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    Unit 4 Quotations,Sales LetterOffers&Counter Offers,报价 推销信 报盘及还盘,I.Quotations 报价,A quotation is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated.It,however,is not legally binding as a firm offer if the seller later decides not so sell.报价是指按规定的条款提供货物的一种承诺.但若卖方后来决定不出售,它则不像实盘那样具有法律约束力,即它可以撤销.,1.Quotation and Reply 报价及回复,Dear Sirs,敬启者:We thank you for your enquiry of August 22 and are pleased to send you our quotation for the goods you requires as follow:感谢贵方8月22日的询价,兹报贵方所需商品的价格如下:Commodity:“White Rabbit”Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket No.33.商品名称:第33号”白兔”牌混纺毛毯Size:74x84in 尺寸;74x84英寸Weight:4lbs重量:4磅Colour:yellow,brown,green assortment 黄色,棕色,绿色等各色搭配quantity:1,000 pcs.数量:1000件Price:US$40,00 per piece CIF Montreal 价格:蒙特利尔到岸价每件40美元Shipment:October 装船日期:十月You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive quotation.We are anticipating a large order from the United States,and that will cause a sharp rise in price.请接受这难得有的报价.我方预计美国方面将有一个大的订单,这会引起价格猛涨.We look forward to receiving your order.期盼收到贵方的订单.Yours faithfully,谨上,(Reply),Dear Sirs,敬启者:“White Rabbit”Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket“白兔”牌混纺毛毯Thank you for your quotation of August 24 for 1,000 pieces of the captioned goods.感谢贵方8月24日上述1000件货物的报价.We immediately contacted our customers and they showed great interest because there is a growing demand for woolen blankets.The prices you quoted,however are found too much on the high side.ABC company,one of our customers,told us that they would possibly order 2,000 pieces of the goods,provided that you can reduce your price to US$38,00 per piece.ABC is one of the leading importers in our country,so there is a good chance of finalizing an order with them if present the price can be lowered to meet their requirement.We hope you will take advantage of this chance so that you will benefit from the expanding market.我方立即与客户取得了联系,他们表现出极大的兴趣,因为市场对此毛毯的需求正在增长,然而,我方发现贵方报价偏高.如果贵方每件商品能降到38美元的话,我方客户ABC公司将有可能订购2000件,ABC公司是本国最大的进口商之一,如果贵方能降低报价满足他们的要求,便能抓住获得他们订单的极好机会.我方亦希望贵方能利用此机会,并将从不断扩大的市场中受益.We are most anxious that you will do your utmost to reduce the price and we await your reply with great interest.我方恳请贵方尽最大努力降低价格,并急盼收到贵方的回复.Yours faithfully,谨上,Notes,1.woolen mixed blanket 混纺毛毯2.pcs.是pieces的缩写;piece的缩写为pc.3.We are anticipating a large order from the United States,我们预计美国方面将有一个大的订单到来,anticipate vt.盼望,期望,后接名词,动名词或that引导的从句 We anticipate your acceptance.盼望你方接受.We anticipate receiving your early reply.盼你方早日回复.We anticipate that fresh supplies will arrive next month.我们预计新货将于下月到来.anticipate与expect的区别:这两个动词都表示预期某事将发生,但有所不同.在意思上,anticipate所预期的一般都指可喜的事,expect则不一定.We anticipate(or:expect)our products will be a quick seller in your market.The firm expects heavy losses in this year.(一般不用anticipate)在结构上,除两个动词都可以用名词及that从句为宾语外,anticipate后面可接动名词,不可接不定式,expect则可接不 定式,不可接动名词.We anticipate shipping the goods next week.=We expect to shipping the goods next week.我们期盼下周装货.expect还可接”名词或代名词+不定式”够成的复合宾语,anticipate则不可.