汉译英练习讲解,1中国人民不用多久就会变得富裕起来。初译It wont be long before the Chinese people will become well off分析“一般将来时态”,用于主句时,从句不再用将来时表示,而应用一般现在时。所以,句中的“will”要去掉。,2一般人要到失去他们所拥有的一切时,才会珍惜他们所拥有的一切。初译People at large do not appreciate what they have after they lose it分析“直到才”应译为“notuntil”。句中的“after”改为“until”。,3即使商品质量好,也不能漫天讨价。初译Even quality goods must have a price limit分析物价、工资的最高限额,飞机的上升限度等一般用“ceiling”来表示。而“limit”则可以表示纵向、横向、平面、立体的范围(包括抽象概念)。,4我们把狄更斯的成功归功于他高尚的感情。初译We owe Dickens success to his noble feelings分析可说:We owe our success to the Party(我们的成功归功于党。)但不能说“We owe Dickens success to。上面的句子应该“attributeto”,是归因于”的意思。改译为:We attribute Dickenss success to his noble feelings,5在晚会上,邀请一位外国老师为我们唱几首民歌。初译At the party a foreign teacher was required to sing some folk songs for us分析“require”是“要求”、“命令”,指提出要求的人有权要对方做某事。request”是“请求”的意思,比ask稍正式一些。如:Professor Zhang was requested to give a lecture on English language所以上句应译为:At the party a foreign teacher was requested to sing some folk songs for us,6最近人口统计显示中国人口已超过十亿。初译The latest census shows that Chinas population has surpassed one billion分析“surpass”一般用于超过别人的成绩,速度等。“exceed”则单纯指在数字、程度等方面超过。应改译为:The latest census shows that Chinas population exceeds one billion,7多年的教学经验,帮助我改变了主意。初译Years of teaching experiences has helped me to change my mind分析“experience”作单数是“经验”的意思,用作复数就是“经历”、“阅历”的意思。不少译者容易混淆。,8由于失业率增高,美元币值下降,股票市场处于困境之中,经济问题将是总统所面临的最严峻的考验。初译With unemployment rate high,the dollar value low and the stock market in distress,the economy problem will be the Presidents sternest trail分析英语较少使用范围词,所以译文中的“rate”、“value”和“problem”都应该去掉。,9一到南京,我的朋友就在机场等着接我。初译On arriving at Nanjing,my friend was waiting for me at the airport分析“0n arriving”和主句的主语“my friend”不一致,因此这种译法不能成立。应改译为:On arriving at Nanjing,I found my friend waiting for me at the airport,10尽管是一个大学生,小郑连一封英文信都写不好。译文In spite of a college student,Xiao Zheng cannot write an English letter properly分析“in spite of”有时译为“尽管”,但其深层含义是“不为困难或障碍所阻”,亦即“全然不顾”。所以,用在这句的译文中是不合适的。应改用Though(he is),1120年来,中国的科学家们为祖国做出了贡献。初译In the past twenty years,the Chinese scientists did great service to their motherland分析“In the past-q:时间段”,要求主句用现在完成时。因此,句中的“did”应改为“have done”。,12在这座小村落中,他被人们看成是一个聪敏的人。初译In this small village,he is passed for a wise man分析“to pass for”的意思是“被人们认为是”,不能使用被动语态,因为它本身已包含被动的意思.to abide by(遵守),to abound with(in)(充满),to accord with(符合),to add up to(总起来意味着),to brim over with(充满),to come in for(受到),,13.我校目前尚未设博士点。译文Our university hasnt yet had any doctoral programs分析“博士点”中的这个“点”字,看似明确,实际上是颇模糊的。这里译为“program”,译得相当成功,14.做生意就得动真格的,决不能当儿戏。译文In doing business we must play for keepsIts no joking matter8.“别跟我哭穷了,我还不知道你的底细?”译文“Stop poor-mouthing to meI have your number”分析此句中的“哭穷”和“底细”都是意义笼统的词。“哭穷”是指“故意推说自己没钱以掩盖其经济实力”。“底细”是指“真实情况”。上面的译文既译出了它们的真实含义。,15.我们相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向世界。译文We believe that it will not be long before our products go global(are internationally recognized)分析“走向世界”虽字义明确,但英译表达却必须地道而且有分寸。有人译为“go to the world,就不太合乎逻辑,因为仿佛使人觉得,中国好像不属于这个世界似的。外刊表达同样的含义使用“go global”这个短语,分寸把握得很好。也可译为:“Our products will find their way into world market,16写作的技巧比起其他艺术的技巧来相当困难。