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    1,Hunan University of Arts and Science,HUMAN ANATOMY,2,Question:How many reference lines in the thorax and abdomen?,Answer:more than 12 reference lines which are listed below:Median lines:Anterior median line and posterior median lineAxillary lines:Anterior axillary line,midaxillary line,posterior axillary lineSternal lines:Lateral sternal line,parasternal lineHorizontal line:Subcostal line,transtubercular lineMidclavicular line,scapular line,paravertebral line,3,Content,Chapter 5 The Alimentary System,The General DescriptionThe Alimentary Canal.The Digestive Glands.,4,The basic constituents of the digestive systemThe main functions of the digestive system,Section 1 The General Description,Content,5,The basic constituents of the digestive system,Digestive canalAccessory organs,The mouthThe pharynxThe esophagusThe stomachThe intestine,The teeth The tongueThe gallbladderThe salivary glandsThe liverThe pancreas,消化系统,6,7,Absorption of the nutrient components(proteins,carbohydrates,fats,vitamins,minerals and water)营养物质的吸收,The main functions of the digestive system,Ingestion of foods 摄入食物,Defecation 排便:the elimination of indigestible substances from the body via the anus in the form of feces.,8,The oral cavity 口腔The pharynx 咽The esophagus 食管The stomach 胃The small intestine 小肠The large intestine 大肠,Section 2 The Digestive Duct,9,The oral cavity 口腔,The oral cavity includes two parts:,The Oral Vestibule口腔前庭The Oral Cavity Proper固有口腔,The oral cavity,口腔前庭为口腔内牙龈、牙弓外侧部的部分,外界为唇和颊,内界为牙龈和牙齿。,固有口腔上壁为硬腭和软腭,下壁为舌、粘膜和骨骼肌,侧壁为牙弓、牙齿和牙龈。,10,The Oral Vestibule口腔前庭,The Oral Cavity Proper固有口腔,11,The Oral Vestibule 口腔前庭,12,The Oral Cavity Proper 固有口腔,13,It constitutes the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity(鼻腔).,The palate(腭),Hard palate(硬腭):an anterior 2/3 partSoft palate(软腭):a posterior 1/3 part,The palate,硬腭主要以骨腭为基础,覆盖黏膜而成。,软腭由肌、肌腱和粘膜组成,后部斜向后下,称腭帆。腭帆后缘游离,中央有向下的突起称腭垂。,14,Hard palate(硬腭),Soft palate(软腭),Uvula(悬雍垂),15,The teeth(Dentes牙齿),Two sets,Deciduous teeth 乳牙Permanent teeth 恒牙,Two sets for the teeth,16,The Deciduous teeth 乳牙,20 in number,ten teeth in each mandibular and maxillary arch.,中切牙,侧切牙,尖牙,第一磨牙,第二磨牙,17,18,The special points for the deciduous teeth,Eruption萌发:starts at about 6 mouths of age and continues to the beginning of the 3rd year.,Shedding脱落:occurs between the 6th and the 12th years with replacement by the permanent teeth.,乳牙6个月大时开始萌发,3岁初出全,共20个.,19,The Permanent teeth 恒牙,32 in number,sixteen in each mandibular and maxillary arch.,中切牙,侧切牙,尖牙,第一磨牙,第二磨牙,第三磨牙,第一前磨牙,第二前磨牙,20,Upper jaw,Front,Rear,Lower jaw,incisors,2,2,canines,1,1,premolars,2,2,molars,3,3,The components of the permanent teeth,21,22,The special points for the permanent teeth,The first permanent molar第1恒磨牙:appears at about 6 years of age.,The third molars(wisdom teeth)第3磨牙:many persons erupt at any time after the 12 years of age or not at all.,23,Comparsion between the milk teeth and permanent teeth,2 sets for the human teeth,milk teeth(乳齿),permanent teeth(恒齿),Delicate(易受损的)and will gradually fall out,Replace the milk teeth,Will not be replaced by the new teeth if lost,Smaller and whiter than the permanent teeth,24,Gum gm:牙龈,The parts of a tooth,Crown(齿冠),Neck(齿颈),Root(齿根),the region above the gum,the region surrounded by the gum,the region embedded inside the