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    高三英语总复习语法系列训练,让步状语从句专讲,宝安高级中学高三英语备课组,让步状语从句通常用 though,although,no matter,even if,if,even though,however,whatever等引起。让步状语从句可以前置,也可以后置;前置时强调主句内容,后置时强调从句内容。有时也可以采取中位(插入句中)。,1although 和though 引导的让步状语从句:,两个词同义,一般情况下可以互换使用,如:He didnt light the fire though/although it was cold.although 比though 较正式,语气较重,常用于强调让步概念,如:He insisted on doing it although I warned him not to.though可以和even 连用,但although 不可以,如:Although(Even though)the traffic held us up,we got to the airport on time.,当让步状语从句是指一种假设的情况,不指事实时,通常用though,而不用although,如:He will never do such a thing though he(should)be forced to.Though all the world were against me,I shall still hold to my opinion.though可以在非正式文体中用作连接性状语,而although 则不行。(though 可以放在句中或句末,通常用逗号隔开),如:He said he would come;he didnt,though.though引导的从句可用倒装语序(即把从句中的表语或状语等放在though之前),而although 不能这样用,如:Young though she is,yet she is fit for the job.(=Young as she is,),有时可用副词yet,still,nevertheless(但不能用连词but)来配合连接词though或although,以加强语气,如:Though he is over seventy,yet/still/nevertheless he can ride the bike.though和although后面的主语和谓语动词be 可以省略,如果这个主语和主句中的主语指同一个人或物时,如:Though(it was)cold,it was a fine winter morning.Though(he was)severely wounded,yet he refused to leave the battle field.Though(they were)very tired,they continued to march on.,2even if,even though和 if 引导的让步状语从句:even if 与 even though同义,常用于强调让步概念,如:Ill do it,even if it takes me all the afternoon.He was there even if we didnt see him.Even if you fail,you can try again.Ill help you,even if I dont sleep for a night.注:if 有时也可以用于让步含义,但要注意条件if 与让步if 的区别,试比较:If he is poor,how can he buy the house?(条件)If he is poor,he is at least honest.(让步)(=even if)If he is inexperienced,he wont be able to accomplish it.(条件)If he is inexperienced,he is at any rate eager to learn.(让步)(=even if)If John had been there,I would have seen him.(条件)If John was there,I didnt see him.(让步)(=even if),3由as,that,though引导的特殊让步状语从句结构:在正式文体或文学作品中,为了强调让步的含义,可用as引导让步从句。但as一般不置于句首,而将从句中的表语或状语置于句首。(though,that与as一样,也可以用于这种结构),如下面几种情况:,表语的倒装:Tired as he was,he still went on with his work.Old as I am,I can still fight.Clever as you may be,you cannot do that.Tall as/though he was,he couldnt reach the top shelf.Difficult though the task was,they managed to accomplish it in time.,状语的倒装:(这时不可在状语之前加very,much等修饰语)Much as I admire him as a writer,I do not like him as a man.Much as he likes the bike,he doesnt want to buy it.Hard as I studied,I could not catch up with them.,谓语动词的倒装:Try as he would,he could not remember a word of it.(=No matter how he would try)Try as he might,he didnt pass the exam.Hate him as we may,we must admit his greatness.Search as they would,they could find nothing in the room.Try as you may,you will never succeed.,注意事项:,如果是单数名词或形容词最高级作表语,不再用冠词,如:Teacher as Michael is,he is not capable of teaching all subjects.Child as/that he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.Youngest as he is in our class,he speaks English the best.Child as he is,he knows much.as从句可以置于主句前、主句后或句中,当as从句置于句首时,主句前可加yet,如:Mary,brave as she is,is afraid of snakes.He was unable to make much progress,hard as he tried.Rich as he is,(yet)I dont envy him.,当作表语的形容词提前时,如果从句的主语是人称代词,那么它只能放在动词之前;如果从句的主语是名词,则可用倒装语序,也可用陈述语序,如:Tired as were the workers,they did not stop.Clever though/as you may be,you cant do that.as 从句与主句在时态上可以不一致,如:Child as he is,he was brave.注意区别as 引导的原因从句与让步从句,试比较:As he is a lawyer,he explains the reason clearly.(原因从句)Lawyer as he is,he cant explain the reason very clearly.(让步从句),4even though和 though even though(=even if)引导的从句指把握不大或假设的事情,意为“即使”、“纵然”;though 引导的从句指事实,意为“尽管”、“虽然”,,例如:He will not reveal the secret,even though he knows it.(可能知道,也可能不知道。)He will not reveal the secret though he knows it.(虽然知道,却不说出来。),5while引导的让步状语从句:while(=although),它引导的让步状语从句只能前置,位于句首,如:While you may be right,I cant altogether agree.While I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.,注意比较下列各句:While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.(让步)While I understand what you say,I cant agree with you.(让步)While I was reading,the light went out.(时间)Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.(转折、对比)He is idle,while his brother is diligent.(转折、对比),6whetheror引导的让步状语从句:这种从句也称“选择条件-让步状语从句”,可位于主句之前或之后,如:Whether he drives or(whether he)flies,he will be here on time.Whether you like it or not,youll have to do it.Whether or not it rains,Im giving a party tomorrow.We hold that all countries,(whether they are)big or small,(whether they are)rich or poor,should be equal.Whether it rains or snows,I will go tonight.She had to go,whether or not she wanted it.,7由连接代词whoever,whomever,whatever,whichever引导的让步状语从句:Whoever(=no matter who)is unwilling to go,I will go.(whoever 既相当于连接词短语no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问代词who)Whomever(=no matter whom)you are dealing with,this method is no good.Whatever(=no matter what)happens,keep calm.Whatever others may say,you are certainly right.Whichever(=no matter which)you choose,we have no objection.,8由连接形容词whatever 或whichever 引导的让步状语从句,如:Whatever(=no matter what)difficulties may arise,we must and can overcome them one by one.(whatever 既相当于no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问形容词what 修饰名词difficulties。)Whichever(=no matter which)room is assigned to him,he will have no objection.Whichever method you use,the result is much the same.,9由连接副词however,wherever 或whenever 引导的让步状语从句。例如:However(=no matter how)difficult the task may be,we will fulfil it on time.(however 既相当于 no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问副词 how 修饰 difficult。)Wherever(=no matter where)they went,they were warmly welcomed.Whenever Im unhappy,he cheers me up.The dog follows me wherever I go.,10注意以上几种结构的省略形式:However difficult the task(may be),it will be fulfilled on time.However great the difficulties(may be),we will never retreat.Whatever the difficulties(may be),they must and can be overcome.,11由whenever,wherever 引导的从句,同时也分别是时间状语从句和地点状语从句,这里作为让步状语从句来看待,是强调它们带有no matter when,no matter where 的含义。在口语中用no matter+wh-结构比较常见。例如:No matter what I did,no one paid any attention.(=Whatever I did,)No matter when and how the invaders come,they will be wiped out clean.No matter who it is,I dont want to see him.No matter how difficult the task may be,we must fulfil it in time.It is true,no matter what you may say.(可置于主句之后)Dont believe the rumour,no matter who repeats it.(可置于主句之后)口语中还可以这样用:It doesnt matter(=No matter)what he may say,I am going.,


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