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    外位语的英译,在汉语中,独立于句外,同时又和句中的某个成分指同一事物的成分叫做外位语。使用外位语的目的在于突出某一事物,以引起别人的注意,或为了简化复杂的长句,使之结构严谨,关系清楚。,汉语外位语举例,听力、阅读、语音、口语、翻译等等,样样都要好。商品这东西,千百万人天天看它,用它,但是熟视无睹。看过这部影片的人和听说过这部影片故事情节的人,他们的评价都很高。,翻译原则,这就为汉译英时处理外位语提供了方便,有时也可以把原文的框架原封不动地套用过来。但是应该注意,外位语结构的处理方法是多种多样的,究竟选择何种方法,要视外位语结构本身的繁简程度和上下文而定。,对应法,即套用英语中含有外位语结构的句子框架。例如:有喜有忧,有笑有泪,有花有实,有香有色,既须劳动,又长见识,这就是养花的乐趣。(老舍:养花)Joy and sorrow,laughter and tears,flowers and fruit,fragrance and colour,manual labour and increased knowledge all these make up the joy of flower cultivation.(translated by Zhang Peiji),例句,把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国特色的社会主义,这就是我们总结长期历史经验得出的基本结论。To integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete realities of China,blaze a path of our own and build socialism with Chinese characteristics this is the basic conclusion we have reached in summing up the historical experience for centuries.,例句,“鹬蚌相争,渔人得利”,“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”,这两个故事,是有道理的。(毛泽东选集三卷,860页)“When the snipe and the clam grapple,it is the fisherman who profits”,“The mantis stalks the cicada,but behind them lurks the oriole there is truth in these two parables.,拆句法,即将外位语结构改变成一个独立的句子或并立分句。健全自己身体,保持合理的规律生活,这是自我修养的物质基础。(周恩来我的修养要则)Keep fit,lead a reasonable and regular life.This is the material basis for training.遇事想争个第一,而且能争到第一,这就不简单。He not only wants to excel he does excel.Thats not easy.,还原法,即将外位语结构改变成句中的一个成分。例如:他们必须懂得,消灭阶级,消灭国家权力,消灭党,全人类都要走这条路的,问题只是时间和条件。(毛泽东选集四卷,1405页)They must understand that the road to the abolition of classes,to the abolition of state power and to the abolition of parties is the road all mankind must take;it is only a question of time and conditions.,例句,能不能尽快地把科学技术搞上去,这是一个关系到社会主义建设的全局,关系到我们国家命运与前途的大问题。Whether science and technology can be pushed forward as quickly as possible is an issue of vital importance for socialist construction as a whole and for the destiny and future of our country.此例中,原文中外位语结构翻译成英语结构后,作为句子的主语。,倒置法,实现四个现代化,这是我们今后相当长时间的中心工作。(人民日报1980年元旦社论)For a relatively long period ahead,the focus of our work is to realize the four modernizations.工厂、铁道、枪炮等,这些是物质条件。The material conditions are factories,railways,firearms,and the like.,总结,汉语里往往先叙事,后表态,叙事部分可以很长,而表态部分则较短。这在复杂的外位语结构中表现得十分突出。外位语往往是叙事部分。而句子中表语则是表态部分。在英语里,一般表态在前叙事在后。因此与句中主语指同一事物的外位语,在翻译成英语后,如果作为句子的成分,就可以置于表语的位置上,而原文句中的表语可以翻译成主语。,转化法,即将外位语结构转化为名词从句或不定式短语,置于句末,作主语,而用it作形式主语。敌人的武力是不能征服我们的,这点已经得到证明了。It has been proved that the enemy cannot conquer us by force of arms.,例句,不调查、不研究、提起笔来“硬写”,这就是不负责任的态度。(毛泽东选集三卷,807页)It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and“force ourselves to write”without investigation or study.,外位语英译练习,高粱、玉米、黄豆,这些已经收割完了。The sorghum,the maize and the soya-beans have all been harvested.百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and sciences.,靠山脚有一排用竹子搭成的草棚,这就是三连的营房了。At the foot of the mountain was a row of thatched shacks,built of bamboo-poles.This was Third Companys camp.他这件事做得多好,这真是了不起。It is wonderful how well he did it.,钢盔、皮包、水壶、刺刀、剃胡刀、旅行药箱、旅行收音机等等,这些东西在门口摊了一地。Steel helmets,leather satchels,flasks,razors,small medicine kits,portable radiosall these were littered on the ground at the doorway.,外位语英译练习,你不想做那工作,这是很明显的。It is clear that you did not want to do that job.敌人有的死在路上,有的惊魂丧胆地跳到河里淹死了。Of the enemies,some died on the way and some,frightened out of their wits,leaped into the river and were drowned.,每句话,每个行动,每项政策,都要适合人民的利益,如果有了错误,定要改正,这就叫向人民负责。Every word,every act and every policy must conform to the peoples interests,and if mistakes occur,they must be correctedthat is what being responsible to the people means.,他的父母几乎同时死去,这是很可怕的。It is dreadful that her father and mother died almost at the same time.抗战胜利的果实应该属于人民,这是一个问题,但是,胜利果实究竟落到谁手,能不能归于人民,这是另一个问题。That the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance should go to the people is one thing,but who will eventually get them and whether it will be the people is another.,


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