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    A Rose For EmilyWilliam Faulkner威廉.福克斯,William Faulkner,His growth:Born in a wealthy family,Mississippi/the American Deep South/rise and fall/a Faulknerian world/nostalgia(怀旧)/impending doom即将发生的命运His creation:family history/prototypes原型/the town of Oxford(Jefferson)/His great-grandfather,William Clark Falkner(Colonel Sartoris)/Mary Louise Neilson&Jack Barrona,Yankee street paver 铺路工(Emily&Homer),His concerns:southern aristocratic 贵族families/American South/human situation/spiritual deterioration心灵的恶化/loss of love/want of emotional response情绪反应Prize winner:two Pulitzer普利策 Prizes,a National Book Award,and the Nobel Prize for Literature(1950),Plot review,Section 1Emilys funeral as a big eventthe house and her distinguished受人尊敬的 familytax incident事件&the visit by the deputation代表团,Section 2smell in Emilys house&complaints抱怨 in the neighborhood&actions taken to do awaydeath of Emilys father&her delayed disposal推迟处理,Section 3Emilys sickness before dating with Homer barron&passionate 热烈的lovethe purchase of arsenic 砒霜,Section 4widespread rumors传闻 in the townthe absolute reclusive 孤独的life of Emily,Section 5death of Miss Emily with her house violently invadeddiscovery of the murder&her necrophilia(恋尸癖),Close reading,Miss Emilys fatherher appearance 外貌and characterthe women in her townthe attitude of her townspeopleher housevisual 看得见的violence:Emily vs.townsfolk镇民voice of Miss Emilythe narrator,Emilys appearance,“a fallen monument”(p.9)倒下的纪念碑the deputations visit(p.10)Emily in drugstore(p.14),Symbols for the townspeopleAlienated 感到孤独的bodyDerogatory 贬义的terms:bias偏见/stereotype陈规旧习,Emilys house,a big,squarish frame house方木屋/location位置an eyesore难看的东西 among eyesoresthe attraction and focus of the town(p.11/16/)the captured house(p.16/17)What does her house symbolize?,Shelter居所:privacy隐居/homelong past/memorydignity not to be offendedfortress堡垒prison,Emilys father,a crayon portrait 蜡像(p.10)father clutching a horsewhip马鞭(P.12)father vs.young men(p.12)the influence of the father(p.15)Emilys dead body&fathers faceabsent&present:HE is always there.,The ladies in Jefferson,the curious women(p.9)only a woman could have believed it(p.9)ladies with mixed feelings(p.14/15)ladies as invaders(p.16/17)Do they really care about their sister?,The female spectators:visual pleasureSpiteful gossips(the townspeople)Observers,commentators,supervisors,interventionistsComplicity合谋者successors of Emilys father,visual violence,“to see the inside of her house”9“a crayon portrait”10“looked back/stared at/looked him eye for eye/looked away”14“we sat back to watch developments/A neighbor saw the Negro man/we would see her at a window”15,“Daily,monthly,yearly,we watched the Negro/looking or not looking at us/their quick,curious glances”16“looking down at the profound and fleshless grin”17“we saw a long strand股 of iron-gray 铁灰色的hair.”,Gaze(凝视):a psychoanalytical心理分析 term/Jacques Lacan/anxious state that comes with the awareness that one can be viewed/the subject loses a degree of autonomy upon realizing that he or she is a visible object/mirror stage/a child encountering a mirror realizes that he or she has an external appearance外貌/gaze effect produced by any conceivable 可想向的object such as a chair or a television screen,eyeball.,Male gaze:Laura Mulvey/”Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”/gender power asymmetry in film/women objectified 使具体化in film because heterosexual异性恋的 men were in control of the camera/voyeurism(窥淫癖)and scopophilia(窥视)/influential in feminist film theory and media studies/curves 曲线of a womans body/an erotic性欲的 object for characters within&the spectators without/passive to