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    国际商业文化,熊 娟,成绩评定,平时成绩(30%)期末成绩(70%)注:平时成绩包括考勤、课堂提问、作业,第一讲 理解文化差异(understanding cultural differences),values,beliefs,Social values,一、文化的定义(what is culture?),荷兰文学家G.Hofstede:文化是人类思维的软件-是运行我们如何思考、行动、认识他人和自己的社会程序。(Hofstede referred to culture as the software of the mind-the social programming that runs the way we think,act and perceive others and ourselves.),二、文化的组成因素(cultural components),1)语言(language)2)宗教(religion)3)相互矛盾的态度(conflicting attitudes)4)礼仪与风俗(manners and customs)5)艺术(arts)6)教育(education)7)幽默(humor),1)语言语言不单指言语语言和书面语言。通常,用言语表达出来的远没有非言语表达出来的重要。非言语交流,如:姿势、身体语言、面部表情,都可以传递信息。英国人与美国人尽管有同样的言语语言-英语,但是非言语语言却大不相同。(例:business),2)宗教上帝对商务贸易策略的影响远远超过了你的想象。例如:与伊斯兰国家进行商务交流时必须了解伊斯兰教的禁忌,因为伊斯兰国家是宗教信仰非常浓厚的国家。Take the case of a German investment banker recently sent to negotiate a finance deal for a manufacturing plant in Vietnam a country that may follow a communist social philosophy but is heavily influenced by a centuries old Confucian philosophy that emphasizes consensus and places a premium on harmony.宗教的“梅花10”作用,思考:文化是天生的吗?,Answer:文化不是天生的美国人:天生珍赏个人主义价值观,鲁莽和直率?德国人:天生那么刻板?文化是学习的行为,因此是可以改变的。恰当地改变你的内部程序,你就会像美国人、英国人和科威特人那样去思考。,Old woman lined face,Grey hair,.,Young lady long eyelash,Smooth skin.,Different Culture Environment:Compare women in the United States and in the Mid-Eastern Countries,even though they are in the same sunshine.,Capture Culture Sensibility,Compared with the European version of this ad(left),Guy Laroche tones down the sensuality in the Arab version(right);the man is clothed and the woman barely touches him.,In Indonesian(87%),In Indonesian,第二讲 文化的种类(Basic Cultural Types),(一)集体主义与个人主义(individualism versus collectivism)个人主义:个人主义占主导地位,人们处于松散的社会组织中,以各自的家庭为主并为谋取自己的利益而努力。这种文化观推崇个人自由和个人责任感,坚信“我能行”。集体主义:组织紧密的社会组织。在这个组织里,每个成员紧密的依赖于扩大的家庭或团体,注重团体利益的一致性与协调性,团体利益高于一切。集体决策是至高无上的、企业组织突出小组和部门。,从文化的这个特点来看,北美文化具有个人主义特点。以色列、阿拉伯国家、日本和中国文化则是集体主义文化典型的例子。,集体主义与个人主义群体的观点之不同,Source:Hofsted 1991 P67,日本:突出来的钉子,将会被打下去。In Japan,the nail that sticks up is pounded down,前苏维埃:最早长出来的草,最先被砍去。In the former Soviet Union,the highest blade of grass is always the first to be cut that governed the attitude of the have-nots are valid reflections of collectivist societal attitudes.枪打出头鸟。人怕出名,猪怕壮。表现了社会对个人超过集体的不能容忍。Both express societys intolerance of the placement of personal success over that of the group.,Some examples,One:In the United States executive pay is 28 times that of the average manufacturing worker and in South Africa it is 24 times.In Japan the top executive earns only about 10 times the average workers pay.Two:Business in Arab societies.(place far greater value on the loyalty of employees than they do on efficiency),SUMMARY:Individuals in a collectivist culture derive their status relative to others within the society and each person accepts the obligations that come from ones position in the hierarchy.,案例一:在工作场所当众表扬日本人(Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces),美国人:苏奇木柘先生,我发现你工作干得很出色,希望其他员工能知道你是怎么做到的。日本人:(有些不安)表扬就不必了,我只是做了自己该做的而已。(他真希望其他同事没有听到他们的对话)美国人:你是我们公司所见到的最优秀、最杰出、最勤奋的员工。日本人:(他脸红了,不住地点头,仍然埋头工作。),美国人:苏奇木柘先生,你是该说“谢谢”呢,还是只是保持沉默?日本人:对不起,约翰先生,我可以离开五分钟吗?美国人:当然可以。(他有点不悦地看着苏奇木柘走出去)真不明白有些日本人怎么这么没礼貌,你表扬他们,他们好像会很不安,也不回答你,只是静静地听着。