jawbone,25,基本结构附属结构,The structure of a tooth,Enamel(釉质)Dentine(牙质)Cement(牙骨质)Pulp cavity(髓腔),Periodontal membrane(牙周膜)Jawbone(腭骨)Gingiva(牙龈),Tooth structure,26,Enamel(珐琅质),Enamel(珐琅质),the outermost,non-living,hard layer,mainly made of calcium phosphate(磷酸钙)and a small amount of organic matter,protects the tooth,27,Dentine(牙本质),Dentine(牙本质),the middle layer,hard and bone-like,but softer than enamel,has strands(丝条)of the living cytoplasm(胞质)running through it,28,Cement(牙骨质),Cement(牙骨质),an unusual form of bone,covers the root of the tooth,29,Pulp cavity(髓腔),Pulp cavity(髓腔),the innermost part,contains living cells,blood vessels and nerves,30,Periodontal membrane&Jawbone,Periodontal membrane(牙周膜),Jawbone(牙槽骨),31,牙整体结构示意图,32,The tongue 舌,Two parts,Tongue body:anterior 2/3Tongue root:posterior 1/3,Tongue parts,The muscular organ is divided into two parts by the v-shaped terminal sulcus(界沟).,body,root,33,The foramen cecum of the tongue 舌盲孔,At the apex of terminal sulcus there is a small median pit(洞),called the foramen cecum of tongue 舌盲孔.,舌盲孔,舌盲孔为甲状舌管朝向咽的开口部的残存结构。,34,The papillae of the tongue 舌乳头,Filiform papillae 丝状乳头 Fungiform papillae 菌状乳头 Foliate papillae 叶状乳头Vallate papillae 轮廓乳头,菌状乳头、叶状乳头、轮廓乳头以及会厌等处的粘膜上皮内,均含有味蕾,为味觉感受器。,Papillae types,There are 4 types of the papillae on the tongue.,35,Filiform papillae,Fungiform papillae,Foliate papillae,Vallate papillae,36,The papillae of the tongue view,37,The papillae of the tongue view,38,Masses of sub-mucosal lymphoid(淋巴的)tissue on the root of the tongue.,舌扁桃体由许多淋巴组织构成的许多大小不等的突起组成。,The lingual tonsil 舌扁桃体,39,The salivary glands,Major salivary glandsMinor salivary glands,Parotid glandSubmandibular glandSublingual gland,Tongue gland 舌腺Lip gland 唇腺Cheek gland 颊腺Palatine gland 腭腺,The salivary glands can be divided into two groups according to their sizes:,40,Major salivary glands view,41,The Pharynx 咽,The general features,A fibromuscular(纤维肌肉质的)tube,part of the digestive and respiratory systems.,Extends from the base of the skull to the lower border of the C6 level.,Three segments are divided for the pharynx.,42,Three segments,Nasopharynx 鼻咽部Oropharynx 口咽部Laryngopharynx 喉咽部,Three segments,鼻咽部上达颅底,下至腭帆后缘平面续口咽部。,喉咽部上起自会厌上缘平面,下至第6颈椎体下缘平面与食管相续。,口咽部位于腭帆后缘与会厌平面之间,向前经咽峡与口腔相通。,43,44,The Esophagus 食管,General features,A muscular tube about 25cm long,Three constrictions(狭窄)for the esophagus.(注:为食道癌好发部位),Passing through the diaphragm at level of the T10 vertebra and enters the stomach after 12 cm,Connecting the pharynx at level of the C6 vertebra,45,Three constrictions 三个狭窄,Three constrictions,CommencementWhere crossed by the left bronchusWhere pass through the diaphragm,第一狭窄处At its beginning:lies at level of C6,is the narrowest part of the esophagus.,第二狭窄处Where it is crossed by the left main bronchus:lies at level of intervertebral disc between T4 and T5.,第三狭窄处Where it passes through the esophageal hiatus(裂孔)of diaphragm:40cm from incisors(切牙),at level of T10,46,Three constrictions三个狭窄,Commencement:lies at level of C6,is the narrowest part of the esophagus.,Where crossed by the left bronchus:lies at level of intervertebral disc between T4 and T5.,Where pass through the diaphragm:40cm from incisors(切牙),at level of T10,47,The Stomach胃,The stomach shape,Two surface Anterior and posteriorTwo curvatures(弯曲)Lesser curvature 胃小弯 Greater curvature 胃大弯Two openings(开口)Cardia 贲门Pylorus 幽门,48,临床上将幽门部称为胃窦,此部和胃小弯附近是溃疡和癌症的好发部位.,Four parts for the stomach,Cardiac part 贲门部Fundus of stomach 胃底Body of stomach 胃体Pyloric part 幽门部,Pyloric antrum 幽门窦Pyloric canal 幽门管,Stomach parts,49,Pyloric part 幽门部,Fundus胃底,Body胃体,Cardiac part 贲门部,Pyloric antrum 幽门窦,Pyloric canal 幽门管,50,The structure of the stomach wall,Stomach wall,胃壁有四层,粘膜呈桔红色,胃空虚时形成许多皱壁,充盈时变平。