class6技术1风险识别的工具和方法 ppt课件.ppt
Tools and Methods for Risk Identification,工程项目风险管理与保险,双语课,Section 1 Introduction of RI,Notions Studies for knowing the possibility of some loss occurring,including two types of works:Hazard identificationAccidental cause analysis Main tasks:What are these potential hazards,what are the kinds?What is the main failure modes?What is the main reasons causing these failures?What is the possible effects of the failures?,Section 2 The methods of RI,Delphi method Brainstorming Insurance compilationAssets-Loss Analysis Analysis of financial statements Decomposition Fishbone diagramChecklistFEMA,Comparison of Insurance compilation and Assets-loss method.,Insurance compilation:Risk managers analyze risk based on the comparison of the kinds of insurance sold and Enterprise Status.Disadvantage:having limitations for some uninsurable risk identification.Advantage:Highlights the investigation on insurable risk of risk management body.,Assets-loss method:form is divided into two parts,one assets(tangible and intangible)list,but they face potential losses.Features:Analyzing all risks from the overall business perspective.Advantages:Considering both insurable risks and uninsurable risks.,Analysis of financial statements,Balance Sheet(资产负债表):The latest status of the main risk of a reaction point in time.,Income Statement(损益表):It is an accounting period of income,expenses and profits,showing a variety of factors influencing the net income.,Changes in financial position(现金流量表):Prompt changes in net working capital,changes in the use of funds will reflect the main potential risk of projects.,Decomposition method,单项工程,单位工程,分部工程,分项工程,A case:The construction process of concrete floor Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Step 4,Step 5,Step 6,Step 7,Checklist for case,搅拌站:砂子的含泥量高;砂子级配不合理;石子的含泥量高;石子级配的合理性和强度差;水泥性能差。,施工现场:,运输过程,钢筋、PVC管线绑扎不牢,模板处理不净;振捣漏振、欠振;没有及时的二次抹压;,夏天温度高、风大,有水养护不到位;混凝土浇筑完毕后短期内便上人或施加其他荷载,扰动了混凝土。气候寒冷时,混凝土没有覆盖保温。,施工,养护,随意稀释;塌落度控制不严。,Fishbone diagram for case,商品混凝土制备,运输,绑扎钢筋,浇筑,振捣碾平,养护使用,材料选择不当,配制强度,搅拌机选择,搅拌制度,从搅拌站至工地现场,泵送运输时,钢筋不合格,保护层厚度不准确,接头部分不当,绑扎不牢,先后浇筑,浇筑速度不同,模板刚度不足,其他因素,拌合物不密实,振捣方式,振捣时间,硬化前振捣不足,碾平,养护早晚,过早拆模,冬期施工,过早负荷,水化热大,运输工具,运输时间,道路交通,泵送方式,泵送工具,Section 3:FEMA method,Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,abbreviation-FMEA.A systematic team activities,for:-Potential failure mode and the impact analysis to assess product/process.-These faults are sorted to determine its priority.-Determination of measures to eliminate or reduce the failure.,FEMA-related issues,Potential failure modes:means form or problems that may occur do not satisfy the requirements of the process for some projects.It may be caused by potential failure modes under a process,and it may be the consequence of a previous process failure modes.The consequences of failure:refers to the adverse effects of the failure mode to product quality or customer.Cause of failure/mechanism:refers to the failure about how it happened,and should be described on basis of the principle that control can be corrected.,Procedure of FEMA,FEMA-Severity”S”,Severity S-for consequences/issues Severity corresponds to the consequences.Generally only design changes can change the severity of the consequences.Severity established links between failure modes and level of risk,and focus on high severity,play a guiding role in resources.Divided into 1-10 severity level of a failure mode,choose the consequences maximum calculated RPN.,FEMA-Frequency“O“,Frequency O Frequency refers to the frequency of failure cause/mechanism is expected to occur,points 1-10.Preventive measures can reduce the frequency of occurrence.,FEMA-Detection“D“,Detection D Assessment the possibility of failure discovery for the existing control methods.In doing Detection Evaluation,the assumption that failure mode has occurred must be done.Control measures may be considered as follows:inspection and testing procedures,control of nonconforming product program,mistake proofing techniques,statistical process control,process control plans.Divided into 1-10.,FEMA-Risk Priority,Risk priority number(RPN)is a product of formula related to serious degree(S),the number of frequencies(O)and the number of detecting(D)RPN=S O D Risk priority number is a measure of risk.RPN value between 1-1000,if you are at high risk priority number,the designer must take corrective measures to reduce the value.In general practice,regardless of the size RPN when the severity(S)is high,it should be special attention.,FEMA-Case,FEMA-Case,风险识别内容结束,希望大家课下注意复习课本相关内容。谢谢!,