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    ,Basic Writing,VII.Writing(写作)(共2题;A题满分10分,B题满分20分,计30分)(答案写在答题纸上)A)Suppose you are Li Hua and you received a letter from your friend Jack recently.Jack complained about the pressures of high school life and asked for your suggestions.Using the outline,reply to his letter in about 80 words,not including the given begining and ending.,Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having.As you know,high school life is full of challenges and everyone feels he is under great pressure at times.With endless homework and fierce competition,it is easy to become discouraged.You should draw up a scientific plan,and turn to your teachers for help if necessary.Second,if you are finding it hard to live away from your family,it is time for you to live independently and think practically.Last,if you are having difficulty getting along with your classmates,keep in mind that everyone likes a person who is helpful and kind.Best wishes to you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua,VII.Writing(写作)(共2题;A题满分10分,B题满分20分,计30分)A)The following is an outline of an article titled The history of paper.According to the outline,write this article in not less than 80 words.,The History Of Paper Papyrus(纸草)-used by Egyptians-made from Papyrus plant-not true paper.Paper-invented by Chinese-2000years ago.Originally made from bamboo,rags,old fishing nets.Introduced to Europe by the Moors-12th century.Rags used until19th century-when wood fibers used.Early paper hand-made Paper making machines invented-18th century,France.Now a lot of paper recycled.,The history of paperPapyrus,which was made from the papyrus plant,was used by the Egyptians,but is not true paper.Paper was in fact invented by the Chinese about 2,000 years ago,and was originally made from bamboo,rags,or old fishing nets.It was introduced to Europe by the Moors in the 12th century.Rags were used until the 19th century,and then wood fibres were used.Early paper was hand-made.Paper-making machines were invented in France in the 18th century.Now a lot of paper is recycled.,B)For many years,people have been trying to find the best way to learn a foreign language.Some people insist that the best way to learn English is to stay for a long time in a country where English is spoken,such as England or the United States.But not all people have the chance to go abroad to learn English.Do you agree?For you,whats the best way to learn English?And why?Write down your opinions and suggestions in about 150 words.,B)One possible version:People who are learning English are always interested in finding the best way to learn English.I agree that a good way to learn English is to stay for a long time in an English-speaking country,but not all people have the chance to go abroad to learn English.For me,the best way is to practice more.Enlarging your vocabulary is very necessary.It is good to go over the words by reading more and writing more.Grammar is a walking stick for learning English,but you should not learn the grammar rules by heart simply.You should practice more,especially when you meet long and difficult structures of sentences,you can turn to the relevant grammar.Listening and speaking are important as well.You may not have the chance to talk to native speakers,but you should keep listening to the tape recordings and speaking more in class and after class.In a word,only by practicing more can you learn English well.,时间分配,基础写作的命题特点:参赛者需按所给的内容及要求,用10个左右规范的英语句子描述所给信息的全部内容,并组成连贯的短文。简而言之,考查参赛者整理信息和组词造句成文的能力。,对于书面表达的要求:,1.Cover all the language points and given information.覆盖所有的语言要点,Avoid grammar mistakes and wrong spelling 应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性,3.coherent,tight 上下文的连贯性 即有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。