地学数值模拟技术,韦重韬 教授 博士生导师资源与地球科学学院2009年,提纲,概述 数值模拟核心技术 煤层气成藏动力学过程模拟 油气盆地模拟技术 煤层气井排采过程模拟,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术课程提纲,油气盆地模拟技术,概述/Basin modeling,概念盆地模拟(Basin Modeling),即从石油天然气地质的物理化学机理出发,首先建立地质模型,然后建立数学模型,最后编制相应的软件,从而在时空概念下,由计算机定量地模拟油气盆地的形成和演化、烃类的生成、运移和聚集。,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,沿革与发展1980s:以一维模型为主,重点研究三史(地史、热史、生烃史)1990s:以二维模型为主,重点研究排烃史、运聚史 2000s:人工干预界面功能、二次运移模拟、古构造史,油气盆地模拟技术,概述/Basin modeling,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,发展现状 地质模型考虑了压实、欠压实、剥蚀、断层、沉积间断、古水深、盆地类型(拉张或挤压)等地质因素和烃类的生、排、聚 机理。软件 国外:IES(德国有机地化研究所)的PetroMod IFP(法国石油研究院)的TEMISPACK Platte River Inc.(美国)的BasinMod 国内:中国石油天然气总公司石油勘探开发科学研究院 大庆石油管理局勘探开发研究院 胜利石油管理局计算中心 海洋石油总公司研究中心,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,PetroMod is the name of IES entire software system which consists of a fully integrated suite of 1D,2D and 3D petroleum systems modeling packages.PetroMod software performs petroleum systems modeling by creating a digital model of a basin incorporating well and seismic information.The model is then used to analyze hydrocarbon generation,migration and trapping.,PetroMod 1D IES PetroMod 1D is a newly developed and fully integrated component of IES PetroMod modeling system.It enables single-point data(wells and pseudo-wells)to be constructed from scratch or to be extracted directly from PetroMod 2D and 3D models.Calibration results such as heat flow trends can then be directly used by the 2D and 3D simulators,which enables calibration work in all packages to be performed much faster.,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Project manager,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Base map,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Burial history,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Boundary conditions,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Output,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Output template wizard,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Maturation history,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroMod 1D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,3D output,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,PetroFlow 2D PetroFlow 2D Package uses the same multi-dimensional migration modeling simulator as IES 3D package,i.e.fully PVT-controlled phase/component relationships using flash calculations and IES unique Hybrid Darcy/Flowpath technology.Its primary application is in areas with sparse data and for rapid analyses,for example if the data is only sufficient to construct a 2D geologic section.The workflow is facilitated by the inclusion of direct binary access to the industry-standard seismic and database systems(e.g.Landmark SeisWorks and OpenWorks,and GeoQuest IESX,Charisma and GeoFrame)and the full integration of depth conversion functions,all of which are included as standard features.The package includes all PetroGen 2D functionality and tools,2D section displays and 1D and Burial History plots.,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Accumulation properties,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Animation,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Cell Components,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Multiple Document Interface,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Output,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,3D view(multiple events),应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroGen 2D and PetroFlow 2D,油气盆地模拟技术,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroCharge,PetroGen 3D and PetroFlow 3D,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,High resolution,fast Flowpath modeling is fully integrated with IES PetroMod 3D software system.Unique features include multi-source,multi-carrier modeling.The results can be viewed in map(PetroCharge Express!)or full 3D viewers.PetroGen 3D Full 3D modeling of temperature,pressure and hydrocarbon generation histories.Results can be used to drive flowpath models.Full 3D output displays,as well as 2D section displays and 1D and Burial History plotsPetroFlow 2D/3D IES PetroFlow 3D Package provides the most advanced 3D modeling technology in that it enables all different migration modeling methods to be be applied to the same 3D data model.The methods include Flowpath,Darcy and IES unique Hybrid Darcy/Flowpath technology.The entire range of special modeling tools for salt movements,igneous intrusions and other special geologic processes is included.The package includes all PetroCharge and PetroGen 3D functionality and tools,full 3D output displays,as well as 2D section displays and 1D and Burial History plots.,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Accumulation Properties,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroCharge,PetroGen 3D and PetroFlow 3D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,PetroCharge,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroCharge,PetroGen 3D and PetroFlow 3D,油气盆地模拟技术,资源与地球科学学院地学数值模拟技术油气盆地模拟技术,Hybrid Darcy/Flow path Modeling,应用软件 PetroMod 介绍-PetroCharge,PetroGen 3D and PetroFlow 3D,