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    ,Unit 1 B,New Horizon College English,1)cause to lose the use of a limb or limbs The accident crippled her son for life.这次事故使她的儿子终身残疾。She was crippled in the car accident.在一次车祸中她的腿残了。,cripple v.,2)damage or weaken seriouslyAgriculture is crippled by the miserable conditions on the collective farms.集体农庄的恶劣条件使农业陷于瘫痪状态。Until the crippled economy is rebuilt everything will be very brittle.在瘫痪的经济重建之前,一切都是极其脆弱的。,pull hard with force or much effort She kept pleading and whining,tugging at her fathers coat.她拉着父亲的衣服,不断地哀声请求。The child tugged at my hand to make me go with her.这孩子使劲拉着我的手,让我和她一起走。,tug v.,1)walk with an uneven step He limped off the football field.他一瘸一拐地走出足球场。,limp v.,2)(of a ship,etc.)move or proceed with difficulty(船只等)艰难行进;(业务等)缓慢进行The project limped along with half its previous funding.这个项目得到预定资金的一半,进展很缓慢。Four hours late,the train limped into Waterloo station at midnight.火车迟到了4个小时,终于在午夜缓慢地开进滑铁卢车站。,U the belief that whatever happens will be good,and that all will be well in the end 乐观主义The top managers are full of optimism towards the sales volume of computers next year.高级经理们对明年计算机的销量十分乐观。,optimism n.,U the habit of thinking that whatever happens will be badpessimist n.,pessimism n.,1)declare positively or firmly;maintain to be true 断言,坚定地声明,证实正确The witness affirmed the facts.证人确认那些是事实。As he affirms early on,people only remember the winners.如他以前所断言的那样,人们只记住胜者。,affirm v.,2)support or uphold the validity of 支持或维护的正确性 The upper court affirmed a judgment of the lower court.上级法院维持下级法院的判决。,.,holy;serious,solemn and important in the way religious things are 神圣的,不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead fathers wishes.他认为实现父亲的遗愿是他神圣的义务。,sacred a.,carry out according to.遵照行动,奉行act on rules 依照规则行事,act on,nothing more than:only;merelybarely more than(Line 21),1)provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth;feed 滋养;喂养Milk nourishes a baby.牛奶滋养着婴儿。Lamb chops were both nourishing and cheap.小羊排既有营养又便宜。,nourish v.,2)feed;foster the development of;promote;sustain or enrich 培养;保持,怀有By investing in education,we nourish the talents of children and lay the basis for future success.通过教育投资,我们培养孩子的才能,为他们未来的成功打好基础。nourish a hope 怀有希望nourish feelings of hatred 怀恨在心,1)understand and be able to use properly 理解,掌握 As a qualified lawyer,he has to assimilate the facts,not just remember them.作为一名称职的律师他应该理解这些事实,而不仅仅是记住它们。2)take(food)into the body and digest it;(of food)be taken into the body and digested 吸收,消化(食物);被消化,被吸收I have a stomachache and cannot assimilate any food.我胃疼,什么食物都不能消化。,assimilate v.,3)(cause to)become part of(使)同化 The family assimilated quickly into the new country.这个家庭很快就融入新的国家。The U.S.A.has assimilated people from many European countries.美国同化了许多来自欧洲国家的移民。,too many to be counted 无数的,数不清的 an innumerable throng of people 人山人海Being a father of five children,he seems to have innumerable duties to fulfill.作为5个孩子的父亲,他似乎有尽不完的义务。,innumerable a.,innumerable innumerate:not understanding calculation with numbers,result from;arise from 来源于wisdom born of experience 经验所得的智慧 His cynicism was born of bitter experience.他愤世嫉俗是因为他有过痛苦的经历。,be born of(adj.),1)appeal earnestly;beg 恳求,祈求plead for more time 恳求更多的时间2)put forward a plea of a specific nature in court 答辩,在法庭上提出特定的申辩The man was said to be mad and unfit to plead.据说那个人疯了,不适合出庭申辩。,plead v.,1)help grow or develop;cultivate 培养,促进成长Will television ever again be able to nurture the growth of new sport?电视还能再次培育新体育项目的成长吗?nurture a students talent 培养学生的才能Nurture your mind.发展你的心智。,nurture v.,2)give care or foods to 养育,培育He is being so carefully nurtured that never yet has he suffered any frustration.他受到如此精心的养育,至今还从未遭受任何挫折。These plants were nurtured in the greenhouse.这些植物是在温室里培育的。,1.U nourishment 营养物 2.Uthe process of rearing or bringing up(esp.children)养育,培养The nurture of the two sisters was very different.