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    1.I cant sleep well at night,_I often feel very tired in the day.2.-Can you play football?-Yes,I can,_ I cant play it very well.3.Study hard,_ you will fall behind.4._ John _I are policemen.,5.He didnt go to sleep _he finished his homework.6.Will you go to the cinema with me you are free?7.The woman was_ angry_ she couldnt speak anything.,John King wanted to become a teacher,he liked children very much,he was 21 years old,he began teaching in a small school.He was good at teaching,he laughed a lot with the children in class.One day a girl asked him,“Mr King,why does a mans hair become grey his beard(胡须)does.”John couldnt answer the question,he didnt get angry.He wondered some one could answer it.Then one of the boys said,“I know,Mr King!Mens hair becomes grey first its sixteen years older their beard.”,Fill in the blanks:,becausefor,when,and,before,but,whether,because,than,1 For some people,traveling abroad is the thing they enjoy most in life;for others,cultural differences make them feel uncomfortable.2.The things people like about Benetton Stores are the quality is always high and the prices are generally low.3.It might be all right to tell a friend you loved the shirt you got as a gift you know youll never wear it.4.Our educational system must prepare our citizens to be persons who have great respect for nature for mankind and persons who want to enrich the world.,5.CCTV is exactly like a window on the world_ you sit by it and fix your attention on what it shows.6_ human beings live in large numbers,the waters are very likely to be polluted.7.Some children are mad over video games.They just cant tear themselves away from them _ they start.8.These countries will join one another against terrorism,_ was agreed to at the international conference.,9.He slipped and had his leg broken._,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.10.The car is in _ bad condition _ you cant drive it.11.I told them the date _ I joined the Party,_ I would never forget.12.The fellow in rags,_ nobody seemed to say anything,tried to explain that he was not a beggar.,13.She disappeared _ I could have a word with her.Anyway,she wouldnt listen to me.14.Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _ it means standing in queue all night.15.The argument remains extremely heated _there are necessary conditions of existence such as water on the Mars.16.Madame Curie,_ life was hard at college,was a woman of strong characters and thats why she made her mark in history.,17.Although Anne is happy with her success,she wonders _ will happen to her private life.18.We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best tourist guide.19.In some countries,_ is called“equality”does not really means equal rights for all people.,


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