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    07-09年MBA翻译真题解析,By Min studio,评分标准,翻译:满分15分,一段或几段约150词的文章(要求:意思忠实原文,表达通顺。)逻辑结构:如果句子译文完全扭曲原文意思,即使有些词语翻译正确,该句得分最多不得 超过0.5分。如果某考生给出两种或两种以上译法,若均正确,给分;若其中一种译法错误,按错误译法扣分。汉语错别字,不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分。,评分标准-采访,记者:阅卷人在评阅“英译汉”的时候,是怎么计算分数的?朱泰祺:微观上,通常把一个句子切割成3、4个得分点。比如,一个句子总共2分,切成4个得分点,每个点0.5分。然后阅卷老师根据你的翻译情况对照每个得分点,计算你的分数。宏观上,阅卷老师还要看整个句子翻译是否正确。因为有时尽管采分点翻译对了,但整个句子却意思扭曲,那也要扣分。记者:“英译汉”在修辞上需要力求完美吗?朱泰祺:只要意思对了就可能,修辞上不作过多要求。因为我们毕竟是考试翻译水平,不是让你翻译文学作品。因此中要意思翻译对了,就可以了。再说,考生翻译一个句子也不过就是5-6分钟时间,根本没有时间让你去加工得更完美。,翻译三步骤,拦路虎Compensation 原意:赔偿、索赔 引申意:赔偿金、报酬Fuel 原意:燃料,使点燃引申意:推动,促进,煽风点火Mortgage 原意:抵押贷款,2009MBA翻译真题,2009MBA翻译真题,With the nations financial system teetering on a cliff,the compensation arrangements for executives of the big banks and other financial firms are coming under close examination again.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,【With the nations financial system teetering on a cliff,】the compensation arrangements(for executives of the big banks and other financial firms)are coming under close examination again.With+状语,表伴随状态,单独译出简单定语前置动宾 被动语态,缺大众主语,2009MBA翻译真题,【With the nations financial system teetering on a cliff,】the compensation arrangements(for executives of the big banks and other financial firms)are coming under close examination again.Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,【With the nations financial system teetering on a cliff,】the compensation arrangements(for executives of the big banks and other financial firms)are coming under close examination again.随着国家金融体系蹒跚到了悬崖,大银行和其他金融机构高管们的报酬安排,又一次被XXX密切检查了。,2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞。1 随着国家金融体系蹒跚到了悬崖,(伴随状态,表原因)2 大银行和其他金融机构高管们的报酬安排,3 又一次被XXX密切检查了。由于国家金融体制濒临崩溃,大银行和其他金融机构高管们的薪酬方案/计划再次受到严格审查。,Bankers excessive risk-taking is a significant cause of this financial crisis and has continued,to others in the past.In this case,it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,Bankers excessive risk-taking is a significant cause(of this financial crisis)and has contributed to others【in the past】.主语较长谓语有两个断成两句;,2009MBA翻译真题,Bankers excessive risk-taking is a significant cause(of this financial crisis)and has contributed to others【in the past】.Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,2009MBA翻译真题,Bankers excessive risk-taking is a significant cause(of this financial crisis)and has contributed to others【in the past】.银行家的过渡冒险是这次金融危机的主要原因,对以前其他的有贡献;促使了以前几次(金融危机)的爆发;,2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞。1 银行家的过渡冒险2 是这次金融危机的主要原因,3 促使了以前几次(金融危机)的爆发;(并列)银行家的过渡冒险(行为)是这次金融危机的主要原因,这也是造成历史上的多次危机的罪魁祸首。,2009MBA翻译真题,In this case,it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,【In this case,】it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense(of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.)谓语有两个断成两句;被动语态改成主动句;第二个宾语False sense 的定语复杂译成分句。It指代的是什么?It指代上一句的Bankers excessive risk-taking,2009MBA翻译真题,【In this case,】it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense(of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.)Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,【In this case,】it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense(of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.)在这次案例中,它(it)是由低利率驱动的;它(it)不断前进 by 经济中/债务堆叠的泡沫/所造成的安全错觉,2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞。1 在这次案例中,2 它(银行家的冒险行为)是由低利率驱动的;3 它(银行家的冒险行为)不断前进 by 经济中/债务堆叠的泡沫/所造成的安全错觉(递进)此次金融危机中,低利率对于应行家的冒险行为可谓是火上浇油,而债务充斥的泡沫经济给人造成了安全错觉,使得这种冒险不断继续。,Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to pay them back dividing the loans and selling them off to the next financial institution along the chain,advantage of the same high-tech securitization to load on more risky mortgage-based assets.