两姐妹接受过不同的培养。They feel nurture is of greater importance than nature.他们感到后天培养比天性更重要。,nurture n.,“Intensive”is used for objective descriptions and means“effort that is highly concentrated”.“Intense”means“a subjective response to an event”.The President was feeling the intense pressure.总统感到压力巨大。,C a meeting or conference at which several speakers discuss a topic 专题研讨会annual symposium 年会,symposium n.,1.known to be true or genuine 真实的,真正的Is that an authentic painting from Picasso,or a modern copy?那幅画是毕加索的真迹还是现代仿制品?2.trustworthy 可靠的,可信的authentic news 可靠的消息an authentic account by an eyewitness 一份目击者的可靠证词,authentic a.,C,U competence;skill 水平,精通Through this speech contest,students demonstrated their proficiency in English.通过这次演讲比赛,学生们展示了他们良好的英语水平。He achieved little proficiency in literary accomplishments.他在文学方面成就不多。,proficiency n.,to control;defeat 平定;镇压;击败put down the opposition 镇压反抗,put down,causing a feeling of pity or sorrow 引起怜悯的,令人悲哀的The academic standards in the school were pathetic.这个学校的学术水平低得可怜。,pathetic a.,put into a desired or convenient position;fold 塞 She tucked her scarf into her blouse.她把围巾塞进罩衫内。n.Ca flat fold of material sewn into a garment(衣服的)褶make a tuck in a dress 在衣服上打一个褶,tuck v.,make a soft sound,esp.to speak or say in a quiet voice 低声说,以柔和低沉的声音说murmur a prayer 低声祈祷He murmured his approval.他小声表示赞同。,murmur v.,n.a low,indistinct,continuous sound;an indistinct,whispered,or confidential complaint 低声细语;小声或偷偷的抱怨She took the punishment without a murmur.她接受了惩罚,没有丝毫抱怨。speak in a murmur 轻轻地说go without a murmur 毫无怨言地走了,C a disability or disadvantage 残疾;缺陷,不利条件Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student.视力不好对学生来说是个障碍。emotional handicap 情感障碍give or be a disadvantage to(sb.)妨碍Lack of money handicapped him in his business badly.缺少资金使他的企业受到严重影响。,handicap n.,expressing or feeling great anger 愤慨的,愤愤不平的 I was indignant because I felt that I had been punished unfairly.我非常愤慨,因为我觉得对我的惩罚是不公平的。I felt indignant that shed spoken to me like that.她那样跟我说话使我感到愤怒。The indignant passengers beat up the pickpocket.愤怒的乘客把那个扒 手痛打了一顿。,indignant a.,1)made,done,or worked on,by people acting together 合作进行的Through a cooperative effort,we completed the project a month early.通过协同努力,我们提前一个月完成了这个项目。2)willing to cooperate;helpful 合作的,协 作的 a cooperative patient 愿意配合的病人,cooperative a.,complete(a form)by providing required information 填(表格)He carefully filled out the job application.他仔细填写工作申请表。fill in(British English),fill out(a form),spend;use up(esp.time,care,etc.)花费,用光(时间、精力等)Dont expend all your time on such a meaningless job.不要把时间都花在这种毫无意义的工作上。extend:stretch or spread(sth.)out to greater or fullest length,expend v.,1)struggle eagerly or in a disorderly way 争夺,夺取In order to listen to the professors lecture clearly,students scramble for the best seats.为了听清教授的讲座,学生们争抢最好的座位。2)move or climb quickly 攀登,爬行The children scrambled up the hill.孩子们爬上了那座小山。,scramble v.,defeat or subdue 打倒,压制,平息beat down the enemys morale 压倒敌人的士气,beat down,expel sb.from his or her own country;banish 流放,放逐The monarch was exiled because of the coup.因为发生政变,国王被流 n.1)a situation in which you are forced to leave your country and live in another country,esp.for political reasons 流放,放逐,exile v.,2)C one who lives away from ones native country,whether because of expulsion or voluntary absence 流亡国外者So long as he remained in exile,he could write what he liked.只要仍然流亡异乡,他就能写自己喜欢的东西。go into exile 逃亡,act in accordance with a demand,order,rule,etc.遵照,遵守All the citizens must comply with the law.所有公民都要遵守法律。It is important to comply with the rules to achieve fair play.要使比赛公正,遵守规则十分重要。,comply v.,The“be+infinitive”construction here is used to convey a plan.She is to be married next month.她定于下月结婚。The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow.首相将于明天发表声明。,are to,


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