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    ,Chapter Eight Meaning and context,Main contents:1.definition of context2.types of contexts3.roles of context4.differences between ambiguity and fuzziness,Aim of learning context and meaning-learn how to understand meaning of words and sentences according to context-learn how to use English language properly in different context-improve cross-cultural communication,1.definition of contextIn a narrow sense:-lexical items that come immediately before and after any word in an act of communication.(whole passage,book),In a broad sense:-entire social or cultural setting-general knowledge about the world-specific knowledge about the situation in which linguistic communication is taking place.Meaning of a word-determined by linguistic/extralinguistic contexts.,2.types of contexts 1)linguistic/intralinguistic context 语言语境 a.lexical context 词汇语境(collocation)-lexical items combined with a given polysemous word,e.g.:The regulation is made to protect dogs.I hope you can make 10,000 yuan a month.,b.grammatical context 语法语境-syntactic structure of the context which determines the meaning of a polysemous word,e.g.:I will get her to do my homework.The days are getting hotter.,2)extra-linguistic context言外语境 situational context cultural context the actual situation in which communication occurs the social and cultural background,a.the actual speech situation It is a difficult operation.Is the window open?-A:Do you want some coffee?B:Coffee would keep me awake.,b.different cultures,different meanings,animal:fox dog mouse rabbit chicken bat tiger lion(lion heart),Dragon,3.roles of contextA.eliminate ambiguity ambiguity:condition whereby any linguistic form has two or more interpretations.ambiguity lexical metaphorical structural,lexical ambiguity(caused by polysemant+homophones)A:Id like to buy a book.B:Something light?A:It doesnt matter.I have my car with me.,structural ambiguity I found her on the roof.a.I found her when I was on the roof.b.I found her when she was on the roof.,B.enable people to understand the implied meaning Husband:The telephone is ringing.Wife:I am in the bathroom.A:Do you like rice?B:I am a Cantonese,you know.,C.enable people to understand the meaning of the omitted parts a.What should I buy for my girlfriend?b.Flowers.,D.indicate referent 1.Lily told Mary that Alice was angry.2.a.She said it secretly b.But she didnt believe her.c.But she was not angry.E.make clear the range of meaning of a word Men are mortal.Women are kinder than men.,5.differences between ambiguity and fuzzinessambiguity:-condition whereby any linguistic form has two or more interpretations.vagueness模糊(fuzziness):A language item can not specify the member relationship within a class of objects./Boundaries are not clear.,red?rose 玫瑰红 crimson 深红 cup?,There are about a million people in San Antonio.He is sort of musician.Your lecture seems good.This does save you eight or so dollars.(ad.),Exercise:1.Linguistic context may cover the following except_.a.a paragraph b.participant c.a whole chapter d.the entire book2._refers to the words that occur together with the word in question.a.linguistic context b.Lexical context c.grammatical context d.cultural context,3.The ambiguity of the sentence,“They saw her duck.”is caused by_.a.homonymy b.polysemy c.grammatical context d.hyponymy,4.What causes the ambiguity?Can you disambiguate them?-The man decided to wait by the bank.-Jack and Jane are married.-I never accept tips.,


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