,Further Characteristics of the Basic Needs,(对基本需要特点的进一步探讨),1.The degree of fixity of the hierarchy of basic needs.(基本需要层次的固定性程度),(1)There are some people in whom,for instance,self-esteem seems to be more important than love.例如,在某些人身上,自尊似乎比爱更重要。(2)There are other,apparently innately creative people in whom the drive to creativeness seems to be more important than any other counter-determinant.显然,还有另外种天生就富有创造性的人,这种人身上的创造驱力比其它任何反问决定因素都重要。,傲慢与偏见达西傲慢的求婚,爱迪生与发明,(3)In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.有些人的志向水平可能永远处于死寂或低下状态。(4)The so-called psychopathic personality is another example of permanent loss of the love needs.所谓有心理病态的人格是说明永远失去爱的需要的另一个例子。,(5)Another cause of reversal of the hierarchy is that when a need has been satisfied for a long time,this need may be underevaluated.另个需要层次倒置的原因是,当一种需要已得到长时间满足时,这种需要的价值可能被低估。(6)Another partial explanation ofapparentreversals is seen in the fact that we have been talking about the hierarchy of prepotency in terms of consciously felt wants or desires rather than of behavior.对于显而易见的需要层次优先顺序的颠倒,另一种不完整的解释是我们一直是从意识中感觉到的需要或欲望的角度来讨论需要层次的优先顺序的,而不是从行为的角度。,(7)Perhaps more important than all these exceptions are the ones that involve ideals,high social standards,high values and the like.也许比这些例外都更为重要的是那些与理想、高尚的社会准则、高尚的价值观等相关的例外。以上所述没有顾及这佯一个事实:在任何有关挫折承受力的全面探讨中,都应包括一定的纯粹的习惯因素。,重要识记:A fixed order:一成不变的Rigid:严格的,僵硬的,死板的Reversal:逆转、反转,倒置。Means-to-an-end:达到目标的手段。Self-assertion:自我肯定Count-determinant:反向决定因素Prepotent:优先性Chronic:慢性的,长期的,习惯的。Deadened:死寂的,麻木的Psychopathic personality:病态人格Reflex:反应能力Withstand:经得起,反抗。Weather:经受住,使风化,受风吹雨打。Persecution:迫害,烦扰。Habituation:习惯化。,2.Degree of relative satisfaction.相对满足的程度,If one need is satisfied,then another emerges.“如果一个需要得到了满足,另一个需要则随之出现。”In actual fact,most members of our society who are normal,are partially satisfied in all their basic needs and partially unsatisfied in all their basic needs at the same time.A more realistic description of the hierarchy would be in terms of decreasing percentages of satisfaction as we go up the hierarchy of prepotency.对需要层次的现实描述应该是:我们可以说随着优势需要层次的升高,满足的百分比随之减少。As for the concept of emergence of a new need after satisfaction of the prepotent need,this emergence is not a sudden,saltatory phenomenon but rather a gradual emergence by slow degrees from nothingness.新需要的出现不是突发的跃进的,而是从无到有逐渐缓慢地出现的。,3.Unconscious character of needs.需要的无意识特点,It would by now be expected,on a priori grounds alone,that unconscious motivations would on the whole be rather more important than the conscious motivations.What we have called the basic needs are very often largely unconscious although they may,with suitable techniques,and with sophisticated people become conscious.依从依次优先的角度看,我们可以推测无意识的动机总的来说比有意识的动机更为重要。我们称之为基本需要的东西,通常大多属于无意识的,虽然通过恰当的方法和有经验的人的帮助,这些基本需要可以变成有意识的。,4.Cultural specificity and generality of needs.需要的文化特性和普遍性,No claim is made that it is ultimate or universal for all cultures.The claim is made only that it is relatively more ultimate,more universal,more basic,than the superficial conscious desires from culture to culture,and makes a somewhat closer approach to common-human characteristics,Basic needs are more common-human than superficial desires or behaviors.但是我们无意下这样的断言:这种统性对于所有的文化来说部是绝对的和普遍的。我们的观点仅仅是,这种统一性在不同文化之间相对表面的意识欲望更重要、更普遍,更根本。而且更加接近人类的共同特性。基本需要比表面的欲望或行为更加为人类所共有。,虽然吃什么、怎么吃不一样,但是都是为了满足食欲,5.Multiple motivations of behavior.