陳楷植 清華大學數學系 台大商研所碩士 IBM大中華地區業務行銷協理 IBM AP Certified Quality manager-1992 IBM WW Certified Marketing professional-1997 光寶集團旭麗電子知識長暨新事業發展部副總經理 神通集團安際資訊公司總經理策略規劃,六標準差統計方法,流程再造,Agenda,什麼是六標準差?六標準差解決問題流程 傳統訓練方法 Vs.六標準差 Cost of Poor Quality(COPQ)品質水準對企業獲利能力的影響 六標準差方法 執行六標準差的角色分配 導入六標準差的利益 三種類型的六標準差專案 交易型專案深入探討 六標準差的迷思與解決之道 成功導入策略與關鍵因素,What Is Six Sigma?,Sigma(s)is a unit of measure:The 18th letter of the Greek alphabetSigma is the symbol for standard deviationA measure of variationSix Sigma has a history and is:A VisionA PhilosophyA Management SystemAn Aggressive GoalA Tool BoxA Vehicle for Customer Focus,What is Sigma?,m,1s,Specification Limit,Some Chance of Failure,3s,Target,Much Less Chance of Failure,1s,The higher the number(Z)in front of the sigma symbol the lower the chance of producing a defect,6s,Reducing Variation is the Key to Reducing Defects,Six Sigma Is a Vision,The vision of Six Sigma is to delight customers by delivering world-class quality products and services through the achievement of Six Sigma levels of performance in everything you do.,Six Sigma Is a Philosophy,The philosophy of Six Sigma is to apply a structured,systematic approach to achieve operational excellence across all areas of your business with an understanding that defect-free processes result from breakthrough improvement.,你可以確認一個你最大的問題.?難或易?指派一個最厲害的人去處理.?難或易?提供此人所有的工具、資源、甚至需要的管理制度來支援.?難或易?而且保証他們不會中斷並且專注在任務上.?難或易?,Whats Six Sigma-The Management Philosophy,If the process is centered,long-term,the Six Sigma process is 1 DPBO(Defects Per Billion Opportunities),Six Sigma Is an Aggressive Goal,Six Sigma Is a Tool Box學會使用只要兩小時-Minitab,Six Sigma is a Vehicle for Customer Focus,Customer Satisfaction,Organization Goals,基礎訓練 盟主訓練 DMAIC 訓練(6工程師,6技術員),專案展開 Ys,指標改善,$,The Goals of Six Sigma,Learning&Growth,Internal Process,Customer,Financial,The Six Sigma Process,Practical Problem,The Six Sigma Process,Practical Problem,Abandon rate for call center is almost 10%versus a plan of 3%.How much does rate vary?How accurate can I measure?,The Six Sigma Process,Statistical Problem,Which inputs(Xs)affect the critical outputs(Ys)?(talk time,training,#of phone lines,#of CSR,Application,S/W,process.etc.)What is the defining equation for the process(y=f(x)?,The Six Sigma Process,Statistical Solution,What are the optimal settingsfor the critical Xs?What are the specifications for the critical Ys?Y=A+B*CSRs+C*lines.+Z*Etc.,The Six Sigma Process,Practical Solution,Change the settings.Sauce CSR=20,line=30,etc.)Verify the improvement.Control the new processto sustain the gain.,The Six Sigma Process,Measure,Analyze,Improve,Control,Practical Problem,Measure(all input variables),Analyze,Improve,Control,Pour in all possible input variables,Process MappingMind MappingIshakawa diagramsSurvey design,Use soft tools to narrow the possibilities,C&E MatrixFMEA,Use quantitative analysis to further narrow the field,ANOVACorrelationMulti-vari studies,Implement and validate solutions.,Implement systems to ensure improvements are maintained.,SPCPoka-Yoke,AuditsControl Plans,DOEsSurveys,(Key input variables),(Critical input variables),(Key leverage variables),Logistic RegressionSurvey analysis,30-50,10-20,8-10,4-8,2-5,傳統訓練方法 Vs.