I?2.否定疑问句既能用否定缩略形式,也能用非缩略形式。试比较:Havent we seen this film before?Have we not seen this film before?但含义有所不同:用否定缩略形式通常带有肯定与否定双重意向;用非缩略否定形式通常带有否定意向。3.hes,shes,its=he is/he has,she is/she has,it is/it has.d=should/would/had,非缩略形式的使用场合,上述能用肯定缩略形式的十个限定动词,在下列场合不能采用缩略形式:1.单独使用时。如:-Youve seen her,havent you?-Yes,I have.2.用语句子结尾时。如:Johns not such a good student as Bill is.3.用于发问或附加疑问时。如:Will he come?4.表示强调时。如:-Youre not coming with me.-I am coming whether you like it or not.,5.have/have to 作有/必须解释时通常也不用缩略形式。如:(1)They have three children.(2)He has to leave early.若改用have got/have got to形式表示,则常用缩略形式:(1)Theyve got three children.(2)Hes to leave early.,Thank you,


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