船舶电气专业英语Marine Electrical Professional English,南通理工学院,教学目的,_ _ _,_ _,Company Logo,“船舶电气专业英语”,是一门应用性很强的基础课程。它体现了船舶电气专业与英语的结合。是从事船舶电气行业技术研究必须具备的一项技能。前期应具备的学科基础:船舶电气设备、大学英语。,南通理工学院,授课思路,Company Logo,结合船舶电气专业,讲解英语中的基本元素。,各项能力培养的基础,南通理工学院,Company Logo,授课内容,内容选择:以船舶电气管理中涉及的电工工艺、电气控制、电子技术等为主线,主要选择以下7方面内容:,船舶电气安全知识 常用测量仪表和工具 船舶照明电路和船用电缆 三相交流异步电机 船舶电力拖动系统 模拟电子技术 数字电路,南通理工学院,Company Logo,教学目标与考核方式,考核方式:平时成绩和期终考试相结合。平时成绩:出勤情况、课堂表现、作业。终期考试成绩:期末测验,教学目标:熟悉并掌握常用船舶电气专业英语词汇发音及含义。快速,准确理解船舶电气专业英语文献的含义。具备对普通船舶电气专业英语文献的翻译能力。,南通理工学院,专业词汇的掌握是第一位的没有专业词汇量,英语建筑就没有基石,Company Logo,Chapter 5.Marine Electric Motor Driven Systems,Chapter 4.Three Phase AC Induction Motor,Chapter 3.Shipboard Electric Cable,Lighting Motor,Chapter 2.Commom Measure Devices and Tools,Chapter 1.Electrical Safety,Contents,Chapter 6.Analog Electronics,Chapter 7.Digit Circuit,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1 Electrical Safety,Vocabularyvoltage 电压 current/ohm corrosion 腐蚀 corrodedeterioration 恶化 deteriorateelaborate 详尽的hazard 危险precaution 预防vulnerable 易受伤害的energize 激励、通电(de-energize)threshold 临界值resistance 阻力 resistmomentarily 随时地 momentminimize 最小化maximum 最大化accidental 意外的conductor 导体 terminal 末端flammable 可燃性的,南通理工学院,insulation 绝缘 insulatewire 电线static 静态的 dynamicnavigational 航行的accessory 附件/ekseseri/discharge 排放capacity 容量 capacitorcable 电缆battery 电池rotate 旋转 rotationreciprocate 往复运动motor 发动机install 安装extinguisher 灭火器OBA-oxygen breathing apparatus 氧气呼吸机spontaneous 自发的,Company Logo,1 Electrical Safety,Phrase/SentenceThe electrical equipment on board a ship is subjected to a lot of more harsh treatment.遭受How to prevent(Sb.)from being electric shocked 阻止某人做某事Many workers are unaware of 意识不到When personnel come in contact with energized conductors接触in next to no time 很快circuit breakers 断路器radar and navigational equipment 船舶雷达和导航设备insulate oneself from 使隔离deprive of 失去,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.1 Electrical Hazards and Precaution,Marine electrical hazards:Electrical shock Arc-flash Arc-blast,voltage/电压 moisture/潮湿electric shock/触电electrical fire/电气着火electrical hazards/电气危害Arc-flash/电弧灼伤Arc-blast/电弧击伤,All these three things will cause personnel injury,while the latter two will also cause electrical fire.Thus,we need to know how to prevent from being electric shocked and breaking out of electrical fire,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.1.1Electric Shock,When personnel come in contact with energized conductors they receive a shock with current flowing through their skin,muscles and organs.There are three basic pathways electric current travels through body:Touch potential Step potential Touch/Step potential,50 mA-the safety current 36 V-the safety voltage 12 V the absolute safety voltage,current intensity/电流强度threshold/临界值 resistance/阻力ohm/电阻,humid or foggy situation潮湿有雾的环境,energized conductor/通电导体,南通理工学院,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,Question 1 What do marine electrical hazards include?Question 2 What is safety voltage when people directly contact with?Question 3 How many pathways are there electric current traveling through the body?,Company Logo,1.1.2.Arc-flash and Arc Blasts,The hazards of Arc-Flash and Arc Blast:Third degree burn,possible blindness,shock and so on Release toxic gases Potential damage to electrical equipment,conductor 导体terminal 端点electrical equipment 电气设备raceway 电缆circuit 电路insulator 绝缘体be responsible for 对负责,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.1.2.Arc-flash and Arc Blasts,The reason of electrical safety hazards:worn or broken conductor insulation Exposed live parts Loose wire connections improperly maintained switches and circuit Water or liquid near electrical equipment high voltage cable static electricity damaged tools and equipment,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.1.3 Safety Precautions for