英汉翻译教程,WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TRANSLATION!,1.The history of translation,1.1 the story in the Bible,Tower of Babel,Come,let us build ourselves a city,and a tower with its top in the heaven,and let us make a name for ourselves,lest(otherwise)we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”,So the lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth,and they left off building the city.Therefore its name was called Babel,because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth;and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the earth.Genesis 11:1-9 创世纪,王国维(1877年1927年),1.2 the earliest translation in Egypt,3000 BC,1.3 the history of translation In China,The translation of Buddhist scripture from East Han Dynasty to Song Dynasty.The translation of science and technology works from late Ming Dynasty to early Qing Dynasty.The translation of Western natural science and social science works(1840-1919)The mass translation since 1978.,Famous translators of Fujian origin:林纾、严复、辜鸿名、林语堂、冰心、郑振铎、张培基、朱纯深、陈羽纶、余光中福建翻译家研究林本椿 主编,福建教育出版社,2004,What is translation?,Discuss with your partners:How do you perceive translation?As a language activity?As an art?As a kind of cross-cultural communication?As a job?As a subject?Why?,Understanding,A language activity:one of the five skills in learning EnglishAn art:the processes as well as the productCommunication:translation or dieJob:for some people,it is a jobSubject:to learn translation theory and skills,it is no doubt a science.Translation is also a good way to develop your own language,both native and foreign language.,2.the nature of translation,“transfer of a text from a source language into a text in target language,the objective being a perfect equivalence of meaning between the two texts.”(Tanke,1976),2.the nature of translation,Translation is an intentional,interpersonal,partly verbal intercultural interaction based on a source text.(Nord:2001),2.the nature of translation,Translation is a science/an art/a craft/a skill/an operation/a cross-linguistic communication/a cross-cultural communication/,2.the nature of translation,Translation means translating meanings(Nida).,3 the rules of translation,Alexander Fraser Tytlers 3 principles(1797):The translation should give a complete transcript of the idea of the original work.The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.,Yanfu(1898):faithfulness,fluency and elegance,3.3Eugene A.Nida:“Theory of Equivalent Effect”,3.4 Hans&Vermeer:the theory of“skopos”,3.5 钱钟书:化境Sublimed adaptation,3.6 傅雷:“神似”论spiritual conformity,Polysystem translation theoryDeconstruction theoryCulture turn in translation,翻译标准虽不能至,心向往之,4.Process of Translation:,comprehending,expressing and checking.,Deficiency of machine translation:,There is three states of matter:solid,liquid and gas.有问题的3状态:固体,液体和气体。Joke:The mouse clicked and escaped.老鼠吱吱地叫着就逃跑了。,Ex.Improve the following translation:,1.The present vehicle of this economic domination by the North of the South is the multinational corporation.原译:当前北方对南方的经济统治的工具就是跨国公司。,Ex.Improve the following translation:,1.The present vehicle of this economic domination by the North of the South is the multinational corporation.改译:跨国公司是当前发达国家从经济上支配发展中国家的手段。,Ex.Improve the following translation,2.She is a valuable acquisition of the company.原译:她是这家公司有价值的收获。,Ex.Improve the following translation:,2.She is a valuable acquisition of the company.改译:她是这家公司不可多得的人才。,Ex.Improve the following translation:,3.It would be impossible for us to supply this small quantity in materials of varying design and colour,without considerably raising prices.原译文:你们要我们提供的料子,要得这么少,花样、颜色又很杂,再不多少提点价儿,恐怕办不到。,3.It would be impossible for us to supply this small quantity in materials of varying design and colour,without considerably raising prices.改译:如不做适当提价,要本公司供应这种量少且花色各异的料子,实在难以办到。,4.After all,all living creatures live by feeding on something else,whether it be plant or animal,dead or alive.原译文:因为,毕竟所有活着的生物,不论是植物还是动物,死的还是活的都靠吃某种别的东西生存。,4.After all,all living creatures live by feeding on something else,whether it be plant or animal,dead or alive.改译:所有活着的生物毕竟都是靠吃别的东西来生存的,不论这些东西是植物还是动物,是死的还是活的。