行为的多种动机,These needs must be understood not to be exclusive or single determiners of certain kinds of behavior.这些需要不能理解为某些行为的唯一的或单一的的决定因素。most behavior is multi-motivated.Within the sphere of motivational determinants any behavior tends to be determined by several or all of the basic needs simultaneously rather than by only one of them.The latter would be more an exception than the former.大多数活动都含有多种动机。在动机决定因素的范围内,任何一种行为都是由几种或所有基本需要同时激励的,而不是只由其中一种决定的。仅由一种动机决定的情况往往是例外。,6.Multiple determinants of behavior行为的多种决定因素,Not all behavior is determined by the basic needs.We might even say that not all behavior is motivated.There are many determinants of behavior other than motives.并非所有的行为都是由基本需要决定的。我们甚至还可以说,并非所有的行为都是有动机的。除动机外,行为还有许多决定因素。(场决定因素、“与基本需要相近的程度”或“激励程度”的概念、在表现行为和应对行为之间存在有基本的区别),7.Goals as centering principle in motivation theory.目标是激励理论的中心原则,It will be observed that the basic principle in our classification has been neither the instigation nor the motivated behavior but rather the functions,effects,purposes,or goals of the behavior.It has been proven sufficiently by various people that this is the most suitable point for centering in any motivation theory.我们对需要分类的基本原则既不是鼓动因素、也不是受到激励的行为,而是行为的功能、效果、目标或目的。许多人证实,这一点是任何激励理论的最合适的中心,8.Animal-and-human-centering.以动物为中心和以人为中心,This theory starts with the human being rather than any lower and presumably simpler animal.Too many of the findings that have been made in animals have been proven to be true for animals but not for the human being.本理论是以人类而不是以任何低级的或更简单的动物为出发点的。许多在动物实验中的发现经证明只适用于动物而不适用于人类。没有任何理由能说明我们为了研究人的激励而必须首先研究动物。,9.Motivation and the theory of psychopathogenesis.激励和精神病病源,Thwarting of unimportant desires produces no psychopathological results;thwarting of a basically important need does produce such results.Any theory of psychopathogenesis must then be based on a sound theory of motivation.A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic.It becomes so only when it threatens or thwarts the basic needs,or partial needs that are closely related to the basic needs 挫伤没有重要性的欲望不会导致心理病态,然而挫伤具有重要性的基本欲望则可能导致相反的结果。因此,任何精神病病源理论都必须以完善的激励理论为基础。冲突或挫折不一定是精神病态的起源,只有在基本需要或与基本需要紧密相关的其他需要受到挫折或威胁时,冲突和挫折才可能成为精神病态的起源。,缺乏安全感?这是病,得治!,10.The role of gratified needs.已满足的需要的作用,a basically satisfied person no longer has the needs for esteem,love,safety,etc.基本需要得到满足的人不再具有自尊、爱和安全等需要。The perfectly healthy,normal,fortunate man has no sex needs or hunger needs,or needs for safety,or for love,or for prestige,or self-esteem,except in stray moments of quickly passing threat.一个完全健康、正常和幸运的人没有性欲需要、饥饿需要、安全需要、爱的需要、名誉和自尊的需要。只有在偶然的短暂的威胁中,这些需要才会出现。,It is such considerations as these that suggest the bold postulation that a man who is thwarted in any of his basic needs may fairly be envisaged simply as a sick man.以上这些论述提出了这样一个大胆的假设:一个人的任何一种基本需要受到损伤都将使他如同病人。When we ask what man wants of life,we deal with his very essence.当我们探讨人究竟想从生活中得到什么时,我们就触及到了人的本质。,重要识记Step-wise:阶梯状态排列Prepotency:优势、优性、优生遗传Saltatory:跳跃的、跃进的。Overhaul:分解、检查、大修、追上并超过Specificity:特异性、特征、专一性Common-human:人类共同性Multi-motivated:多种因素同时激励Amelioration:改进,改善,Masculinity:男子气概的Expressive behavior:表现行为Coping behavior:应对行为Bass:男低音Tenor:男高音Soprano:女高音的Rote:机械的、死记硬背的,Stimulus-bound:刺激包抄、刺激包围Fallacy:谬论、谬误Pseudo-simplicity:貌似简单的普遍谬误Behaviorism:行为主义观点Thwart:挫败、反对、阻碍Gratify:使满足、使高兴Metaphysical:形而上学的、玄学的、超自然的Pathological:病态的Paradoxical:矛盾的、似是而非的、,