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    The Big Depression1929-1933,目录,一黑色星期四二、罗斯福新政三、国家工业复兴法作用四、罗斯福新政的作用五、1929-1933年经济危机的特点六影响:对美国的影响 对世界的影响,Introduction,The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II.The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations,but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s.1 It was the longest,most widespread,and deepest depression of the 20th century.In the 21st century,the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the worlds economy can decline.2 The depression originated in the U.S.,starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4,1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29,1929(known as Black Tuesday).From there,it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.,1924-1929年,资本主义世界经历了短暂的经济繁荣(被称为柯立芝繁荣,是一种虚假繁荣)。1929年,经济危机首先在美国爆发,随即席卷整个资本主义世界,形成了前所未有的、持续最久的世界经济大危机.20世纪20年代,美国证券市场兴起投机狂潮,“谁想发财,就买股票”成为一句口头禅,人们像着了魔似地买股票,梦想着一夜之间成为百万富翁。疯狂的股票投机终于引发一场经济大灾难。1929年10月24日,纽约证券交易所股票价格雪崩似地跌落,人们歇斯底里地甩卖股票,整个交易所大厅里回荡着绝望的叫喊声。这一天成为可怕的“黑色星期四”(Black Thursday),并触发了美国经济危机。然而,这仅仅是灾难的开始。29日,交易所股价再度狂跌。一天之内1600多万股票被抛售,50种主要股票的平均价格下跌了近40%。一夜之间,“繁荣”景象化为乌有,全面的金融危机接踵而至:大批银行倒闭,企业破产,市场萧条,生产锐减;失业人数激增,人民生活水平骤降;农产品价格下跌,很多人濒临破产。一场空前规模的经济危机终于爆发,美国历史上的“大萧条”时期到来。,The Great Depression had devastating effects in virtually every country,rich and poor.Personal income,tax revenue,profits and prices dropped while international trade plunged by to.Unemployment in the U.S.rose to 25%,and in some countries rose as high as 33%.Cities all around the world were hit hard,especially those dependent on heavy industry.Construction was virtually halted in many countries.Farming and rural areas suffered as crop prices fell by approximately 60%.Facing plummeting demand with few alternate sources of jobs,areas dependent on primary sector industries such as cash cropping,mining and logging suffered the most.,1933年,整个资本主义世界工业生产下降40%,各国工业产量倒退到19世纪末的水平,资本主义世界贸易总额减少2/3,美、德、法、英共有29万家企业破产。资本主义世界失业工人达到3000多万,美国失业人口1700多万,几百万小农破产,无业人口颠沛流离。经济危机给资本主义制度固有的矛盾引起了资本主义各国的政局动荡,示威游行、罢工等抗议活动接连不断。美国还发生失业工人罢工游行、退伍军人的示威游行;法国工人罢工频繁,社会动荡;德国接连发生大规模工人罢工。德国法西斯分子利用人民对现状的不满,趁机造势,政治影响猛增;日本军国主义势力也趁机抬头。各主要资本主义国家为摆脱危机,加强对经济的干预,加紧在国际市场上的争夺,彼此之间的矛盾和摩擦日趋尖锐。为尽快走出经济困境,它们进一步加紧对殖民地和半殖民地的掠夺,激起当地人民更为强烈的反抗,加剧了世界紧张局势。,Causes of the Great Depression,First,there is orthodox classical economics:monetarist,Austrian Economics and neoclassical economic theory,which focus on the macroeconomic effects of money supply,how central banking decisions lead to overinvestment and an economic bubble,or the supply of gold,which backed many currencies before the Great Depression,including production and consumption.A fourth point of view,not widely held,is the effect of population dynamics upon demand,Second,there are structural theories,most importantly Keynesian,but also including those of institutional economics,that point to underconsumption and overinvestment,malfeasance by bankers and industrialists,or incompetence by government officials.The only consensus viewpoint is that there was a large-scale lack of confidence.Unfortunately,once panic and deflation set in,many people believed they could make more money by keeping clear of the markets as prices got lower and lower and a given amount of money bought ever more goods.,Timeline of the Great Depression,Economic historians usually