精密注塑技术 Aspects for Precise Injection Molding,Starlite Plastic Products(Kunshan)co.,ltd.,Michael Yang,2,内容提要 Overview,精密注塑的定义 Definition Precise Injection Molding 锁模系统 Clamping Unit 锁模力 Clamping Force选择注射装置的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit SELOGICA 控制器 SELOGICA Controller模具设计Mold Design 模具温度控制Mold Temperature Control,3,精密注塑的定义 Definition Precise Injection Molding,小的尺寸和公差 轻的部件重量 为特定产品配备注塑设备 灵活的机器配备(一台机器可适用于多种模具)稳定的质量,高的重复性,Small part dimension and tolerance Low weightAdaptation of machine performance to the partsFlexible machine configuration(many molds suitable for one machine)Stable quality,reproducibility,4,锁模系统 Clamping Unit,合模系统起重要的作用动模板是稳定而经过证实的箱型结构长而精确的导向模板平行度的调节 50 吨范围内 0.05 mm极高的刚度,For precise injection molding,the clamping take over a very important part.movable platen as stable and proven box-type platen long and precise guiding of the movable platen adjustable parallelism up to 50 to.Machines 0.05 mm high rigidity,5,锁模力 Clamping Force,精密注塑的另一个重要因素是锁模力。原因是:模腔更好的排气(90%的空气从分型面排出)减少机器和模具的磨损节省能源One other important aspect for precise injection molding is the clamping force.Reasons for that are:Much better venting of the cavities during injection.(ca.90%of the air inside the cavity escape over the parting line)To prevent machine and mold from unnecessary wear.Saving energy,6,锁模力 Clamping Force,怎样计算锁模力锁模力=单位锁模力 X(产品投影面积+流道投影面积)如果有滑块,需要将滑块投影面积的 30%加入产品投影面积How to calculate the clamping force?If the mold contains sliders!You have to add 30%of the projected slider area to the projected area of molded part.,7,锁模力 Clamping Force,单位锁模力的确定可使用以下图表To define the necessary specific clamping force,use one of the pictures below.,For standard partsfor thin walled parts with long flow paths,8,锁模力 Clamping Force,举例Example:接插件 Connector PA6长度 Length:6 cm宽度 Width:1.5 cm浇道投影面积 Proj.area sprue:8 cm2 单位锁模力 Spec.clamping force:6 kN/cm2 模穴数 8 cavities,9,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,10,每一机器尺寸Each machine size,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,模块化 Modularity,11,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,注射单元的欧洲橡塑机械协会(EUROMAP)规格表示注射单元的最大注射功。计算方法最大注射压力 X 最大行程容量/1000举例按注塑机 320 C 600-250 规格表最大注射压力(35 mm 螺杆):1820 bar最大行程容量 144 ccm1820 bar X 144 ccm/1000 250,The size of the injection unit is according to EUROMAP and indicates the working performance of the injection unit.The working performance is calculatemax.spec.injection pressure x max.stroke volume/1000Example:According to the technical data of 320 C 600-250Max.Injection pressure(screw diameter 35mm)=1820 barMax.Stroke volume=144 cm31820 bar x 144 cm3/1000 250,12,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,注射功Working performance,!相同螺杆直径,但不同注射压力!Same screw diameter but different max.injection pressure,13,选择注射量的准则Selection criteria shot volume,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,14,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,Example:Connector(PA6),8 cavities,26.5 g shot weight Results according the list below:,(1)The injection volume must be on average 25%greater than the volume of the injected part(incl.sprue)due to shrinkage during solidifying and due to the compression of the melt during injection.,15,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,Example:Connector(PA6),8 cavities,26.5 g shot weight 2nd example,calculation with shot weight Results according the list below:,16,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,滞留时间准则滞留时间=塑胶进入料筒到离开喷嘴的时间PE,PP,PS:最少 30 秒(大于 40 秒为好)PA,POM,PBT:最少 60 秒(75 秒为好),Selection criteria dwell time dwell time=from the entree of material into the cylinder until the exit out of the nozzles,e.g.PE,PP,PS:min.30 s(better 40 s)e.g.PA,POM,PBT:min.60 s(better 75 s),17,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,Example:Connector(PA6),8 cavities,26.5 g shot weight(29.31 cm3)Result according to the list below,dwell time for PA6 min.60 sec.,Remarks:an extended screw and cylinder can increase the dwell time!,18,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,Selection criteria material throughput Example:Connector(PA6),8 cavities,26.5 g shot weight,19,错误的选择会造成Mistakes in selection causes e.g.to-不完全熔化的粒料-Unmelted granulate-混色不均-Color steaks-烧焦-Burnt streaks,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Unit,20,其他准则包括所用材料的加工温度有些工程材料(如 