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those(who could not afford to pay them back),/dividing the loans/and selling them off to the next financial institution(which took advantage of securitization【to load on more risky mortgage-based assets】.)谓语有三个断成多句;最后一个宾语financial institution有多级定从译成分句;,2009MBA翻译真题,Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those(who could not afford to pay them back),/dividing the loans/and selling them off to the next financial institution(along the chain),(which took advantage of securitization【to load on more risky mortgage-based assets】.)Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those(who could not afford to pay them back),/dividing the loans/and selling them off to the next financial institution(along the chain),抵押贷款人很乐意将巨额出借给那些人,那些人无力偿还,(抵押贷款人)分割贷款并出售给下一级的金融机构,金融机构在这条链子上(呼应了上文的“下一级”),2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞。1-1 抵押贷款人很乐意将巨额出借给那些人,1-2 那些人无力偿还,定语前置2那些人分割贷款并出售给下一级的金融机构,2-2金融机构在这条链子上(呼应了上文的“下一级”抵押贷款人很乐意地把巨额资金借给那些无力偿还的人,那些人把贷款拆分卖给金融链条中的下一个金融机构,,2009MBA翻译真题,2009MBA翻译真题,(along the chain),(which took advantage of securitization【to load on more risky mortgage-based assets】.)Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,(along the chain),(which took advantage of securitization【to load on more risky mortgage-based assets】.)which,利用了同样的高科技证券化Which 指代什么?(目的状语)用来加载更冒险的抵押资产。,2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞。Which 指代前面的一整句话用“插说成分”译出1 which,利用了同样的高科技证券化2 用来加载更冒险的抵押资产。(目的状语)这样做,都是在利用高科技证券化来承担更多抵押资产的风险。,Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices that led banks down in this road,in hopes averting the next crisis,which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets.But it is worth examining the root problem of compensation schemes that are tied to short-term profits and revenues,and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible risks.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices(that led banks down in this road),【in hopes averting the next crisis,(which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets.)】But it is worth examining the root problem(of compensation schemes)(that are tied to short-term profits and revenue,)and thus【encourage bankers to take irresponsible levels of risks.】,2009MBA翻译真题,Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices(that led banks down in this road),【in hopes averting the next crisis,(which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets.)】宾语定语复杂译成分句;状语从句包含定语从句译成分句;,2009MBA翻译真题,Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices(that led banks down in this road),【in hopes averting the next crisis,(which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets.)】Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices(that led banks down in this road),【in hopes averting the next crisis,(which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets.)】金融规则应该能够和XXXX与时俱进 xxxx=最不负责任的行为这些行为导致银行走下坡路希望可以避免下一次的危机(目的状语)Which(下一次的危机)可能包括了不同方面的金融技术和不同种类的资产。插说成分,2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞1-1金融规则应该能够和XXXX与时俱进 1-3 xxxx=最不负责任的行为1-2这些行为导致银行走下坡路2(目的状语)希望可以避免下一次的危机3下一次危机可能包括了不同方面的金融技术和不同种类的资产。金融监管应该走在那些导致银行走下坡路的不负责行为前面,(以期)避免下一次的危机,(下一次的危机)中可能会涉及不同的金融技术和不同类型的资产。,2009MBA翻译真题,But it is worth examining the root problem of compensation schemes that are tied to short-term profits and revenue,and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible levels of risks.