attribute the start of the Great Depression to the sudden devastating collapse of US stock market prices on October 29,1929,known as Black Tuesday.However,some dispute this conclusion,and see the stock crash as a symptom,rather than a cause,of the Great Depression.Even after the Wall Street Crash of 1929,optimism persisted for some time.,The stocks of America,经济危机的根源,Change in economic indicators 1929-1932,美国总体的经济大萧条图,Franklin Roosevelt,Roosevelts critics,The crisis had many political consequences,among which was the abandonment of classic economic liberal approaches,which Roosevelt replaced in the U.S.with Keynesian policies.These policies magnified the role of the federal government in the national economy.Between 1933 and 1939,federal expenditure tripled,and Roosevelts critics charged that he was turning America into a socialist state.84 The Great Depression was a main factor in the implementation of social democracy and planned economies in European countries after World War II(see Marshall Plan).Although Austrian economists had challenged Keynesianism since the 1920s,it was not until the 1970s,with the influence of Milton Friedman that the Keynesian approach was politically questioned.85,罗斯福新政,经济危机冲击了美国的资本主义制度。1933年,富兰克林罗斯福(Franklin D。Roosevelt,1882-1945)就任美国总统后,立即以“新政”(New Deal)救治经济危机,并呼吁美国人民支持他的“大胆实验”。“新政”的主要内容有:整顿金融业,恢复银行信用,贬值美元,刺激出口;恢复工业,强化国家对工业生产的调节和控制,防止盲目竞争引起生产过剩;调整农业,压缩农业产量,稳定农产品价格,维护农业生产;兴办公共工程,减少失业,扩大消费需求;进行社会救济稳定社会秩序。全国工业复兴法(National Industrial Recovey Act)是整个新政的核心和基础。该法规定了各企业的生产规模、价格水平、市场分配、工资水平和工作日时数,规定工人具有集体谈判的权利,规定了资本家必须接受的最高工作时数和应付工资额.为保证全国工业复兴法的实施,政府以印第安人崇拜的神鸟蓝鹰为标记,发动了“人尽其职”的“蓝鹰运动”(Blue Eagle),凡遵守该法的企业悬挂蓝鹰标志。几周后,有25万雇主与政府签署了法规,他们给自己的产品标上蓝鹰,以示守法。时代周刊在每期封面上也印上了蓝鹰。“新政”是美国资本主义世界的一次自我调节,开创了资产阶级政府大规模干预经济生活的先河,进一步提高了美国国家资本主义的垄断程度,是资本主义发展史上的一个里程碑。“新政”取得了很好的效果,使美国度过了危机。,经济危机冲击了美国的资本主义制度。1933年,富兰克林罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt,1882-1945)就任美国总统后,立即以“新政”(New Deal)救治经济危机,并呼吁美国人民支持他的“大胆实验”。“新政”的主要内容有:整顿金融业,恢复银行信用,贬值美元,刺激出口;恢复工业,强化国家对工业生产的调节和控制,防止盲目竞争引起生产过剩;调整农业,压缩农业产量,稳定农产品价格,维护农业生产;兴办公共工程,减少失业,扩大消费需求;进行社会救济稳定社会秩序。,罗斯福新政的作用,新政取得了显著成效。美国经济缓慢地恢复过来,人民的生活得到改善;资本主义制度得到调整、巩固与发展;资本主义国家对经济的宏观控制与管理得到加强;美国联邦政府的权利明显增强。新政在美国和世界资本主义发展史上具有重要意义.但是,新政并没有彻底消除资本主义的固有矛盾,因经济危机的根源还存在.效果和影响:美国经济回升,失业人数大幅度下降。资本主义国家对经济的宏观控制和管理得到加强。美国联邦政府的权力明显增强。资本主义制度得到调整、巩固与发展。大胆借鉴社会主义的长处,用改革的方法挽救了资本主义危机,避免了法西斯上台。新政在美国和世界资本主义发展史上具有重要意义。,National Recovery Act,The National Industrial Recovery Act(NIRA),officially known as the Act of June 16,1933(Ch.90,48 Stat.195,formerly codified at 15 U.S.C.sec.703),was an American statute which authorized the President of the United States to regulate industry and permit cartels and monopolies in an attempt to stimulate economic recovery,and established a national public works program The legislation was enacted in June 1933 during the Great Depression as part of President Franklin D.Roosevelts New Deal legislative program.Section 7)of the bill,which protected collective bargaining rights for unions,proved contentious(especially in the Senate),13 but both chambers eventually passed the legislation and President Roosevelt signed the bill into law on June 16,1933.The Act had two main sections(or titles).Title I was devoted to industrial recovery,and authorized the promulgation of industrial codes of fair competition,guaranteed trade union rights,permitted