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    英汉翻译-分句、合句法,英汉两种语言在句法结构上存在很大差异。,英语重形合,连接词较为发达,句子结构层层包孕,句子在空间上呈大树型结构,长句较多。,汉语重意合,句子与句子之间缺乏必要的连接词,积词成句,积句成章,流水句较多,呈线性排列,一句接一句,短句较多,句子结构呈竹竿型分布。,定义,分句法-把原文的一个简单句译成两个或两个以上的句子。合句法-把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句来表达。,一 分句法,(一)把原文中的一个单词译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。(二)把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。,一、分句法(一)、把原文中的一个单词译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。,副词 1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.译文:中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。,3)They,not surprisingly,did not respond at all.译文:他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。4)He wished he were at home.Ordinarily,he would have been there three hours ago.译文:他真愿那时候已在家里。要是在往常的日子里,他早已到家三小时了。,5)Illogically,she had expected some kind of miracle solution.译文:她满想会有某种奇迹般的解决办法。这是不合情理的事。6)But,occasionally,through haste or carelessness,mistakes were made,so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash,the other long.译文:但是,偶尔也有这种情况,由于仓促匆忙或者粗心大意而造成错误,结果当天停业结算时,有的出纳会短了现金而另一个却会多了现金。,形容词,1)Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of“self-reliance”.译文:毛主席在谈到他的“自力更生”的政策时,也许有些自豪感,这是可以理解的。2)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.译文:那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来的。,3)He had long been held in cordial contempt by his peers;now that contempt was no longer cordial.译文:长期以来,他的同僚虽然看不起他,却还是对他有些亲切感,现在,除看不起他之外,亲切感也没有了。4)He stalked away,but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast.译文:他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十分苦恼。,名词,1)A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.译文:我离开哪个担任掩体速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。2)He shook his head and his eyes were wide,then narrowed in indignation.译文:他摇了摇头,两目睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成一条线,脸上露出了愤怒的神色。,3)As a place to live,it left much to be desired.As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane,it was an excellent site,its remoteness effectively masking its activity译文:作为居住的地方,这里有许多不足之处。但作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地切实非常理想的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动4)The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.译文:每个帐篷内怎样的布置,这要看各个使用者的性格了。,(二)把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。,分词短语)They were at home in the home of the people,moving confidently without fear.译文:他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。,)She sat with her hands cupping her chin,staring at a corner of the little kitchen.译文:她坐在那儿双手拖着下巴,眼睛凝视着小厨房的一角。)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could,driving out darkness and choking the shadows.译文:阳光射入了它所能透过的所以地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。,)He was lying on his side watching her.译文:他侧身躺着。双目凝视着她。)But they had become nomads of the desert,living on the ground and under the sky,and they loved it.译文:可是他们都变成沙漠里的牧民了,生活在苍天之下,黄土之上。他们可也喜欢这种生活。,名词短语,)I wrote four books in the first three years,a record never touched before.译文:我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。)The military is forbidden to“kill”the vessel,a relatively easy task.译文:(政府)禁止军方“击毁”这艘潜艇,虽然要击毁该艇并不怎么费事。,)The station chief would have to be close to the director,a member of the inner circle.译文:这位站长就得接近董事,因为董事是核心集团的成员。)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed,a universally accepted law.译文:能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,这是一条普遍公认的规律。)The hospital was already spreading a fame for its food.译文:这个医院伙食好,这点已远近闻名了。,前置词短语,1)In August 1946,on my fifth trip through China,bound for my Moscow home but not in haste,since my husband had died in the war,I came to Yanan.译文:1946年八月,我在回莫斯科家的途中,第五次路过中国;由于我丈夫已在战争中牺牲了,当时我并不急于回去,就到了延安。2)Their power increased with their number.译文:他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。,3)He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.