In Memory of W.B.Yeats,By W.H.Auden,Earth,receive an honoured guest:William Yeats is laid to rest.泥土呵,请接纳一个贵宾,威廉叶芝己永远安寝:Let the Irish vessel lieEmptied of its poetry.让这爱尔兰的器皿歇下,既然它的诗已尽倾洒。,The final section of the poem begins by literally burying Yeats so Auden can move on to addressing a larger audience.,Time that is intolerant Of the brave and innocent,时间对勇敢和天真的人 可以表示不能容忍,And indifferent in a weekTo a beautiful physique.也可以在一个星期里,漠然对待一个美的躯体,,Worships language and forgives Everyone by whom it lives;却崇拜语言,把每个 使语言常活的人部宽赦 Pardons cowardice,conceit,Lays its honors at their feet.还宽赦懦弱和自负 把荣耀都向他们献出。,In the third stanza the poet pay more attention on the rhyme,such as forgives lives,conceit-feet.whatever Yeats views may have been,and at times he was antidemocratic and appeared to favor dictatorships,but the ability to manipulate language trumps胜过 all.,Time that with this strange excusePardoned Kipling and his views,时间以这样奇怪的诡辩 原谅了吉卜林和他的观点,And will pardon Paul Claudel,Pardons him for writing well.还将原谅保尔克劳德,原谅他写得比较出色。,In 1966 Auden deleted the bracketed stanzas.,In the nightmare of the darkAll the dogs of Europe bark,黑略的恶梦把一切笼罩,欧洲所有的恶犬在吠叫,And the living nations wait,Each sequestered使分开 in its hate;尚存的国家在等待,各为自己的恨所隔开;,It was the first poem he wrote after moving to America in the year that all of Europe would be plunged into the Second World War,all the dogs of Europe bark.The bleakness of the landscape inside the poem reflects the bleak lookout for Europe.,Audens left wing views made him particularly opposed to the rise of fascism and he had worked against it during the Spanish civil war.The poem says something about the political situation but it is also about a man,a poet about whom Auden had very mixed feelings.Auden disagreed with Yeats on many points but ultimately his respect for his poetic gift wins through in the poem.,Intellectual disgraceStares from every human face,智能所受的耻辱 从每个人的脸上透露,And the seas of pity lieLocked and frozen in each eye.而怜悯底海洋已歇,在每只眼里锁住和冻结。,Follow,poet,follow rightTo the bottom of the night,跟去吧,诗人,跟在后面,直到黑夜之深渊,With your unconstraining voiceStill persuade us to rejoice.用你无拘束的声音 仍旧劝我们要欢欣;,The final section of the poem begins by literally burying Yeats so Auden can move on to addressing a larger audience.His words follow,poet,follow right seem to suggest that instead of trying to influence events a poet should attempt to report them faithfully.,“Still persuade us to rejoice”seem to foreshadow the darkness coming over Europe.,With the farming of a verseMake a vineyard of the curse,靠耕耕一片诗田 把诅咒变为葡萄园,Sing of human unsuccessIn a rapture of distress.在苦难的欢腾中 歌唱着人的不成功;,The phrase,rapture of distress,is in itself something of an oxymoron矛盾修饰法.The idea seems to be that poets shouldnt shy away from telling the truth in their work and that good poetry has a value to heal,In the deserts of the heartLet the healing fountains start,从心灵的一片沙漠 让治疗的泉水喷射,In the prison of his daysTeach the free man how to praise.在他的岁月的监狱里 教给自由人如何赞誉。,The idea seems to be that poets shouldnt shy away from telling the truth in their work and that good poetry has a value to heal,let the healing fountain start,even when speaking of human unsuccess.,