,讨论(Questions for discussion),1)为什么约翰先生与苏木柘奇的谈话会不愉快?2)如果你是约翰先生,你会当众表扬苏木柘奇吗?3)如果你是苏木柘奇,你会如何处理这种情景?,(二)不确定规避(Uncertainty-Avoidance),不确定性规避:人们忍受模糊或者感到模糊和不确定性的威胁程度。,“芝加哥大学的奚恺元教授和哥伦比亚大学的韦伯教授”:美国学生与中国学生,a joke about the attitude of the Swiss toward uncertainty-avoidance.,Buses and taxis taking visitors from Genevas airport to town would repeatedly broadcast the following announcement:“Welcome to Switzerland.Have a good time and remember that in Switzerland everything that is not mandatory is forbidden.”,Ambiguity-averse by nature,不确定性规避较高的国家,Germans may be the ultimate kingpins of uncertainty-avoidance in Europe.The Germans so hate the idea of uncertainty that there is actually a set of laws which would come into force when all other national laws break down.,不确定性规避较高的国家,不确定性规避较高的国家,日本、中国等亚洲国家。,人们尽量去避免不确定的和模棱两可的东西,制订更多的正式规则,不喜欢非同寻常的想法和做法,寻求一致。人们认为生活中充满了可能发生的危险,对于书面的规定、计划、规则、仪式有着强烈的要求,依此来使生活有规则。,Societies that have a low measure of uncertainty-avoidance generally value achievement over security,exhibit a less structured and more free-flowing style of management,and have fewer workplace rules than societies with a high measure of uncertainty-avoidance.High rates of employment turnover and job mobility.,不确定性规避较低的国家,美国、瑞典、丹麦、芬兰等,人们会更容易接受生活中的不稳定性,容易接受非同寻常的想法和做法。他们喜欢创新,喜欢冒险,不喜欢循规蹈矩,不喜欢等级分明的制度。(詹姆斯.卡梅隆:阿凡达1997-2009),America is the quintessential risk-taking society:Little formal preparation in advance of a key meeting.Handle questions,interruptions,and agenda changes.,“总的平均存款率可能是全世界倒数第一”,The impact of uncertainty-avoidance:Within a large multinational company that is introducing major changes in its process.,For example:Frankfurt,案例分析1,宜家在德国The IKEA in Japan,瑞典的宜家家具连锁遍布全球很多国家,德国占到了整个集团销售额的30%,但德国的员工却对宜家的管理模式颇有微词,这是为什么呢?,在瑞典,宜家占有20%的市场份额,占据了家具销售的领导地位,而在过去的二十多年间宜家敢为天下先,成功地成长为一家跨国集团,在此之前,家具销售行业被普遍认为只能是一种“当地性”的产业。德国是宜家最大的市场之一,拥有20多家店面,销售额占到整个集团总销售额的30%。自从1974年在慕尼黑开了第一家店面以来,宜家进入德国市场已经有十多年了,但德国的宜家员工仍然难以接受瑞典式的管理。托马斯.拉尔森是科隆分店的经理,他说:“一些资格较老的员工都不会直呼我的名字,不用德语du(对“你”非正式称呼),因为他们认为du是对上司的不敬。”当地的人事经理海克.奥斯特埃希也说:“有两种对你的称呼,一种是宜家的“您”,另一种是用于朋之间的你。”,德国人严格按照规章制度办事,他们服从上司的安排,只要是事先约定好的或者以书面形式规定的,他们都会认真去做,而宜家的企业文化核心却是“对自己负责”,模糊用语,目的是使员工在执行这些政策时可以有更多自由变通的余地,而为了适应德国人的工作习惯,在把宜家的文化翻译成德语时,大家认为有必要把瑞典语版本中的模糊用语变得更为清楚。有一次,宜家创始人坎普拉德的继任者安德斯.莫伯格建议有些地方可以设立促销橱窗,而德国的宜家经理们把莫伯格的这个建议当成了一道命令,于是促销橱窗在德国的宜家商店随处可见。,总的来说,德国员工认为瑞典人更加看重结果,会认真处理每一个问题,但他们觉得瑞典人在行动之前不会对风险进行充分地评估。海克.奥斯特埃希甚至说:“为了提高工作效率,瑞典人宁愿把我们的办公桌都扔到后院去。”瑞典的随便也让德国人看不惯,他们甚至“可以在香烟盒背面做笔记。”而德国人更喜欢正式的规章制度,“我们需要办事程序和形式,因为严格的管理模式使德国人感到安全。”,讨论(Questions for discussion),1)What kind of management style does IKEA have according to this case?2)Does it fit well in Germany?3)Do you think the IKEA way should adapted to the German conventions?If yes,what measures should be taken?4)What training should the German employees take in order to accept the IKEA way?,案例分析2,宜家在美国(The IKEA way in the United States),尽管宜家在美国也很成功,但并不是意味着一帆风顺,特别是在人事方面,很多有才能的美国经理离开了公司,20世纪70年代中期到80年代早期,宜家在加拿大开了很多连锁店,在这段时间宜家的后勤供给能力得大了较大发展,同时也向世人表明宜在欧洲的产品进入了美国的后院,最终宜家在1985年进入美国市场。直到20世纪80年代末,宜家在美国的销售业绩一路看好,来自北欧的新颖款式和宜家独特的营销策略吸引了为数众多的美国消费者,同时根据美国消费者的喜好,宜家对一些家居产品在设计上做了修改。虽然宜家在美国取得了不错的成绩,但这并不意味着什么都一帆风顺。企业管理和人事管理都有很多不尽人意的地方,在美国人看来,瑞典经理在工作时总是面无表情,“在任何情况表现出镇定自若就会受到表,扬,他们鼓励员工自我表现,也不喜欢在众人面前表扬某个员工,而这两种做法在美国都是最普通的激励员工的方式。”“最大的问题是美国人需要清楚地知道谁应该做什么事情,在美国,上司需要告诉下属他应该做什么。”