,It consists of the four usual layers.,Mucosa 粘膜层Submucosa 粘膜下层Muscularis 肌肉层Serosa 浆膜层,51,粘膜层,粘膜下层,肌肉层,浆膜层,52,53,About 5-7m long,It can be divided into three parts.,The Small Intestine小肠,小肠组成,General features,Duodenum 十二指肠Jejunum 空肠Ileum 回肠,duodenum.dju dnm.dju()u dnm 十二指肠,54,55,The wall structure of the small intestine,肠壁结构仍为4层。特点:小肠管壁有环形皱襞,粘膜有许多绒毛分布,增加吸收面积。,56,Duodenum 十二指肠,Duodenum can be divided into four parts.,Superior part 上部Descending part 降部Horizontal part 水平部Ascending part 升部,十二指肠分部,十二指肠围成C字形,包绕胰头.降部中段后内侧壁上有一纵行皱襞,称十二指肠纵襞,其下端形成十二指肠大乳头,为肝胰壶腹的开口处。,57,Jejunum and ileum空肠和回肠,58,Jejunum and ileum,Jejunum,ileum,59,The Large Intestine大肠,Approximately 1.5m long,Five parts:,Cecum 盲肠 Vermiform appendix 阑尾Colon 结肠Rectum 直肠 Anal canal 肛管,大肠分部,60,The remarkable features for lthe arge Intestine 大肠的三个鉴别性特征,Colic bands 结肠带Haustra of colon 结肠袋Epiploic appendices 肠脂垂,Colic bands,Haustra of colon,Epiploic appendices,61,Vermiform appendix 阑尾,Blind worm-like tube,68cm long,about 0.5cm in diameter.,盲肠表面的3条结肠带均集中到阑尾根部,手术中依据这一特点来寻找阑尾.,The base at the appendix(阑尾)lies at the point of convergence of three colic bands(used as a guide to find the appendix during operation).,62,Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurneys point which is at the junction of the lateral and middle thirds of line joining right anterior superior iliac spine and umbilicus.,The surface marking for the base of Vermiform appendix 阑尾根部体表投影点,阑尾根部的体表投影点,通常以右髂前上棘与脐的连线的中、外1/3交点处为代表,该点被称为McBurney点.,63,Ascending colon升结肠Transverse colon横结肠Descending colon 降结肠Sigmoid colon乙状结肠,Colon 结肠,结肠分部,升结肠和降结肠无系膜,乙状结肠是恶性肿瘤的多发部位.,64,65,Rectum and anal canal 直肠与肛管,直肠是大肠位于骨盆腔下部的一段,全长10-14cm。,肛管为直肠的肛门部,长3-4cm。,66,直肠有两个弯曲和三个直肠横襞。,肛管内有纵行皱襞,形成6-10条肛柱,肛柱的末端形成肛窦。,直肠与肛管的特点,直肠横襞,肛柱,肛窦,67,The formation of the hemorroids 肛痔的形成,直肠与肛道粘膜及粘膜下层内有丰富的静脉丛,容易发生瘀血而静脉曲张,形成痔。,68,The liver 肝The gallbladder 胆囊The pancreas 胰,Section 3 The Digestive Glands,69,The Liver 肝,The liver is the largest single gland in the body and performs many vital functions.,70,The liver shapeThere are two surfaces for liver.,The shape and location of the liver,Diaphragmatic surface膈面Visceral surface 脏面,The liver shape,肝上面臌隆,对向隔故称膈面;肝下面凹凸不平,邻接一些腹腔器官,称为脏面,71,Diaphragmatic surface膈面,Right and left lobes divided by the falciform ligament,Convex and smooth表面凸起且光滑.,72,Visceral surface脏面,Has a H-shaped fissures and grooves and divided into four lobes.,Left lobe左叶Right lobe右叶Quadrate lobe 方叶Caudate lobe尾状叶,脏面分叶,73,方叶,尾状叶,左叶,右叶,74,The liver location,肝大部分位于右季肋区和腹上区,小部分达左季肋区。肝前面大部分被肋所掩盖,仅有一小部分露出剑突之外,下缘不超过肋骨下缘。,Right hypochondriac region(右季肋区)Epigastric region(上腹部区)Left hypochondriac region(左季肋区),Large portion,Small portion,右季,上腹,左季,75,lobule lbjul lbjul小叶hexagonal hks gnl hek sgnl 六角形的,The structure of the liver,Hexagonal-shaped liver lobules are the structural and functional units of the liver.,76,The liver lobules are mainly composed of hepatocytes(肝实质细胞),77,Hepatocytes functions(肝实质细胞的功能),Production of bile产生胆汁肝细胞分泌胆汁,有助于脂肪的消化和吸收。