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    831Chapter 2Management Theory管理理论.ppt

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    831Chapter 2Management Theory管理理论.ppt

    Chapter 2Management Theory管理理论,College of nursing,Weifang medical College 2007-3,Three steps of scientific management,Classical Management-20世纪初到20世纪30年代 Behavioral Science management-20世纪30年代到20世纪60年代 Modern Management-20世纪60年代至今,Taylors Theory of Scientific Management Fayols Administrative Theory Webers Theory of Bureaucracy,第一节 Classical Management古典管理理论,一、Taylors Theory of Scientific Management,Frederick Taylor(1856-1915)“The Father of Scientific Management”Maximize worker capacity and profitsPROBLEM:Get employees to work at their maximum capacityPRIMARY FOCUS:TASKShttp:/www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/ryn/projects/inventors/taylor/taylor.htmlSystematic SoldieringDeliberately working slowly as to avoid expanding more effort than deemed necessaryReasonsReduction in workforce due to decreased needPiecework system of remuneration-raise production requirements without increasing payRule of thumb training methods-inefficient,Elements of Scientific ManagementScientific design of every aspect of every taskTime and Motion StudiesCareful selection and training of every taskProper remuneration for fast and high-quality workMaximize output-increase payEqual division of work and responsibility between worker and managerUnderlying ThemesManagers are intelligent;workers are and should be ignorantProvide opportunities for workers to achieve greater financial rewardsWorkers are motivated almost solely by wagesMaximum effort=Higher wagesManager is responsible for planning,training,and evaluating,Taylors Theory of Scientific Management,伯利恒钢铁厂,Application in the Modern WorkplaceAssembly Line Plants as Prototypical Examples“Prisoners of Taylorism”System of Remuneration(quotas-commission)Re-Design-ReengineeringBenchmarkingData are used to refine,improve,change,modify,and eliminate organizational processesLean Manufacturing,Taylors Theory of Scientific Management,“搬铁块”实验,时间动作分析计件工资制47.5吨,1.85,成功的经验:精心挑选工人;训练;科学方法,12.5吨,1.15谈话、开除,“铁锹实验”science of shoveling,确定铲子的载重的重量 21 磅 不同原料用不同的铲子 2张卡片-说明、反馈管理人员,8万美元,计划和执行分离;标准化管理;人尽其才,才尽其用,Main Elements of Scientific Management,Time studies Functional or specialized supervision.Standardization of tools,implements and work methods.Separate Planning function.Management by exception principle.The use of slide-rules and similar time-saving devices.Instruction cards for workmen.,Main Elements of Scientific Managementcon.,Task allocation and large bonus for successful performance.The use of the differential rate.Mnemonic systems for classifying products and implements.A routing system.A modern costing system etc.,4 Principles of Scientific Management,Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.Scientifically select,train,and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to train themselves.Cooperate with the workers to ensure that the scientifically developed methods are being followed.Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers,so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks.,二、Fayols Administrative Theory,Henri FayolFrench executive and engineerThe contributions were primarily based on his identification of a set of“principles”of management 1916.Industrial management and general management,Henri Fayol,Fayols Administrative Theory,Five Elements of Management-Managerial ObjectivesPlanningOrganizingCommandCoordinationControlKeep machine functioning effectively and efficientlyReplace quickly and efficiently any part or process that did not contribute to the objectives,Division of Work 劳动分工 Specialization is the most efficient way to use human effort.2.Authority and Responsibility.权利和责任Authority is the right to give orders and obtain obedience,and responsibility is a corollary of authority.3.Discipline.纪律 Obedience to organizational rules and employment agreement is necessary.,Henri Fayol 14 principles,Fayols Administrative Theory,Unity of Command.统一指挥。There should be one and only one boss for each individual employee.Unity of Direction.统一领导。All units in the organization should be moving toward the same objectives through coordinated and focused effort.Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest.个人利益服从整体利益。The interests of the organization should take priority over the interests of any one individual employee.,Henri Fayol 14 principles,Remuneration of Employees.人员报酬。be fair to both employees and the organization.Centralization.集中。to balance subordinate involvement through decentralization with managers retention of final authority through centralization.Scalar Chain.等级制度。a chain of authority and communication that runs from the top to the bottom and should be followed by managers and subordinates.,Henri Fayol 14 principles,Order.秩序。People and materials must be in suitable places at the appropriate time for maximum efficiency.Equity.公平。Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees,who should be treated as equally as possible.Stability of Personnel.员工稳定 Employee turnover should be minimized to maintain organizational efficiency.,Henri Fayol 14 principles,Initiative.首创精神。Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for Esprit de Corps.团体精神。Management should promote a team spirit of unity and harmony among employees.,Henri Fayol 14 principles,Max Weber(1864-1920)German SociologistTheory of Social and Economic Organization(1947)Principles and Elements of Management-describe an ideal or pure form of organizational structure(general policy and specific commandsPRIMARY FOCUS:Organizational StructureWorker should respect the“right”of managers to direct activities dictated by organizational rules and proceduresMore DESCRIPTIVEhttp:/www2.pfeiffer.edu/lridener/DSS/Weber/WEBRPER.HTML,三、Webers Theory of Bureaucracy,Bureaucracy allows for the optimal form of authority-“rational authority”Three types of Legitimate AuthorityTraditional Authority-past customs;personal loyaltyCharismatic Authority-personal trust in character and skillsRational Authority-rational application of rules or laws,Webers Theory of Bureaucracy,Elements of Webers Ideal Bureaucracy,Concerned with describing the ideal structure of an organizationCornerstone:existence of written rulesThe rational application of written rules ensures the promotion of legitimate authority and the effective and efficient functioning of the organization.,Webers Theory of Bureaucracy,Application in the Modern WorkplaceLarge organizations guided by countless rules are bureaucraciesLinked with inefficient,slow-moving organizationsOrganizations have several characteristics of bureaucracies,Webers Theory of Bureaucracy,Classical Theories of Organizations(p.16)Taylors Theory of Scientific ManagementFayols Administrative TheoryWebers Theory of BureaucracyAll 3 theories attempt to enhance managements ability to predict and control the behavior of their workersConsidered only the task function of communication(ignored relational and maintenance functions of communication)Designed to predict and control behavior in organizations,SUMMARY,Thank you!,结束,


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