正:We expect the shipment to arrive in a few days.我们预期装运的货物将于日内到达.误:We anticipate the shipment to arrive in a few days.4.a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨5.the captioned goods 标题项下的货物(这里指”White Rabbit”Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket)类似的表达法还有:the subject article(goods)the goods(article)mentioned in the subject line 6.growing demand 增长的需求 a large demand 大的需求 a great demand 很大的需求 latent demand 潜伏需求 overfull demand 过多需求 demand and supply 供与求;供求,7.on the high side(指价格)偏高,We regret to say that we cannot accept your offer,as your price is found(to be)on the high side.谦告你方由于价格偏高,我们不能接受你方报盘.类似的表达方式还有:Your price is a bit high.你方价格有点高.Your price is a too high.你方价格太高.Your price is rather stiff.你方价格相当高.Your price is excessive.你方价格过高.Your price is prohibitive.你方价格令人望而却步.注意:out of line with the market(与市价不一致),unreasonable(不合理),unworkable(不可行),impracticable(行不通),infeasible(行不通),unrealistic(不现实)等如果出自买方 之口,往往指价格偏高,如果出自卖方之口,则往往指价格偏低(on the low side).8.provided conj.假若;倘使;假如;以为条件(与that连用)We will send you an order for 5,000 metric tons,provided that you can ship in May.如果你方能在5月份装船,我们将订购5000吨.9.Finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单,2.Sending a Quotation 寄送报价,Dear Sirs,敬启者:We thank you for your Enquiry List No.303 and enclose our Quotation No.104 for the captioned goods.感谢贵方第303号询价单,现随函附寄我方第104号标题项下的货物的报价.We have sent you our latest illustrated catalogue today by parcel post.Their attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will,we hope,convince you that our toys are really good value.Provided we receive your order by 15 May,we make you a firm offer for delivery by the end of June at the price quoted.我方已寄发了最新的附有插图的目录表,我希望这些商品诱人的设计,合理的价格能使贵方相信他们具有很高的价值.若5月15号前收到贵方订单,我方将按所报价格,发7月底交货的报价.On orders for 500 pieces or more we allow a special discount of 4%and look forward to receiving your order.如果每次订购500或500件以上,我方将给4%的折扣,期盼贵方的订单.Yours faithfully,谨上 Enc.Quotation No.104附件:第104号报价,3.Buyer Asks for Quotation and Seller Replies买方要求报价及卖方回复,DEC.4,2004(2004年12月4 日)FAX TO:C.C.Corporation Ltd.008524929189 C.C.有限公司 008524929189ATTN:SALES DEPAREMENT 送至:销售部WE ARE A JOINT VENTURE COMPANY,REGISTERED IN SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE,CHINA,SPECIALIZED IN SUPPLYING DRILLING EQUIPMENT FOR BOTH ONLAND AND OFFSHORE OILFIELD.WE ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING 8 SETS OF LINCOLN WELDING UNITS,DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT.WE WOULD LIKE TO GET YOUR QUOTATION FOR THESE UNITS.本公司是在中华人民共和国深圳经济特区注册的一家合资企业,主要供应陆地及近海油田钻探设备.我方想购买8台”林肯牌焊机部件,详见附件.我方希望收到贵方关于这些部件的报价.YOUR PROMPT REPLY IS GREATLR APPRECIATED.十分感谢贵方早日回复.THANKS&REGARDS 感谢合作并顺致敬意.Guang LiMANAGER,Reply-Sending a Quotation 回复-寄送报价REF:04/AF/KP/Q082Date:6th December,2004To:SHENZHEN FER EAST OIL TOOLS LTD.Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base,Chiwan,Shenzhen,China.深圳远东石油工具有限公司赤湾石油工具供应基地赤湾,深圳,中国Attn:MANAGER总经理亲启From:Lynn Kwok,B.C.corporation Ltd.发件人:Lynn Kwok,B.C.有限公司,QUOTATION(1)2 setsLincoln DC1500 Power Source K1383(林肯DC1500动力来源K1383)suitable for power of 380/3/50Hz(适用于电压为380伏,频率为50赫兹的动力)$./set.