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    粉末涂料应用,推荐BASF系列颜料,青岛健泰化工颜料介绍,Contents产品目录Inorganic pigments:Sicopal/Sicotan无机颜料Hybrid pigments:Paliotan 钒酸铋复合有机颜料Organic pigments:Paliotol/Paliogen/Heliogen有机颜料effect pigments:Paliocrom 彩色铝基材效果颜料Organic dyes:Neozapon/Thermoplast有机染料Effect Pigments:Cyclo粉末专用白色珠光颜料Cool Pigment:K0095降温颜料,For powder coatings,BASF offers pigments tested for coatings applications(L grades)as well as plastics application(K grades).在粉末涂料中,巴斯夫提供了像塑料应用系列颜料产品(K级)一样性能的L级颜料。Experience has shown that when it comes to finely divided organic pigments,the respective K grade is often more readily dispersible and has higher color strength than the L grade of the same chemical constitution.经验表明,在相同的化学条件下,K级产品通常比L级产品有更好的分散性和更好的着色力。,The K grades have been especially designed with respect to the size,distribution and shape of their particles for processing conditions in the plastics industry(processing in extruders and calenders)and that these advantages also extend to the manufacture of powder coatings.K级产品设计了合适的粒子尺寸,粒子分布,及颗粒形状,在塑料工业中能够满足工艺生产需要,这些特性同样在粉末中达到要求。From the L range we particularly recommend the HD grades(hiding and dispersibility).L级产品,我们特别推荐有HD后缀的产品,HD表示高遮盖力和高流动性。,BASFs hybrid pigments are supplied under the Paliotan/trademark,consisting of bismuth vanadate and a high-quality organic pigment.巴斯夫钒酸铋复合有机颜料Paliotan,是用钒酸铋符合高性能的有机颜料煅烧制作.They provide an ideal combination of the advantages of inorganic(high hiding power)and organic(chroma,high color strength)pigments,while at the same time offering high cost efficiency.这种产品集合了无机颜料(高遮盖力)和有机颜料(颜色鲜艳,着色力高)等优点,有非常高的性价比.The most economic Paliotan types are based on different inorganic components.大多数的经济型的Paliotan产品基于不同的无机成分.,Hybrid pigments钒酸铋复合颜料,Only a range of organic color pigments can provide the maximum scope of coloristic possibilities.仅一个范围的有机颜料产品能够提供最大范围的颜色应用.However,not every coloristically interesting pigment is suitable for application in powder coatings.但是并不是每一个产品都适合在粉末涂料中应用.The colorants must first satisfy a series of basic technical/physical requirements.颜料必须首先符合技术/物理的基础要求These include heat resistance,dispersibility and good shade reproducibility.这包括热稳定性,分散性,和颗粒形状.,Organic pigments有机颜料,resistance to amines and amides 耐胺醛/酰胺树脂 hiding power 遮盖力 dispersibility 分散性 color strength 着色力 chromaticity 色相 minimum plate-out 最小起霜量,颜料的耐迁移 heat resistance 热稳定性 minimum thermochromism 最小热变色效应 suitability for overcoating 适宜罩光涂层性能 fastness to weathering 色牢度(耐候)cost efficiency 经济性,Examples of desirable properties合适的性能,These bismuth vanadate pigments are brilliant,greenish yellow colorants whose applications include the manufacture of leadfree,high-quality powder coatings.这些矾酸铋颜料有非常亮的带绿相的黄(铋黄),这是一个无铅的高遮盖力的涂料应用.Special features of the Sicopal,Yellow pigments are high purity of shade and excellent hiding power.Their resistance to weathering is outstanding both in full shades and in reductions with titanium dioxide.铋黄Sicopal的特殊的性能非常优越的色相纯度+优越的遮盖力,铋黄的耐候性能无论在全色或与钛白冲淡色中都非常优越。Sicopal Yellow pigments have proved to be successful substitution products for lead pigments.铋黄是铅颜料的替代的成功方案。,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan 复合无机铋矾颜料Sicopal-出众的铋黄,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicopal复合无机铋颜料,Shades such as RAL 1021 and RAL 1028,which are difficult to achieve without using lead-based pigments,are easily obtained with Sicopal Yellow pigments.The standard pigment is Sicopal Yellow L 1100.采用铋黄非常容易与RAL 1021/1028黄色色相匹配,这种色相是铅颜料也难配色的黄。铋黄颜料L1100标准色。Sicopal Yellow L 1120 has a slightly redder with improved chroma.It is more heat-resistant in Primid crosslinked powder coatings and its hiding power and weather fastness are also outstanding.铋黄颜料L1120有轻微红色色相改善,在Primid系列交联粉末涂料有更好的热稳定性,并且遮盖力,耐候性也出众。To match reddish shades we recommend the much redder alternative Sicopal?Yellow L 1600,whose hue often allows the amount of organic shading pigments in the formulation to be reduced.