译文:他来到华盛顿,就国际形式来说,时机正合适。4)Doctors and men both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe.译文:医生和伤病员常常叹气一种神奇的药物,而且谈时几乎都带着一种敬畏的口气。,5)The answer had been there all of the time just out of reach.译文:答案一直摆在那里,可(他)就是没有拿到手。6)Mr.Myles still smiled but his voice had a little bit of irritation in it,unusual to Rob.译文:麦尔斯先生仍然面带微笑,可是他的口气却有点不耐烦了。,简单句拆译Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.译文:同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。(在主谓连接处拆译),2.Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh dispeopled the streets.译文:阵阵寒风,带着雨意,街上冷冷清清,几乎没有什么人了。赏析:为了使译句能够体现汉语句式的特点,译者进行了结构调整,将原文一句切分成四个短语(小句),充分利用句子内部语义上的联系,不用任何关联词,由风到雨,到街再到人,用白描的手法将一幅寒夜凄雨图呈现在读者面前。,2)并列复合句拆译并列英语复合句常常在分句连接处加以切分,译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如:The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in the racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers.译文:在种族意识十分强烈的19 世纪的美国,招募中国劳工的做法并非普遍为人们所接受。由于工地上出现大批中国劳工,某些白人工人感到心绪不安。(在连词and 处切分),3)主从复合句的分译英语复合句汉译时常在分句连接处加以切分,分译成两个或两个以上的句子。1.A bankable actor is one with whose name a producer can raise enough money to make a film.译文:所谓“摇钱树”的演员就是指这样一种演员:制片人只需抬出其大名来就可以筹措到足够摄制一部影片的经费。(在with whose 前切分)2.I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.译文:我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻名世界的。(在定语从句前拆译),(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。,1)Sometimes Mrs.Cross would be walking around in the big kitchen watching him eat.译文:有时,克罗斯太太一面在大厨房踱来踱去,一面看他吃饭。2)She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.译文:她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。,3)But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.译文:但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。4)His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.译文:因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。,5)The ample yard in back is dominated by heavily bearing fruit trees.译文:屋后是个宽敞的院子,大部分都给果实累累的果树占据了。6)David opened the door,and Arthur went out into the rain.译文:大卫把门打开,亚瑟走出去,冒着雨。He wanted to tell John how surprised he was at his knowledge but embarrassment made him hold his peace.译文:他想告诉约翰,他没有料到他的知识有这么渊博,但是觉得有些不好意思,没有说出口。,Exercises,1.Adj.1)The night,clear and starry,sparkled darkly,and the opaque,lightless shifting patches slowly against the low stars were the drifting islets.夜色清朗,满天繁星,波光粼粼。在低悬的星星下,一个个黑影在徐徐移动,这便是一座座漂浮的小岛。2)Films,gramophone records and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewildering amount of information.电影、唱片和录音磁带给他们提供大量资料,这样使他们感到不知所措。,3)She had such a kindly,smiling,tender-gentle,generous heart of her own,.她心地厚道,性格温柔,气量又大,为人又乐观.4)One bad winter we watch the river creep up the lower meadows.一年冬天,天气恶劣,我们看着河水漫过低洼的草地。,2.Adverbs,1)Those who judged of his ultimate success by the failure of his first attempt were agreeably disappointed.那些从他初次尝试遭到失败便断定他的最后结局的人,现在虽然感到失望,还是高兴的。2)Their relations were vinegar,although Mr Johnson when speaking of Mr Clark in his absence was acidly correct.他们之间的关系挺别扭,虽然约翰逊先生在背后谈起克拉克先生时语中带刺,但还不失分寸。,3)It seemed to him unquestionable that fortunately he had been permitted to look upon one of the worlds really great men.他觉得自己得以瞻仰了一位世界上真正伟大的人物,确是三生有幸。4)It may conceivably knock the British empire to bits and leave England as primitive as she was when Julius Caeser landed in Kent.可以想象,这样的战争会使大英帝国土崩瓦解,使英国回到朱利叶斯凯撒在肯特登陆时那副原始模样去。,5)The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car.车轮扬起的碎石在车身底部敲打着,发出不祥的碰击声。6)But at this instant the men,the spectators awoke from their stone-like poses and crowded forward sympathetically.这当儿,原来呆若木鸡,在一旁观看的人们如梦处醒,露出同情的神色,一齐拥上前来。7)They,not surprisingly,did not respond at all.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇。,3.Nouns,1)Yet he knew that that boy of fifteen months before had something,a trust,warmth that was gone forever.然而,他知道,一年零三个月前的那个小伙子曾有一种宝贵的东西,一种信任之心,一种热烈之情,如今已一去不复反了。,4.Participle Phrases,1)I saw the vague figures of the watch grouped in the waist,gazing in awed silence.