,4.use the words properly 语言的得体性,5.Write your article clearly.,6.Mind the number of your sentences.,To make the article tight,graceful and clear.,To avoid using repetitive words or expressions.表达时尽量用一些较高级的词汇,避免使用重复的词语,使语言不至于单纯和幼稚。也可以给文章增添亮点。,(2)To use some transitional words 恰当选用过渡词,使文章紧凑,流畅。,(3)To use more sentence patterns such as inverted order,emphasis,a compound sentence or a participle adverbial 适当使用多种句型,注意语言的丰富性,多样化,以 变化多端的形式来表现丰富多彩的内容。,描述加评论 突破开放式作文,开放作文与传统意义上的写作形似而神不似,是一种全新的写作形式。随着高考英语改革进程的不断深入与发展,相信英语写作的命题形式也会日趋灵活与开放。开放作文更能反映出考生的真实写作水平。,一、开放作文的写作特点 开放作文属于非控制性写作,与传统意义上的写作有所不同。开放作文的题目主要为简短的文字提示或图画,这给考生留下了很大的自由发挥和想象的空间。但也对考生提出了更高的要求,它不仅考查考生的逻辑思维和想象能力,更考查考生的语言表达和组织能力,同时还从多角度考查考生分析和解决问题的能力。,开放作文侧重考查两种文体:记叙文和议论文。记叙文体的开放作文往往给考生一段材料,要求考生根据所给材料的内容,运用逻辑推理的方法,给故事添加开头、发展过程及结尾;议论文体的开放作文逻辑性强,要求考生在所给材料或主题的基础上提炼观点,给出论证,并得出结论。,二、开放作文的写作技巧1仔细观察,认真审题审题对开放作文的写作相当重要,通过审题确定文章的主题、时态和体裁。2直奔主题,突出重点一般来说,开放作文要求的词数比较少,所以考生在文章的结构上必须注意“集中火力”,突出重点,而不要随意发挥。,3紧扣主题,内容充实要紧扣图画信息的主题,进行合理的阐述,并表达自己的感想。在这一部分,只需用简单的语言讲出道理即可,没有必要过深地挖掘图画信息,但要保证文章思想是健康的、积极向上的。4全面审核,仔细检查文章写完后,要注意对照写作要求仔细审核,看所写内容是否符合题意,内容是否充实,句型是否正确,有无拼写错误等。,例1(2010北京高考)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,范文导例,范文选粹 In the picture,between two closelylocated buildings grows a big tree.Unlike most trees,this one bends in the middle,struggling all the way up to get more sunshine.The picture reminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions.Faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out.Life can be hard.But if we have the courage and determination,we will finally get the sunshine we want as the tree in the picture does.,高分缘由(1)文章一开始便使用了一个完全倒装句,使之非常醒目。(2)文章多处运用非谓语动词。如struggling为现在分词作伴随状语,to get more sunshine作目的状语,faced with difficulties作时间状语。(3)文章使用了较多的复合句。如who succeed in unfavorable condition为定语从句修饰those,if引导的条件状语从句;特别是文章的结尾连续用了两个从句,we want为定语从句,as the tree in the picture does为状语从句。,1对于开放式看图作文,首先应该描述画面的内容。在描述时,无需掺杂议论、情绪或评价,同时注意描述要有主次之分,详略得当。2在充分理解了图画及其内在含义之后,我们就可以确定要点,并按前面的提示开始叙述。写作时可以分为三部分,开始是:From the picture we can see that.;然后讲述其寓意:I think the picture is trying to tell us that.;最后进行总结。,类文旁通,3掌握一些常用经典句型:(1)第一部分阐述图画中的内容与主题。经常用到的句型有:As is shown in the picture.As we can see in the picture.In the picture we can see that.From the picture I can see.What an interesting picture!,(2)第二部分结合考生的生活或学习实际,阐明图画的寓意及其对我们生活的启示,常用到的句型有:The picture is trying to tell us that.The picture reflects a common social problem.The picture vividly shows.,The picture conveys a message that.I think the picture wants to show us that.From the picture,we can draw a conclusion that.As the picture suggests.This picture makes me think a lot about.It reminds me of.,例2(2010湖北高考)请你根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can open doors and tear down walls.,注意:无须写标题;内容只需涉及一个方面;词数为100左右。_,范文选粹 I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago,when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class.The teacher spoke English throughout the class,which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before.,In the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text aloud as other students.After listening to me for a while,she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much.The smile shone on the whole day and the following days.A week later,I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class.Thanks to the comforting smile in my first morning class,I began to be confident.,高分缘由(1)文章开篇便使用了一复杂句式,remember后为how引导的宾语从句,when引导非限制性定语从句,而在定语从句中it作形式宾语,其后的不定式短语作真正的宾语。(2)文章还使用了其他一些复合句。如第二句中which引导非限制性定语从句而I had taken before是省略关系词的限制性定语从句;第二段第一句中while和as都引导状语从句。,记叙文类的开放性作文应该注意以下应试技巧:1认真审题,把握要求,找准提示语中的关键句考生在着手写作之前,要认真审题,切实把握命题要求,找准提示语中的关键句。