如果要配红相的颜色,推荐铋黄L1600,这个产品的色相通常可以减少有机着色颜料在配方中用量。,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicopal复合无机铋颜料,The color of bismuth vanadate pigments is stable at normal baking temperatures(180 C-210 C).铋黄颜料在180 C-210 C烘烤温度中有非常好的稳定性。However,severe overbaking(e.g.,60 min at 210 C)may result in coloristic changes towards a duller,darker shade and in the formation of various surface structures(e.g.,craters),depending on the resin/curing agent system used.Changes in film hardness have also been observed.但是在特别恶劣条件下如(60分钟210 C),可能出现色彩消色(消光,变暗),或者在不同条件(树脂,助剂)应用产生不同的表面结构。也可能出现漆膜变硬的现象。Where especially good heat stability is required,we recommend suitable preliminary tests under the appropriate conditions.如果特别的热稳定性能需要,建议采用合适条件下初步实验方法。,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicopal复合无机铋颜料,Sicopal Yellow grades are supplied exclusively as low-dusting fine granules.铋黄级颜料作为超细的低粉尘颜料供应。推荐产品如下:,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicopal复合无机铋颜料,The Sicotan Yellow grades are complex inorganic chromatic pigments.Of coloristic significance are the lemon-yellow nickel titanates(e.g.,Sicotan Yellow L 1010)and the ocher-colored chromium titanates,for example Sicotan Yellow L 2110.黄颜料Sicotan是复合无机铬系颜料,同时复合了镍钛成为柠檬黄,如L1010,或者钛复合土黄(赭色)色,如L2110。,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan 钛镍黄复合颜料 Sicotan pigments 镍/铬 钛 酸 盐,Sicotan yellow pigments are ideal for use in powder coatings.Sicotan钛镍黄颜料是粉末涂料非常理想的产品.High heat stability,high hiding power and maximum fastness to weathering make them ideal for combination with organic yellow,orange and red pigments,yielding a broad spectrum of shades that meet all the requirements with respect to brilliance and high hiding power.非常高的耐热性/高遮盖力/最强的耐候性,最理想的复合有机黄,橙,红颜料,来满足实际对颜色的鲜艳性和高遮盖力的需求.,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicotan pigments 镍/铬 钛 酸 盐-钛镍黄复 合 颜 料,It is often possible to use less organic pigments in formulations with Sicotan Yellow pigments than with titanium dioxide.This reduces the PVC(pigment volume concentration),which has a positive effect on the flow properties and also has economic benefits.采用Sicotan黄颜料和钛白能够用更少的有机颜料在配方中成为可能,能够减少颜料使用量(PVC),从而在流动性方面起积极作用,并且有更好的经济效果.Sicotan Yellow grades are also supplied as low-dusting,freeflowing fine granules.Such fine granules offer advantages in large-scale processing(weighing,automatic metering)and at the same time have a smaller physiological impact on personnel.Sicotan 黄系列产品同时提供了低粉尘,增加流动性的小颗粒.这种小颗粒在大规模生产(自动测量,称重)提供了优点,同时对员工的生理影响更小.,无机颜料Sicopal/Sicotan Sicotan pigments 镍/铬 钛 酸 盐-钛镍黄复 合 颜 料,有机和无机复合颜料PaliotanHybrid pigments,有机和无机复合颜料PaliotanHybrid pigments,With Paliotan Yellow pigments,shades that were previously difficult to formulate,such as RAL 1003,1007,1021 und 1028,can be produced lead-free without technical difficulties.They meet requirements for hiding power,vivid color and fastness to weathering to a high degree.采用Paliotan有机黄颜料,能够完成以前非常难的配色,比如 RAL 1003,1007,1021,1028黄,并且能够替代无铅产品的同时,保证非常高的遮盖力,颜色的鲜艳性,以及优秀的耐候能力.They can therefore be used in both industrial polyester and architectural powder coatings.它们可以用来在工业聚酯和建筑粉末涂料中应用.,有机和无机复合颜料PaliotanHybrid pigments,Where cost efficiency is a more important consideration than fastness to weathering in formulating the coatings,choice should focus on Paliotan Yellow L1135,Paliotan Orange L2935 and Paliotan Red L3735.从成本上考虑,建议选择 黄L1135,橙L2935,红L3735,有机和无机复合颜料PaliotanHybrid pigments,Paliotan pigments are suitable for both industrial polyester powder coatings and a large number of systems for interior use(mixed polyester or hybrids).Paliotan有机颜料适用于工业聚酯粉末和大量的室内应用的混料系统(混合聚酯或其他混合物)With Primid curing agents supplied by EMS-Chemie)we recommend performing stability tests first.The yellow and red grades should not be used in pure epoxy systems or together with matt curing agents.