,Barbie,1.American doll2.series movie3.series game4.music,Barbie is a best-selling fashion doll launched in 1959.The doll is produced by Mattel,Inc.,and is a major source of revenue for the company.The American businesswoman Ruth Handler(1916-2002)is regarded as the creator of Barbie,and the dolls design was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years,and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits,often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle.In recent years,Barbie has faced increasing competition from the Bratz range of dolls.In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s,her parents names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows,Wisconsin.Barbie has been said to attend Willows High School and Manhattan International High School in New York City,based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School.She has an on-off romantic relationship with her beau Ken(Ken Carson),who first appeared in 1961.Like Barbie,Ken shares his name with one of Ruth Handlers children.A news release from Mattel in February 2004 announced that Barbie and Ken had decided to split up,but in February 2006 they were back together again.64,1.Barbie resume2.Development history 3.Social impact,Chinese name:芭比密里森罗伯兹Full name:Barbie Millicent RobertsBirthplace:The American state of WisconsinBirthday:March 9,1959 Age:forever 16Inventor:Barbie Millicent RobertsHeight:28 cmCharacter:optimistic,curious,imaginative and creative.Clothes:1 billionProfession:star,teacher,Engineer,veterinarian and so on.More than 80 kinds.,Barbie resume,Vacation:Barbie in the Nutcracker Barbies boyfriend:Ken Barbies friends:Midge、Christie、Stacy、Jamie、Tracy、Whitney、Miko、Steven、Teresa、Tara Lynn Barbies pets:Horse,Cat,Dog,Pony,Little Polar Bear Barbies family:1964.younger sisterSkipper 1966-76.cousinFrancie 1966-71 double the siblingTutti&Todd 1989.younger female cousin Jazzie 1992.little sisterStacie 1995.the youngest sisterKelly,Development history,Barbie was bornApril 28,2002,major newspapers have forwarding a surprising news:the creator of Barbie dolls,the 85-year-old Ruth handler lady died.For a half century,Barbie has almost become the world little girls favorite doll.As the big eyes long hair doll of the best-selling,todays Barbie has been not only is a toy,It is a symbol of the women in the United States,a symbol of American culture,just as McDonalds and KFC.As the creation of this brand,Ruth,with her own life,give dream and hope to the women all of the world.,Barbies growthThe first batch of Barbie doll was made in Japan.And 1959,in the United States toy fairs,it appeared for the first time,and slowly,Barbie won childrens warmly welcome.More and more people began to buy the doll.the company sold 350000 the first year.During the next 10 years,it was up to$500 million.Barbie products were not limited to dolls and doll dress,also including Barbie brand next commodity,such as books and electronic games and fashion,In order to prove that the Barbie is not just a beautiful girl,but a career woman.Ruth design more kinds Barbie,she have more identity.She can be doctor,astronaut and woman entrepreneur,she can also be the volunteer of the United Nation childrens fund.So far,she has more 80 kinds of pressions.She can be Chinese,Indian,Black and many other people.She has more than 40 kinds of pets.Her first pet is a horse called“Dancer”;she has her boyfriend Ken-This is the name of the Ruths son.She also have her own three sisters.This is a common toys,but so real.On one hand,she is very beautiful;on the other hand,she is so close to us,because she has her own hobbies,just like a common girl.There are still some people object it.But as a market image,Barbie is so successful.According to the statistics of the mattel,an 11-year-old girl in America may have 10 Barbie dolls,little girl of the same age in France may have 5.Every year there are many adult women buy Barbie dolls.“To them,she is not only a doll”,Rose said,“She has become a part of them.”And Barbie collectors are both male and female:A$3 Barbie doll in 1959,if it was well preserved,now it may worth$5000。