,黄山,被誉为“天下第一奇山”。位于安徽省南部黄山市黄山区境内,南北长约40公里,东西宽约30公里,山脉总面积1200平方公里,核心景区面积约160.6平方公里.黄山为三山五岳中三山之一。,Yellow mountain is reputed as the fantastic mountain in the world.Mount huang Huangshan mountain Known as Named as Hailed as Enjoy the Reputation of,Fantastic Picturesque Wonderful Amazing Remarkable Gorgeous MagnificentOne of the Most In china,Located at Huangshan district,Huangshan city,south of Anhui province,Mount Huang enjoys the reputation of one of the most gorgeous mountain in China.Stretching 40 kilometers from north to south and 30 kilometers from east to west,it covers 1200 square kilometers,of which the core area of scenic spot is 160.6 kilos.Mount Huang ranks one of the three famous mountains in China.(mount lu and mount yandang,emei)With 40 long and 30 wide,三山五岳,成语,泛指名山或各地。五岳指泰山、华山、衡山、嵩山、恒山;三山是传说中的蓬莱(蓬壶)、方丈山(方壶)、瀛洲(瀛壶)三座仙山。也有一种说法认为三山是指旅游胜地闻名的黄山、庐山、雁荡山。三山五岳在中国虽不是最高的山,但都高耸在平原或盆地之上,这样也就显得格外险峻。东、西、中三岳都位于黄河岸边,黄河是中华民族的摇篮,是华夏祖先最早定居的地方。三山处于南方,相对于中原稍远,继五岳之后成名,反映了华夏民族的南向扩展和中原文化的传播。,黄山82峰,或崔嵬雄浑,或峻峭秀丽,布局错落有致,天然巧成,并以天都峰、莲花峰、光明顶三大主峰为中心向四周铺展,跌落为深壑幽谷,隆起成峰峦峭壁。,Lofty and steep,the 82 peaks in mount huang are also well-proportioned and naturally formed.Of the 82 peaks,the three main one are lotus peak,bright summit peak,celestial peak.The scenery of Mount Huang can be as low as the deep valley and as high as the sharp cliff.,右下角Language tips 英语点津Hot words Key word,sentence,黄山是我国十大风景名胜之一,1990年获得世界文化和自然遗产称号,2004年以第一名成为首批世界地质公园,从而成为世界上第一个获得世界文化和自然遗产以及世界地质公园三项最高荣誉的旅游胜地。,Place of interest tourist resort Scenic spotScenic attraction Scenit siteHistoric site,Mount Huang is one of chinas top ten scenic spots.In 1990 it was named as the world cultural and natural heritage site.In 2004,it became the first global geoparks,making it the first tourist resort to win the above three honors in the world.,黄山处于亚热带季风气候区内,山高谷深,气候呈垂直变化,气候特点是云雾多、湿度大、降水多。High mountain deep valley Climate is different from top to bottom Feature Heavy Cloud High humidity Abundant/frequent rainfall,Mount Huang is located in the subtropical monsoon climate region.Due to the physical features of high mountain and deep valley,the dramatic climate is characterized by heavy clouds,ample moisture and strong precipitation.Combination Division,主峰莲花峰,海拔1864.8米。山中的温泉、云谷、松谷、北海、玉屏、钓桥六大景区,风光旖旎,美不胜收。,With 1864.8 meters,lotus peak is the highest peak,among which there are six scenic spots:hot springs,cloud valley,pine valley,north sea,yuping and fishing bridge.All these are bestowed with overflowing beauty.,黄山原称“黟山”,因传说中华民族的始祖轩辕黄帝曾在此修炼升仙。唐天宝六年(公元747年)六月十六日改现名,这一天还被唐玄宗钦定为黄山的生日。The mountain/it was renamed as mount huang on 16,the day when I will never forget the day when I go to the university.,It is said that Xuan Yuan,the ancestor of the Chinese nations,was once engaged in the meditation here and became immortal.So Mount Huang was originally called Mount yi.On June 16th in the sixth year of Tian Bao reign in Tang dynasty,the mountain was designated as Mount Huang by emperor xuan zong.So this day was nominated as the birthday of mount Huang.,黄山以其奇伟俏丽、灵秀多姿著称于世。这里还是一座资源丰富、生态完整、具有重要科学和生态环境价值的国家级风景名胜区和疗养避暑胜地,自然景观与人文景观俱佳。,Besides its well-known eccentric and exquisite beauty,Mount Huang is also a state-level scenic spot and summer resort with abundant resources and integral ecology as well as scientific and environmental value.,黄山集中国各大名山的美景于一身,尤其以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”著称,现已将冬雪作为第五绝。这些是大自然造化中的奇迹,历来享有“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。,With all the advantages of other mountains,Mount Huang is exclusively famous for four scenes:pine trees,rock formations,the sea of clouds and hot springs,and the snow of winter as the fifth.When seeing this wonder of nature,people will understand the saying that“You have no wish to visit any other mountains after viewing the Five Mountains,but You do not even wish to visit them after you come back from a trip to Huangshan Mountain.”,Taking in the best/essence of the landscapes of mountains in china,Trips to chinas five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary,and a trip to mount huang renders trip to the five mountains unnecessary,黄山以其最珍贵的自然与文化遗产成为世界著名的旅游胜地。1990年12月12日,黄山被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然和文化遗产名录”。,Thanks to its precious natural and cultural heritage,Mount Huang ranks the world-famous tourist resort.It was listed in the world cultural and natural heritage directory by UNESCO on December 12th in 1990.,Discussion,Long sentence Division Combination Idiom,four-character structureAdaptation Inherent logic relation,Summary,Combination Conversion Change the order Translation of idiomsAdaptation Ommission,