,类文旁通,2依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章脉络通过认真审题,找准关键句,下一步的任务就是如何安排已选定的这些材料,要将自己心中所设想的材料草拟一个提纲,梳理清楚先后顺序。这样写起来就会有条不紊、条理清晰、详略得当,使得写出的文章中心突出。,3准确定位人称、时态,遣词造句注意扬长避短一般来说,此类开放性作文通常以提供一个故事材料片段为主。大部分情况下,文中所使用的动词时态以一般过去时为主,但人称的使用较为灵活,考生应该依据文章提示准确定位人称。在人称、时态准确定位以后,考生应将重点放在文章的遣词造句上,因为这才是书面表达的重头戏。考生应尽可能运用自己熟悉的单词、短语和句型来灵活表达,不要使用自己不熟悉的、没有把握的词语或语法,要避免单词、短语及句型的重复使用。只有这样,在写作时才能做到扬长避短,发挥出自己的最佳水平。,巧用三段式 决胜议论文,议论文是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体,它通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来辨明是非曲直,从而表达出作者的观点。议论文常由论点、论据和论证三部分构成。,一、议论文的写作特点1议论文的主要命题形式是以表格式和提纲式来呈现写作材料的。2它要求语言必须简练、准确,要尽可能避免使用口语,多用书面语,可适当使用名言警句;以议论为主,辅之以叙述、说明和描写等手法。,3在议论文三段式里,首先要写好开头,具体需把握好三点:第一,开门见山,紧扣题目;第二,提出论点,说明中心;第三,总述内容,概括要点。其次要深化中间段。中间段是首段的拓展。议论文的中间段是论证论点的,常用方法有归纳法、推理法、对照法和驳论法。,最后要把好结尾关,考生可以:重复中心思想回到文章开头提出的中心思想或主题上,达到再次肯定和强调的效果;引用用格言或名人名言总结全文,既言简意赅,又有较强的说服力;得出结论文章最后用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者观点。,二、议论文的写作技巧1写作时要围绕中心论点展开议论,即论据和论证要围绕论点展开。根据题目要求,有时需要从正反两方面来论述,可增强论证的力度。最后,可得出结论,照应开头,形成一个有机的整体。2写作时常以三段式的形式展开议论。即:主题段、拓展段和总结段。,三、议论文中表示观点对比类写作套语1总述:We have a discussion about.We have had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.We have had a survey on.We have had a survey on whether students should be allowed to carry mobile phones to school.,Different people hold different opinions.Opinions are divided.People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards.People take different views on this question.People have different opinions on this problem.,2表达观点:Others have different opinions.Sixty percent of the students are for the idea,while forty percent of the students think otherwise.Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to.,but forty percent of the students dont think so.of them hold the opinion that.of them are in favor of the idea that.People who are for/against the idea think.of them think/believe that.,3表达不同观点之间的衔接:However,.of them hold a different view./.of them hold the opposite opinion.People who are against it dont think so.However,each coin has two sides.Different from those.,.people think.On the other hand,.people object that.,4在对某一观点作进一步论证时,可用下列句型:What is more,.还有就是,而且What is more,we can get a good knowledge of the culture and social customs of the country where we study,as well as improve our English.Besides,.除此之外Some students cannot discipline themselves.Besides,it is far too expensive to study abroad,which is a load to the family.当然在提出多个论据时,也可用first,.second,.third,.来列举论据。,例(2010安徽高考)假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give up:TV,cell,or Web?”为题,写一篇英语短文。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_,范文导余,范文选粹 Which would you give up:TV,cell,or Web?We are now living in an information age,in which TV,cells and the Web are widely used.It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.,However,if I had to give up one of them,I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet.I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and therere too many commercials.Besides,most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.As for cells and the Web,they are more necessary to me.I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family,and almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.,高分缘由(1)本文中使用了较多的复合句。如第一句用in which引导非限制性定语从句;第二句It seems that.中it 为形式主语,而that从句作真正的主语;第二段中用if引导条件状语从句,because引导原因状语从句。(2)文章中有两处使用了被动语态。如第一句中的are widely used,最后一句中的can be gathered。,(3)文章中运用了较多的短语和句式。如give up,turn off/switch off,do without(TV),as for,keep in touch with 以及would do sth.rather than do sth.等。(4)文章中适当地使用了关联词。如however,besides等。,1对于议论文的结构模式,我们建议大家采用三段式:(1)开头引论。用以引出一个令人关注的问题(topic),阐明观点或看法。(2)主体本论。全文的主要部分,对提出的问题进行分析、推论(supporting sentences),运用材料对观点进行论述,使论点得到足够的支持。(3)结尾结论。对主体部分内容作出概括,明确论点所要解决、论证的问题。有时则是提出建议或给出解决问题的方法或策略。,触类旁通,2议论文写作要体现议论文的特点,同时还应该注意:(1)论点必须正确,科学,积极向上。