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    小标点,大问题,不同的标点符号反映不同的句子结构和句子关系。标点符号的使用是衡量语言准确性的一个方面。有鉴于此,标点符号应引起同学们的重视。,一.逗号对比练习1.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is _ I disagree.You are saying that everyone should be equal,_ I disagree with.A.why B where C what D which,2.There are two buildings,_ stands nearly a hundred feet high.There are two buildings,and _ stands nearly a hundred feet high.A.the largest B the larger of them C the larger one that D the larger of which,3._ is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress._ is reported in the newspapers that talks between the two countries are making progress.A It B As C That D What,4.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment_ I will always treasure.A that B one C it D what,【要点提示】1.逗号是句内符号,表明句意不完整。Eg:I found it increasingly difficult to read,for my eyesight was beginning to fail.2.在非限定性定语从句中,先行词和定语从句常用逗号隔开。Eg:The Beatles,as many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liver-pool.,【要点提示】3.几个并列成分之间常用逗号隔开,只在最后一个并列成分前用并列连词。Eg:Of the two sisters,Betty is the younger one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.4.部分连词副词besides,therefore,however等具备并列连词性质,但不是并列连词,故常和逗号连用。Eg:The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings;besides,it caused 20 deaths.,【要点提示】5.两个逗号一前一后,常表示插入、同位、修饰等关系。Eg:We thought there were 35 students in the dinning hall,while,in fact,there were 40.6.状语从句中常用逗号,表示主从关系;而并列连词前用逗号与另一句隔开,表示并列关系。Eg:Unless youve tried it,you cant imagine how pleasant it is.,二、分号【对比练习】1.I must be getting fat;I can _do my trousers up.A fairly B hardly C nearly D seldom I must be getting fat,_ I can _do my trousers up.A as;fairly B for;hardly C because;nearly D since;almost,二、分号【对比练习】2.There are many kinds of sports,_ my favorite is swimming.A.as B then C so D but There are many kinds of sports;_,my favorite is swimming.A however B thus C while D but,【要点提示】1.分号是句间符号,在功能上相当于并列连词,用来连接没用连接词连接的句子。Eg:Your story is perfect;Ive never heard a better one before.2.用来连接两个并列分句,常表示对比关系。Eg:I went down town to do some shopping;my brother Tom just stayed at home,doing nothing.,三、破折号【对比练习】_ some of this juice-perhaps you will like it._ some of this juice,you will like it.A.Trying B Try C To try D Have tried,【要点提示】1.表思想上突然中断或转移。Eg:Theres no light on-they cant be at home.2.表句子未完或犹豫、迟疑。Eg:“But”she stopped.3.表附加、补充、解释、总结等。Eg:I spoke to Mary-Harrys wife-and told her what you said.,Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard in other words,you failed.,四、问号【对比练习】-Waiter!-_-I cant eat this.Its too salty.A Yes,sir?B What?C All right?D Pardon?,【要点提示】1.用于疑问句之后。Eg;Will you be able to finish your report today?2.陈述句之后亦可用问号,表示惊讶、疑问。Eg:You are going?Remember its raining hard outside.3.yes/what 之后用问号,表询问、怀疑或鼓励对方讲下去。Eg:-Alice nearly got killed on her way home.-What?Shes always careful.,五、标点在写作中的使用 易错点-写作时经常书写两个或连续几个形式独立但语义相关的句子,即“逗号拼接句”(comma splice sentence)或“连缀句”(run-on sentence)。,他年纪小,不能参军入伍。,使用“逗号拼接”He isnt old enough,he cannot join the army.出现“残缺句”He cannot join the army.Because he isnt old enough.存在“句际无任何标点符号衔接的迷乱句”He isnt old enough he cannot join the army.,他年纪小,不能参军入伍。,使用两个独立句子,各自使用句号结尾。两句的内在逻辑语义关系由读者自己去斟酌。He isnt old enough.He cannot join the army.He cannot join the army.He isnt old enough.,如何改正,使用分号连接两个小句,全句以句号结束。He isnt old enough;he cannot join the army.He cannot join the army;he isnt old enough.,使用并列连接词和逗号或是从属连词和逗号来连接两个小句,从而构成一个并列句或复合句,整句以句号结尾。He isnt old enough,so he cannot join the army.Because he isnt old enough,he cannot join the army.,使用词汇和句法变换的手段,以单句形式出现,句末标点符号为句号。He isnt old enough to join the army.He is so young that he cannot join the army.He is too young to join the army.,


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