$.(每台美元)SUBTOTAL:$.(总计美元)(2)2 sets-K356 NA5 Control$.(控制器美元)K346 NA5 HEAD$.(钻头美元)(3)Spares of DC1500(DC1500的备用零件)a.5 units G1530-2$./unit$(5件美元/单件美元)b.5 units G1587-3$./unit$(5件美元/单件美元)TOTAL:$.(总计美元)(4)Spares of NA5(N A 5的配件)Price:Ex-work U.S.A.in US Currency CIF Guangzhou.价格:在美国工厂交货,支付货币为美元,到广州到岸价 Delivery:To be effected by sea from U.S.A.in about 18 weeks to Guangzhou subject to the date of receipt of the acceptence irrevocable credit.交货:从收到对方不可撤销信用证之日起,约在18周内有美国装船并运抵广州.Payment term:100%contract value at sight by irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of ALL FIT ENGINEERING LIMITED to be issued either by the buyer or I/E corp authorized 支付方式:从买房的合同之日起30天内,由卖方或卖方授权的进口公司按合同金额100%申请开立的以ALL FIT工 程有限公司为受益人的即期不可撤销信用证,Machine warranty:12 months from the date of cargo receipt,warranty will be null and void if Machine is subject to,misuse,accident damage or operators errors.设备保证书:在收到货物的12个月之内为质量保证期.若因使用不当,事故性损坏或无法律约束力的错误操作,卖方不予担保.Training:One technician will be send to customer plant for six working days on free of charge basis.However,the buyer is required to provide accommodation,transportation,meals during the period.培训:卖方派一名技术人员到用户工厂进行为期六个工作日的免费指导.然而在此期间,买方应提供住宿交通及饮食等费用.Remarks:备注:(1)The buyer is required to pay US$120.00 as a daily labour charge,and the accommodation,meals,transportation as in incurred if length of stay is exceeded than the agreed six working days.如果超过指定的六个工作日,买方每日应付120美元的劳务费,并提供食宿,交通等费用.The US$120.00 is waived if it is the sellers fault.若因卖方失误,买方将不付120美元的劳务费.Installation guide and maintenance operation manuals and spare parts list of the purchased machine will be sent to the buyer along with the goods.安装说明、维护操作手册及所购部件的配件目录将随货物一同到达.Price validity:30 days from the date of this quotation.价格有效期:此报价发出之日30天内有效.Regards.顺致敬意Lynn KwokSales Manager,Notes,1.joint venture company 合资企业;合营企业公司 joint venture corporation 合伙公司;合营公司 joint capital 合资 joint stock 合资,合股 equity joint venture 合资经营 cooperative venture=contractual joint venture(按合同规定进行的)合资经营企业 wholly foreign venture 外国独资经营企业;外国独资经营2.registered adj.注册的,登记的,挂号的 registered capital 注册资本 registered trademark 注册商标 registered certificate of stock=registered stock 记名股票 registered check 记名支票 registered security 记名证券 registered bongs 记名债券 registered mail 挂号邮件 registered post 挂号邮件,挂号信 registration n.注册,登记 place(country,district)of registration 注册地点(国家,城市)registration fee 注册费,登记费 registration procedures 注册(登记)手续 register vt.n.注册,登记,挂号3.irrevocable credit 不可撤销的信用证 credit=letter of credit 信用证4.in favour of(or:in sbs favour)以为抬头,以为受益人 这是外贸业务术语,尤指把信用证开给某人名下.We open an irrevocable Letter of Credit No.123 in favour of Chain National Metals And Minerals Import&Export Corporation,Beijing.兹开立以北京中国五经矿产进出口公司为受益人的第123号不可撤销信用证.We have made arrangements with Bank of Japan,Tokyo,to open a credit in your favour.我们已安排由东京日本银行开立以你方为抬头的信用证.in sb.s favour 还作”对某人有利”解 The market situation is entirely in our favour.市场情况完全对我们有利.,5.issue vt.开立,签发 issue an L/C 开立信用证,还可以说:open an L/C,和 establish an L/C,其中issue an L/C 和 establish an L/C 较为正式.6.warranty n.