我看到值班水手模模糊糊的的身影一起挤到了中部甲板上,他们都惊得目瞪口呆。2)I had others excited by what I saw and yet feeling like a souvenir-hunter I decided to write.我有别的想法。我为所见的一切而激动,同时也不无留此存照的想法我决定搞写作。,3)We drove to the south of France,taking turns with the driving.我们驾车到法国南部去,途中轮流开车。4)Everything around him was full of her presence,continually reopening the wound.她的身影依然无处不在,时时都触痛着旧日的创伤。,5.Noun Phrases,1)The economy of this village was based mainly on the sale of marijuaua that grew in tall stalks all around it,a green weed that was made into bhang.这个村庄是靠出售在村子周围种植的高杆大麻为主要经济来源的。大麻是一种绿色烟草,可以加工成大麻烟。2)One day he saw Lincoln a tall,shambling man,long,bony blushing,but tremendously impressive.有一天,他见到了林肯,一个步态蹒跚的高个子。他又瘦又长的,显得腼腆,但给人的印象极为深刻。,3)At last he became nothing,a delightful,useless young man with a perfect face and no profession.最后他啥也不是,成了愉快而无用的小伙子,脸孔漂亮,却没有职业。,6.Propositional Phrases,1)She treated that lady with every demonstration of cool respect,.她对那位夫人不冷不热,不错规矩。2)It was at a banquet in London in honour of one of the two or three conspicuously illustrious English military names of this generation.事情发生在伦敦的一次宴会上。这次宴会是为当代英国声名显赫的两三位军官将领之一举行的。,3)Then she turned round and took a long mournful look at grandmas blackness and at Fenellas black coat and skirt,and hat with a crape rose.然后她转过身来,用一种衰伤的目光长久地看着老太太,她身着黑服;有看着范尼娜,她穿着黑色的短大衣,黑色裙子,戴着一顶黑帽子,上面还有一朵用黑纱扎成的玫瑰花。4)But then he was wonderfully good-looking,with his brown hair,his clear-cut face,and his grey eyes.但另一方面,他却是长得特别漂亮,头发是棕黄色的,脸很清秀,眼睛是灰色的。,5)He is a jovial giant,with a huge appetite for food,drink and women.他生性乐观,身材魁梧,贪饮贪食又贪色。6)It was a town of sighs and silences,with none of the studied advertisements of sorrow.全城一片叹息,一片沉默,但是谁也没有故意流露出悲痛的神情。7)Their power increased with their number.他们人数增加了,力量也随之增加。,7.Lifeless Subject,1)His arms holding her had a tendency to tighten around her,so he leaned back and began to talk thoughtfully into the air.他搂着她,双臂不由自主地收紧,因此,他就往后一靠,望着天空,若有所思地开始谈了起来。2)His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。,3)Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一种令人心旷神怡的气氛。4)Marys kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt at her fathers callous behavior.玛丽是个温和善良的好人,对她父亲这种冷酷无情的行为,实在看不顺眼。5)The end justifies the means.只要目的正确,用哪种方法都无关紧要。,11)The little chaps good-natured honest face won his for him.这小伙子长相老实,脾气也好,到处有人缘。12)Investigation led us to the foregoing conclusion.经过调查,我们得出了上述的结论。,二合句法,合并法亦称并句法或合句法。合并法多用于英语简单句子的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英语句子共用相同的主语的时候,由于汉语不喜欢重复主语,也不喜欢用代词作主语,不如把几句话串联成汉语的一句话(孙致礼,2003:93)。在汉译英过程中,合并法就是把两个或两个以上的汉语句子加以合并,译成一个英语句子;也可指把一个汉语复合句合并为一个英语简单句。,词的合译1)You will supply financial power,and well supply man power.Isnt that fair and square?你们出钱,我们出人,这难道还不公平吗?2)His father is a man who forgives and forgets.他的父亲非常宽容。3)Her son was wise and clever,but her daughter was silly and foolish.她的儿子非常聪明,可女儿却很笨。,4)He suffered aches and pains.他遭受百般疼痛。5)He is a man of culture and learning.他是个很有学问的人。6)I hate all these hustle and bustle.我讨厌这种拥挤不堪的场面。,(一)把原文中两个或两个以上的简单句(Simple sentence)译成一个单句。,Poets as we know have always made a great use of alliteration.They are persuaded that the repetition of a sound gives an effect of beauty.我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美的效果。(原文两句都比较短,且有相同的主语译文合成一句,语气较顺。),现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄不通。Now,millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year,making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy seasons.(将原文中的第二句译成第一句的伴随状语,即把原文中两个有一定关系的简单句合为一个句子,且句意不变。这样更简练。),1)He was very clean.His mind was open.译文:他为人单纯而坦率。2)There are men here from all over the country.Many of them are from the South.译文:从全国各地来的人中有许多是南方人。3)His father had a small business in the city of Pisa.This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.译文:他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨开小铺。,5)It was half past ten.Sarie watched the path anxiously.译文:十点半钟的时候,莎丽焦急地朝着小路张望。6)That was long ago.A very long time ago.Almost 30 years ago.