采用由EMS-Chemie公司生产的Primid固化剂的时候,我们建议首先要进行稳定性的实验,黄和红的系列产品不适用于纯环氧体系或者与无光的固化剂混合使用.The heat resistance of Paliotanpigments is limited because of the raw materials used.If they are to be applied at temperatures significantly above 180 C,preliminary tests should be performed in the intended application medium.,有机和无机复合颜料PaliotanHybrid pigments,The heat resistance of Paliotan pigments is limited because of the raw materials used.If they are to be applied at temperatures significantly above 180 C,preliminary tests should be performed in the intended application medium.Paliotan颜料的耐热能力由于原材料的原因有一定的限制.如果它们需要在超过180摄氏度的要求,最好需要做进一步的实验来验证应用.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments喹酞酮黄,异吲哚啉黄,镍络合物黄,吡唑啉酮-喹唑啉,色酚AS红,Paliotol is BASFs trademark for organic pigments of different chemical compositions.Paliotol 是BASF的不同化学成分有机颜料的商标.The products described below are particularly suitable for use in powder coatings.这些产品非常适合在粉末涂料中使用.Grades with high hiding power and good dispersibility are distinguished by the letters HD(hiding,dispersibility)following the numerical code.这一级别的产品有高遮盖力和良好的分散能力,在产品数字后被用HD做后缀.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Yellow and Orange grades are ideal partners for the Sicopal and Sicotan Yellow pigments,because they allow the formulation of brilliant shades with good hiding power.Paliotol 有机黄和橙系列产品是理想的复合颜料Sicopal和Sicotan黄的选用成分,因为它们有鲜艳的色相和高遮盖力.Such combinations have often been successfully used as“lead substitution solutions”.这些产品是无铅替代的成功产品.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,The Paliotol HD grades are particularly recommended for use in full shades.In medium and strong reductions with titanium dioxide there may be a substantial decrease in fastness to weathering.带HD系列产品是特别建议用在耐候方面真实减少钛白用量成为饱和色方案.We therefore recommend minimizing the amount of titanium dioxide in the formulation and maximizing the amount of Sicotan Yellow(nickel or chromium titanate)or Sicopal Yellow(bismuth vanadate).因此我们推荐这些产品在镍黄Sicotan或铋黄Sicopal系列混合,或者在减少钛白用量方面使用.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Yellow L 0962 HD is characterized by its brilliant,greenish hue.It is ideal in combination with Sicotan and Sicopal Yellow grades.L0962HD 是带绿相的鲜艳的黄颜料,是被选用复合原料的理想材料.Since it has limited fastness to weathering,especially if used together with large amounts of titanium dioxide,it is not recommended for architectural coatings.因为耐候性能较差,特别是如果大量混合钛白(冲淡)的情况下,不推荐用于建筑涂料.Paliotol Yellow L 0962 HD is a pigment for full shades.Shading should be carried out with a product such as Sicopal Yellow L 1100/L1120.L 0962HD 是一个饱和色,在复合颜料采用,如铋黄L1100/1120.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Yellow L 2140 HD is the most significant reddish yellow pigment for powder coatings.Selling points are its high hiding power and good fastness to weathering.Paliotol 有机黄 L2140 HD 是应用在粉末涂料中最鲜艳的红相黄,有非常好的遮盖力和耐候性.Paliotol Yellow L 2146 HD has further extended the coloristic spectrum.It is more chromatic and slightly redder in hue than Paliotol L 2140 HD.The application properties and fastness profile are comparable to those of Paliotol L 2140 HD.Paliotol 有机黄L2146 HD 比L 2140 HD 更红相,更艳,同样的应用属性.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Yellow L 1820 is the transparent version of Paliotol Yellow L 2140 HD.Where high color strength is a priority in pigment selection,Paliotol Yellow L 1820 is the right choice.Paliotol 黄 L 1820 是L 2140 HD 透明版的产品,当需要高色度的颜料选择时,L 1820 是一个正确的选择.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,In terms of application and coloristic properties,Paliotol Yellow L 1970 falls between Paliotol L 1820 and Paliotol L 2140 HD.Coloristically it comes closest to a P.Y.83(diaryl pigment).However,diaryl pigments are known to decompose at temperatures above 200 C,such as may occur in polymers during processing.It has been found that temperatures above 200 C are also reached when powder coatings are being processed.在应用和色彩方面,黄L 1970是位于L1820 和L 2140HD之间.