保证(书),担保(书),保单 a one-year warranty on a television set 电视机保用一年的保单7.incur vt.招致,惹起,遭受风险 incur great expense 带来很大的花费 incur a heavy loss 招致重大的损失8.waive vt.放弃,不坚持(权利,要求等)9.installation guide manual 安装手册 10.maintenance operation manual 维修手册 11.spare part 备件 12.validity n.有效期 the validity of an L/C 信用证有效期 the validity of an agreement(a contract)协议(合同)的有效期 valid adj.有效的 valid period 有效期限,.Sales Letters 推销信,The sales letter is a form of advertising.It aims to sell particular kinds of goods orservices to selected types of customers.,Ordinary SalesPromotion of DVD player一般性推销-推销DVD机,Dear sirs,敬启者:We are pleased to send you with this fax a copy our catalogue for SLV501 DVD Player.The high quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged and we are confident that a trial order would convince you that the goods we are offering are excellent value for money.很高兴随信寄去一份关于我方SLVS501型DVD机的目录.众所周知,我方产品的质量很高,并得到广泛认可.我方相信,我方提供的试订购的货物将证明其物有所值.In order to popularize these products,all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 10%during this month only.为了促销这些商品,在本月内,所有目录价格给与10%的折扣.We are offering you the goods of the highest quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome your earliest orders.我方以不同寻常的优惠条件向贵方最高质量的商品,期盼早日收到贵方的订单.Your faithfully,谨上,Notes,1.universally adv.普遍地,广泛地2.acknowledge vt.(1)承认;(2)告知收到(信件,礼物等)It is universally acknowledged that the quality of our goods is of firstgrade.大家一致公认我方产品的质量是一流的.We acknowledge the receipt of your letter of September 15.我们收到了你方9月15日的来电.3.trial order 试订(货)4.popularize vt.普及;推广,2.Trying to Sell with sample-Promotion of U.S.Dollar Bank Note Checker 尝试凭样推销-推销美元验钞机,Dear sirs,敬启者:DBC3 U.S.Dollar Bank Note Checker has an excellent security level against so called“Super Dollars”issued after 1988(1988,1990,1993).DBC3型美元验钞机具有优秀的安全水准以对付1988年以后(包括1988,1990,1993)发行的所谓”超级美元”.According to the Test Report from the authorized counterfeit department of German Bank and the Russian Authority,DBC3 recognized all counterfeits(More than 2,000 counterfeits including over 700 Super Dollars).德国银行权威防伪部门及俄国有关当局的检验报告表明DBC3型验钞机可识别所有伪钞(即2000多种伪钞,其中包括700多种超级美元).DBC3 can recognize New 100 U.S.Dollars in 1996 by using“New EPPOM”.DBC3 型验钞机使用了新的芯片后可以识别1996年新版美元.DBC3 display total bills and amount and indicates denomination of recognized bank note.DBC-3 型验钞机可显示所识别的钞票的总张数,总金额和票面值.Specifications,Specifications subject to change without notice.规格以变更为准,恕不通知How about letting us bring our machine in for a demonstration?I will call your secretary and see if I can make an appointment with you.能否允许我方带上验钞机前来演示,我方将于贵方秘书预约.Yours sincerely,谨上,Notes,1.bank note checker 验钞机2.Supper Dollars 超级美元(一种美钞)3.counterfeit a.伪造的,假冒的 n.伪造品4.EPPOM 芯片5.denomination n.(钱币等的)单位,面值6.face up 正面朝上7.length ways 竖向放入8.errorcode 错误代码,.Offer 报盘,1.Offer an Electronic Calculators 电子计算器报盘Dear sirs,敬启者:In reply to your letter of July 14,we are giving you an offer,subject to your reply here by 5 p.m.our time,Tuesday,August 5,as follows:兹答复贵方7月14日来函,现报盘如下,此报盘以我方时间8月15 日星期二下午5时前收到答复为有效 Commodity:Electronic Calculators 商品:电子计算器 Specifications:As per attached list 规格:参阅附件 Packing:As per the buyers option 包装:由买方选择 Quantity:3,000 pieces 数量:3000件 Price:US$9.00 net per CIF Lagos 价格:成本,保险,运费拉各斯价每件9美元净价 Shipment:September/October,2004 装船日期:2004年9月或10月 Payment:Confirmed,Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.