Preventing Electric Shock,The safety precautions when working on electrical equipment:Stand clear of operating radar and navigational equipment never work alone The power source should be tagged out keep covers closed discharge capacitors and insulate yourself remain calm and consider possible consequences,Radar and navigational equipment 船舶雷达和导航设备maintain 维修/管理discharge 排放capacitor 电容器component 电气元件 reciprocate 往复运动,南通理工学院,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,Question 1 What will an Arc-flash and Arc-blasts lead if personnel directly exposed to it?Question 2 What is the most common cause of Arc-flash and other electrical accidents?,Company Logo,1.2 Electrical Fire Prevention and Handling,Everyone on the ship should know how to use the fire extinguishers Carbon dioxide is the choice for fighting electrical fires,misuse/误用maintenance/维护extinguisher/灭火器electrical fires/电气火灾secure/停止cut off the power/切断电源apparatus/设备,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.3 First Aid for Electrical Shock,The procedures as followed:Remove victim from electrical contact with any nonconductor of electricity Determine the cardiopulmonary status of casualty,start CPR other physical injuries should be treated keep the victim warm,南通理工学院,Company Logo,1.3 First Aid for Electrical Shock,shock/休克、震动treatment/处理、治疗first aid/急救护理be/come in contact with/和接触energize-de-energize/通电/不通电energized conductors/circuit/通电导体/通电电路endanger/使遭到危险endanger oneself/使某人遭到危险exposure/暴露,南通理工学院,单词达人,Company Logo,Assignment,Assignment 单词、词组中英文互译危害()临界值()电气()通电()绝缘层()导体()预防()设备()电流()电压()电阻()导体()resistance()flammable()arc-flash()material()motor()wire()cable()injury(),南通理工学院,Company Logo,Assignment,Assignment 单词、词组中英文互译Arc-blasts()threshold()personnel injury()minimize()electric shock()electrical fire()on board()current intensity()radar and navigational equipment(),南通理工学院,Company Logo,Assignment,Assignment中英文互译在日常生活中,我们必须要懂得基本的安全用电知识。电气危害容易造成人员伤亡和引发设备着火。在进行电气设备的维护时,工作人员务必要做好预防措施。Once personnel come in contact with energized conductors,they are easy to get shocked.The workers who are unaware of the potential electrical hazards will be vulnerable to get injured.When electrical fire happens on board,we should calm down and handle correctly.,南通理工学院,Company Logo,Chapter 5.Marine Electric Motor Driven Systems,Chapter 4.Three Phase AC Induction Motor,Chapter 3.Shipboard Electric Cable,Lighting Motor,Chapter 2.Commom Measure Devices and Tools,Chapter 1.Electrical Safety,Contents,Chapter 6.Analog Electronics,Chapter 7.Digit Circuit,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.1 Multi-meter,Vocabularymeasure 测量device 设备meter 米、仪表multi-meter 万用表ammeter 电流表voltmeter 电压表ohmmeter 电阻表troubleshoot 故障排解quantity 数据capacitance 电容conductance 导电率inductance 电感diode 二极管,南通理工学院,transistor 三极管digital multi-meters 数字式万用表analog multi-meters 指针式万用表amplifier 放大器Portable 便携的,手提的needle 指针overload 过载install 安装range 范围optimize 调整、优化deflection 偏差(deflect),Company Logo,2.1 Multi-meter,Phrase/SentenceDigital multi-meter generally take measurement with accuracy superior to analog counter-parts 比好的Standard portable digital multi-meters claim to be capable of(doing)要求能够be necessary to 对有必要comparatively similar 大同小异,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.1 Multi-meter,Phrase/SentenceThere are two categories of digit multi-meters there be 结构make current/voltage/resistance measurement 测量电流/电压/电阻As(soon/low/loudly形容词/副词/形容词+名词)as possiblebe worth doing/be worthy of 值得做,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.1 Multi-meter,The multi-meter can measure many quantities:Voltage in volts Current in amperes Resistance in ohms Diodes and transistors,南通理工学院,Two categories of multi-metersdigital multi-meteranalog multi-meter,Switched range multi-metersAuto-range multi-meters,multi-meter 万用表 ammeter 电流表 voltmeter 电压表 ohmmeter 