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2009MBA翻译真题,But it is worth examining the root problem(of compensation schemes)(that are tied to short-term profits and revenue,)and thus【encourage bankers to take irresponsible levels of risks.】It is worth doing sth句型:值得做某事宾语的限制性定语从句后置原因状语,2009MBA翻译真题,But it is worth examining the root problem(of compensation schemes)(that are tied to short-term profits and revenue,)and thus【encourage bankers to take irresponsible levels of risks.】Step:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2009MBA翻译真题,But it is worth examining the root problem(of compensation schemes)(that are tied to short-term profits and revenue,)and thus【encourage bankers to take irresponsible levels of risks.】但是,报酬体系的根源问题是值得检查的,被动语态,无大众主语(报酬体系)和短期利益和收入紧密相连,定语后置(从而)鼓励银行家采取不负责的不同程度的冒险。(原因状语),2009MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞1 但是,2 报酬体系的根源问题是值得检查的,补大众主语3(报酬体系)和短期利益和收入紧密相连,定语后置4(从而)鼓励银行家采取不负责的不同程度的冒险。(原因状语)但是,值得(我们)审视的是(高管)薪酬方案中存在的根本问题(高管的)薪酬和短期利润和收入挂钩,(这样就)助长了银行家们不负责任的冒险行为。,由于国家金融体制濒临崩溃,大银行和其他金融机构高管们的薪酬方案/计划再次受到严格审查。银行家的过渡冒险(行为)是这次金融危机的主要原因,这也是造成历史上的多次危机的罪魁祸首。此次金融危机中,低利率对于银行家的冒险行为可谓是火上浇油,而债务充斥的泡沫经济给人造成了安全错觉,使得这种冒险不断继续。抵押贷款人很乐意地把巨额资金借给那些无力偿还的人,并把贷款拆分卖给金融链条中的下一个金融机构,这样做,都是在利用高科技证券化来承担更多抵押资产的风险。金融监管应该走在那些导致银行走下坡路的不负责行为前面,(以期)避免下一次的危机,(下一次的危机)中可能会涉及不同的金融技术和不同类型的资产。但是,值得(我们)审视的是(高管)薪酬方案中存在的根本问题(高管的)薪酬和短期利润和收入挂钩,(这样就)助长了银行家们不负责任的冒险行为。,2009MBA翻译真题,拦路虎:Projection 预测Usher 引位,2008MBA翻译真题,2008MBA翻译真题,The item“business model”first came into widespread use with the invention of the personal computer and the spreadsheet.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,The item“business model”【first】came into widespread use【with the invention of the personal computer and the spreadsheet.】后置状语较长,根据汉语习惯需要调整位置前置,2008MBA翻译真题,The item“business model”【first】came into widespread use【with the invention of the personal computer and the spreadsheet.】Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,The term“business model”【first】came into widespread use【with the invention of the personal computer and the spreadsheet.】“商业模式”这个词首次被广泛使用了随着个人电脑和表格程序的诞生,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞“商业模式”这个词首次被广泛使用了随着个人电脑和表格程序的诞生随着个人电脑和表格程序的诞生(状语前置),“商业模式”这个词首次被广泛使用了,2008MBA翻译真题,Before the spreadsheet,business planning usually meant producing a single forecast.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,【Before the spreadsheet,】business planning usually meant producing a single forecast.在表格程序诞生(赠词法)前,商业计划通常是指制作一份简单的预测。,2008MBA翻译真题,At best,you did a little sensitivity analysis around the projection.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,【At best】,you did a little sensitivity analysis【around the projection】.状语around the projection 后置不舒服。至多,你也就围绕这个预测(状语前置)做一些敏感度分析。,2008MBA翻译真题,The spreadsheet ushered in a much more analytic approach to planning because every major line item could be pulled apart,its components and sub-components analyzed.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,The spreadsheet ushered in(a much more analytic)approach【to planning】【because(every)(major line)item could be pulled apart,】原因状语长,需断成多句;状语中含完整的句子;被动语态无主语;变主动,2008MBA翻译真题,The spreadsheet ushered in(a much more analytic)approach【to planning】【because(every)(major line)item could be pulled apart,】Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,The spreadsheet ushered in(a much more analytic)approach【to planning】【because(every)(major line)item could be pulled apart,】表格程序引入了一种更加具有分析性的方法,用于计划。因为每一个主要项目都可以被拆开,它的次项目和子项目被分析。,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞表格程序引入了一种更加具有分析性的方法,用于计划。因为每一个主要项目都可以被拆开,它的次项目和子项目被分析。表格程序引入了一种更加具有分析性的方法用于做计划,因为(它)可以将每一个主要项目都拆开,在对次项目和子项目进行分析。(被动变主动),2008MBA翻译真题,You could ask what-if questions about the critical assumptions on which your business depended-for example,what if customers are more price-sensitive than we thought?