什么是三月无销售单品报告、RF扫描的缺货报告及停止单品报告的作用?Whats the process of non-movement by three month、stock out(RF)and stop item report?,Stock out report(RF),这是商品的编号和条码 This is item code and barcode,这是单品名称和供应商名称This is item name and supplier name,这是单品的最后库存和在途订货This items balance stock and ONYR,这是单品的下次订货日与下次到货日This is next order day andnext delivery day,这是单品的平均销售和最后一次销售日This is daily sales andlast sales day,报表知识Report knowledge,报表知识Report knowledge,缺货报告可以让我们及时了解到卖场的实际缺货情况以便及时订货。This report inform us how many goods is shortage in sales area,we can order it on time,课长每天要检查缺货报告,并且要了解为什么会缺货,避免以后出现同样的情况从而影响销量。Sales manager should check the report daily,that he can know why&how much is shorted,avoid next time.,员工每天要用RF扫描缺货,向课长反映每天的缺货情况,如果有在途订货应让供应商时送货,如果未订货应向订货部申请订货避免缺货。Staff should scan the shortage daily&report to superior the situationif there are ONYR should push supplier to delivery,if there arent order they should inform Op to create fax order,Non-movement item by three months,这是单品的编号与名称This is item code andname,报表知识Report knowledge,这是单品的库存数量This is item stock Qty.,这是单品的库存金额This is item stockvalue,这是部门编号与单品个数、金额的合计This is department and item Qty、value sum.,B-2-2-1,报表知识Report knowledge,三月无销售报告可以让我们及时了解到卖场的滞销商品的情况。The non-move report will inform us the situation of unsalable goods.,课长需要及时了解这一情况,对这些商品进行控制,以免影响商品的回转。Sales manager should know it on-time,for respect the normal goods flow,销售部门从而可以将削减滞销商品的库存,而增加畅销商品的库存,达到家乐福对商品高回转的要求。Sales Dept could decrease the unsalable goods stock&achieve the merchandise standard.,营业员应对这些商品停止订货加强 退货,尽量减少库存。Sales staff should stop order these goods&push return to decrease the stock value.,报表知识Report knowledge,Stop item report,这是部门编号、单品编号和单品名称This is department code.Item code and name.,这是子代码及名称This is Sub code and name,这是单品的库存数量和库存金额This is item Qty、and value,这是单品的停止日期This is item stop date,B-2-3-2,报表知识Report knowledge,停止单品报表可以让我们知道仓库与 卖场内有多少有库存的停止单品,从而便于对这些商品进行控制。Stop items report could inform us how many stock is stopped,that we can takestrong action to clear them.,停止单品会占用正常的流动资金,所以我们需要对这些商品进行有计划的处理销售和退货来将库存减为零。Stop items stockwaste the normal cash flow,so weshould make plan to deal them.,停止单品每月都会有新的产生,所以我们要加紧清理旧的单品,从而达到商品高速回转的目的。Every month well stop some items,so we need clear the old items strongly that make merchandise flow quickly,