1,Yuan Yuan Tan,芭蕾皇后谭元元,2,Yuan Yuan Tan,born in Shanghai,China,trained at Shanghai Dancing School and Stuttgarts John Cranko School.She joined San Francisco Ballet as a soloist in 1995 and became a principal dancer in 1997.She has danced lead female roles in TomassonsGiselle,Swan Lake,Romeo and Juliet,Nutcracker;Tomasson/PossokhovsDon Quixote;MorrisSylvia;and LubovitchsOthello.She created roles in Tomassons The Fifth Season,Chi-Lin,Silver Ladders,and7 for Eight;PossokhovsMagrittomania,Damned,andStudy in Motion;WheeldonsContinuumandQuaternary;and WelchsTu Tu.Her repertory includes AshtonsThas Pas de Deux;BalanchinesSymphony in C,Theme and Variations,Concerto Barocco,Prodigal Son,andApollo;DuatosWithout Words;RobbinsIn the Night,Dances at a Gathering,andDybbuk;and MakarovasPaquita.,3,From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia,4,在“卡门”中演出,5,6,7,8,9,在“巴黎圣母院”中表演,10,11,12,Yuan Yuan Tan inEsmerelda,13,在“天鹅湖”中演白天鹅,14,在“天鹅湖”中演白天鹅,15,在北京国家大剧院演出“天鹅湖”2009年1月,16,在“天鹅湖”中演黑天鹅,17,在“天鹅湖”中演黑天鹅,18,Vadim Solomakha(left)and Yuan Yuan Tan performing the“Black Swan”pas de deux fromSwan Lakeat the San Francisco Ballet,1998.,19,In Tommasons“Swan Lake”在“天鹅湖”中演黑天鹅 2006,20,In“Sleeping Beauty”,21,In“Sleeping Beauty”,by David Cooper,22,在“吉赛尔”中演出,23,在“吉赛尔”中演出,24,Yuan Yuan Tan in the title role and Tiit Helimets as Duke Albrecht in a performance of“Giselle”by the San Francisco Ballet at the Kennedy Center Opera House.By Erik Tommason 2008,25,在“吉赛尔”中演出,26,Yuan Yuan Tan in TomassonsRomeo and Juliet(Erik Tomasson)May 2009,27,Yuan Yuan Tan in TomassonsRomeo and Juliet(Erik Tomasson),28,RenateStendhal reviews Romeo and Juliet with Yuan Yuan Tan,29,Yuan Yuan Tan and Yuri Possokhov in Tomassons Romeo&Juliet.Photo-C Erik Tomasson,30,31,32,33,34,With Ruben Martin in Balanchines“Diamonds”2009,35,With Damian Smith in the pas de deux from Wheeldons After the Rain,2008,36,Yuan Yuan Tan and Yuri Possokhov in Lubovitchs Othello.Photo-C Lloyd Englert,37,Yuan Yuan Tan and Yuri Possokhov in Lubovitchs Othello.Photo-C Marty Sohl,38,Yuan Yuan Tan and Anthony Spaulding dance in Diving into the Lilacs.(Kurt Rogers/The Chronicle),39,Yuan Yuan Tan and Anthony Spauldings dancing in Diving Into the Lilacs was a highlight of the night,which returns on the 2010 Repetory Seasons Program 4.(Kurt Rogers/The Chronicle),40,Yuan Yuan Tan and Anthony Spaulding in PossokhovsDiving into the Lilacs(Erik Tomasson)2009,41,Yuan Yuan Tan in Morris Sylvia.Photo-C Chris Hardy,42,The San Francisco Ballets“Sylvia,”choreographed by Mark Morris and featuring Yuan Yuan Tan,right,will be performed as part of the Lincoln Center Festival.By Chris Hardy,July 2006,43,Yuan Yuan Tan and Ruben Martin in WelchsNaked.Photo:Erik Tomasson 2009,44,Famed Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in Balanchines“Emeralds”(2009),45,在“卡门”中演出,46,在“卡门”中演出,47,YUAN YUAN TAN and DAMIAN SMITH Pas de Deux from Wheeldons AFTER THE RAIN.Photos by Erik Tomasson.,48,YUAN YUAN TAN and DAMIAN SMITH Pas de Deux from Wheeldons AFTER THE RAIN.Photos by Erik Tomasson.,49,50,In new“Swan Lake”by Erik Tommason,2009,51,Yuan Yuan Tan and Tiit Helimets.Courtesy of the SF Ballet.(白天鹅),52,With Tiit Helimets in new“Swan Lake”by Lacy Atkins/Chronicle,2009,53,With Tiit Helimets in new“Swan Lake”by Lacy Atkins/Chronicle,2009,54,With Tiit Helimets in new“Swan Lake”by Erik Tommason,2009,55,With Tiit Helimets and Damian Smith in new“Swan Lake”by Lacy Aktins/The Chronicle,2009,56,With Damian Smith in new“Swan Lake”by Erik Tommason,2009,57,Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in“Stravinsky Violin Concerto”(by Erik Tommason,2009),58,Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in“Stravinsky Violin Concerto”(by Erik Tommason,2009),59,the PBS broadcast ishosted by Bay Area local Kristi Yamaguchi,YuanYuanTan as show queen and hosted by Kristi Yamaguchi.(2008),60,Yuan Yuan Tanhas been a guest principal dancer with the Hong Kong Balletto perform in some modern pieces with the company.,61,Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in Yuri Possokhovs“Fusion”,by Erik Tommason 2008,62,STEALING THE SHOW AGAIN:Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in The Fifth Season.by Erik Tomasson,63,POWERFUL:Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith from The San Francisco Ballet performing The Fifth Season.,64,65,CNNs Kristie Lu Stout talks to Chinas most critically acclaimed ballet dancer,Tan Yuan Yuan about her rise to fame.(July 2008)Videos:Delicate and daring9:02,Performance on Stage 7:13,Movement and Emotion 6:27Tan Yuan Yuan Dancing 1:37(all four pieces are connected with an advertisement at the very beginning),66,生活中的谭元元,67,12/31/2008,68,69,Yuan Yuan Tan poster in front of municipal government“,70,71,72,练习中的谭元元,73,74,S.F.Ballet production of Nutcracker on PBSThe Snow Queen(Yuan Yuan Tan)is projected on TV screens during recording of the San Francisco Ballets“Nutcracker”2007.(Michael Maloney/The Chronicle),75,76,77,78,谭元元的成功是中国芭蕾的神话,但她也为此付出了很多。小时候,她并不能从芭蕾中感受到快乐,因为想放弃,甚至挨过妈妈的耳光。现在,她已浸润芭蕾20多年,并跻身世界顶级舞者行列。到底芭蕾给了她怎样的享受,让她一路坚持下来?“我想更多的是陶冶吧。”元元说,如果要从中获得满足感那是很难的,因为艺无止境,艺术家总是好了还要更好,从来没有满足感。每次谢幕的时候,我都想:哎呀,我可以跳得更好一点。如果说幸福感,舞蹈太苦了,很难说幸福。成功嘛,那要看你怎么来看了,我的成功在于我的努力,能有这么多光环,我也真的是为之付出了很多。但有一点是可以肯定的,在舞台上的时间是我生命中最美好的时刻,在那一刻我感受到所有的付出都是值得的,我整个人陶醉其中。(记者李洋),The End,