初译The technique of writing is rather difficult comparing with that of the other arts分析用“compare with”翻译“和对比,”这样的汉语句型时,一般应译为过去分词结构(表被动)。改译为:The technique of writing is rather difficult compared with that of the other arts,17与其一知半解,不如全然不知。初译One may as well not know a thing at all than know it but imperfectly分析“may as well notas”是固定表达,than应换成as.,18被人拿走的书是我的,不是她的。初译The book having been taken away is mine,not hers分析“having done”分词完成式不能作名词的后置定语,应改为:The book that has been,19张太太也被风吹病了。初译MrsZhang was also blown sick by the wind.分析译文从语法角度没有什么大问题,但它只翻译了原文的表面意思,外国人看了会发笑。要抓住深层意思用地道的英语来表达:MrsZhang also fell ill because of exposure to the wind,20这个省矿产很丰富。初译The provinces minerals are rich.分析译文语法无错,但英、美人不这样表达。按英语惯用法,改译成:The province is rich in minerals,21到20岁那年,他也没有向家长告别就参了军。初译By the time he was twenty,he joined the army without so much as saying goodbye to his parents分析“By+过去的时间”,要求主句使用过去完成时。所以句中的“joined”应改为:“had joined”。,22虽然识字是很好的一件事,但是,按鲁迅的说法,还有一个弊端。初译Although literacy is something very desirable,it has,according to the words of Lu Xun,a drawback分析“according to sb”即指“按某人的意见,说法,理论等”,所以译文中的“the words”是多余的。,22“随身听”为学习外语提供了方便。初译Learning foreign languages has been facilitated by Walkmans分析“facilitate”这个词要求名词或动名词作宾语,而且几乎不用被动语态。所以此译文宜改为:Walkmans facilitate learning foreign languages又如:“随着现代化发明的出现简化了家务事。”不能译为:Housework is facilitated with the advent of modem inventions而应译为:Modem inventions facilitate housework,23这个女孩十分紧张,当那个男人吻她时,她不知道如何办才好,她又激动又害怕。初译The nervous girl didnt know how to do with herself when the man kissed her;she was so excited and fearful分析在表达“不知道怎么办”时,英语不用“not know how to do with”,而必须用“not know what to do with”。,24你们不能草率行事,应先找李先生给你们点拨点拨。译文You should not take any hasty actionYou should first ask MrLi to prime you赏析“请人点拨”的实际含意是“请人给予指点”。译成ask sbto prime you”是贴切的。也可考虑译为:“ask MrLis advice”。,25该市警方对旅馆和公共娱乐场所定期展开“扫黑”行动。译文The city police conduct periodic sweeps of crimes in hotels and public entertainment places赏析“扫黑”、“扫黄”、“打假”这些词都是浓缩词语。这里的“扫黑”,意思是打击犯罪或不法行为。,26这个贫困县年年从省里得到救济粮。译文Every year this poor county gets grain handouts from the provincial authorities赏析“从省里”是意合词,其中的意义空缺是“有关部门”,译时必须译出,如译成“from the province”则是错译。“救济粮”一般译为“relief grain”,是政府向灾民发放的救急粮食。,27他们想问题做事情的方法,他们的历史习惯跟我们不同。初译The way they think,the way they do things and their historical habits are different from ours分析英语中无“historical habits”这种说法,所以应把“历史习惯”译为“traditional habits”。,28今年春天由党中央召开的全国科学大会,动员全国人民为祖国的科学、技术现代化而努力。初译The National Science Conference convened this spring by the Party Central Committee sparked off the entire nation to dig in towards the modernization of science and technology分析译文用词注意语境,“spark off”和“dig in”两个短语是口语体表达,用在这里显然不合适。应分别改为书面体表达:“mobilized”和“work for”。,29该公司把三个部门合成了一个部门。初译The company has combined the three departments into one department分析“combine”的意思是把两个以上的东西合成一个,所以在这里“into one department”就成了画蛇添足。,30.这家工厂是纺纱、织布、印染一条龙生产的大型联合企业。译文This factory is a big united enterprise on the production lines of spinning,weaving,printing and dyeing.分析“一条龙”是一种比喻:该厂形成了产供销一条龙.译文:This factory has formed an integrated system for the procurement of supplies,production and marketing,31.他这是吃不了兜着走。译文He landed himself in serious trouble分析“吃不了兜着走”只能译其内在的含义。