,Barbie developmentThe first Barbie dolls tie ponytail,dressed in black and white zebra grain swimming suit,and have blonde hair or dark brown hair.At the beginning,Barbie was designed as youth fashion models,Barbies clothes were designed by fashion designer Charlotte Johnson.Barbie doll is one of the first to use TV to promote toys,this model was widely used in other toys afterwards.According to statistics,Barbie dolls are available in more than 150 countries,and has sold more than 1 billion boxes,mattel says each seconds would sell 3 Barbie dolls.Barbie unique in the other,she became a cultural marker,and is seen in honor in the toy industry in 1974,the New York times square was part of a life for barbie avenue a week in 1985,postmodern artist Andy China made Barbies image.,From the dolls to cultural symbolFrom the first Barbie birthday,it has been constantly improved.The appearance of the Barbie doll have went through over 500 times modifications and improvements,and finally become todays appearance.In order to let the Barbie has beautiful fashion,about 1 billion pieces or more clothes production come out so far from the 1995,each year,about one hundred of the new Barbies clothes are launched.Now,Barbie doll is 50 years old this year,but she still young.No one know why it is so popular,her creator Ruth handler cant explain neither.In the toy world or in real life,longevity are mysterious and unpredictable thing.Once someone asked Ruth handler:Why Barbie doing so well?She just smiled and answered:“I am a marketing genius.”But,mattel also produced a lot of other types of toys,not only have no one than perform better than Barbie,some even“died”.We should say,Ruth had give the doll everlasting life,she is close to life,she is the mother of Barbie.Barbie has been well beyond the definition of toys,it become an immortal cultural symbols.,Social impact,芭比娃娃年鉴1.芭比娃娃拥有80多种事业从摇滚歌星到考古学家、到总统候选人。2.芭比娃娃的第一项事业就是作为少年服装的模特。3.1964年芭比娃娃入大学。4.军装芭比娃娃在1992年出现,她是应征加入沙漠风暴行动的见习军士。.5.1975年奥林匹克运动员芭比首次亮相,她参加了2000年奥运会游泳比赛。.6.80年代出现了政府首脑的芭比娃娃,她出席了纪念苏美冷战结束的会议。7.1992年总统候选人芭比,站在讲台上,为妇女、高等教育以及动物权利而竞选。8.芭比系列军队形象,陆军、空军、海军及海军陆战队,得到了五角大楼的肯定,从而最大限度加强了服饰的真实性。9.芭比宇航员出现在1965年、1986年和1994年。10.1997年,Smile是Mattel(麦特儿)公司首次以轮椅形象出现的洋娃娃。11.芭比运动收藏系列,包括服装系列和与运动相关的洋娃娃,由Mattel(麦特儿)公司在1998年推出,此举是给女孩子们每天都能满足对运动的渴望。12.芭比娃娃在1961年去到欧洲。.13.在世界洋娃娃收藏集中,意大利籍是芭比娃娃代表的第一个国籍。14.特蕾莎修道院的修女洋娃娃出现在1994年墨西哥少女节的庆祝上。15.芭比娃娃遍及了全世界150多个国家的市场。.16.自1959年以来,出售整套芭比娃娃及其家庭成员的数量加起来,比绕地球7圈的数量还要多。17.每一秒钟就有两个芭比娃娃在世界的某个地方售出。,18.最近一个国籍的芭比娃娃是西班牙籍,2000年面世,她穿着闪闪古代斗牛士服。19.芭比娃娃有45个不同国籍的身份。20.第一个黑人西班牙芭比出现在1980年。21.友好大使芭比出现在1990年纪念推翻柏林墙。22.芭比娃娃有超过43种宠物,21只狗、12匹马、3匹矮种马、6只猫、一只鹦鹉、一只小黑猩猩、一只熊猫、一只小狮子、一头长颈鹿和一头斑马。23.在以往的销售中,销量最好的芭比娃娃是长发芭比,她的头发从头顶一直长到脚趾。芭比娃娃的全称是Barbie.Millicent.Roberts(芭比米利森特罗伯特),出生在威斯康星州的Willows(威劳斯)市,并就读Willows(威劳斯)中学。24.芭比娃娃有五个妹妹,Skipper(米楚)。30.顾客现在可以使用电脑和互联网通过“我的设计”(1998年上市)来定制他们的朋友芭比娃娃。,31.1999年是第一年芭比娃娃的家庭成员“Kelly”(凯莉)加入毛绒玩具种类引入Cuddly SoftTM Kelly(抱抱凯莉)。32.在美国最受欢迎的收藏品中,玩具收藏仅次于邮票,处于第二位,芭比娃娃在全世界的男女老幼当中都得以收藏。33.宝丽来芭比是一种快速照相机,它可以让女孩子们即时玩出邮票大小的粘贴图片。32.自1959年以来,为芭比及其朋友生产的服装接近10亿套。33.用于生产芭比娃娃及其朋友的服装的布料超过1亿5百万匹,使得Mattel(麦特儿)公司成为了世界上最大的服装生产厂之一。.34.芭比娃娃的鞋子超过10亿双,她的衣柜每年增加100多件新装。.35.芭比娃娃的代表色是芭比粉红色。36.1996年节假日期间,芭比娃娃的“芭比时装设计师”光盘是销量最好的软件。37.芭比娃娃的服装收藏包括有由Givenchy,Versace,Dolce&Gabana,Vera Wang and Gucci 设计的服装。38.芭比童装有最流行的编织装、短装裤、背包、睡衣和装饰品。39.芭比娃娃1959年初次亮相,穿着当时流行的黑白条纹泳装,扎着马尾辫。40.芭比娃娃的创始人是Ruth Handler,Mattel(麦特儿)的创办人之一,她以她女儿的名字Barbara(芭芭拉)命名此娃娃。41.第一个芭比娃娃的售价为3美元。42.在她1959年第一次出现的这一年,共售出351,000个芭比娃娃。.43.1959年原型芭比娃娃售价高达10,000美元。44.芭比娃娃的年产值为15亿元。45.在2000年,芭比第一次出现露肚装。,46.1999年,芭比娃娃第一次独立行走;2000年,她自己第一次溜冰。47.1999年是芭比娃娃40周年,也是世界最流行洋娃娃的庆贺。48.芭比的CD取得1996-1999年儿童主题软件的最佳销量。49.最新为女孩开发的芭比软件是 Barbie Magic Genie Bottle and CD Rom”(芭比魔力基因瓶及光盘),供女孩子们互动玩三维冒险游戏。.50.1999年,芭比以e-secret”(E-时代的秘密)进入电子世界行业。51.1997年成立(芭比收藏家俱乐部)。52.1998年芭比缩小臀围,腰围,变成凹凸起伏较小适合小朋友玩的芭比。53.2001年芭比的首次登上大荧幕主演动画芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅。54.2003年芭比的祖父母再度现身。芭比的好友蜜琪怀孕了。55.2005年十二月英国巴斯大学的博士艾格尼丝奈恩发表一份研究报告,提出女孩通常经历一个讨厌芭比的阶段,她们用不同刑罚对待芭比,包括斩首和将娃娃放进微波炉。他表示,否定芭比犹如一个否定自己过去的仪式。56.2009年,芭比娃娃50周年。57.2010年,芭比娃娃有了自己的第215个职业:一名环游世界的摄像师。,