the regulation of working standards,and regulated the price of certain refined petroleum products and their transportation.Title II established the Public Works Administration,outlined the projects and funding opportunities it could engage in,and funded the Act.,The Act was implemented by the National Recovery Administration(NRA)and the Public Works Administration(PWA).Very large numbers of regulations were generated under the authority granted to the NRA by the Act,which led to a significant loss of political support for Roosevelt and the New Deal.The NIRA was set to expire in June 1935,but in a major constitutional ruling the U.S.Supreme Court held Title I of the Act unconstitutional on May 27,1935,in Schechter Poultry Corp.v.United States,295 U.S.495(1935).The National Industrial Recovery Act is widely considered a policy failure,both in the 1930s and by historians today.Disputes over the reasons for this failure continue,however.Among the suggested causes are that the Act promoted economically harmful monopolies,that the Act lacked critical support from the business community,and that the Act was poorly administered.The Act encouraged union organizing,which led to significant labor unrest.The Act had no mechanisms for handling these problems,which led Congress to pass the National Labor Relations Act in 1935,三、国家工业复兴法作用,国家工业复兴法:1929-1933年资本主义世界空前严重的经济大危机首先从美国爆发。为消除经济危机给美国造成的重大破坏,1933年,美国总统罗斯福实行“新政”,在资本主义内部进行调整,加强国家对经济的干预和指导,以消除经济危机。新政的中心是对工业的调整。罗斯福颁布国家工业复兴法,规定各行业企业指定本行业的公平经营规章,确定各企业的生产规模、价格水平、市场分配、工资标准和工作日时数等,以防止出现盲目竞争引起的生产过剩,从而加强了政府对资本主义工业生产的控制和调节.,The characteristics of the economic crisis of 1929-1933,1.Wide range of special:Affect the entire capitalist world and the productive sector.2.Particularly long time:From 1929-1933,a total of five years before and after.3.Particularly devastating:The entire capitalist world production fell 1 3 above,reduced trade volume 2 3.4.Particularly the number of people suffering the disaster:Up to 3000 the number of unemployed people around the world over.,1929-1933年经济危机的特点,范围特别广:影响到整个资本主义世界及各生产部门;时间特别长:从1929-1933年,前后共5个年头;破坏性特别大:整个资本主义世界生产下降了13以上,贸易总额缩减了23;遭受灾难的人数特别多:全世界失业人数高达3000万人以上。,Impact on America,1.Financial,monetary and credit crisis.2.Setback suffered a great loss to industrial and agricultural production.3.Foreign trade and a sharp decline in the export of capital.4.Reduced national income,increasing disparity of wealth,class contradiction.5.There is a general crisis in American society,对美国的影响,金融、货币和信用危机;工农业生产遭到巨大损失倒退;对外贸易和资本输出急剧下降;国民收入减少,贫富悬殊加剧,阶级矛盾尖锐;美国社会出现全面危机。,Impact on the world,1.Aggravated the social crisis of capitalist countries.Majority of the people to improve the living conditions of strong demand,demonstrations,marches,strikes continue;fascist use of people dissatisfied with the status quo,stir up trouble and cause social unrest.2.Exacerbate tensions in the world.Major capitalist countries in order to improve their economic situation,strengthening the intervention,intensified competition in the international market,and friction between countries has become increasingly acute contradictions,对世界的影响,加剧了资本主义各国的社会危机。广大人民强烈要求改善生活状况,示威、游行、罢工斗争不断;法西斯分子利用人民对现状的不满,兴风作浪,引起社会动荡加剧了世界局势的紧张。主要资本主义国家为了改善本国经济形势,加强干预,加紧在国际市场的争夺,各国间的矛盾和摩擦日趋尖锐。,Japanese Economy,THANK YOU,


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