电阻表capacitance 电容 conductance 导电率inductance 电感 diode 二极管Transistor 三极管 needle 指针,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,Question 1 How many quantities can multi-meter can measure?Question 2 What will you choose between digit multi-meter and analog multi-meter?,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,multi-meter ammetervoltmeterohmmetercurrentvoltage,conductorenergizedigitalanalogyelectrical safetyhazard,resistancewirecircuit,Company Logo,2.1.2 Operate a DMM and an analog multi-meter,how to operate a DMM and an analog multi-meter turn the meter on insert the probes into the correct connections set switch to the correct measurement type optimize the range for the best reading place the probes into the voltage measurement sockets and turn the range to maximum voltage,南通理工学院,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,Question 1 How many quantities can multi-meter can measure?Question 2 What will you choose between digit multi-meter and analog multi-meter?,Company Logo,2.1.3 Make current,voltage and resistance measurement,Vocabularyconnect 连接diagram 图表current 电流voltage 电压resistance 电阻resistor 电阻器socket 插座、穴 positive(terminal)正极的 negative(terminal)负极的backward 反向的 acceptable 可接受的(be#to),南通理工学院,alternating 可交替的short circuits 短路 open circuits 开路calibration 刻度 parameter 参数 meter probe 表笔 item 参数 check for 检查 connect together 把连接起来 combine with 使结合,diagram bdiagram cdiagram d,Company Logo,2.1.3 Make current,voltage and resistance measurement,南通理工学院,Measuring voltage with a multi-meterMeasuring current with a multi-meterMeasuring resistance with a multi-meter,具体测量电流电压电阻的方法见书本,Company Logo,review,review,南通理工学院,multi-meter ammetervoltmeterohmmetercurrentvoltage,conductorenergizedigitalanalogyelectrical safetyhazard,resistancewirecircuit,Company Logo,2.1.3 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,Vocabulary diode 二极管transistor 三极管detect 探测perform 执行cathode 阴极anode 阳极base 基级collector 集电极emitter 发射极 deflection 偏差 junction 连接,南通理工学院,coil 线圈 capacitor 电容器 relay 接替、继电器 open circuit 开路 short circuit 短路,Company Logo,2.1.3 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,2.1.4 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,diode test set the meter to its ohms range connect the cathode terminal of the diode to the terminal marked positive on the multi-meter,and the anode to the negative or common terminal set the meter to read ohms,and“lowish”reading should be obtained reverse the connection,Company Logo,2.1.4 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,different categories of transistors,2.1.4 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,set the meter to its ohms range(middle ohms range)connect the base terminal of the transistor to the terminal marked positive on the multi-meter,connect the terminal marked negative or common to collector,it should read open circuit with the terminal marked positive still connected to base,repeat measurement with positive terminal connected to the emitter,transistor test,2.1.4 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,reverse the connection connect the positive terminal,first to the collector,then take it to the emitter.the meter should deflect.connect the meter negative or common to collector and meter positive to emitter.check meter reads open circuit.reverse the connection If the transistor passes all the tests,it is ok.,Company Logo,2.1.4 How to test diodes and transistors with multi-meter,南通理工学院,The structure and sign of transistors,Use multi-meter to determine transistor type and its pole:Firstly,use multi-meter determine the base and type of the transistor;Then,it is easy to tell the other poles of the transistor using the books method.,Company Logo,2.2 Meg-ohmmeter,南通理工学院,Vocabularymeg-ohmmeter(megger)兆欧表resistance 阻力instrument 仪器portable 便携的coil 线圈combination 组合generator 