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    Unit 5,How to Celebrate Holidays,Warm-up Activities,1.PresentationsGroup 1:Thanksgiving Day(briefintroduction,origin,special meal&celebrations)Group 2&3:introducing one of the followingwestern festivals:Christmas,Valentines Day,Easter,Halloween,2.Video Time Friends3.Group discussion:What kind of roles do festivals play inpeoples life?And What is the significance offestivals?,Language Points,1.under way(Line 2):in position or operation,having started and making progress Eg:Preparations for the 2008 Olympic Gamesare now well under way.all the way 经由;通过的方法 any way 顺便说 by the way 自始自终 by way of 无论如何,2.turn over(Line 25):think about;consider turn aside 对感到厌恶 turn(away)from 开大;出现 turn down 避开,撇开 turn up 关小;拒绝,3.Gratitude(Line 34)Expressions of showing gratitude:Please accept our thanks for what you havedone for us.Many thanks for your hospitality.Im very grateful to you for your help.I sincerely appreciate your recommendation.We are pleased to receive your wonderfulgift.Im much obliged to you.acknowledge the applause,4.specific(Line 47),special,especial&particular specific 意思是具体的、特定的、明确的He gave us a specific statement of the case.special意思是特殊的、专门的,强调某事物的特殊性或特殊用途This is a special case,deserving special treatment.particular意思是特殊的、特别的。强调事物的独特性、突出性This particular case is an exception to the rule.especial是special的旧式的正式用语,用于强调We have an especial need of help at this time.,Quiz:translation1)我需要一个明确的回答。2)没有什么特别的。3)故事就发生在那一天。4)他特别不喜欢流行音乐。I want a specific answer.Nothing special.The story happened on that particular day.He has an especial dislike for pop music.,5.immerse(Line 53),dunk&dip 浸(入)immerse 是正式用语,指把某物完全浸入液体中,也可以指陷 入或专心于某事I immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her.dunk 是非正式用语,指将某物部分置于液体中,动作慢且轻She used to dunk her biscuits in her tea.dip是常用词,亦指将某物部分置于液体中,但马上便从液体中提出,其特点是小心谨慎或带有试探性She dipped a toe in the water to see how cold it was.,The whole town was _in a festival atmosphere.Its nice to _oneself in a pool on a hot day.He _the penpoint into the ink and then went on6.swift(Line 88),prompt,rapid&quick这几个词均有“快的、迅速的”的意思swift 是指速度很快,运动平稳或轻捷灵巧而毫不费力Eagles are swift in flight.,immersed,dunk,dipped,prompt指迅速及时,常含快得令人愉悦的意味Thanks for your prompt payment.rapid 用以描绘运动本身的速度,表示速度惊人The youth is making rapid progress.quick指即刻发生,常用来表示反应敏捷,也可指速度的快Quick thinking saved him from the trap.Quiz:What you need to do is just give your suit a _brush.This mechanic is always _in his duties.He jumped high and _,like a swallow.The boat overturned in the _current.,quick,prompt,swift,rapid,7.quote,cite&repeat均有“援引、转述”的意思Quote指(尽量)忠实地引用原文或他人说过的话Reuters quotes a Chinese diplomat as saying,“Only the people can decide the fate of their country,not super powers.”,Cite 指列举事例、事实,以此证明自己的观点,不强调引用的是否是原文或原话,往往只是提及某一出处或作者的名字To support his argument he cited Article 68,Chapter 10,of the Charter of the United Nations.Repeat 强调重复说出或写出别人的话,不在意是否精确Dont repeat the word of others like a parrot.,Quiz:I promised not to _ the secret.The judicial minister _the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening the comprehensive administration of social public order.You may _a passage from the book.Be careful or somebody will overhear what you say and may _it afterwards.,repeat,cited,quote,repeat,Word web,Think of as many words and phrases aspossible about a ship.,structure,Different kinds of ships,staff,hooter 汽笛 cabin船舱 boiler room锅炉房 propeller螺旋桨engine room轮机舱 deck甲板 rudder舵 wheelhouse操舵室 mast桅杆 anchor锚life buoy(jacket)救生圈(衣)harbor港口 dock 码头,crew 船员 captain 船长 chief officer大副second(third)officer二(三)副,航空母舰 aircraft carrier 独木舟 canoe(大型)游艇 yacht 快速大帆船 clipper 集装箱船 container ship 油轮 oil tanker 巡洋舰 cruiser 驱逐舰 destroyer 舢板 sampan 潜水艇 submarine,Useful Expressions,认真思考 真挚的文字 由衷的感激 渐渐变成一种的习惯 很少了解 给撒下美妙的遐想 按常规最重要的事 冲上甲板 围聚在周围 发生迅猛的变化 摇椅 靠当为生向表达充满慈爱的谢意 使某人意识到 对至关重要,Homework,Preview Unit 6Presentations:G4:introducing O.HenryGroup discussions:1)Tell your story of human touch 2)P196-197 Points for discussion-group workWriting:Mothers day is coming and write a Thank-you letter to your mother.,


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