What is Culture?,“文化”的定义“文”:原指“纹理”,引申为各种语言文字内的象征符号;再引申为修养之意;再导出德行,美善之意。“经纬天地曰文”尚书.舜典“化”:原指“生成,造化”,引申为“教行迁善”之意。“文化”:最早出现于战国末年(Warring States Period),距今约2300年,易。文化的包容性,大小均可。儒家文化、佛教文化、异域文化、酒文化、茶文化、校园文化、课桌文化。,Definitions,The word culture has many different meanings.For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature,music,art,and food.For a biologist,it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory.However,for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists,culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns.The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B.Tylor in his book,Primitive Culture,published in 1871.Tylor said that culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,law,morals,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.Of course,it is not limited to men.Women possess and create it as well.Since Tylors time,the concept of culture has become the central focus of anthropology.,What is Western Culture?,What is your answer when you look at the Q?,课 程 介 绍(1),教学目的:着重提高学生跨文化交流中的英语交际能力和对文化及文化差异的认知能力。其宗旨是多技能综合培养,其教学从介绍电影的基本元素和理论入手,以一位西方人的读解视角进一步了解电影语汇和手法,从而引导学生通过英语电影了解主要以美国文化为主的西方文化,在提高语言水平的同时加深对西方电影和文化的了解。,教学思想与内容:适应中国入世后进一步开放程度,我们必须懂得文化差异,在语言学习的同时了解国际文化,从学习分析电影入手,了解其所反映的时代背景,分析西方社会尤其是美国社会的政治、经济和历史文化。并且将电影当作社会文化文本,为学生了解西方和美国文化提供一种影像解读的窗口,以促使学生文化素质的提升,积极消除文化差异可能产生的种种误解和误读,培养适应21世纪需要的大学生。通过电影理论阅读和类型片解读讨论,使学生了解如何把握文化差异从而避免误解和误读。课程将详细介绍主要的电影语汇和类型,通过大量富于启发性、挑战性的练习活动,使学生能够进一步扩大文化认知和读解的能力,尤其是对文化差异的认知和分析能力。,课 程 介 绍(2),授课对象:本课程是为专业英语2年级以上和通过大学四级或六级考试之后的非英语专业学生而开设的,每周两节课,每周为一个研究和讨论的单位。每单位用英语讲授,以必要的汉语补充解释。组织学生小组讨论和个人发言。教材说明:本课程的主要教材采用Andrew Lynn著,外语教学与研究出版社于2005年10月出版的“Appreciating Cinema”(英语电影欣赏配有光盘),该系列为高等学校英语拓展系列教程编写委员会组稿的,全英文教材(有生词注释和背景介绍等),内容准确,文字优美,语言流畅,例证充分,有很强的知识性和趣味性。同时辅助材料配有电影随想,苏珊娜利昂德拉-吉格等著;电影艺术词典,许南明主编;电影音乐赏析皮埃尔贝托米厄著,杨围春,马琳译;世界电影鉴赏辞典,郑雪来等主编,当代世界电影文化,江晓雯著等。,课 程 介 绍(3),课 程 介 绍(4),Culture is everything,and everything is culturebut related to humankinds,Lead-in Movies will be looked as a social and cultural text,and it will provide an image reading window for students to understand the culture of the West.科幻电影中的宗教文化-解读黑客帝国Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Blockbuster Film:The MatrixThe“Blockbuster”was born on 20 June 1975 with the release of“Jaws”.Blockbuster:A high-explosive bomb used for demolition purposes.Now amplifying on something informal,such as a film or book,that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.Blockbuster,with a simple underlying concept,an emphasis on spectacular action sequences and effects,and a wall-to-wall national release,the first one,“Jaws”broke all box-office records and changed Hollywood,the following“Top Gun”,“Jurassic Park”,“Independence Day”,“Titanic”,“Gladiator”and so on.Hi-Concept Film,Background,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Oscar Reward-72nd Annual Academy Awards in 2000:Best Film EditingBest Sound Editing Best Sound Mixing Best Visual EffectsDo you pay attention to the religious meaning and culture in“The Matrix”?,The Matrix is a kind of Christian Allegory:the expression of Christian belief by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions.The key figure in this allegorical story is Neo,“the One”,whose life is modeled on the life of Jesus.,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Looking for something meaningful,be betrayed for personal benefit by one of the men closet to him(Jesus/Judas,Neo/Cyper(Cyper Punk))sacrifice of his own life be killed but rises to live again no longer vulnerable,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Savior of mankind,12 original followers(Disciples)of Jesus,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,The meaning of their nameladen with religious significance,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,Religious Culture in Si-FiUnscrambling The Matrix,3 Three,In Bible,in Christian thinking,“three”is an important number because it is the number of the Trinity God,Christ,the Holy Ghost.The film invokes this number for us,as if to remind us of the religious significance of the film.Or even the hotel room in the“Heart of the City Hotel”in which we see Trinity at the beginning is room _,and same room is the site of the final confrontation at the end of the film.,The agents also normally work in a group of three.,Terminator:Judgment Day,Question,The film“The 6th Day”(第六日,也译作 魔鬼复制人,斯瓦辛格主演)What s meaning of the title of the film?Tip:You can find the answer from the first chapter of“The Bible”.,关于本课,考勤考试成绩。?,