,32.千万别走漏半点风声。译文Do remember never to let any single soul know about it分析这里的“别走漏半点风声”喻指“别让任何人知道”,所以只能译义。,33.他们成不了什么气候。分析如译为“They cannot become weather”英、美读者肯定会丈二和尚摸不着头脑。按照汉语的真实含意,宜变通译为:They cannot prevail/hold sway/have their way,34.我们无法向人民交待。分析汉语中的“向交待”是“解释说明”。因此译为:It would be difficult for us to account for it to the peopleWe will not be able to justify ourselves to the people,35.夜已很深了。分析初学翻译的人一看到这个汉语句子,可能马上会想到“deep”这个对应词。把原文译为:The night is very deep(注:可以译成:It is already deep night.)而正确的译文应是:The night is well advancedis growing latehas grown old,36.读书成了我惟一的精神寄托。译文Reading has become my only meat and drink赏析“精神寄托”是一个意义较为含糊的词,这里译为meat and drink,意思是“最大的乐趣”,“食粮”。也可译为“spiritual sustenance”(精神食粮;精神支柱)。,37我只是普通教员,只得朋友托朋友向出版商推荐这本书。译文Being a mere school teacher I had to ask my friends who had to ask their friends who had any pull with the publishers to peddle this book赏析汉语中“普通老百姓”、“一个小工人”等等,一般不按其字面意义译。这里译为“a mere school teacher”,38他女儿是个品学兼优的好学生。译文His daughter is a student with a fine record of behavior and achievement赏析“品学兼优”是浓缩的意合词,这里译出了它的确切含义。“好学生”中的“好”字不能再译出,因为已包含于“品学兼优”之中.,39.你要母鸡多生蛋,又不给它米吃,又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草。世界上哪有这样的道理!译文You want the hen to lay more eggs and yet you dont feed it;you want the horse to run fast and yet you dont let it grazeWhat kind of logic is that?分析“世界上”没译出,反而比译出更为有力。,40.我们目前的主要任务就是很好地推广和应用科研成果。初译Our principal task at present is to do a good job in disseminating and applying the results of scientific and technological research分析这又是一句“中国式英语”。“to do a good job”是多余。,41.他要讲经济问题和国际形势问题。译文He is going to speak on the economy and the international situation分析“问题”不必要译出,类似还有“宣传教育工作”、“工业发展状况”,其中“工作”、“状况”、“情况”、“现象”都不必译出.,42.现在有许多人在提倡民族化,科学化,大众化。译文Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a national,scientific and mass style分析现代汉语使用“化”的例子很多,但不都意味着要译成后缀“一ization”。,43.应大力发展“外向型经济”译文Great efforts should be made to develop“external-oriented economy”.分析“型”是颇时髦的语言。一般以oriented组成词组,如:export-oriented enterprise(产品出口型产业)但也有其他翻译方法,劳动密集型产业”译为“labor-intensive enterprise”;“粗放型产业”译为“extensive enterprise”等等。,44.中国是个文明古国,幅员辽阔,面积达960万多平方千米。初译China is a country with an ancient civilizationShe has a vast territory and covers an area of 96 million square kilometers分析此译文是比较典型的“中国式”英语。问题主要是:没有突出信息重心,不符合英语的表达习惯;语言累赘。这句汉语可以考虑译为:Covering all area of 96 million square kilometers and more,China is a country with ancient civilization,45.努力实现从扩大规模数量为主向提高质量效益为主的转变。译文Efforts should be made to shift priority of expanding scale and quantity to improving quality and efficiency分析原文是祈使句,译成了陈述句;主动译成了被动;名词变”译成了动词;“实现”则省去未译。,46.当地政府为了改善生态环境采取了许多措施。分析一看到“采取了许多措施”,许多初学翻译的人很可能会很自然地想到“to take measures”这一短语。其实,翻译的角度是多种多样的,许多情况下都不应拘泥于一种译法。译文The local government has done much for the irmprovement of the ecological environment,47.这位民族英雄没有死,他的故事照亮了千百万人的心。译文This national hero lives on,his story lighting up the hearts of millions of people.,48.农民的生活水平不断提高,大部分农民已解决了温饱问题,不少农民已过上小康生活。The living standard of farmers has been raised continuously.The majority of farmers have enough food and clothing and quite a few are leading a quite comfortable life.,