Financial English Lecture 1 Introduction,Lecture:Shan HuangEmail:Office:level 2,English Department,Suggestion,Preview the text before you come to class.Take notes in class.Review what you have learned after class.Finish all the exercisesPrepare for each class,Final assessment,Course description,This unit of study introduces students to the Finance Discipline.It is an introduction to basic concepts in finance.You will get an opportunity to work in a small team,noting that communication and interpersonal skills are essential for a professional appointment.,金融学专业本科主要课程体系,金融学专业硕士主要课程体系,教学目的,掌握专业词汇的英语表达,做到英汉互译。使学生对货币金融方面的基本知识、基本概念、基本理论有较全面的理解,对货币、信用、银行、金融市场、汇率、股票等基本范畴有较系统的掌握。在了解金融背景的基础上,能就熟悉的话题进行笔头或口头翻译。,教材与参考书目,教材:金融英语教程,外语教学与研究出版社,沈素萍主编。,参考书目:金融英语(基础类),清华大学出版社,金融英语教材编写委员会编写。现代金融业务,中国金融出版社,金融专业英语证书考试委员会编。,金融英语证书(FECT)考试,金融英语证书考试制度是1994年经中国人民银行和原国家教委联合发文批准建立的我国第一个国家级行业性外语证书考试制度。自2009年开始,金融英语证书考试(FECT)共设两级,分别为FECT综合考试和FECT高级考试。金融英语证书考试每年进行一次。,1、FECT综合考试:考试科目:现代金融业务;2、FECT高级考试:(1)FECT高级考试必考科目现代金融理论与实务;(2)FECT高级考试选考科目银行业务与管理、保险与证券业务,两科任选一科。,网络资源online resources,1、金融时报2、经济学人期刊3、华尔街日报4、商业周刊5、财富期刊6、中华人民共和国财政部,7、中国人民银行8、中华人民共和国国际外汇管理局9、中国证券监督管理委员会10、中国保险监督管理委员会,11、中国银行监督管理委员会12、美国联邦储备委员会13、美国财政部14、世界银行15、国际货币基金组织,2023/8/2,The Framework of Finance course“三根支柱”:是指货币、信用和金融机构,这是支撑整个金融学大厦的三个基本范畴;“一个空间”:是指金融市场;“上有调控”:是指宏观上的金融调节控制;“外有扩展”是指国际金融关系。,三根支柱,一个空间,上有调控,外有扩展,What is finance?,How do we translate 金融,金钱,融通,What is Finance?,Finance is the science of funds management.,The field of finance deals with the concepts of time,money and risk and how they are interrelated.,finance 金融,中文“金融”与英文“Finance”虽然都有广义与狭义之分,但并非一一对应。(我国的金融定义即使最广义的仍比英文的范畴窄),To a government-Capital for subway in Beijing,600,000,000yuan for subway per kilometer 200 kilometer for Beijing Olympics Totally RMB 120 billion yuanHow to find the adequate capital?,Corporate finance,Managerial or corporate finance is the task of providing the funds for a corporations activities.It generally involves balancing risk and profitability,while attempting to maximize an entitys wealth and the value of its stock.,Personal finance,Components of personal finance might include checking and savings accounts,credit cards and consumer loans,investments in the stock market,retirement plans,social security benefits,insurance policies,and income tax management.,Whats your personal experience?,Do you feel it is necessary to“finance”sometimes?How do you solve it?,Finance is already part of our lives,Buzzwords become daily wordse.g.:Stock market Foreign exchange reserve外汇储备 Hot money热钱 Liquidity流动性 CPI/PPI消费价格/工业品价格指数 Sub-prime Debt Crisis appreciation of RMB,2.Interesting financial phenomena in our lives,How much should we pay for a movie now?What about five years/ten years ago?How about the ticket price five years later?How about the house?,Financial problems to face,Where do you choose to work and live?(back to hometown or not)How can you afford relationships,or buy your own flat?(only salary?)How much should we save for the retirement?The deficit of Chinas pension fund is 1,300,000,000,000 yuan.(叶檀),How to solve the problems,Manage our own personal financeSaveMore ways to invest our money and accumulate our own wealthWhy to learn Finance English?,