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    ,Life is an adventure,Tom Cruise,Early lifeCareerRelationship and personal life,2,Early life,ThomasCruisewasbornonthe3rdofJuly 1962inNewYork.Hewastheonlyboyof fourchildren.His father is an electrical engineer,and his mother is a teacher.But his parents divorced when he was only 12,his family had to get by with little money.Tom Cruise has not very good talent of acting,but he insist on his acting dream and never say give up,He constantly overcome his shortcomings and learn nice experience.In that way,Tom Cruise leave his own sign at The Hollywood Walk of Fame.,3,He started acting in 1982.It was a very fortuitous chance and an interesting experience.Tom took part in the music shows of his collage and then he began having interest in acting.He joined local theatre to improve himself.Later,he decided to enter the film industry.,4,Career,5,2015 碟中谍5 Mission:Impossible 5-Rogue Nation2013 遗落战境 Oblivion2014 明日边缘Edge of Tomorrow2011碟中谍4 Mission:Impossible 4-Ghost Protocol2008 热带惊雷Tropic Thunder 2006 碟中谍3Mission:Impossible 32005 世界之战The War of the Worlds2004 借刀杀人Collateral2003 最后的武士The Last Samurai2000 碟中谍2 Mission:Impossible 21996 碟中谍Mission:Impossible1994 夜访吸血鬼Interview with the Vampire1992 好人寥寥A Few Good Men1988 雨人 Rain Man1986 壮志凌云Top Gun,6,Rain Man is a 1988 drama film written by Barry Morrow and directed by Barry Levinson.It tells the story of an abrasive and selfish yuppie,Charlie Babbitt,who discovers that his estranged father has died and bequeathed all of his multimillion-dollar estate to his other son,Raymond,an autistic savant of whose existence Charlie was unaware.,rain man,7,8,Interview with the Vampire 夜访吸血鬼,The first movie that discribes the Vampires as the handsome young man with much special power compared with the old.,9,10,MISSION IMPOSSIBLE碟中谍.5From 1996 to 2015,the films have been released 5 series.,11,M:I 1,12,BMW I8 in the movie there is a concept car at the last scene.Ethan hunt and his partner drive this car to stop the criminal launch the nuclear bomb.,13,14,15,Oblivion alse named遗落战境,Oblivion is a classicscience fictionmovie taken by Josdph released in 2013,the movie tell a story that a solder was assigned to a distant planet for patrol mission.he met with a ferocious alien planet ethnic groups and a beautiful woman,in the process of interaction with the woman,the soldier began to question his own worldview.,16,17,18,Personal life,Tom cruise experienced three divorces in his life.and his daughter,Suri,was born in April 2006.,Suri,19,I like climbing the tree or climbing the wall since I was a little kid.我从小就喜欢爬树翻墙,I think I was every mother s nightmare.我想我是每个妈妈的噩梦,My mother encouraged me not be afraid of life,not be afraid to try new things.我的妈妈总是鼓励我不要害怕生活,不要害怕尝试新的事物,Getting dream is important and that a life is full of dreams.梦想很重要,人生的起点就是有梦想,You can go look at something negatively and also can look at it from a positive point of views.你可以消极的看待事物,也可以用积极的角度去看它,20,There are a lot of risks in life at anytime,But it sometimes going to work or not going to work.人生无时都存在风险,只是它有时表现出来,有时不而已。,Pressure doesnt prevail me,but sometimes let me addicted in it.压力不会让我烦恼,却会上瘾。By Tom Cruise,I never pretend to know something I didnt.从来不要不懂装懂,21,Y:So would you have anyone to put you down?有没有人给你泼冷水?T:Oh,there never stop.Y:There never stop?T:It is must be so.This is life.Often I was told dont do that.Dont do this.Dont make the film.But I always think,No,this is my life and whether wrong or right,I had to make my own choice.一定是这样的。这就是生活。常有人不时告诉我不要做这个。不要做那个。不要拍这电影。但是我经常想,不,这是我的生活,无论对或错,我都必须做出我的选择。Yang Lan One on One,22,This is Tom Cruise.,Thank you,end,


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