发电机current 电流voltage 电压 measure 测量 energize(de-energize)通电,circuit 电路 conductor 导体 clockwise 顺时针 counterclockwise 逆时针 depend on/upon 依赖于 connect with 连接 be independent of独立,Company Logo,2.2 Meg-ohmmeter,南通理工学院,Construction of a meg-ohmmeter a hand driven dc generator the instrument portion,Two coils,Company Logo,2.2 Meg-ohmmeter,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.2 Meg-ohmmeter,南通理工学院,Instructions for using a megger,Cut off the powerShort circuit test and open circuit test clean the measuring surface kept the hand crank rotate evenly use multi-core wireIf the pointer reaches zero,stop rotating the hand crankthe resistance voltage of capacitor should be higher than the rate voltage of megger,Company Logo,2.3 Clamp-on Ammeter,南通理工学院,Vocabularyclamp 夹钳、螺丝钳ammeter 电流表common 普通digital 数字的Analog 指针的restrict 限制wire 电线transformer 变压器winding 线圈magnetic 有磁性的range 范围,precautionconductorcurrentvoltageohmcable,Company Logo,2.3 Clamp-on Ammeter,南通理工学院,Characteristic of clamp-on ammeterIt is restricted to AC circuitsAt top of it is a set of jawsIt can only measure one conductor at a time,The instructions of using clamp-on ammeter have been described in the books.Lets look at the books.,Company Logo,2.3 Clamp-on Ammeter,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.3 Clamp-on Ammeter,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.3 Clamp-on Ammeter,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Vocabularysolder 焊接、焊料iron 烙铁weld 焊接inside 内部outside 外部wattage 瓦数power 电源、功率generate 产生integrate 使完整、集成soldering iron 电烙铁pull out 拔下,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Two categories of soldering iron:Inside heating typeoutside heating type,Tell me which one is inside heating type?,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Instructions for soldering iron,An iron is always tinned prior to soldering a component in a circuit;Pay attention to the nuts before and during the operation;Cleanliness is necessary for efficient,effective soldering;Items to be soldered also should be tinned.,Company Logo,2.5 Other Common Electric Tools,南通理工学院,Vocabularyelectrician 电工plier 钳子tool 工具screw 螺丝combination pliers 钢丝钳needle-nose pliers 尖嘴钳wire-stripping pliers 剥线钳diagonal pliers 断线钳、斜口钳wire crimping pliers 压线钳screw driver 螺丝刀electrical test pen 低压验电笔,2.5 Other Common Electric Tools,南通理工学院,pliers,Combination pliers,Needle-nose pliers,wire-stripping pliers,diagonal pliers,wire crimping pliers,Company Logo,2.5 Other Common Electric Tools,南通理工学院,Two categories of screw driver:flat blade screwdriver phillips head screwdriver,Company Logo,2.5 Other Common Electric Tools,南通理工学院,An electrical tester pen or test pen is a device for quickly checking whether a conductor is live.The device may have the form of screwdriver,show in following figure.,Company Logo,2.5 Other Common Electric Tools,南通理工学院,Company Logo,Chapter 5.Marine Electric Motor Driven Systems,Chapter 4.Three Phase AC Induction Motor,Chapter 3.Shipboard Electric Cable,Lighting Motor,Chapter 2.Commom Measure Devices and Tools,Chapter 1.Electrical Safety,Contents,Chapter 6.Analog Electronics,Chapter 7.Digit Circuit,南通理工学院,Company Logo,3.1 Semiconductor,南通理工学院,Vocabularysemiconductor 半导体junction 连接model 型号specification 规格polarity 极性forward 正向的reverse 反向的common diode 普通管microwave diode 微波管zener diode 稳压管parameters diode 参量管,Company Logo,3.1 Semiconductor,南通理工学院,Diodes model naming rules,Naming rules of diodes,Company Logo,2.4 Soldering Iron,南通理工学院,Common diodes,Light-emitting diodes,zener diodes,diodes,Company Logo,3.1 Semiconductor,南通理工学院,Company Logo,3.2 Installation and Welding of Electronic Components,南通理工学院,Vocabularycurrentvoltageresistanceammetermulti-meterdigital multi-meteranalog multi-metermeasuremeasurementdiodetransistormeg-ohmmeter,clamp-on ammetersoldering iron,Company Logo,3.1 Semiconductor,南通理工