1,西方文明史,第十一講:中古歐洲社會,劉慧教授,【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC姓名標示非商業性相同方式分享臺灣3.0版授權釋出】,2,Medieval Society,Population 1000-1300 France 6 million to 14 million Germany 4 million to 11 million England 2 million to 5 million(The peasants,the urban dwellers,)the nobility,3,1.The nobility,Roman senatorial class,city councilors,barbarian leaders:social status had an economic basisMerovingian and Carolingian period:Knigsnhe(closeness to the king)All free men had military obligation10th c:counts private,territorial power 11th c:castellans joined the nobilityTheir armed retainers monopolized the use of force12th c:knights joined the nobility;the nobility became militarizedEconomic,political,military factors,4,2.12-13th-c noble knights and knightly nobles,10th c knights were Military retainers,defined by their military functionNot necessarily professionals:Some household knights were pros,but there were also occasional knights,agrarian knightsLow birth,mostly possessing little or no landLate 11th c:cavalry charge with couched lanceLate 12th c:knights and nobles coalesced1180s:dubbing as coming-of-age ceremony for noble youthsTraining,equipment,trappings increasingly expensiveA new image for the knight:,5,Cavalry charge with couched lance:on the battlefield/jousting in a tournament,6,1)11-12th c:emphasis by the church of the Christian warriorThe crusades:1096-99,1147-49The military orders:the Hospitallers 1113;the Templers 1119;the Teutonic Knights 11902)A more courtly environment and household discipline3)Celebration of knightly prowess in literary worksChivalry:a common code of conduct took shapeUpholding the virtues of courage,honour and serviceGradually became good manners:courtliness,courteous(civility,urbanity),7,3.Mid 13th c to 15th c,In England 1066-:200 barons c.1200:4,500-5,000 knights c.1300:1,500 knights(+1,500 esquires)Distraint of knighthood 1240s,50sSocial and economic position could be achieved throughinheriting the patrimony and wealth and service to the king;not necessarily through a knightly vocation.Knightly ethos was still entrenched:seal and heraldry1)The Parliamentary peerageDukes(1337 duke of Cornwall),earls(11th c)and barons(11th c;1387),marquess(1385),viscount(1440)60-70 families2)The gentryKnights,esquires(14th c),gentlemen(15th c)9,000 families3)Yeomen and the rest,8,Seals:widely used in England by 1300,9,Medieval poetry,Latin poemsVernacular poems:Northern France:epics(chansons de geste)The Song of RolandSouthern France:lyric poetryCourtly love.Secret,distant,unrequitedEpic+lyric=romanceThe Trojan War,Alexander the Great,King ArthurSupernatural world of Celtic myths Theme 1:love.Old and new values in conflictTheme 2:Christian purity and dedication quests,10,Romance,Marie de France(d.c.1190)Chrtien de Troyes(c.1135-1183)Wolfram von Eschenbach,Gittfried von Strassburg Tristan and IseultErec et EnideLe Chevalier de la Charrette Lancelot and GuinevereYvainPerceval or Le conte del GraalAdventure;code of chivalryThe church,the crusades,the military orders The chivalric orders in the Later Middle Ages Don Quixote;Wagner and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood,John William Waterhouse(1849-1917)Tristan and Iseult 1916,11,版權聲明,12,