六標準差,傳統訓練 老虎鉗緊握方法,Six Sigma Training訓練黑帶突破需所有工具,SPC Expert統計製程管制,Department trained in Lean部門精簡訓練,DOE Expert實驗設計專案,TQM Students7 Basic Tools全面品質7項基本工具,Cost of Poor Quality“冰山”,傳統品質成本 銷售的4-10%,有形的-衡量,檢查保証,廢棄重工檢查不合格,額外 Costs of Poor Quality銷售的 20-35%,無形的 難以衡量,提高設定成本增加時間是金錢營業額喪失發貨延誤,失去顧客忠誠週期時間增加惡劣品質招致的成本設計變更指示,隱形工廠,品質水準對企業獲利能力的影響,優勢超越競爭=高獲利,持續改善=生 存競爭是使用持續改善,突破=支 配 更好更快是關鍵,六標準差 更好,更快,持續改善=生 存競爭是使用持續改善突破=支 配 更好更快是關鍵,2,5,8,8,0,1,3,4,6,7,9,12,0,2,12,0,2,6,8,優勢超越競爭=高獲利,Whats Six Sigma The Methodology,現有產品、服務或流(製)程,新產品、服務或流(製)程,1.Recognize,7.Realize,(確認),(實現),(定義),(衡量),(分析),(設計),(驗証),確認核心流程與關鍵客戶,界定客戶需求,衡量現有績效,分析,發展和執行專門解決問題根源的方案,設計與再設計並執行有效的工作流程,擴充並整合六標準差系統,執行持續的衡量和行動以維持改善成效,六標準差各階段工作與角色分配,世界標竿企業施行六標準差成效,企業,實施成效,業績成長,獲利增加,成本降低,顧客滿意,不良率改善,流程時間,MotorolaGEWiproHome DepotAllied SignalToshibaSun MicroCitibankKodakDupont,VVVV,VVV,VVVVVVV,VVVVV,VVVV,VV,產業應用六標準差的主要目的:,盟主層級提高產出降低人工成本降低物料成本消除隱形工廠,六標準差執行目標,企業層級提高市佔率增加獲利率永續經營提高客戶忠誠度提高員工忠誠度,黑帶、綠帶層級重點專案提高良率降低變異,D,M,A,C,I,成功的專案 使這些齒輪“運轉”!,短期目標,中期目標,長期目標,1-2 年,2-4 年,4-6 個月,減低不良品 Reduction of defects 較低的成本較高的顧客滿意較短的週期時間 可預測的流程、無效流程的降低/消除企業文化的改造 Culture change專注在品質、顧客及將事情做對榮譽感標準的問題解決方法提昇行政效率強化命令貫徹高度訓練的戰鬥團隊Highly trained workforce企業共通的語言 Common language,Benefits of Six Sigma-Organization,黑帶訓練使你的工作更得心應手增加你工作的效果增加你的競爭力你所主導專案的成功是可衡量出來的有強力的管理資源支持,使你能專心在本務工作上減少/消除打地鼠的情況,Benefits of Six Sigma Personal,三種類型的 6 Sigma 專案,交易型專案主要處理資訊流程、紙上作業或服務的決策流程方面。例如:承接訂單/傳遞、發薪流程、運送/收貨、採購、企業/財務預測等。作業型專案主要處理產品製造或服務的運送。發展型專案主要處理新產品設計或流程設計。,Transactional Projects交易型專案,Understanding Transactional Projects,Different peopleDifferent organizationsDifferent toolsDifferent projects,The Nature of Transactional Projects,Transactional projects involve two broad categories of processes:Decision making processesExecution of administrative processesThe central focus of true transactional projects is INFORMATION.However,many projects termed,“transactional,”are more operational in nature,but in a more challenging environment requiring many of the approaches to transactional projects.,Highly cross-functionalProblems difficult to defineMetrics not clearly understoodLittle historical data availableValidation of solutions takes timeProcesses tend to be“intangible.”Costbenefit of problems difficult or impossible to quantify,Transactional Projects,Understanding Transactional Projects,Often limited to one or two depts.Problems easy to defineMetrics easy to understandData readily availableSolutions can be quickly validatedProcesses tend to be well-defined.Costbenefits of problems easy to quantify,Manufacturing Projects,Understanding the People,Engineers with strong technical backgrounds and process improvement skillsManagers and supervisors with large staffsPerformance incentives tied to scrap and reworkExcited about learning new tools,Manufacturing Projects,Business degrees with some TQM exposureMany individual contributorsPerformance incentives tied to salesFear of new tools,Transactional Projects,Understanding the Tools,Process mappingLots of variable dataCause often not identified until later in projectDOE often required,Manufacturing Projects,Process mapping or Mind mappingLots of attribute