-and with a few keystrokes,you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,You could ask what-if questions(about the critical assumptions)【on which your business depended】What-if question的处理从下文总结状语从句的处理,which指代的是什么?Which指代assumption,2008MBA翻译真题,You could ask what-if questions(about the critical assumptions)【on which your business depended】Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,You could ask what-if questions(about the critical assumptions)【on which your business depended】你可以问what if问题有关批判性的假设你的商业/生意是基于这个假设的,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞3 你可以问what if问题2 有关批判性的假设1 你的商业/生意是基于这个假设的针对你的生意所设计的批判性假设,你可以试问“如果那该怎么办?”,2008MBA翻译真题,-for example,what if customers are more price-sensitive than we thought?比如,如果客户比我们想象的还要价格敏感?比如,如果客户对价格(前置)比我们想象的还要敏感,那该怎么办?,2008MBA翻译真题,and with a few key strokes,you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,and【with a few key strokes】,you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole.stroke 按键宾语从句是一个完整的句子,断句,单独处理,2008MBA翻译真题,and【with a few key strokes】,you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole.Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,and【with a few key strokes】,you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole.只要敲几下键盘,你就会看到改变play out 在总体的每一个方面,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞只要敲几下键盘,你就会看到改变play out 在总体的每一个方面只要敲敲键盘,你就会发现,每一个变化都会在总体的每个方面体现。只要敲敲键盘,你就会发现,每一个变化不光在局部上有所表现,还在总体上有所体现。,2008MBA翻译真题,In other words,you could model the behavior of a business.Model v.塑造 塑型换句话说,你可以塑造生意行为。换句话说,你可以制定商业方案的每个步骤。,2008MBA翻译真题,Before the computer changed the nature of business planning,most successful business models were created more by accident than by elaborate design.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,【Before the computer changed the nature of business planning,】most successful business models were created more by accident than by elaborate design.被动语态两者比较,2008MBA翻译真题,【Before the computer changed the nature of business planning,】most successful business models were created more by accident than by elaborate design.Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,【Before the computer changed the nature of business planning,】most successful business models were created more by accident than by elaborate design.在电脑转变了商业策划本质之前,大部分成功的商业模式的创建(被动-主动)偶然多余精心设计,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞在电脑转变了商业策划本质之前,大部分成功的商业模式的创建(被动-主动)偶然多余精心设计在电脑转变了商业策划本质之前,大部分商业模式的成功是基于偶然因素而 不是精心策划。,2008MBA翻译真题,By enabling companies to tie their marketplace insights much more tightly to the resulting economics,spreadsheet made it possible to model business before they were launched.Step 1:找出主谓,分析各部分语法功能,2008MBA翻译真题,【By enabling companies to tie their marketplace insights much more tightly to the resulting economics,】spreadsheet made it possible to model business before they were launched.表方式状语,超级长Model作为动词的处理,2008MBA翻译真题,【By enabling companies to tie their marketplace insights much more tightly to the resulting economics,】spreadsheet made it possible to model business before they were launched.Step 2:摸清逻辑关系,把握每一个idea的意思,2008MBA翻译真题,【By enabling companies to tie their marketplace insights much more tightly to the resulting economics,】spreadsheet made it possible to model business before they were launched.通过使得公司将他们的市场地位眼光和结果经济紧密结合,表格程序使得XXXX成为可能制定商业在他们生成之前,2008MBA翻译真题,Step 3:连接句子,根据汉语表达习惯调整顺序、添加逻辑关系、润色修辞通过使公司将他们的市场地位眼光和结果经济紧密结合,(原因状语)表格程序使得XXXX成为可能制定商业在他们生成之前表格程序可以另公司将市场洞察和以结果为导向的经济原则紧密结合,(从而)使生意在开展前就做好策划成为可能。,2008MBA翻译真题,随着个人电脑和表格程序的诞生“商业模式”这个词首次被广泛使用了。在表格程序诞生前,商业计划通常是指制作一份简单的预测。至多,你也就围绕着一个项目做一些敏感度测试。表格程序引入了一种更加具有分析性的方法用于做计划,


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