支付条件:由装船前30天开立保兑的不可撤销的即期信用证付款Under separate cover,we have sent you sample books of various brands as per your request.另函中,我方已按贵方要求寄出各种品牌的样品目录表.We are expecting your early order.期盼早日收到贵方的订单Yours faithfully,谨上,Notes,1.offer n.V.报盘 名词offer 常与动词make,send,give,等联用,后接介词for 或in或of,接for 较普遍,接on较少,买方提及卖方的报盘时,接of 为好 Please make/send/give us an offer CIF London for(or:on)20 metric tons Brown Cashmere.请按伦敦到岸价报给我方20吨棕色山羊绒的价格.We confirm your offer of 2,000lilos Black Tea.你方2000公斤红茶的报盘收悉.2.as per 按照(仅用于商业书信)We handle a wide range of light industrial products as per list enclosed.我们经营多种轻工业品,详见附表.As per your request,we have marked the cases with gross,tare and net weights.我们已按你方要求在箱上注明毛重,皮重及净重 adj.净的(英国习惯写作nett)net price 实价,净价(不含佣金或折扣)net weight 净重(不包括皮重)net profit 净利,纯益,2.Offer of Refrigerators 电冰箱报盘,Dear sirs,敬启者:Haier REFRIGERATOR 海尔电冰箱Your fax of February 10 asking us to offer you the subject article has received our immediate attention.We are pleased to know that you are interested in our products.贵方2月10日要求我方发盘标题项下商品的传真立刻受到我方关注,非常高兴贵方对我方产品感兴趣.In reply to your inquiry,we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows,provided your reply reaches us within 7 days from today:兹答复贵方询盘,我方报盘如下,以贵方回复7日内送达我方为有效.Specification:规格 Quantity(set):数量 Price:(US$)价格 BYD212 1,000 410.00 BYD175 1,000 380.00 BYD219 500 395.00 The price is on the basis of CIF Alexandria 此价格为亚历山大成本,保费加运费价.Packing:at buyers option.包装:由买方决定 Shipment:Total quantity to be delivered by 3 equal monthly shipments,March through May,2004.装船日期:从2004年3月至5月所有货物分三个月三次平均装运.Payment:100%by irrevocable,revolving letter of credit.支付条件:100%不可撤销,循环信用证.In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy commitment,your early order is absolutely essential.鉴于我方库存极少,而且大量承约,你方早日发出订单十分必要.Yours faithfully,谨上,3.Offer of Personal Computers 计算机商报盘,Dear sirs,敬启者:DELL PC dell 个人电脑We confirm your fax of 10th august,asking us to make you an offer for the captioned personal computers,FOB Xingang.Now we are making you an offer as follows:兹确认贵方8月10日来函要求,我方报上述个人电脑新港离岸价,现报盘如下:Commodity:DELL Personal Computer 商品名称:Dell个人电脑 Specification:CPU Inter Pentium 2.8G 英特尔奔腾4处理器2.8G Quantity:2,000 sets 数量:2000台 Packing:Each set is wrapped in a polybag and packed in a standard export cardboard carton lined with foam.包装:每台电脑包在塑料袋内,然后装入标准出口纸箱,箱内四周填充塑料泡沫.Price:US$730.00 per set FOB Xingang,China.价格:每台中国新港离岸价730美元.Shipment:September/October,2004 装船日期:2004年9月或10月.Payment:by confirmed,irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the date of shipment.支付条件:装船日期前30天开立的保兑的和不可撤销的即期信用证.This offer is subject to your reply here on or before 25th August.此报盘以8月5日或5日前贵方答复为有效.Please note that we have given you our most favourable price


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