,Who are they?Whats the relationship between them?Is there a way to tell them apart?How?3.Whats the name of the competition?,4.Tell them apart 区别,判断 apart 分别,分开5.Dye her hair red 染色6.Set off for work 出去工作,2.Whom did the crowd want to win?How did they response to show it?,Referee refri:公断人,仲裁人;【法律】(受法庭委托的)审查人,鉴定人;(足球等的)裁判员。Swung:swing 的过去式及过去分词 摆动,摇摆,摇动,挥动,摇荡Darling:1.爱人,情人。2.宠儿;宠物。My darling!亲爱的夫妻间的称呼;宝宝父母对儿女的称呼。the darling of fortune 幸运儿。,Ring:赛马场,竞技场,运动场;(赛马的)赌客席;马戏场;(动物展览会的)陈列场;the ring拳击场,1.How did Fiona come into the ring?,Her hair streamed behind her.n.河流,小河;川,溪 vi.(旗等)飘扬,招展;(头发)飘动,Leap:vi.(leapt,leaped)现在除成语外,普通用 jump跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动 Look before you leap.谚语三思而后行。,Blew them kisses:飞吻 blow-blew-blown,1.Whats Fionas nickname?Who is her opponent?2.How did Bertha come into the ring?And what was the reaction of the crowd?3.opponent=rival adj.对立的,对抗的,反对的 n.反对者,对手,敌手4.The door smashed open.vt.打碎,打破,打烂;压碎,捣烂;碰撞 vi.猛冲,猛撞5.One door came off its hinges.n.铰链,折叶,合页 the hinge of the knee 膝关节,Boo:呸表示厌恶、轻蔑等,1.What did Bertha do to Fiona?How did the crowd react?2.How did Bertha feel?3.grab vt.(grabbed;grabbing)1.攫取,抓取;抓住 2.抢夺,霸占 3.美俚匆忙上(车)。grab a bus 赶搭公共汽车。4.yell vi.叫喊,大嚷;喊加油;(突然)大笑yell with pain 痛得叫喊yell at sb.冲。嚷,1.How about Fiona?What did she do to Bertha?And the crowds response?2.Then what did Bertha do?The crowd?3.Who was the winner at last?4.Fiona bounced back with a flying drop kick.飞身凌空一脚踢去,又弹了回来。Bounce vi.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃,跳起(up),跳进(in),跳出(out),乱跳乱蹦(about),急促地动Spun-spin 的过去式及过去分词:使(陀螺等)旋转;使(车轮)打空转在冰上,沙中,Five rounds:(比赛的)一次,一回(合),一场,一局,(谈判等的)一轮,(欢呼的)一阵,(弹药的)一发,一颗;(枪炮等的)(一次)齐发,1.What were they doing now?2.Was Bertha happy or sad?Do you know why?3.the fight went very well.进展顺利 Go+adj.表示变化。译:食物变质了。The food went bad.4.be upset about sth.因。而不安、心绪烦乱的5.the flying tail spin 飞身尾旋6.be in such a bad mood 心情如此不好 in a good mood-moody adj.喜怒无常的,1.What was Bertha doing?Why?2.What idea came to Bertha?3.fearsome adj.1.可怕的,吓人的2.胆小的,羞怯的-ly 副词,-ness 名词=terrifying/frightening4.big-hearted=kind/generous/kind-hearted/charitable 慈善的,好心的,大度的5.bone cruncher:碎骨者 crunch vi/t.嘎扎嘎扎地咀嚼(饼干等);(车轮、皮靴等)嘎喳嘎喳地(在砂砾路上)碾过/踏过,Did Fiona agree with Bertha?Whats her reason?Can you guess what would happen next?Teach sb.how to do sth.教会某人做某事 Teach sb.sth.(sb.是宾格)译:你能教我如何骑车吗?Can you teach me how to ride?译:王老师教我语文。Ms.Wang teaches me Chinese.,