PEEK,PEI,LCP 等)需要接近 450 摄氏度的加工温度 料筒加热圈应使用陶瓷绝缘加热圈Further criteria for the injection unit is the temperature range of material to be used.Some high technology plastics(e.g.PEEK,PEI,LCP,etc)requires a temperature release of the machine up to 450(500)deg.C.Therefore the plasticizing cylinder has to be equipped with ceramic isolated heaterbands.,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,21,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,-注射控制的方式-conceptions of injection regulation-标准方式:注射闭环控制basic configurationinjection regulation 扩展方式(可选件):螺杆精确定位 extension stage(option)position regulation screw(PRS),22,注射闭环控制的原理Function principle of the injection regulation,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,螺杆精确定位 Position regulated screw,23,螺杆精确定位的原理Function principle of the position regulated screw,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,Injection control 注射控制,Position regulated screw 螺杆精确定位,24,螺杆精确定位效果举例 微型齿轮Example for the efficiency of the position regulated screw with a micro gear wheel,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,25,效果举例(改变进料量)Example for the efficiency(variation dosage volume):,选择注射单元规格的准则Criteria to Select the Injection Units,26,注射闭环控制与螺杆精确定位比较Injection regulation in comparison with position regulation,Injection speed curve,pressure curve,injection speed,screw position,27,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,流道设计(特别是小产品)用冷流道流道长度取决于模具刚性和复杂程度必须选择足够的横截面积用热流道加热的流道增加材料滞留时间热流道需要足够的空间延长的喷嘴需要注意事项与热流道相同需要附加的加热圈,Sprue Design(especially small parts)Via cold-runner systemSprue length is the result from mold stability and mold complexity The sprue section must be selected big enough Via hot-runner systemsHeated sprue channel increases the dwell timeProblems with spaceVia extended nozzle tipSame problem like with hot-runner systemsAdditional heaterband necessary!,28,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,排气 Venting,29,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,研磨方向互相交叉 排气容易,90%空气从分型面排出 Easy venting.approx.90%of air escapes over parting line 空气可从整个模腔接触面排出 The air can escape over the complete cavity area 成本低 Low costs,1 分型面光洁度 0.007 0.009 mm1 parting line roughness 0.007 0.009 mm2 模芯光洁度 0.003 0.004 mm2 cavity insert roughness 0.003 0.004 mm,30,排气槽 Venting channel 在流道终点或熔体相交处 At the end of the flow path or where the melt fronts meets together 可随时开出 Afterwards creation possible 会积累脏物,需定时清理 Problems of dirt deposition thus often cleaning,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,1 venting channel(0.01 0.02 mm),31,溢流槽排气 Overspill venting 在流道终点或熔体相交处 At the end of the flow path or where the melt fronts meet together 排气效果好 Good venting 防止熔合线 Prevention from weld lines in that area 需切掉余料 Afterwards removal of overspill channel,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,1 meet point with enclosed air 2 injection point 3 overspill channel(venting through meltfront meet point shifting into overspill channel,32,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,对中系统 centering system,对中系统 centering system,33,模具设计方面Aspect of Mould Design,对中系统 centering system,34,模温控制Mold Temperature Control,模具温度直接影响产品质量的稳定性The mold temperature has a direct influence of the reproducible quality of the molded parts.,35,温度感应器安装于模具内利于优化控制 模温机与机器通讯 如模温机故障,机器停机 整个系统内存水量少(3 升),传热好,调节稳定 模腔温度公差 1 流量监视 Optimal mold temperature control via external sensor placed in the mold Communication from temperature control unit to machine in case of malfunction production stop!Best temperature regulation through reduction of heat transfer medium to approx.3 liter in the complete unit system(no tank).Cavity temperature tolerance 1 deg.C.Flow control,模温控制Mold Temperature Control,36,冷却道布置方式 Connection Form of Cooling Channels,平行连接压力降小温度差小不易检查通道断路Parallel connectionSmall pressure dropSmall temperature differenceDifficult monitoring of blockage,串联连接 所有通道流量相同 断路可能性小 工作可靠性高 检查容易(温度,流量)Serial connection same conditions for all channels small risk of blockage high process security simple monitoring(flow rate,mould temperature)simple connections,模温控制Mold Temperature Control,Please Contact:Starlite Plastic Products(Kunshan)co.,ltd.星光树脂制品昆山有限公司 Michael Yang 杨 涛 Asst.Sales Manager MP.+86 152 6267 0068 E-mail:Tel:+86 512 5764 5352 Web:,