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    1,首先,要能写出一个完整的句子即句子主干要完整,总是以下结构之一1主+谓2主+谓+宾3主+系+表4主+谓+间宾+直宾5.主+谓+宾+宾补,过渡页,2,其次,添加枝叶(定状补)然后构成并列句:用并列连词 and,so,but,when,for(因为)等。,过渡页,简单句的5个基本句型,5 主语+系动词+表语 S+Link.V+P,1.主语+谓语 S+V.,2.主语+谓语+宾语 S+Vt+O,3.主语+谓语+间宾+直宾(S+Vt+Oi+Od),4.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(S+Vt+O+O.C),Mary was a girl.,She smiled.,Tom liked her.,He gave her a picture.,She put the picture on the wall.,1.Mary was a(n)_ girl.(形容词)2.She smiled _.(副词)3.Tom liked her _.(副词),beautiful,happily,secretly偷偷地,方法一 添加修饰成分:定状补,Mary is a beautiful and girl.Tom and like her very much.They soon become good friends.On Marys birthday,Tom gave her a picture and She smile happily,them and put the picture on the wall.,clever,Jack,a bunch 束of roses.,accept,方法二 添加并列成分:,1.Sentence lengthening exercises,来吃饭Come to eat!来和我吃饭Come to eat with me!来海边和我吃饭Come to eat with me by the sea!如果你有空,来海边和我吃饭If you are free,come to eat with me by the sea!如果你有空,中午来海边和我吃饭 if you are free,come to eat with me by the sea at noon.,2.Sentence lengthening exercises,他在游泳Hes swimming.他在河里游泳Hes swimming in the river.他和Tim在河里游泳Hes swimming in the river with Tim.那时他和Tim在河里游泳Hes swimming in the river with Tim at that time.,3.Sentence lengthening exercises,他卖蛋He sells eggs.他卖母鸡蛋He sells hens eggs.他卖最好的母鸡蛋He sells the best hens eggs.他每个星期三在市场卖最好的母鸡蛋He sells the best hens eggs every Wednesday in the market.,4.Sentence lengthening exercises,他喜欢这个男人He likes the man.他非常喜欢这个男人He likes the man very much他非常喜欢这个英俊的男人He likes the handsome man very much他非常喜欢这个英俊的男人因为他的幽默He likes the handsome man very much because of his humour.他非常喜欢这个英俊的男人因为他的幽默和智慧He likes the handsome man very much because of his humour and wisdom.,5.Sentence lengthening exercises,我来自宣城im from xuancheng.我是一个来自宣城的学生im a student from xuancheng.我是一个来自宣城十二中的学生im a student from xuancheng,NO.12 middle school.我是一个来自宣城十二中的好学生im a good student from xuancheng,NO.12 middle school.我弟弟和我是来自宣城十二中的好学生My brother and i are good students from xuancheng,NO.12 middle school.,6.Sentence lengthening exercises,我不能I cant.我不能唱歌I cant sing.我不能在花园晚会上唱歌I cant sing at the garden party.我不能在我阿姨的农场里在花园晚会上唱歌I cant sing at the garden party at my aunts farm.我明天下午不能在我阿姨的农场里在花园晚会上唱歌I cant sing at the garden party at my aunts farm tomorrow afternoon.我明天下午不能在我阿姨的农场里在花园晚会上唱好歌I cant sing well at the garden pary at my aunts farm tomorrow afternoon.,7.Sentence lengthening exercises,手表在哪?Wheres the watch?我放在我的口袋里的手表在哪?Wheres the watch I put in my pocket?我放在我的口袋里的红色手表在哪?Wheres the red watch I put in my pocket?早上我放在我的口袋里的红色手表在哪?Wheres the red watch I put in my pocket in the morning?,8.Sentence lengthening exercises,她是一个老师she is a teacher她是一个英语老师she is an English teacher她是一个英语老师并且她也是一个妈妈she is an english teacher and she is a mather,too.她是一个英语老师并且她也是一个两个儿子的伟大的妈妈she is an english teacher and she is a great mather of two sons,too.,9.Sentence lengthening exercises,看看Have a look.看看这本书Have a look at this book.看看这本有趣的书Have a look at this interesting book 看看这本有趣的漫画书Have a look at this interesting comic book,10.Sentence lengthening exercises,我选choose蓝色I choose blue.我选蓝色的鞋子I choose blue shoes.我选蓝色的鞋子来穿I choose blue shoes to wear.当我有体育课的时候,我选蓝色的鞋子来穿when i have P.E.,I choose blue shoes to wear.当我有体育课并且我不得不跑步的时候,我选蓝色的鞋子来穿when i have P.E.and i have to run,I choose blue shoes to wear.,11.Sentence lengthening exercises,我看见一只鸟i see a bird我看见一只鸟在树上i see a bird in a tree.我看见一只唱歌的鸟在树上i see a singing bird in a tree.当我回家的时候,我看见一只唱歌的鸟在树上i see a singing bird in a tree when i go home.当我在回家的路上时候,我看见一只唱歌的鸟在树上i see a singing bird in a tree when i go home on the road.,12.Sentence lengthening exercises,他们给桌子涂色(paint)They paint the table.他们给桌子涂成灰色They paint the table grey.今天他们给桌子涂成灰色They paint the table grey today.今天他们在美术课上给桌子涂成灰色They paint the table grey in art class today,13.Sentence lengthening exercises,我跑五英里I run five miles.我在星期五晚上跑五英里I run five miles on Friday night.我在星期五晚上跑五英里(为了)去见一场打架I run five miles on Friday night to see a fight.我在星期五晚上跑五英里(为了)去见一场狗打架I run five miles on Friday night to ses a dogs fight.,14.Sentence lengthening exercises,我生气了I am angry.我对你感到生气I am angry with you.我对你感到很生气I am very angry with you.因为for你所做的,我对你感到很生气I am very angry with you for your doing.,15.Sentence lengthening exercises,这个东西长大The thing grows.这个东西长地慢The thing grows slowly.这个东西在寒冷的冬天长地慢The thing grows slowly in this cold winter.这个东西在寒冷的冬天在地下长地慢The thing grows slowly under the soil in this cold winter,21,首先,要能写出一个完整的句子即句子主干要完整,总是以下结构之一1主+谓2主+谓+宾3主+系+表4主+谓+间宾+直宾5.主+谓+宾+宾补,过渡页,22,其次,添加枝叶(定状补)然后构成并列句:用并列连词 and,so,but,when,for(因为)等。,过渡页,23,这,过渡页,24,这,过渡页,25,这,过渡页,26,这,过渡页,27,这,过渡页,28,这,过渡页,29,这,过渡页,16.Sentence lengthening exercises,I saw a large crowd.I saw a large crowd surrounding a house.I saw a large crowd surrounding a house and shouting loudly.I saw a large crowd surrounding a house and shouting loudly when I passed by the day before yesterday.,17.Sentence lengthening exercises,The end of the pier.The end of the pier is near.The end of the pier is near,I fear.The end of the pier is near,I fear,and the mist hasnt cleared.,18.Sentence lengthening exercises,Thats a rare pair.Thats a rare pair for a mayor.Thats a rare pair for a mayor to wear.Thats a rare pair for a mayor to wear and hard to bear as he sits in his chair.,19.Sentence lengthening exercises,Im sure.Im sure this is newer.Im sure this is newer and purer.Im sure this is newer and purer than the drink in that ewer.,20.Sentence lengthening exercises,Willie went away.Willie went away to the woods.Willie went away to the woods with an ax in her left hand,weeping quietly.Willie went away to the woods with an ax in her left hand,weeping quietly on the way.,


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