但是在宜家,经理是很微妙的一个角色,他们习惯做长期的打算。他们认为“要学会我们的工作方式不是短期可以做到的,但我们要让员工学会如何以正确的方式做事。”因为没有多少成文的规章制度,宜家各级经理的重要职责就是要向下属解释应该如何在公司开展工作,而美国人喜欢有清楚的规章制度,经理层凡事应果断处理,所以宜家的这种做法在刚到此工作,的美国人看来是优柔寡断的表现。在美国人眼里,和多数美国公司相比,在宜家工作的员工会受到更多的重视。宜家往往愿意招聘那些更加看重安全感的员工,宜家有更诱人的福利政策,比如每年有五个星期的带薪假期。最近宜家制定了一套美国式的绩效评估制度,要求严格记录员工个人的优势和不足,但来自瑞典的经理们还是不习惯这种有严格规定的评估体制,他们也觉得不好意思把负面的反馈信息告诉员工。由于公司高层多为瑞典人,他们的这种矛盾心理使得和绩效评估直接挂钩的薪资水平在员工之间没有拉开多大差距。尽管宜家员工的流失率低于行业的平均水平,而且宜家爱护员工的做法也收到不少褒奖,但有些人却对宜家的加薪制度颇有微词,甚至一些老员工也认为他们付出的努力没有得到适当的回报。,在一位美国经理看来,“很多人离开宜家是因为在这里他们不能很快得到晋升。有些离开卖场到服务中心(宜家的全国总部),然后又从那里离开,因为他们很难适应,公司在政策和程序方面也没有明确的框架。我们流失了一部分重要的美国经理,因为他们不清楚自己在这个组织中的角色和未来。”,讨论(Questions for discussion),1)What role do managers at IKEA play?Is it consistent with the American employees expectation?Why?2)Did IKEA management fully implement the American style performance review procedure?If not,Why?3)What should IKEA do to secure and retain high-potential American managers?,分析,(三)权力距离(Power-distance),权力距离:是一个社会中的人群对权力分配不平等这一事实的接受程度。,接受程度高的国家,社会层级分明,权力距离大;接受程度低的国家和民族,人和人之间比较平等,权力距离就小。,America,China、Russia,“君君君臣臣,父父子子和三纲五常”,韩国:权力距离大,上下级之间关系明确,下级应该服从上级,而不能挑战,权力距离还体现在组织结构及决策方式上。,(四)男性化女性化(Masculinity versus Femininity),This dimension speaks to both societal values and attitudes.,Masculinity values:appreciate aggressiveness(好斗的);assertiveness(过分自信的);the goal of material acquisition(获得物);,Femininity values:interpersonal relationship;quality of life;concern for the less fortunate.,Indicator in government:social welfare system.,关系导向任务导向(Relationship-driven versus Task-driven),Giving a presentation under task-driven culture should notice the flowing message:Price quality guarantees associated with a product or service.,Giving a presentation under relationship-driven culture,You should establish a relationship with your clients.,(五)Cross-Cultural Success Tips,Show empathy Try walking a mile in their shoes.Be Flexible Not all Europeans are the same,nor are all Americans.Manage your responses.Dont go native.,Respect local customs.Be aware of non-verbal.Develop trust by combating mistrust.Become involved.,Questions,Egypt:Be patientGreece:Thats just perfect.Italy:What exactly do you mean?,第三讲 文化礼仪(Etiquette),(一)The ancient art of protocol,Example of Ptahhotep who is mayor of ancient Egypts capital and vizier to Egyptian King Isesi around 2380-2340 B.C.“How to”,ticket,Ancient etiquette and modern protocol,Scoring points with boss:“When sitting with ones superiors,laugh when they laugh.”,Ancient etiquette and modern protocol,On climbing the corporate ladder:“Tell an important superior what is useful;help your superior to win acceptance by other people.”,Ancient etiquette and modern protocol,On being a loyal employee:“Do not oppose the actions of important superiors;do not vex the hearts of the burdened.”,Ancient etiquette and modern protocol,Tips for management:“On using consultants:dont be proud because of your knowledge,consult both the layman and the scholar.”,All the elements that go into making a first impression:your manner of dress,your professional impression,the color of your dress or tie,your body language,handshake,posture,amount of eye contact on introduction,where you put your hands,how you accept a business card,how you present yours as well as