,5.Knowledge involved in translation,5.1 pragmatics:the science of linguistics which studies the speakers meaning or the utterances meaning.,eg.“You have left the door open.”has different utterance meaning:,“You have left the door open.”1).Report a fact that you forgot to close the door.2).That is why the room is so cold.3).Close the door,please.,“Thomas Sawyer!”Tom knew that when his name was pronounced in full,it meant trouble.“I dont have to tell you anything.NORMAN PAGE.Not a single thing”.,5.2 background knowledge/logic英国总统是演员出身(韩国)壁虎的爱情(Sun:2003:18),Ex.,1)Columbus left Spain with three small ships-Santa Maria,Pinta and Nina-on 3rd August 1492,and saw land on 14th October.2)Until the railways were built,long journeys were made by coach.This often took many days because the roads were bad.,3)Do El Salvadors leaders really want to see their country turn into a Central American Lebanan?4)At home and abroad there is a strong dissenting view that sees the treaty as a new Munich.5)It was Friday and soon theyd go out and get drunk.,5.3 Social linguistics:a branch of linguistics that studies the relationship of language and society.eg.An excerpt from“Pygmalion”by Bernard Shaw.The flower girl:will ye-oo py me fthem?The daughter:Do nothing of the sort,Mother.The idea!,The flower girl:will ye-oo py me fthem?The daughter:Do nothing of the sort,Mother.The idea!译文:卖花女:你肯给钱吗?女儿:妈,一个子儿也别给,想得倒美!,5.4 Semiotics 符号学 eg.“I”bar They sat down in a triangle,facing each other.,6.The basic unit of translation:as short as is possible,as long as is necessary,7.Basic requirements for this course:,basic theory of translationbasic skills in translation bilingual skills(comprehension,writing)awareness of rhetorical devices and styles the habit of consulting reference books or dictionaries,basic requirement for passage translating:(good handwriting,correct punctuation,no wrong writing of characters or misprints)grade 8 test:20%for translation in one hour,Assessment criteria:Passage translation once every 2-3 weeks(50%)and final exam(50%).,You will have to:read more;practise more;think more;discuss more,Discussion,What do you think translation is?What do you think is the role of translators?,8.Lexical Comparison of English and Chinese,8.1 The meaning of words:8.1.1 equivalent:proper nouns and scientific terms such as“radar,New York,leukemia”objects or ideas which exit in both languages:the sun;hand;bike;airport,8.1.2 Partly overlapped:Pull and 拉,Cat 猫She is a cat.她是个心地狠毒的女人。Parent“父亲或母亲”,“养父或养母”I have no experience as a parent.,Ex.,Under federal law,Medigap policies are policies that are specifically designed to complement your Medicare benefits.Breaking the glass ceiling,the regulation makes it easier for women to move into senior management positions.,It is a common practice in America for publishers to send a professor a desk copy if the professor chooses a book they have published as a coursebook in a university.,Wife:妻子,夫人,太太,老婆,爱人(cf:lover)Cousin:堂兄弟,堂姐妹,表兄弟,表姐妹等,Ex.Decide the meaning of“cousin”:,In the middle of all his work,Peter Jefferson fell in love with Jane Randolph,a 19-year-old cousin of Williams and in 1739 married her.In 1737,when Peter Jefferson was 30 years old,he and his friend William Randolph travelled up the James River and followed a branch of it,Teenager#青少年(Intellectual#知识分子Scholar#学者(,8.1.3 No equivalence due to cultural gap:pulk:a.Coinage(创造法):龙舌兰酒b.Transliteration+note(音译加注):pulk葡克水,一种墨西哥人常喝的龙舌兰汁饮料。White meat:白色肉类(颜色较浅的肉,如小牛肉、鸡肉、火鸡的胸脯肉等,别于牛肉、鹿肉、羊肉等红色肉类而言)Red meat:红色肉类(颜色较深的肉,如牛肉、鹿肉、羊肉等,别于鸡肉、野兔肉、猪肉、小牛肉等白色肉类而言),Woopie(well-off older people):富有的老年消费者Commuter“家住郊区,乘车到市内上班的人”“上班族”Telecommuters:指在home office 中借助电话、传真、电脑等现代化通讯手段与客户或公司保持联系的人,也称为soho 一族,开领一族。月光女神 是汉语中一个带上时代和文化烙印的词(culturaly-loaded word),Predator:an animal that kills and eats other animals(猎食:食肉+食虫)*食肉动物Prey:an animal that is eaten and hunted by other animals 被食动物(食草动物)Scavenger:an animal that eats anything it can find-dogs scavenging through the dustbins,(食腐动物)*食尸动物(因为有的不杀生),In the end I had to have a caesarean,which just knocked me for six.,8.1.4 false friends:,Fat farm 脂肪农场;Love child 爱子Small business 小生意Riot Police 暴乱警察Fire department 纵火部门Letterman 邮差Have a change of heart心脏移植Rest room 休息室House slave 房奴,