在色彩方面,它接近PY83号黄(二芳基颜料).但是,二芳基颜料在超过200度时会分解,这个在工艺中可能会发生,这个现象在粉末涂料中出现过.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Yellow L 1155 is characterized by very high color strength.Paliotol 有机黄 L1155是典型的非常高色度的颜料To develop its full potential,it can be combined with Sicotan Yellow pigments.Paliotol Yellow L 1155 is particularly recommended for interior use.It does not cause plate-out and in full yellow shades it can also be considered for outdoor applications.Where a particularly high standard of fastness to weathering is required,preliminary tests should be carried out.On the other hand,Paliotol Yellow L 1155 is not suitable.为了开发它的潜力,它被用来复合到Sicotan黄颜料.L1155 特别推荐到室内产品,它不会引起粉末涂料起霜现象,在饱和黄色方面,它也能被应用在户外.但如果有高要求的耐侯要求,需要做应用实验.其他方面,L1155不适合.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,Paliotol Orange L 2930 HD is a pigment with a very pure orange hue and good fastness to weathering in full shades.橙色L 2930HD 有一个很纯的橙色,在饱和色应用时有很好的耐候性.A formulation based on Paliotol L 2930 HD and Sicotan Yellow L 1910(for example,for RAL 2004)is much more weather-resistant than a formulation based on titanium dioxide.有一个采用L2930 和Sicotan L1910配色的例子如RAL 2004,会有比采用钛白更好的耐候效果.Paliotol L 2930 HD is also a pigment for full shades and therefore not suitable as a tinting and shading pigment in powder coatings.At baking temperatures above 180 C,its suitability should first be determined in preliminary tests.在粉末涂料中,L2930 HD应该适合饱和色应用,而不是采用冲淡色使用.另外超过180度考虑做进一步实验验证.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliotol pigments,None of the Paliotol grades we recommend is based on diaryl pigment chemistry.Diaryl pigments can decompose in polymers processed at temperatures above 200 C.没有一个Paliotol有机系列颜料推荐在基于二芳基颜料化学成份合成的,后者的产品特性是在超过200度的条件下发生分解.Isoindoline pigments are not suitable for use in amine-or amidecuring powder coating systems.异吲哚啉酮系列颜料也不适合用于胺醛/氨基树脂粉末涂料.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliogen pigments,Paliogen is BASFs trademark for organic pigments of different chemical compositions and a high standard of fastness.Paliogen是BASF的不同化学成份和高标准色牢度有机颜料的商标.Very high heat resistance,high hiding power and a pure hue are the outstanding features of Paliogen Red L 3910 HD.非常高的热稳定性,高遮盖力,和纯色是苝红L3910HD的显著特征.It can even be applied in a directly heated oven.In reductions with titanium dioxide,the fastness to weathering of Paliogen L 3910 HD falls significantly so that we do not recommend it for this application.它能直接用于被烤炉加热的应用.同时在减少使用钛白的条件下,耐候性能也非常优越,以致于推荐用到粉末涂料中.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliogen pigments,Paliogen Red K 4180 offers outstanding heat resistance and extremely good fastness to weathering,both in full shades and in reductions with titanium dioxide.Paliogen苝红K4180提供了优异的耐热性和杰出的耐候性能,无论是饱和色或采用钛白冲淡的情况下.Paliogen Red L 4120 shows the same exceptional fastness properties as Paliogen Red K 4180 but does not attain its high standard of dispersibility.苝红L4120像K4180一样有非常好的色牢度,但在分散性方面要差一些.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliogen pigments,Paliogen Red Violet K 5011 has distinctly more color strength and is more weather-resistant than red-violet pigments based on quinacridone.It has a high standard of heat resistance and dispersibility,but it does not offer the coloristic scope of quinacridone pigments with regard to chromaticity.紫红色K5011对比基于喹吖(二)酮成份的颜料在着色力及耐候性方面更显著,它有更高的耐热性和分散性,但它颜色鲜艳性要差一些.,有机颜料Paliotol/PaliogenPaliogen pigments,Paliogen Blue L 6470 has a much redder hue than Heliogen Blue L 6700 F.One of its uses in powder coatings is tinting white powders.A purer white is obtained than with titanium dioxide alone.就是在冲淡色的白色粉末中应用.对比单独采用钛白来说使用L6470能够得到一个更纯的白色.Paliogen阴丹酮蓝L6470对比酞氰蓝L6700F有更多的红相,在粉末涂料中其中的应用.Paliogen Blue L 6470 has excellent fastness to weathering even at low concentrations.However,because the pigment particles


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