TESS OF THE DURBERVILLES,Phase the First.The MaidePhase the Second.Maiden no MorePhase the Third.The RallyPhase the Fourth.The ConsequencePhase the Fifth.The Woman PaysPhase the Sixth.The ConvertPhase the Seventh.Fulfillment,娜塔莎.金斯基(Nastassja Kinski),娜丝塔西娅金斯基(Nastassja Kinski)1961年1月24日出生于德国柏林。苔丝是我们能立刻能想到的她的影片,这多少有些令人尴尬,对于一个具有很高国际知度的影星来说,娜丝塔西娅金斯基的代表作太少了,这部令她一举成名的影片,至今仍是她少有的令人称道的作品之一,倒是力士香皂的广告至今令人记忆尤新。,娜塔莎.金斯基(Nastassja Kinski),目前,娜塔莎金斯基在大西洋两岸的影坛都相当活跃。在美国,她演了女鼓手(The Little Drummer Girl,1984年)、玛莉亚的情人(Marias Lovers,1985年)、革命(Revolution1986年)电影;在欧洲,则主演了明月沟渠(The Moon in the Gutter,1983年)、巴黎德州(Paris Texas,1984年)、爱的奏鸣曲(Symphony of Love,1985年)等片,Major Characters,John Durbeyfield:A shiftless man who takes drinking more seriously than work,finds out that hes the only descendent of the ancient and noble dUrberville family and thinks its a way to get money so that he doesnt have to work to provide for his family.He takes great pride in his name,although it never brings him anything of value.Joan Durbeyfield:John Durbeyfields wife and Tesss mother,Joan uses her daughter as a way to get money and encourages her daughter to find a wealthy husband.She is disappointed in Tess when her daughter refuses to marry Alec dUrberville and when she tells Angel Clare about her past.Joan seldom wants whats best for Tess and more often wants whats best for herself.,Major Characters,Angel Clare:Son of a minister,he is thoughtful and open-minded,or so he thinks.He falls in love with Tess only to abandon her days after they are married because he learns that she was seduced.Years pass and he finally realizes that he was wrong to treat her that way,but when he returns to find her,she is married to Alec dUrberville,the man who seduced her.He and Tess reconcile after she murders dUrberville and they are together until she is executed,at which point he marries her younger sisterTess Durbeyfield(dUrberville):Daughter of John and Joan Durbeyfield,she is the mother-figure for her parents and siblings because she is conscientious and hard-working.The family sends her to ask the dUrberville family in Tantridge for money,and she is seduced by Alec dUrberville.Her life is one long series of near-misses after that.She ends up murdering dUrberville after he takes her away from Angel Clare,her true love,and she is executed for it.,Major Characters,Alec dUrberville:Son of a merchant who took the name,dUrberville,so that no one would know that their wealthy came from industry.Alec is a womanizer who takes advantage of Tess and then reappears later in her life trying to marry her although she does not care for him at all.He eventually wears her down with his persistence and convinces her to marry him by giving her mother and siblings a place to live when her father dies.Tess stabs him with a carving knife when Angel Clare comes back for her because she feels that Alec has lied to her and betrayed her again because he said that Angel would never come back for her or want her again.He is the catalyst for all the negative things that happen to Tess.,Topic Tracking:Sacrifice,Chapter 3Sacrifice 1:Tess makes many sacrifices throughout the novel.Sometimes she is doing it because she is forced,and sometimes her sacrifices are because shes doing what she feels is the right thing.Several times the sacrifices that she makes are for her family.In this instance,she is sacrificing her time to play mother to her younger siblings