data.Cause often identified early in project.Survey design and analysis often required,Transactional Projects,Example:Slow Credit Checks,Problem Statement:Lost sales due to slow credit checks.Summary:A significant number of sales are lost due to the lengthy process of performing credit checks.Sales are lost because:Customers wish to execute their order fast and,if forced to wait,may seek alternative bids.Established customers are angered over the need to wait for a credit check at all.,Example:Slow Credit Checks(continued),Findings:96%of all customers receive positive credit approval.99.9%of“established”customers receive positive credit approval.Customers that receive positive credit approval still occasionally default.An estimated 3.5%of sales are lost due to lengthy credit approval processes.Cash flow can be improved by several days by streamlining the credit approval process.Man hours can be reduced by improving the credit approval process.,Example:Slow Credit Checks(continued),SolutionsWaive credit reviews for customers that meet specified criteria.(based on the critical“Xs.”)Develop a shorter,more potent credit review process.(based on the critical“Xs.”)Develop a credit expediting process.(new process design).Develop a“take the order and complete the credit check before delivery”mentality.Never lose a customer or an order to a slow credit check.(customer focused attitude).,Example:Reduce“Days Sales Outstanding”,Problem Statement:DSO is running an average of 58 days in some regions against an average of 39 days in others.AR explains the problem is slower paying customers.Findings72%of all invoices had one or more error including:Wrong PO numberWrong priceWrong customer address(e.g.,multiple customer locations)Wrong product description,Example:Excessive Overtime,Problem Statement:It is hypothesized that the decision as to whether or not to authorize overtime is not robust.Findings:A statistical analysis of 30 supervisors and the following variables demonstrated tremendous variability in the decision process:SupervisorShiftDay of weekLocationTime of yearProduction volumeMaintenance problems,Findings and Improvements:Previous guidelines were ignored because there were always,“excuses”for excessive overtime.A new,weighted decision process with performance measures was developed to aide supervisors in their decision process and to measure improvements.,Example:High Employee Turnover,Problem Statement:Turnover(loss)of employees is higher than industry standards and there appears to be a high-degree of“infant mortality.”History:For three years there has been a higher than“normal”rate of turnover.Four new HR managers have been tasked with improving the situation to no avail.,Other Examples,Benefits administration:Cycle time reduction.Payroll:Errors in time-cardsInventory:Setting inventory levelsAnnual reports:Cycle time reductionCash management:Transfer of cash between operating units,台灣產業執行六標準差的迷思與障礙,成功導入六標準差的三個重要關鍵因素:,專注的,訓練良好的問題解決者,並有適當的支援組織配合。強力而嚴謹的方法論(RDMAICR)之執行,減少流程的變異。排定企業的策略優先順序,同時重視最終的財務成果。,成功擘劃六標準差應用的策略:,大處著眼,小處著手-架構堅強的管理支援組織。由上而下,從策略規劃到專案執行-專案目標評價連結企業競爭策略的達成。培訓過程要嚴謹,重視現場工夫與應用-使用成人教育法,聚焦於客戶、問題、流程與解決方案。,