the actual content of the cardand you havent even sat down to begin talks.,(二)The Name Game,1)Chinese Name,Most Chinese names have either two or three characters,each of which represents a sound.,WANG hong li,surname,given name,In Hong Kong women always retain their family name even after marriage.,2)Vietnam Name,The surname is given first,followed by the middle and given names.,A person is normally addressed by their given name and a title.,Nguyen Thanh Chinh.,Anh Chinh(older brother Chinh)Ong Ching(grandfather or the senior Chinh)Em Chinh(younger brother Chinh),These informal titles are based on the relative ages of the people involved in a conversation.,3)Japanese Name,given name first and family name last.,Sokichi Abe.,surname,given name,Where Japanese names become interesting for foreigners is in the use of suffixes(后缀)as forms of address.,The suffixes indicate honor and status.,Among the most common suffixes:,San:the most common(honorific)title in Japan,it is the Western equivalent of courtesy titles such as Mr.,Mrs.or Miss.Thus,Sokichi Abe would be Abe San,which means,simply,Mr.Abe.,Sama:More honorific than San,often used in written correspondence,including business letters.,Dono:Even more honorific than Sama,sometimes used in letters,but never used in conversation anymore.,Sensei:Means“born before”and is usually used in addressing a teacher,instructor or mentor.Professor Abe would be Abe Sensei.,Senshu:The Japanese equivalent of superstar,it is a title reserved for great sports players.the great Japanese baseball player Suharato Oh would be Oh Senshu.Sumo wrestlers have their own suffix Zeki.,Kun and Chan:Used to address a friend of the same age or someone of equal or inferior status.It is used with first or given names.Kun is for males and Chan is for females.,Thus,Sokichi Abes parents might have referred to him as Sokichi kun and his sister Miho as Miho Chan.,4)Korean Name,The surname comes first,followed by the given names.Most Korean have two given names.,The use of personal or given names for address is usually restricted to members of the same family and close friends.,It is ok to address a Korean colleague by his/her surname only when it comes to international business.,5)Russian Name,When it comes to deal with Russians,give a high priority to formalism.Using your business title(director General Koslov)To address a Russian by his or her first name is an insult.,First name,middle name and last name.,Patronymic(derived from the first name of ones father),For example:Mikihail Sergievich Gorbachev.,last name,the son of Sergie,Russian women add the letter“a”to the end of their last name and their patronymic.,6)Spanish Name,People will have two surnames,one taken from their father and one from their mother.,Julio Cortez Garcia,Paternal surname,Maternal surname,7)Indian Name,Hindus generally do not have family names and instead use the fathers initial first with their given name.,V.Naipal means Naipal,son of Vijay.Mr.Naipal,But if P.Samateera femalemarries V.Naipal,she will be known as Mrs.Samateer Naipl.,8)Arabic Name,An individual is addressed by his or her first name and any title they possess.,(三)Face-to-Face Greetings,


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