the active gaze from the man/gazer vs.gazed,Female gaze:women look at themselves through the eyes of men/male gaze as a manifestation示威 of unequal power between gazer and gazed,or as an attempt to develop that inequality不平等的/a woman who welcomes an objectifying gaze may be simply conforming to norms 准则established to benefit men/to reduce a recipient to an object/Welcoming such objectification 客观化may be viewed as akin相似的 to exhibitionism(裸露癖),Miss Emily:a spectacle,Three kinds of gazeHer fathers portrait:an eye of patriarchal 家长的power/the townspeople from the same perspectiveThe female gazeThe gaze of the readers:voice/take Emily with a pinch of salt有保留地,Emily the gazed in the houseAn eye for an eyeA battle for visual powerAn object to be a subjectWoman warrior,Emilys voice,Role-play:If you were Emily,how would you tell your story?The silenced heroine女主角:voice vs.silence Theater 剧场of the absurd(荒诞剧):Pan Jinlian,潘金莲-一个女人的沉沦史魏明伦,剧中人:潘金莲、武松、武大郎、西门庆、张大户、王婆、泼皮甲、泼皮乙、泼皮丙剧外人:吕莎莎、施耐庵、武则天、安娜卡列尼娜、女庭长、贾宝玉、芝麻官、现代阿飞、红娘、上官婉儿,女庭长:按照法律程序进行调解。吕莎莎:夫妻毫无爱情基础,调解仍然无效呢?女庭长:根据婚姻法第25条,批准离婚。吕莎莎:可是紫石街上没有人民法庭,潘金莲出路何在?女庭长:她只有三条路可走。吕莎莎:一?女庭长:悬梁投江,快性自杀?吕莎莎:二?女庭长:终生痛苦,慢性自杀?吕莎莎:都不幸,第三条路呢?女庭长:这就是下一场她选择的险路-,不幸人,求幸福,不择手段,先受害,后害人,走向深渊。听雷声催成谋夫案,看闪电扭曲潘金莲。,潘金莲:霹雳震,孽债逼人山压顶,电光闪,欲海越陷越深沉。盼长久,怕离分,舍不得巫山云雨迷魂阵,割不断热恋狂欢枕席情。破罐破摔走险径,跟西门就学西门,这世道教人手要狠,当初我人善被人坑,人坑我,我坑人,不幸人渐起杀人心!安娜:不幸的女人,别杀人啊,要杀就自杀吧!,潘金莲:你是谁?安娜:我站在地球另一边,我站在历史那一段,做着非常荒诞的梦,时光倒转,同病相怜。请随我卧向那冰凉的铁轨,看列车穿过俄罗斯的平原,安娜:我死了-净化了灵魂,解脱了苦难。这才是女人唯一的出路,是上帝为弱者规定的法典。砒霜自吞下,死神在召唤,阿门!再见!地狱再见,武则天:男女间太不平于此可见。为什么有夫权绝无妻权?尚方剑,尚方剑-砍不动三从四德旧法典,众人:刀下留人!武则天:罪不当死!张大户:罪该万死!贾宝玉:罪在世道!张大户:罪在女人!芝麻官:清官难断?阿飞:下“零件,放血!女庭长:一部沉沦史,千年封建根。想救难挽救,同情不容情。覆辙不可蹈,野史教训深。施耐庵:本书不管后代事,武松动手,杀!吕莎莎:吉他变调弹古音,是非且听百家鸣,Grotesque怪诞奇异风格,grotesque:characters induce both empathy同感 and disgust反感.(A character who inspires disgust alone is simply a villain or a monster恶人.)/the physically deformed 身体上的畸形&the mentally deficient心理上的缺陷 The reader becomes piqued(angry)by the grotesques positive side,and continues reading to see if the character can conquer their darker side.,unimaginably 难以想象的dark images:a decaying(腐朽的)mansion(宅第),a corpse死尸,a murder,a mysterious servant who disappears,and,most horrible可怕的 of all,necrophilia(恋尸癖)an erotic性欲的 or sexual attraction to corpses.,Cultural Context文化背景,The Old South:idealized(理想化)land of prosperous plantations(种植园)/large white houses,cultured people,and a stable economy based on cotton Utopia(乌托邦):a distortion扭曲/unpleasant,even appalling骇人听闻的,realities of plantation种植园 life one of which was slavery.,the Civil War(1861-1865):South destroyed and beset(困扰)by economic hardship(困难)/white Southerners 南方人(like Emily and her neighbors)as a kind of nostalgia(怀旧)for a golden age.,Gothic 哥特式novel,gothic architecture建筑:medieval 中世纪的type/high pointed arch and vault(拱顶)/flying buttresses(扶壁)/intricate recesses(凹处)/western Europe in 12th-16th centuries/Notre Dame de Paris,Gothic novel or Gothic romance:a story of terror 恐怖and suspense 悬疑in a gloomy old castle or monastery(修道院)(hence Gothic,a term applied to medieval architecture and thus associated in the 18th century with superstition邪教,迷信).,In an extended sense影身意义,many novels that do not have a medievalized setting中古化的环境,but which share a comparably sinister 险恶的(threatening),grotesque(strange),or mysterious atmosphere have been classed 归类as Gothic.,Haddon Hall,Bakewell,Derbyshire,England(2002)The hall that inspired the creation of Thornfield Hall,Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄,Southern Gothic,Southern Gothic:a subgenre亚美/unique to American literature/supernatural超自然的,ironic具有讽刺意味的,or unusual events to guide the plot/tools not for the sake of 为了suspense(悬念),but to explore social issues and reveal 揭露the cultural character of the American South.,The Southern Gothic author usually takes classic Gothic archetypes(原型,典型),such as the damsel in distress(落难的少女)or the heroic knight(有英雄气概的骑士),then portrays them in a more modern and realistic spinster(老处女),or a white-suited,fan-brandishing(挥舞扇子的)lawyer with ulterior motive(秘而不宣的动机)/Emily&Homer,Southern Gothic is a genre 体裁frequently identified with grotesques and William Faulkner is often cited as the ringmaster(马戏演出的领班).