译文:那件事发生在很久很久以前,将近三十年了。,7)He would miss many things and many people.He would miss Celia.译文:他会想念许许多多往事、许许多多朋友、也会想念他的西莉亚。8)The young man was very miserable.He had no money about him.All his savings had been stolen.这个年轻人真惨,已落到身无分文的地步,因为他的全部积蓄都被偷了。,(二)把原文中的主从复合句(Complex sentence)译成一个单句。1)When I negotiate,I get nervous.When I get nervous,I eat.译文:我在谈判时总有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点东西。,2)When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people,we are not merely being polite.译文:我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。3)Im blest if II know.译文:我一点也不知道。4)He stood on the curb till a car shot by.译文:他站在路边等车飞快地开过去。,5)While he washed,he heard the doorbell.译文:他洗澡时听到了门铃声。6)When I came to the summit,I became very excited.译文:到达山顶时我非常兴奋。7)If we do a thing,we should do it well.译文:我们要干就要干好。,(三)把原文中的并列复合句(Compound sentence)译成一个单句。1)From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa,and then it reached the sea.译文:阿诺河从佛罗伦萨流经比萨入海。2)In 1844 Engels met Marx,and they became friends.译文:1844年恩格斯与马克思相遇并成了朋友。3)The time was 10:30,and traffic on the street was light.译文:十点三十分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。,)It was 1953,and I had just come from Kilkelly,Ireland,to seek my fortune.译文:一九五三年,我刚从爱尔兰的克尔克勒来此找出路。)It was an LST,and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars.译文:这是一艘几乎已装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。)It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.译文:八月中旬,修理人员在骄阳下工作。,Exercises,1.Two or more simple sentences into one1)Syme had vanished.A morning came.And he was missing from work.Syme失踪了。第二天早晨也不见他来工作。2)Then he tried selling drink.But that was of no use.于是他又试图卖酒,也无济于事。,3)It was a hot day.The men in the office were working in their shirt-sleeves.天气很热,办公室里的人只穿着衬衫。4)It was on the early morning of April 2,1971.The pilots were briefed in the ready room.1971年4月2日清晨,飞机驾驶员都在待命室接受飞行任务。,2.Compound Sentence into One Simple Sentence,1)It was a raw,slushy morning of a late February day,and the great war President was just through with his solemn pronunciamento in regard to the bonds.二月末,一个阴寒而冰雪融化的早晨,这位伟大的战时总统刚刚对联邦问题发表了庄严的声明。,2)If you address the enquiries to an individual,your letter may have to wait while he is away.Or you make a mistake and address it to the wrong individual,and this will also mean delay.若把询价寄送给个人,如该人不在公司,信就会耽搁,或者,你可能把询价信寄错了人而势必延误。,3)He had bought and sold shares for six months,but how could he succeed among experienced men?他干了半年股票买卖,怎么敌得过行家?,3.Complex into Simple One,1)It seemed to him that he was being very cool and logical and that she was putting him deliberately in the wrong.他觉得自己表现得极为冷静,讲道理,而她却在存心找茬儿。2)Nature can produce children enough to make good any extremity of slaughter of which we are capable.大自然都能降生足够的婴儿来弥补那些被残杀的生灵。,3)However when he took up the brush he was a real master,and his pictures were eagerly sought after.可是他拿起画笔是真正的大师。他的画人们争相购买。4)In this much-travelled world,there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists.旅游者的足迹遍及世界各地,但是,仍有许多地方是旅游者无法涉足的。,5)No one suspectec that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen.没有人会疑心在农场里还有一个他们从未见过的人。,7.Home after seven years.Home.The word had meant so much to him.家,阔别了七年的家,这个字对他多亲切呀!8.While I came to the summit,I became very excited.到达山顶时我非常激动。9.He is dead and gone.他的确死了。,10.She shook and trembled with fear.她不停的发抖。11.We must reach our goals and aims.我们必须达到目的。12.The room is cozy and comfortable.这个房间非常舒适。13.She went back home to take care of her husband.He was seriously ill.她回家照料她病重的丈夫。,14.They sat down in the waiting-room to do some reading.People came to and fro there.他们在人来人往的候车室里坐下来看书。15.Darkness fell.An explosion shook the earth.It did not shake his determination to go to the front.夜幕降临,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没有动摇他上前线的决心。16.She is very busy at home.She has to take care of the children and to do the kitchen work.她


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