(2)文章结构要完整,条理要清楚。(3)语言必须精练、准确、易懂,要以议论为主,恰当地使用叙述、说明、描写等手法。(4)写作中还要注意条理清楚、过渡自然,适当地运用一些表达逻辑意义的过渡词语。3议论文的论证方法有:归纳法、推理法、对照法和驳论法等等。,写好文章的主题句,1.It goes without saying that.不用说 It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.不用说,早睡早起是值得的。,2.There is no denying the fact that.不可否认这个事实=No one can deny.谁也不可否认 There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind.不可否认,成功的关键在于健康的身心。,3.I am greatly convinced(that).=I am greatly assured(that).我深信 I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.我深信预防胜于治疗。,4.Among various kinds of.=Of all the.在各种之中,Among various kinds of sports,I like jogging in particular.在各种运动中,我尤其喜欢慢跑。,5.In my opinion.=As far as I am concerned,.在我看来,In my opinion,playing computer games not only takes up much time but also is harmful to our health.在我看来,打电脑游戏既花费也有害健康。,6.According to my personal experience=Based on my personal experience根据我个人经验 According to my personal experience,smile has done me a lot of good.根据我个人的经验,微笑带给我很多好处。,7.Of all the people I know,perhaps none deserves my respect more than.在我认识的人当中,也许没有一个人比更值得我尊敬。Of all the people I know,perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang,my English teacher.在我认识的人当中,也许没有一个人比我的英语老师张老师更值得我尊敬。,8.In the course of my schooling,I will never forget.在我的求学过程中,我忘不了 In the course of my schooling,I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English.在我求学的过程中,我忘不了学习英语的巨大困难。,9.With the increase/growth of the population,.随着人口的增加,With the advance of science and technology,.随着科技的进步,With the rapid development of our economy,.随着我国经济的快速发展,10.In the age of information and communication,.plays an important role.在这信息年代,扮演重要的角色。In the age of information and communication,the computer plays an extremely important role.在这信息年代,计算机扮演着非常重要的角色。,11.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as.世界上没有什么比更令我高兴。Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants.世界上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡包更令我高兴。,12.It is necessary/important/proper that S.(should)V.是必要的/重要的/适当的。It is necessary that we master a foreign language.我们掌握一门外语是必要的。,13.Whenever I.每当我,我就 Whenever I think about this,I smile.每当我想起这些,我都会笑。14.It is said/thought/reported/believed(that).据说/人们认为/据报道/人们相信 It is believed that health is above wealth.人们相信健康重于财富。,15.The main reason why/for.is(that)的主要原因是 The main reason why he failed was that he didnt work hard.他失败的主要原因是他不努力。,16.To.,there are at least three things we can do.要,我们至少要做三件事。To keep healthy,there are at least three things we can do every day.要保持身体健康,我们每天至少可做三件事。,写好文中的承接句,1.We have reasons to believe(that).我们有理由相信 We have reasons to believe(that)corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止。,2.As a matter of fact,.=in fact.事实上,As a matter of fact,it is health that counts.事实上,健康才是最重要的。,3.Besides(in addition),we should not neglect.此外,我们不应忽视 In addition,we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.此外,我们不应忽视每个人都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。,4.On the contrary,.=By contrast,.相反的,On the contrary,a few students,it seems,are still fooling around.相反的,少数学生似乎还在虚度光阴。,5.On the other hand,.另一方面,The government should enforce laws strictly.On the other hand,the public should also develop the good habit of reducing pollution.政府应严格执法,另一方面,大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。,6.However,it is a pity that.然而,很可惜的是 However,it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.然而,很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。,7.In other words,.=To put it differently 换言之,In other words,I will try my best to attain(gain;live up to)my goal.换言之,我会尽最大的努力达到我的目标。,8.It will be true as assumed by others,but I dont believe it.I believe that.别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为


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