“A Rose for Emily”:Southern gothic and grotesque/the general tone is one of gloom,terror,and understated 轻描淡写的violence.,Themes of the Story,A feminist 女权主义者interpretation 解释of the novel:visual violence-movie studies-transplant-literature,Among other themes,it emphasizes the differences between the past,with its aristocracy(贵族)Colonel上校 Sartoris gallantry 殷勤(polite unselfish attention paid by a man to a woman),the Griersons卫戍部队 aloofness 超然态度and pride,and the board董事会 of old aldermens(地方官员)respect for Miss Emily and the modern generations business-like mentality(心态),embodied体现 in the board of new aldermen市府参事 and the many modern conveniences we hear about.,As Frank A.Littler writes in Notes on Mississippi Writers,“A Rose for Emily”has been“read variously as a Gothic horror tale,a study in abnormal psychology变态心理学,an allegory(寓言)of the relations between North and South,a meditation沉思 on the nature of time,and a tragedy 悲剧with Emily as a sort of tragic heroine.”,Why such a title for the story?,When asked at a seminar(讨论课,研讨会)at the University of Virginia about the meaning of the title“A Rose for Emily,”Faulkner replied,“Oh,its simply the poor woman had no life at all.Her father had kept her more or less locked up and then she had a lover who was about to quit 离开her,she had to murder him.,It was just A Rose for Emily thats all.”In another interview,asked the same question,he replied,“I pitied 怜悯her and this was a salute(致意),just as if you were to make a gesture,a salute赞颂,to anyone;to a woman you would hand a rose,as you would lift a cup of sake to a man.”,Plot of the Story,One way of explaining the excellence of“A Rose for Emily”is by considering its lack of chronological order时间顺序.Such a dissection(分解)of the short story initially(一开始)might appear to weaken it,but this approach allows us to see Faulkners genius 天赋at work particularly his own unique way of telling a story.,In the manner that Faulkner tells it,he leaves us horrified as we discover,bit by bit,why this so-called noble woman is now a“fallen monument.”,Point of View of the Story,“A Rose for Emily”is a successful story not only because of its intricately(错综复杂地)complex chronology(时间顺序),but also because of its unique narrative point of view.The story is told by an unnamed narrator in the first person collective.By using the“we”narrator,Faulkner creates a sense of closeness between readers and his story.,The narrator-as-the-town judges Miss Emily as a fallen monument,but simultaneously 同时地as a lady who is above reproach(完美的,无可指责的),who is too good for the common townspeople,and who holds herself aloof避世的.,While the narrator obviously admires her tremendously 极端地 the use of the word“Grierson”evokes 引起a certain type of aristocratic贵族的 behavior the townspeople resent her arrogance傲慢 and her superiority优越感;longing to place her on a pedestal(当成十全十美的人)above everyone else,at the same time they wish to see her dragged down 拖下去in disgrace.,Nevertheless,the town,including the new council members,shows complete deference(顺从)and subservience(卑躬屈膝)toward her.She belongs to the Old South aristocracy(贵族),and,consequently所以,she has special privileges特权.,


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