My territory,A brief introduction of the dish,Tomatoes,cabbage with fried bean curd,is a home cooking dish,which is easy to make,with a few ingredients,and only takes a few minutes to cook.Those vegetables,which is cheap that we all can afford,is good to our health.,Ingredients,First,tomatoes,Second,bean curd,Third,Chinese cabbage,Seasoning:,olive oil,Soy sauce,salt,practice,1)Wash the cabbage,cut into 7 cm long,5 mm wide wire.Wash tomatoes and cut into 3 cm sized pieces.Tofu cut into 2 cm square blocks.,2)Pour olive oil into a pan,heating the oil until the it is hot.Then change the strong heat into medium heat.Do not use the shovel to stir,fry about 1 minute,shake the pan,flip the tofu(or turn it upside down assisted with a shovel),until its color turns to golden.,3)Add tomatoes,fried until it is soft,it would appears a little tomato sauce,then add cabbage and salt into the pan to mix,covering with lid,over medium heat for about 3 minutes.(Do not add water,because tomatoes and cabbage contains lots of moisture),4)When cabbage is soft,drizzle soy sauce and stir about 20 seconds over the strong heat.,And then,it is ready to be served.,Some tips:,1,Actually,there is not too much skill when making this dish,all attentions you have to pay is that,do not rush to turn the bean curd over,go upside down when one side is fried to yellow,or it will easily break.2,the olive oil can not be represented by other oils,because its unique feature.The olive oil can prevent food from sticking together,while helping to prevent the food from losing the moisture and nutrients which itself contains.,This dish is easy to make and tastes good,in addition,it is a good choice for girls those who want to lose weight or keep their figure.,Most importantly,making this dish only takes several minutes altogether.Also it can extend ones life.,Its raw materials are all vegetables that the dish is suitable for people of all different faiths to eat.,Thank you for your attention,Now,please enjoy the dish!,