,Processing bloodborne nutrients处理血源性营养物质肝细胞将过多的血糖转化为肝糖元,将血液中的氨基酸转变成蛋白质加以贮存。,Storage of fat-soluble vitamins储存脂溶性维生素,Detoxification解毒肝细胞将氨基酸在代谢过程中产生的有毒的氨转变为无毒的尿素。肝血窦内的枯否氏细胞(Kupffer cell)有强的吞噬能力。,78,Gallbladder 胆囊 Left and right hepatic ducts 左、右肝管Common hepatic duct 肝总管Cystic duct 胆囊管Common bile duct 胆总管,肝外胆道系统,肝外胆道系统主要包括:胆囊、肝总管和胆总管。肝左右叶的左右肝管出肝门后汇合成肝总管,肝总管与胆囊管汇合成胆总管。胆总管长约68cm,开口于十二指肠降部。,The extrahepatic biliary apparatus 肝外胆道系统,79,80,The Gallbladder 胆囊,PositionLies in the fossa(窝)for the gallbladder on the visceral surface of the liver.,81,Function:stores and concentrate the bile,Fundus 胆囊底Body 胆囊体Neck 胆囊颈Cystic duct 胆囊管,胆囊分部,Cystic duct,Neck,Fundus,Body,The Gallbladder parts,82,Bile is secreted by the liver cells,Common hepatic duct,Common bile duct,Major duodenal papilla十二指肠大乳头,Biliary ductuli胆小管,Right and left hepatic ducts,Cystic duct,Gallbladder(store,concentrate),肝脏分泌胆汁流经路线,脂肪进入小肠引起胆囊收缩,肝胰壶腹括约肌释放,83,Bile salts(胆盐)Bile pigments(胆色素)Cholesterol(胆固醇)Neutral fats(中性脂)Phospholipids(磷脂)Electrolytes(电解质),The composition of the bile,Composition of the bile,84,A yellow-green,alkaline(碱性的)solution,Special points for the bile,Bile salts are cholesterol(胆固醇)derivatives that:Emulsify(使乳化)fatFacilitate fat and cholesterol absorptionHelp solubilize(溶解)cholesterol,The chief bile pigment is bilirubin(胆红素),a waste product of the heme(血红素).,85,Acidic,fatty chyme(酸性脂质食糜),The regulation of the bile release,The duodenum release Cholecystokinin(缩胆囊肽)and secretin(促胰液素)into blood,Bile salts and secretin transported in blood stimulate the liver to produce bile,Vagal(迷走神经的)stimulation causes weak contractions of the gallbladder,Cholecystokinin(缩胆囊肽),The gallbladder to contract,The gallbladder,The bile enters the duodenum,hepatopancreatic(肝胰的)sphincter to relax,86,Enteroendocrine cell:肠内分泌细胞Vagal:迷走神经的Cholecystokinin:缩胆囊肽Secretin:促胰液素Hepatopancreatic:肝胰的,The regulation of the bile release,87,The Pancreas 胰,The Shape A soft yellowish lobulated gland.Position Lies behind the peritoneum(腹膜)on the posterior abdominal wall,roughly at the level of L1L2.,88,Pancreas is divided into three parts,胰分部,Head 胰头Body 胰体Tail 胰尾,89,Main Pancreatic duct 主胰管Accessory pancreatic duct 副胰管,Pancreatic duct 胰管,胰管类型,主胰管自胰尾起沿胰的长轴右行,沿途汇集各叶的导管,最后与胆总管末端汇合成肝胰壶腹,开口于十二指肠大乳头。,有时在主胰管上方有细小的副胰管,开口于十二指肠小乳头,主胰管,副胰管,90,The regulation of the pancreatic secretion,Chyme:食糜Enteroendocrine cell:肠内分泌细胞Vagal:迷走神经的Cholecystokinin:缩胆囊肽Secretin:促胰液素Hepatopancreatic:肝胰的Bicarbonate:碳酸氢盐Cephalic:头的,颅的,91,Section 4 复习 提问 总结,Answer:The mouthThe pharynxThe esophagusThe stomachThe small intestine:Duodenum;Jejunum;IleumThe large intestine:Cecum 盲肠;Vermiform appendix 阑尾;Colon 结肠;Rectum 直肠 Anal canal 肛管,Question 1:What are the composition of the digestive duct?,92,Question 2:What are the structure of the liver?,Answer:Hexagonal-shaped liver lobules are the structural and functional units of the liver.The liver lobules are mainly composed of hepatocytes(肝实质细胞)Kupffer cells are distributed in the wall of the hepatic sinusoid(肝血窦),93,Exercise,Requirement:answer every question in English.,Term explanationHard and soft palate(硬腭和软腭)Deciduous and permanent teeth(乳牙与恒牙)Vermiform appendix(阑尾)Common bile duct(胆总管),Briefly stating the components of the alimentary system and its functions.(简述消化系统的组成与功能),94,95,谢 谢 聆 听!欢 迎 指 导!,


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