so that her parents can go drink at the pub.Chapter 6Sacrifice 2:Tess does not want to go work for Alec dUrberville in Tantridge because she doesnt feel right about the situation.Despite her misgivings,her family pushes her to go,and she sacrifices her better judgment to please her family.,Topic Tracking:Sacrifice,Chapter 6Sacrifice 2:Tess does not want to go work for Alec dUrberville in Tantridge because she doesnt feel right about the situation.Despite her misgivings,her family pushes her to go,and she sacrifices her better judgment to please her family.Chapter 12Sacrifice 3:Tess ends up sacrificing her innocence and virginity because her family wants her to go try to get money from their relatives.Sacrifice 4:Tesss sacrifice goes unnoticed and unappreciated because her mother considers what happened to her part of nature,so Tess made this great sacrifice for nothing.,Topic Tracking:Sacrifice,Chapter 21Sacrifice 5:Tess is willing to give up her chance with Angel because she thinks that the other girls deserve him more because they are unspoiled and innocent.She feels that it would be fairer to the girls and to Angel if she had nothing to do with him because she is so unworthy of him.She even half-heartedly tries to get him to like the other girls.Chapter 27Sacrifice 6:Tess continues to try to deny Angel although she loves him.She is trying to protect him,the other girls,and maybe even herself,because she feels that he deserves someone as pure as he thinks Tess is.Chapter 28Sacrifice 7:Tess finds it impossible to give Angel up,although she believes it is the right thing to do.She loves him too much to let him go,so she changes the pattern of self-sacrifice and tries to be selfish by allowing herself to love Angel and to accept his love in return.,苔丝的人物分析,德伯家的苔丝是英国著名现实主义作家托马斯哈代的力作,也是命运悲剧小说的经典之作。他塑造了一位为追求自由,平等而愤然反抗的女性形象苔丝。在男权文化和意识形态的禁锢下,女性的身份地位只能尴尬地处于失去主权的附属地位。处于维多利亚时期的苔丝,她的女性身份地位亦无法挣脱父权制和社会礼法的束缚。男权意识里,女性的美貌既是“祸水”,又成为男人推卸自己罪恶的借口;男性要求女性的忠诚与身体的贞洁,却无视自己的放纵。而在男权的压制下,女性的思维模式也被这种强势所控制甚至固在化了。,亚雷的人物形象分析,亚雷是资产阶级暴发户的代表,是人性中兽性的代表。典型的花花公子,负心汉子。他玩弄妇女,作风下流。象征着西方文明的外衣掩饰下野蛮残酷的肉欲。苔丝的美貌通过亚雷的眼睛看来,沾上了欲望和邪恶的色彩。他还认为苔丝的美貌对她是不利的,因为一个女人的美貌是诱发男人肉欲的诱饵,会使她成为男人的眼馋之食。他称苔丝为“小妖精”,从他的男权角度看来,这似乎暗示着此后他对苔丝的占有,正是她美貌的引诱所致,从某种程度上说,她要为他的卑劣行为负责。亚雷第二次诱奸苔丝,虽然加入了一些赎罪做善事的粉饰,依旧无法抹杀其骨子里纯肉体的私欲在作怪的本质。皈依教会后的亚雷在布蕾谷黄昏烧枯草的滚滚黑烟中映着火光出现时手持一把耪地用的齿叉,自称“我就是那个装作下等动物的老坏东西,跑到园里来诱惑你”。,安玑的人物分析,在安玑的眼中苔丝达到了物质美与精神美的极致,是高度理想化的极致。他们的相爱是在芙仑谷,那儿“空气清新,凉爽,飘渺的”飘渺空灵往往还隐藏着“非尘世的”的意思,这带有强调精神而怀疑物质的唯心主义色彩,暗示了安玑克莱的性格。正如后来我们看到的那样,由于安玑的爱“轻灵得太过分了”他把“有形的实体化为无形的想象”把现实生活中活生生的苔丝与他心目中那个理想化的苔丝对立起来,他一面希望得到一个“天然美丽”、“质朴纯洁的”女人,一面又对苔丝的纯真无辜视而不见,死死抱住前人评定的道德,不肯宽容可怜的苔丝。在他最初爱恋的心目中,苔丝不是一个具体的人,而是一片空幻玲珑的女性精华,在安玑意念中是作为女性的一个典型仪容的。反映了家长制社会对女性身份的定位以及理想化憧憬。“社会习俗把妇女划分为贞洁与堕落,贞女与妓女两大类型,这种分法置妇女于两极之中,剥夺了她们作其他选择的可能性。苔丝,因为进入维多利亚时代的性误区而注定要终生受折磨。”可以看出,女性的身份地位在当时社会不过是男性的主体意愿出发的文化逻辑。,苔丝的命运,在苔丝心中,一直把克莱看成自己的神,是保护自己的。现在,连这保护自己的“神”也和众生一样的世俗谬见,她从他那受到的打击和绝望甚至并不亚于亚雷。亚雷毁了苔丝的清白,玷污了她的肉体,而克莱则彻底摧毁了苔丝的意志和精神,使苔丝几乎失去了为人处世的的资格。在那个时代,妻子被丈夫遗弃的等义词也就是意味着被整个社会所遗弃。,苔丝的命运,哈代在标题中将苔丝称作“一个纯洁的女人”,“纯洁”(pure)一词在英文中除了“天真无邪”之义外,还有“纯粹,完整”的意思。而亚雷的两番占有苔丝的肉体,正是将苔丝完整的人格强迫加以分裂。在苔丝自然造就的心里,要恢复完整的自我,最终成就一个纯洁的女人,便只能杀死亚雷,摈弃他所代表的力量的压迫。她是男权文化的直接受害者,所以理所当然地赋予了她反抗的力量。她的最终不幸被毁灭的悲剧实际是在揭示妇女身上被压抑被掩饰的一面:即她们的痛苦和她们的愤怒。,苔丝的命运,“黑格尔说:爱情在女子身上显得最美,因为女子把全部精神生活和现实生活都集中在爱情里和推广成为爱情,她只有在爱情里才能找到生命支持力,如果她在爱情方面遭遇不幸,她就象一道火焰被一阵风熄掉。爱情至上便会导致复仇。”6苔丝就是这么一个纯洁地爱情至上的女子,真纯地追寻爱情忠于爱情,真纯地为爱情牺牲。直至最后杀死亚雷,也是因为亚雷毁灭了她赖以生存下去的生命支柱安玑的爱,是对爱情最执着地真纯追求遭到破坏而积淀到极点必然爆发的愤怒。,